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hi out there in YouTube land i'mDrew
Badger and in this video we're going to
cover nine phrases that are commonly
misused by both native speakers and
english learners
the first one is coming down the pike
and this is often misheard and misused
as coming down the pipe people will hear
this is not coming down the pipe because
maybe coming down the pike doesn't make
a lot of sense to many people but the
expression refers to a truck or
something coming down a Turnpike which
is a word for just a large road and
often this is a toll road but anyway
we're talking about something that is
describing a future thing or what's
coming very soon so to use this
correctly you're saying that something
is coming down the pike when you're
talking about the future next people
often say I could care less about an
expression when what they really mean is
I couldn't care less if you say I could
care less and this just means what what
people are trying to say anyway is that
they don't care about something at all
but this is just a common way of
expressing that basically you're saying
that you care about something so little
like this tiny amount if anything that
you could not care about it even less so
you care about it to such a low degree
or such a low level that you can't care
about it less or even more so it sounds
kind of like a weird thing but people
often use this in conversations even
native speakers they will say I could
care less which actually means you still
have really to care less about that
thing so the correct way of using this
is I couldn't care less about this so i
couldn't care less about what I wear
every day for work I couldn't care less
so for me maybe I work at home on my
computer I can sit in my underwear or I
could wear a business suit it doesn't
matter so I couldn't care less about
what I where I couldn't care less
next this is an interesting one to
circumvent the globe what people are
actually trying to say is to
circumnavigate the globe when you
circumvent something both of these have
the idea of circles so traveling around
something circumvent and circumnavigate
but to circumvent means to get around
something typically a problem that you
might have like I'm trying to circumvent
my boss at work maybe he's a
like stopping me from doing something I
want to do so i have to go to a higher
level than him at work but to
circumnavigate the globe means you're
actually traveling around something as
opposed to you're trying to like get
around the earth like it's an obstacle
so you want to circumnavigate the globe
where the Earth's as opposed to
circumvent it next this is a really
common thing that people mistake and
this is to pique your interest but we're
not talking about the peak like the peak
of a mountain or talking about peaking
like you're peeking through a keyhole in
a door we're talking about to peak and
to actually be interested
so when you're talking about this in
conversations there's really no
difference because all of these words
piqué piqué and piqué they have the
same pronunciation but when you're
writing these things you actually want
to use it correctly
often when people will be using these
mistakes in their conversations again it
doesn't matter because you can't hear
anything you can't hear the difference
but when you writing it
people read that and think wow this
person really doesn't know what they're
talking about
so when you're getting your interest
piqued by something it means you're
you're increasing your interest in
something maybe you see something really
interesting and you're looking at that
you're captivated by that thing it is
piquing your interest and use the
correct spelling with that when you
write pique pique next to jibe with to
jive with something to drive with just
means you find it agreeable so it's
something you agree with something you
have no problem with you jive with a
particular thing like maybe like a
presidential example maybe like you jive
with what Donald Trump says are you
don't jive at all with what Donald Trump
has to say or his belief but this is
often confused with jive with and when
people are speaking in a conversational
casual way they will often use these
things very quickly to jive with to jive
with to jive with I really jag with his
views next to nip something in the bud
but people often say this as to nip it
in the butt
so they're saying but like dutt like you
know your butt as opposed to a but which
is thinking about like the bud on a
plant if you think about a problem
that's happening you don't want the
problem to get big and become really
difficult to solve so you want to nip
it in the bud just like trying to
destroy a whole plant or a whole long
branch it's much easier to do it when it
is a small but so if you can think about
nipping something like taking a small
cut just like you're a gardener and
pulling the little buds off of a plant
before they become large it's the same
idea of destroying a problem or ending a
problem before it becomes too big to nip
something in the bud to give something
in the bud next for all intents and
purposes for all intents and purposes
now this is an interesting phrase
because really intent and purpose mean
the same thing but this is just a common
expression that describes well for all
the reasons we want to do something or
for all the reasons that something might
happen but what people will often say is
for all intensive purposes now this is a
different way obviously you're
pronouncing something a little bit
different but it changes the meaning of
it so instead of intent and purposes
you're talking about intensive purposes
which is like really strong purposes
which doesn't really make much sense
so if you're using this be sure to use
it correctly for all intense and
purposes for all intents and purposes
next this is another common one that's
misused by people self-deprecating vs
self-depreciating now to depreciate
something this is the opposite of
appreciate where were maybe thinking
about reducing the value of something so
it kind of makes sense in the situation
but we're talking about self-deprecating
which is actually the word when you
maybe you tell a joke about yourself or
say something bad about yourself like
wow my hair is looking really bad or
like my ears are too big so you're kind
of taking the opportunity to to maybe
humble yourself a little bit with
self-deprecating humor or to say
something that is self-deprecating to be
careful when you're writing these things
because often like the spell checker
you'll be using when you're maybe typing
something it will give you the correct
word because depreciate or depreciating
is a word both of those are actual words
so you need to make sure just like
another common example is talking about
more van or more than ye be made this
like made this mistake a lot when I was
younger when you're talking about i like
something more than
something else but people often type in
war then now you don't want to use then
in this because it doesn't make sense
for the situation but it is the correct
word so it often won't be checked with
spelling so be careful when you're
typing these things out that you go back
and review the spelling of them self
deprecating is what you should be using
next another common one hunger pains
this is often misspoken as hunger pains
like you've got pains in your stomach
and you feel hungry and you should eat
so it feels like this should be a
correct thing to say you feeling some
hunger pains of hunger pains but really
paying is the actual correct word and
this describes the same thing so this is
one of those situations where if you say
oh I've got some hunger pains nobody is
really going to correct you in a
situation but if you're writing this
you're trying to use it in a much more
professional way you should be using the
correct thing which is hunger pain
hunger pains
well that's it for this video I hope you
have enjoyed it if you have to click
that like button
let me know if there are other phrases
that you would like to learn i also
recommend you try practicing writing the
correct versions of these in the
comments below the only way you're going
to get used to using them correctly is
to practice using them correctly it
makes sense to take the time to do it
and you will improve and start using
them automatically become a subscriber
to the YouTube channel if you haven't
already and if you'd also like to
improve and be learning much more about
all of the fluency habits you need to
become a successful confidence one
speaker click on the link in this video
to take our free english fluency quiz
no matter what you struggle with whether
it's your pronunciation or your
vocabulary maybe you have trouble
remembering what you want to say in
conversations all of these things we can
help you with absolutely free english
anyone calm and you can learn more about
that by taking our free fluency quiz so
click on the link in this video to take
that and i look forward to seeing you in
the next video bye bye