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>> Crazy Nate: Hey Gents and Gentlets, You just broke a record of how many request you
put in for what movie we should talk about next,
and Moana also came out this week on blue-ray.
Perfect timing.
If you don’t already have that movie, I have some very good news for you!
I’m picking a random winner to get your very own copy of Moana FREE!
Just comment down below where these 5 Easter eggs are throughout the video, and include
#Moana, and I will randomly pick a winner!
Since Disney likes to sing, let’s find all of Moana’s Easter eggs, in song form!
>> Maui: If you start singing, I’m going to throw up.
**Spoiler alert**
>> Crazy Nate: In one of the earlier scenes, we see Moana rescues a baby sea turtle from
the birds.
This scene was recommended by John Lasseter of Pixar.
He suggested they create a way to show WHY the ocean chose Moana for this journey of
saving the entire world.
So they naturally tied in this scene with a Pixar movie.
Which movie?
You guessed it.
That’s squirt from Finding Nemo.
And here we can see Crush, squirts dad.
>> Marlin: Sick, totally sick!
>> Crush: I know!
>> Crazy Nate: If you didn’t already know this about Disney, you can often find hidden
messages in their movies,
most often we find those messages in clouds, bubbles, fire, or even smoke.
Some of those messages we wont mention here, because this show is family friendly.
But In this case when Moana is having her Dory moment.
>> Dory: Hey look, shells.
>> Crazy Nate: You can actually see Mickey mouse in the bubbles.
Speaking of Dory, we can see Dory with her parents right there.
Also that wave isn’t just waving at Moana, it’s waving at a great classic…
If you’ve ever been to Hawaii, you already know that chickens and pigs actually do run
wild all over the place.
>> Maui: Boat snack!
>> Crazy Nate: The first time that Moana tries to escape the island she crashes her boat.
Looks like Bruce is having Bacon tonight!
>> Bruce: Ohhh...
That's good.
>> Crazy Nate: Just kidding, the pig survived…
to become dinner another day.
Why do you think they go get the chickens and pigs from all the other islands?
It’s not because they are a putting on a little show.
>> Timon: If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat
Come on down and dine On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line Aaaare you achin'
>> Pumbaa: (Yup, yup, yup)
>> Tamon: Foooor some bacon?
>> Moana: That''s good pork.
>> Crazy Nate: It’s a good thing her dad didn’t actually burn the thousand year old
Otherwise the ending would be much different.
Even though, Moana almost torched the boats for him.
Watch, she set a flaming torch on a wooden floor next to a wooden boat…
How could it get any worse.
Ah yes, light a fire on every single boat.
But at least she isn’t to blame for the other torches.
HEIHEI the chicken is no doubt the dumbest chicken on the island.
>> Moana: I'm sure there is more to HeiHei than meets the eye.
>> Crazy Nate: I bet this chicken is an ancestor to Becky.
They did both play a key role in the grand finale.
>> Marlin: Becky come back!
We need your help, becky.
>> Crazy Nate: If you notice, HEIHEI tries to eat The Rock,
so Naturally The Rock is going to try to eat HEIHEI.
>> Maui: You, in my belly!
>> Crazy Nate: In case you didn’t already know this,
>> Dwayne Johnson: I'm Dwayne Johnson, and I play this guy.
>> Crazy Nate: And he plays a character called The Rock in WWE.
>> The Rock: Thank you Miami, we will see you at wrestle mania if you smell what the
rock is cooking.
>> Old Villager: Cook him?
>> Maui: Now let's fatten you up drumstick.
>> Crazy Nate: Are there skittles mixed in that pile?
Belly Flop
[10, 10, 9.5413]
>> Maui: I could watch that all day.
If you wear a dress, and you have an animal sidekick, you're a princess.
>> Crazy Nate: That seems a little bit messed up.
Just because she’s wearing a dress and has a animal sidekick,
that all of a sudden doesn't some how makes her some sort of a “princess”.
>> Nerdy Nate: Well, actually, there were several Disney Princesses that had animal
>> Crazy Nate: Oh really?
Name one.
>> Nerdy Nate: Uh, that's easy, Ariel had Flounder,
and Flounder isn’t actually a flounder fish, it’s just it’s name.
It’s actually a tropical fish.
>> Crazy Nate: OK, that was too easy, name five more.
