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  • >> Narrator: Live from Austin, Texas, it's The Cube

  • covering South by Southwest 2017, brought to you by Intel.

  • Now, here's John Furrier.

  • >> Hey, welcome everyone back for day two

  • of live coverage of South by Southwest.

  • This is the cube, our flagship program from Silicon Angle.

  • We go out to the events and extract the (mumbles).

  • We're at the Intel AI Lounge, people are rolling in,

  • it's an amazing vibe here, South by Southwest.

  • The themes are AI, virtual reality,

  • augmented reality, technology.

  • They got great booths here, free beers, free drinks,

  • and of course great sessions and great conversations

  • here with the Cube.

  • My first guest of the day here is Ben Parr,

  • a friend of the Cube.

  • He's been an entrepreneur, he's been a social media maven,

  • he's been a journalist, all around great guy.

  • Ben, thanks for joining us today.

  • >> Thank you for having me again.

  • >> So you're a veteran with South by Southwest,

  • you know the social scene, you've seen the evolution

  • from Web 2.0 all the way to today, had Scobel on yesterday,

  • Brian Fanzo, really the vibe is all about

  • that next level, of social to connecting

  • and you got a startup you're working on

  • that you founded, co-founded called AI?

  • >> Ben: Octane AI.

  • >> Octane AI, that's in the heart

  • of this new social fabric that's developing.

  • Where AI is starting to do stuff, keep learning,

  • analytics but, ultimately, it's just a connection.

  • Talk about your company.

  • What is Octane AI?

  • Tell us a little bit about the company.

  • >> So Octane AI is a platform that lets you

  • build an audience on Facebook Messenger

  • and then through a bot.

  • And so, what we do is allow you

  • to create a presence on Messenger because

  • if I told you there was a social app

  • that had a billion users every month,

  • bigger than Snapchat plus Twitter plus Instagram combined

  • you'd want to figure out a strategy

  • for how to engage with those people right?

  • And that social app is Facebook Messenger.

  • And yet no one ever thinks,

  • oh could I build an audience on a messaging app?

  • Could I build an audience on Messenger

  • or WeChat or any of the others.

  • But you can through a bot.

  • And you can not just build an audience but you can

  • create really engaging content through conversation.

  • So what we've done is, we've made it really easy

  • to make a bot on messenger but more importantly,

  • a real reason for people to, actually,

  • come to your bot and engage with it

  • and make it really easy to create content for it.

  • In the same way you create content for a blog

  • or create content for YouTube Channel.

  • Maroon 5, Aerosmith, KISS, Lindsay Lohan,

  • 30 seconds to MARS, Jason Derulo

  • and a whole bunch more use us to build an audience

  • and engage their fans on Messenger.

  • >> So let me get your thoughts on a couple

  • of trends around this.

  • Cause this is really kind of, to me,

  • a key part that chat bots illustrate

  • the big trends that are going on.

  • Chat bots were the hype.

  • People were talking about, oh chat bots.

  • It's a good mental model for people to see AI

  • but it also has been, kind of, I won't say

  • a pest, if you will, for users.

  • It's been like a notification.

  • A notification of the economy we're living in.

  • Now you're taking it to the next level.

  • This is what we're seeing.

  • The deep learnings and the analytics

  • around turning notifications which can

  • be noisy after a while, into real content and connections.

  • >> Into something useful, absolutely.

  • Like look, the last year of bots.

  • The Facebook platform is not even a year old.

  • We've been in that fart apps stage of bots.

  • Remember the first year of mobile apps?

  • You had the fart app and that made

  • $50,000 a day and that was annoying as hell.

  • We're at that stage now, the experimentation stage.

  • And we've seen different companies

  • going in different, really cool directions.

  • Our direction is, how do you create compelling content

  • so you're not spamming people but you have content

  • that you can share, not just in your bot

  • but as a link on your social media

  • to your followers, to your fans, on Twitter,

  • everywhere else and have a scalable conversation

  • about whatever you want.

  • Maroon 5 has conversations with their audience

  • about their upcoming tours or they even

  • released an exclusive preview

  • of their new song, Cold, through our bots.

  • You could do almost anything with our bots

  • or with any bot.

  • We're just learning right now, as an industry,

  • what are the best practices.

  • >> So where do bots go for the next level?

  • Because you and I have known each other

  • for almost over 10 years,

  • we've seen the whole movement

  • and now we're living in a fake news era.

  • But social media is evolving where content now

  • is super important that glues

  • people together, communities together.

  • In a way, you're taking AI or bots, if you will.

  • Which is a first, I mean, .5 version of

  • where AI is going.

