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  • April 13th is in the books.

  • And with it, investors are capping a holiday shortening trading week.

  • The broadest S&P 500 skidded about 1% since last Friday,

  • with the Dow Jones Industrial average shed about 200 points.

  • The action is more intense in the bond market,

  • where treasury is put to the sharpest rally since the start of 2016 as yields fell for the 5th week in a row.

  • Meanwhile, the Vix, often called Wall Street's "fear gauge"

  • climbed the most since before the election of Donald Trump.

  • A separate measure by Credit Suisse that tracks how much upside investors are willing to give up to hedge against downside risks,

  • near its highest level on record.

  • All these indicators are pointing to growing anxiety across trading desk about rising geopolitical and economic risks.

  • In the last week alone, the US has launched missile strikes in Syria,

  • step-up redirect* against North Korea and used strongest conventional weapon in Afganistan.

  • This all come less than two weeks before the first round of the French election,

  • that is expected to be closely watched by market participants

  • and a pick up* in a quarter earlier report from US companies.

  • And that's the New York Minute.

April 13th is in the books.


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B1 中級

ウォール街のジッターの上昇 (Rising jitters on Wall Street)

  • 28 0
    Sabrina Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日