>> Nerdy Nate: OK, well Pocahontas had the raccoon, Meeko.
And then Cinderella had Jaq and Gus.
And then, Mulan, Mulan had that Lizard thing...
>> Mushu: Dragon, dragon!
Not lizard, I don't do that tongue thing.
>> Nerdy Nate: Yes!
And then Rapunzel, Rapunzel had Pascal.
And then Jasmine had Raja, you know the tiger.
Speaking of Aladdin.
Did you know that John Musker and Ron Clements were the co directors for Aladdin,
AND they also directed this movie, Moana!
Mic drop, out.
>> Crazy Nate: Don’t drop the mic man!
Those are so expensive!
Anyways, back to the Easter eggs.
This Easter egg is just lying around.
Do you trust me?
>> Jasmine: What?
>> Aladdin: Do you trust me?
>> Crazy Nate: If you trust me, you will see a whole new world.
That’s right, this is the magic carpet from Aladdin.
>> Genie: Yo, rug man, haven't seen you in a few millennial.
Give me some tassel, yeah yeah.
>> Crazy Nate: Now let’s go on a little magic carpet ride for just a moment and look
at all the carpets.
This is Mother Earth that turned into an evil Lava lamp.
Here is the bedazzled Villain Tomatoa.
Can I just say something crazy?
>> Nerdy Nate: I love crazy!
>> Nerdy Nate & Crazy Nate: That guy is Marshmallow the snowman from Frozen.
Jinks again!
>> Crazy Nate: Ok, now this is just weird.
In the dvd you find out that there is a deleted scene where Moana has to escape a cave in
the underworld with a big giant bat, but that idea got scrapped.
This poster is a little memory to that deleted scene…
The crazy coconuts.
Also this rug is a cameo of the directors to the movie.
These tikis are also supposed to be carvings of John and Ron.
Well apparently, Olaf finally got to go on his little vacation, and find out the hard
way, what happens in summer.
When Moana finally leaves the island, you can see what is left of Olaf.
There is his arm, and there's his nose…
[chicken screams]
These directors are famous for the success of Aladdin,
so naturally, they put several Easter eggs in their movie to pay tribute to Aladdin.
If you watch Maui bounces the fruit off his arm just like Aladdin did.
The villagers also bounce coconuts off their arms the same way.
We already saw the carpet, and there on top of Tomatoa, is a Genie lamp.
If you thought that it was Genies lamp,
it’s possible, but I doubt it!
Genie is free now, he doesn’t need a lamp, also when Jafar got turned into a genie,
they threw his lamp, out of this world, and it probably landed in the underworld.
Which make sense that Tomatoa would find it.
So even though Tomatoa looks stuck at the very end,
if he rubs his back, he can use his first wish to wish for the genie to flip him over,
then his next wish can be for Jafar to replace the leg that Maui ripped off of him.
>> Tomatoa: What have we here?
>> Mickey Mouse: Hey everybody, it's me, Mickey Mouse.
>> Crazy Nate: She learned this cool trick from watching Maui earlier.
And she learned this trick from watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
And she learned this trick...
from watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
>>Maui: You're doing great.
>> Crazy Nate: And if you are wondering, this knot tying trick isn’t a fake thing,
it’s a real knot tie called the Bowline knot.
This is a great knot to tie if someone falls over board and you need save someone without
a second to spare.
The name Moana means Ocean, and on these islands they believe very much in respecting nature.
Steve Irwin created a legend of education about wildlife and preservation.
He wouldn’t want us hating stingrays for his little accident.
He said many times he would risk his life to protect nature.
Turns out he gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the wildlife.
I would like to believe that out of all the Sea creatures possible that Disney could of
chose, they picked Sting rays on purpose for Grandma to turn into, as a way to pay respect
to Steve Irwin.
Survey Time, if you could shape shift like Maui can.
What would you change into?
but there's a catch!
You can’t change into anything else ever again.
Not even back into a human.
The original tribes that found all the islands actually used this logic to navigate,
and they still use this technique to this very day in their culture.
And there's really is a group of stars that looks like a J or a hook,
they just added more stars in this picture so it's easier for your little eyeballs to
find it.
>>Maui: You're measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high five.
>> Crazy Nate: Speaking of Maui, if you notice his dental souvenirs, you will see, that tooth
is a GIANT human tooth.
Who’s mouth do you think that belongs to?