  • Where content, now, is being blended into notifications.

  • How important is content in community?

  • >> Content in community are essential to any product.

  • And I feel like when you hear the word bot,

  • you don't think community and that you could

  • build a community with it because it's a bot,

  • it's supposed to be automated.

  • But you, actually, can if you do it in the right way

  • and it can be a very, very powerful experience.

  • We're building features that allow

  • you to build more community in your bot

  • and have people who are talking with your bot

  • communicate with each other.

  • There's a lot of that.

  • What I feel like is, we're at the zero point one

  • or zero point two of the long scale of AI.

  • What we need to do right now is showcase

  • all the use cases that really work for AI,

  • bots, machine learning.

  • Over time, we will be adding

  • more other great technologies

  • from Intel and others that will make

  • all these technologies and everything we do better,

  • more social and most of all, more personalized.

  • I think that's one of the big benefits of AI.

  • >> Do you see bot technology or what bots

  • can turn into being embedded into things

  • like autonomous vehicles, AR, is there

  • a stack developing, if you will, around bots?

  • What you're talking about is a progression of bots.

  • What's your vision on where this goes down the road?

  • >> I see a bunch of companies, now, building

  • the technological stack for AI.

  • I see a bunch of companies building

  • the consumer interface, bots is one

  • of those consumer interfaces.

  • Not just chat bots but voice bots.

  • And then I see another layer that's more enterprise

  • that's helping make more efficient things

  • like recruiting or all sorts of automation or driving.

  • That are being built as well.

  • But you need each of those stacks

  • to work really well to make this all work.

  • >> So are there bots here at South by Southwest?

  • Is there a bot explosion, is there bots

  • that tell you where the best parties are?

  • What's the scene here at Southby?

  • Where are the bots and if there were bots,

  • what would they be doing to help people

  • figure out what to do?

  • >> The Southby bot is, actually, not a bad bot.

  • They launched their bot just before South by Southwest.

  • It has a good party recommendations and things.

  • But it the standard bot.

  • I feel like what we're seeing is the best use,

  • there's a lot of good bot people.

  • What I'm seeing right now is that people

  • are still flushing out the best use cases for their bots.

  • There's no bot yet that can predict

  • all the parties you want to go to.

  • We got to have our expectations set.

  • That will happen but we're still

  • a few years away from really deep AI bots.

  • But there are clearly ones where you can

  • communicate faster with your friends.

  • There's clearly ones that help you

  • connect with your favorite artist.

  • There's clearly ones that help you

  • build an audience and communicate at scale.

  • And I feel like the next step is the usefulness.

  • >> Talk about the user interface.

  • Robert Scobel and I were talking yesterday,

  • we have some guests coming on today

  • that had user experience background.

  • With AI, with virtual reality, with bots,

  • with deep learning, all this collective intelligence

  • going on, what's your vision of the user interface

  • as it changes, as people's expectations?

  • What are some of those things that you

  • might see developing pretty quickly

  • as deep learning, analytics, more data stats come online?

  • What is the user interface?

  • Cause bots will intersect with that

  • as an assistant or a value add for the user.

  • What's your vision on?

  • >> I'll tell you what I see in the near term

  • and then I'll tell you a really crazy idea

  • of how I see the long term.

  • In the near term, I think what you're going to see

  • is bots have become more predictive.

  • That, based on your conversations, are more personalized

  • and maybe not a necessarily need

  • as much input from you to be really intelligent.

  • And so voice, text, standard interfaces that we're used to.

  • I think the bigger, longer run is neurological.

  • Is the ability to interface without having to speak.

  • Is AI as a companion to help us

  • in everything we do.

  • I feel like, in 30 years, we won't even,

  • it's, kind of like, do your remember

  • the world when it had no internet?

  • It's hard, it feels so much different.

  • There will be a point in about 20 years

  • we will not understand what the world was before AI.

  • Before AI assistance where assisting us

  • mentally, automatically and through every interface.

  • And so good AI's, in the long run,

  • don't just run on one bot or one thing,

  • they follow you wherever you go.

  • Right now it might be on your phone.

  • When you get home, it may be on your home,

  • it may be in your car but it should be

  • the same sets of AI's that you use daily.

  • >> Doctor Nevine Rou, yesterday,

  • called the AI the bulldozer for data.

  • What bulldozers where in the real world,

  • AI's going to do that for data.

  • Cause you want to service more data

  • and make things more usable for users.

  • >> Yes, the data really helps AI

  • become more personalized and that's a really

  • big benefit to the user to every individual.

  • The more personalized the experience,

  • the less you have to do.

  • >> Alright, so what's the most amazing thing

  • you've seen so far this year at Southby?

