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  • Here's your coffee.

  • Hey, man, I just have to say, I am a huge fan.

  • Outkast, like, changed my life.

  • Yeah, yeah. Thanks, man.

  • So are you gonna collaborate with André 3000 again?

  • Nah.

  • How come?

  • People grow apart.

  • Greetings.

  • May I have a half-caff decaf mint mocha latte,

  • foam on the bottom, served in a flower vase,

  • and if y'all got some green food coloring

  • back there, throw it in.

  • André 3000!

  • In the flesh.

  • Big Boi is right over there.

  • - [gasping dramatically] - Big Boi!

  • Bitch, I'm trying to read a book.

  • Big Boi!

  • What's up, my brother from another mother, man?

  • Hey, when I say mother, you know I'm talking about art, right,

  • 'cause we got cut out of her womb linked together.

  • What's up, man? What's up, André?

  • André who?

  • I ain't gonna say it, man.

  • It's not 2,999.

  • It's not 3,001. - André 3000.

  • Hey, man, what happened to you after the show?

  • Yeah, um.

  • I just--I must have, like, snuck out or something like that.

  • [in English accent] I thought perchance you went missing.

  • Don't do the voices, man.

  • Do what voice, my dear boy?

  • Why do you--why do you got to do the voices, man?

  • Why you doing the voices? Why you doing that, man?

  • One green half-caff half decaf mint mocha latte,

  • foam on the bottom, in a vase?

  • I got a new idea for a album, man.

  • It's gonna be just the sound of screeching metal,

  • and then only one spoken word per track.

  • - Cool, cool. - Yeah.

  • [high pitched squeals]

  • That's my new screeching metal sounds

  • I was talking about earlier, man.

  • One green half-caff half decaf mint mocha latte,

  • foam on the bottom, in a vase or "vahz."

  • You ain't hear?

  • That--that's your-- nig--that's--

  • you the only nigga that ever order that drink.

  • Yeah, okay, so what is going on with me?

  • What is happening with me?

  • Man, what the fuck happened, man?

  • - What are you talking about? - We used to be somebody, man.

  • We used to be a team.

  • We was on top.

  • Then you went and lost your fucking mind.

  • Can we just lose this, man?

  • Can we just lose the 3000 and just have you talk as André?

  • Tell me--tell me straight up, man, what happened?

  • You know what be even better, though, man?

  • Is if you looked into the pinwheel with your third eye.

  • I thought you was gonna say some stupid shit like that.

  • And everything will be revealed.

  • All right, man. It's been good, man, thank you.

  • - Thanks for coming by, man. - Okay, yeah.

  • Matter of fact, I got an appointment right now

  • to go get fitted for a toga.

  • - You got--you got to go. - Mm-hmm.

  • You leaving me. That's a...

  • Don't do it.

  • May Eros, Artemis, and Apollo

  • guide you through your musical journey.

  • Nigga, what?

  • Why does your breath smell like birdseed?

  • - Au revoir. - All right.

  • Thank you, café craftsman.

  • You're welcome.

  • Sweedoop poops.

  • Sweden dweeps.

  • Sweep boop dweeps.

  • Sweden dweep.

  • Sorry, he--he didn't actually pay for that drink.

  • I got it.

Here's your coffee.


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B1 中級

Key & Peele - Outkast Reunion - 無修正版 (Key & Peele - Outkast Reunion - Uncensored)

  • 56 2
    Chris Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日