Well he battles bad guys, and he put a lot of them down in the under world.
So I’m thinking he put Ersela down there to.
You know from little mermaid.
>>Moana: It's getting warmer.
>> Crazy Nate: And seeing how unsanitary he is, I bet he would be great friends with the
dentist from finding Nemo.
>> Moana: Fish pee in you all day!
>> Crazy Nate: So does Maui, and I even bet when the dentist is scuba diving he’s warming
up the ocean around him too.
And that’s one of Ersela’s evil eels.
Speaking of the Little Mermaid, there is Flounder.
Also even though Moana the movie is animated,
there's actually hand drawn scenes all over the place just like the old Disney classic
The opening scene was hand drawn.
In this sing along song, everything but Moana and Maui are hand drawn.
The credits are also hand drawn,
and a few other cools spots are all hand drawn.
Even the little tattoo Mauis are all hand drawn.
[chicken screams]
The mini Mauis are also like Mauis conscience just like Jiminy cricket was for Pinocchio.
Just a little bit tougher.
When Maui briefly traps Moana in the cave, if you look in the shadows you can see Crush,
carved out of a rock.
and look at the Maui statue when he fell over, it looks like he’s hitting himself..
Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.
>> Monkey: Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.
Stop hitting yourself.
>> Crazy Nate: Rapunzel had beautifully long hair, of course,
and Moana has beautiful hair as well, it even looks real and not even computerized.
We all know that Rapunzel secret weapon for luscious locks was a magical golden flower.
But do you know what Moana’s secret was?
>> Nerdy Nate: Suave?
>> Crazy Nate: No, but Moana also has magical Golden Flowers, just like Rapunzel did.
This is the island where they grow.
>> Maui: When you use a bird to write with, it’s called tweeting.
>> Crazy Nate: Shameless plug!
Follow me at twitter @ImCrazyNate
This cute little coconut scene is like a combination of Mad Max and Water World.
For this next Easter egg, I’m going to pause the video and lets see if YOU can find the
Easter egg on your own.
Ready set go.
look around.
Tell me what you think the Easter egg is.
keep looking.
Need a hint?
Remember This big fluffy guy?
Times up, That guy is wearing warpaint that looks exactly like Baymax from Big Hero 6.
Notice he doesn’t have a weapon either.
They did drop the ball though.
They could of made one of the coconuts have war paint just like Tonto did.
And that, is the Illuminati triangle on Maui!
There’s the whale from Finding Dory.
When they first fall into the underworld, Moana almost gets eaten by a monster, right
before a bigger monster eats that monster.
Now where did I see that before?
And there we see a rock version of Marshmallow from Frozen once again.
This monster... wouldn’t really be a monster... if it just took it’s mask off...
That's Flash, the sloth from the DMV in Zootopia.
When we find the Genie lamp, watch when Maui is rotating through the transformations and
you will see Sven from Frozen shows up.
>> Tomatoa: Well well well.
>> Moses: Behold His mighty hands!
>> Crazy Nate: Oh look, it’s the parting of the red sea.
Here’s the thing, they spend several years making these movies, literally.
It’s rude to leave before the credits are done.
We gotta show love to all the people that gave part of their life to make these movies.
And they like to reward us with Easter eggs hidden in the credits.
Here we can see Wreck it Ralf is hanging out at the very end of the credits.
They don’t stop there though, they put in another reference To Sebastian from Little
Remember the cute little red lobster.
They aren’t very subtle about this Easter egg either.
>> Tomatoa: Can we be real?
If my name was Sebastian and I had a cool Jamaican accent you'd totally help me.
>> Crazy Nate: Good news, share a smile shirts are available once again, and there are 3
ways you can get them,
1) win one of my many contest I have going on all the time.
2) join my Patreon team.
Or 3, get your shirt today at crazynate.com.
If you don’t have Moana yet, and planned on buying your copy from amazon,
You can support this channel by clicking the link in the description.
It won't even cost you a penny extra.
Also, for those of you that were asking about sending me or Zelda something,
I finally have a mail box now and It’s in the description below.
Most importantly be yourself gents and gentlets, you don’t need any special powers to be
>> Maui: No magic hook, no magic power.
>> Crazy Nate: Hook or no hook, you are awesome just the way you are. and remember...
>> Natives: Share a smile, they are contagious, and subscribe to Crazy Nate.
[dancing music plays]