  • What's going on out there that's pretty amazing?

  • That's popping out of the wood work?

  • In terms of either trend, content,

  • product, demos, what are some of

  • the cool things you're seeing.

  • >> So, as it is only Saturday,

  • I feel like the coolest thing

  • will still come to me.

  • But outside of AI, there have been

  • some really cool mixed reality, augmented reality demos.

  • I can't remember the name.

  • There's a product with butterflies flying around me.

  • All sorts of really breaking edge technologies

  • that, really, create another new interface honestly

  • where AI may interact with us through

  • the augmented reality of our world.

  • I mean, that's Robert Scogul's thing exactly.

  • But there's a lot of really cool things

  • that are being built on that front.

  • I think those are the obvious, coolest ones.

  • I'm curious to see which ones are going to be the big winners.

  • >> Okay, so I want to ask you a personal question.

  • So you were doing some venture investing

  • around AI and some other things.

  • What caused you to put that pause button on that mission

  • to start the chat bot AI company?

  • >> So I was an investor for a couple of years.

  • I invested in ubean, the wireless electricity company

  • and Shots with Justin Bieber which is always fun.

  • And I love investing and I love working with companies.

  • But I got into Silicone Valley

  • and I got into startups because

  • I wanted to build companies.

  • I wanted to build ideas.

  • This happened, in part, because of my co-founders.

  • My co-founder Matt, who is the first

  • head of product at Ustream and twice into

  • the Forbes 30 under 30.

  • One of the king makers of the bot industry.

  • The opportunity to be a part of building

  • the future of AI was irresistible to me.

  • I needed to be a part of that.

  • >> Okay, can you tell any stories about Justin Bieber

  • for us, while we're here inside the Cube? (laughs)

  • >> I wonder how many of those I can, actually, tell?

  • Okay, so look.

  • Justin Bieber is an investor in a company

  • I'm an investor in called Shots.

  • Which is now a super studio that represents

  • everyone from Lele Pons

  • to Mike Tyson on digital online

  • and they're doing really, really well.

  • One of Justin's best friends is the founder, John Shahidi.

  • And so it's just really random.

  • Sitting with John, who I invested in

  • and just getting random FaceTime's.

  • Be like, oh it's Justin Bieber,

  • say hi to Justin.

  • As if it was nothing.

  • As if it was a normal,

  • it's a normal day in his life.

  • >> Could you just have him retweet

  • one of my Tweets.

  • He's got like a zillion followers.

  • What's his follower count at now?

  • >> You don't want that.

  • He's done that to me before.

  • When Justin retweets you or even John

  • retweets you, thousands of not

  • tens of thousands of Justin Bieber fans,

  • bots and not bots, start messaging you,

  • asking you to follow them, talking to you all the time.

  • I still get the tweets all the time

  • from all the Justin fans.

  • >> Okay don't tweet me then.

  • I'm nice and happy with 21,000 followers.

  • Alright, so next level for you

  • in terms of this venture.

  • Obviously, they got some rock stars in there.

  • What's the next step for you guys right now?

  • Give us a little inside baseball

  • in the venture status where you guys are at.

  • What's the next step?

  • >> We launched the company publicly

  • in November, we started in May.

  • We raised 1.6 million from general catalyst,

  • from Sherpa Ventures, a couple of others.

  • When we launched our new feature, Convos,

  • which allows you to create shareable bots,

  • shareable conversations with the way

  • you share blog posts.

  • And that came out with all those

  • launch partners I mentioned before like Maroon 5.

  • We're working on perfecting the experience

  • and, mostly, trying to make a really, really

  • compelling experience with the user with bots

  • because if we can't do that,

  • then there's no use to doing anything.

  • >> So you provide the octane

  • for the explosive conversations? (laughs)

  • >> Yes, there you go, thank you, thank you.

  • And we make it really easy.

  • So we're just trying to make it easier to do this.

  • This is a product that your mom could use,

  • that an artist could use, any social media team could use.

  • Writing a convo is like writing a blog post on media.

  • >> Are moms really getting the chat bot scene?

  • I, honestly, get the Hollywood.

  • I'm going to go back to Hollywood in a second but

  • being a general, middle America kind of tech/genre,

  • what are they like?

  • Are they grokking the whole bot thing?

  • What's the feedback from middle America tech?

  • >> But think of it this way.

  • There are a billion people on Messenger

  • and it's a, really, part of the question,

  • they all use Facebook Messenger.

  • And so, they may be communicating

  • with a bot without knowing it.

  • Or they might want to communicate with their fans.

  • It's not about the technology as much as this is like

  • connecting with who you really care about.

  • If I really care about a Maroon 5 or Rachel Ray,

  • I can now have that option.

  • And it doesn't really matter what

  • the technology is as much as it is

  • that personal connection, that experience is good.

  • >> John: Is it one-one-one or group?

  • Cause it sounds like it's town hall,

  • perfect for a town hall situation.

  • >> It's one-on-one, it's scale.

  • So you could have a conversation with a bot

  • while each of the audience members

  • is having a conversation one-on-one.

  • When you can choose different options

  • and it could be a different conversation for each person.

  • >> Alright, so I got to ask about the Hollywood scene.

  • You mentioned Justin Bieber.

  • I wanted to go down that because Hollywood

  • really has adopted social media pretty heavily

  • because they can go direct to the audience.

  • We're seeing that.

  • Obviously, with the election, Trump was on Twitter.

  • He bypasses all the press but Hollywood

  • has done very well with social.

  • How are they using the bots?

  • They are a tell sign of where it's going.

  • Can you share some antidotal stories

  • or data around how Maroon 5, Justin,

  • these guys are leveraging this

  • and what's some of the impact?

  • >> Sure, so about a month 1/2, 2 months before

  • Maroon 5 launched their new song, new single, Cold.

  • They came to us and wanted to build a distribution.

  • They wanted to reach their audience

  • in a more direct personal way.

  • And so we helped them make a bot.

  • It didn't take long.

  • We helped them write convos.

  • And so what they did was they wrote convos

  • about things like exclusive behind the scenes photos

  • from their recent tour or their top moments of 2016

  • or things that their fans really care about.

  • And they shared em.

  • They got a URL just like you would get,

  • a blog poster URL.

  • They shared it out with their 39 million Facebook fans,

  • they shared it with their Twitter followers,

  • they shared it across their social media.

  • And 10's of thousand's of people

  • started talking with their bot

  • each time they did this.

  • About 24 hours before the bot,

  • before their new single release,

  • they exclusively released a 10 second clip

  • of Cold through their bot.

  • And when they did that, within 24 hours,

  • the size of their bot doubled because

  • it went viral within the Maroon 5 community.

  • There's a share function in our convos

  • and people shared the convo with their friends

  • and with their friends friends

  • and it kept on spreading.

  • We saw this viral graph happen.

  • And the next day when they released the single,

  • 1000's of people bought the song

  • because of the bot alone.

  • And now the bot is a core of their social strategy.

  • They share a convo every single week

  • and it's not just them but now Lohan

  • and a whole bunch of others are doing the same thing.

  • >> John: Lindsay Lohan.

  • >> Lindsay Lohan is one of our most popular bots.

  • Her fans are really dedicated.

  • >> And so you can almost see it's, almost

  • connecting with CGI, looking at what

  • CGI's doing in film making.

  • You could almost have a CGI component built-in.

  • So it's all this stuff coming together.

  • >> Ben: Multimedia matters.

  • >> So what do you think about the Intel booth here?

  • The AI experience?

  • They got some Kinetic photo experience,

  • amazing non-profit activities in deep loading (mumbles),

  • missing children, what do you think?

  • >> This is some of the best use cases for AI

  • which is, people think of AI as just

  • like the direct consumer interface

  • which is what we do but AI is an underlying

  • layer to everything we do.

  • And if it can help even 1% or 1,000%

  • identify and find missing children

  • or increase the efficiency of our technology stacks

  • so that we save energy.

  • Or we figure out new ways to save energy.

  • This is where AI can really make an impact.

  • It is just a fundamental layer of everything.

  • In the same way the internet is just

  • a fundamental layer of everything.

  • So I've seen some very cool things here.

  • >> Alright, Ben Parr, great guest, in venture capitalist

  • now founder of a great company Octane AI.

  • High octane, explosive conversations

  • looking forward to adopting.

  • We're going to, definitely, take advantage

  • of the chat bot and maybe we can get

  • some back stage passes to Maroon 5. (laughs)

  • >> (laughs) There will be some fun times

  • in the future, I know it.

  • >> Alright Ben Parr.

  • >> Ben: Justin Bieber.

  • >> Justin Bieber inside the Cube right here and Ben Parr.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • It's the Intel AI Lounge.

  • A lot of great stuff.

  • A lot of great people here.

  • Thanks for joining us.

  • Our next guest will be up after this short break.

  • (lively music)

>> Narrator: Live from Austin, Texas, it's The Cube


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ベン・パー氏、オクタンAI - SXSW 2017 - #IntelAI - #theCUBE (Ben Parr, Octane AI - SXSW 2017 - #IntelAI - #theCUBE)

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