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  • Wash your hands and observe standard precautions.

  • Assess the need for medication, in this case, checking the blood sugar.

  • Explain what you are doing and check the patient's ID.

  • Nurse: Hi there Alma, I need to take your blood sugar.

  • Nurse: Can you tell me your full name and date of birth?

  • Patient: Alma Jones, 2/6/38.

  • Nurse: Thank you, Alma.

  • Nurse: Alma, what finger would you like me to use?

  • Patient: I think my middle finger.

  • Nurse: Okay, you're going to feel a small prick here.

  • Nurse: Your blood sugar is 154. I'll need to get you some insulin.

  • Confirm the insulin dose with the physicians orders and the MAR.

  • Read the label three times: when it is taken from the medication cart,

  • before withdrawing medication and after withdrawing medication.

  • before withdrawing medication and after withdrawing medication.

  • Mix the solution by rolling the vile gently between your hands.

  • When mixing insulin, always withdraw the regular insulin (which is clear) first

  • to minimize the possibly of the regular insulin becoming contaminated with the additional protein in the NPH (which is cloudly).

  • Remember: clear before cloudy.

  • Clean the tops of the viles with an anteseptic swab in a circular motion.

  • In this example, we will mix 10 units of regular insulin and 30 units of NPH.

  • With the vile placed on a firm surface, insert the needle into the center of the rubber cap, maintaining sterility.

  • With the vile placed on a firm surface, insert the needle into the center of the rubber cap, maintaining sterility.

  • Inject 30 units of air into the NPH vile and withdraw the needle. There should be no insulin in the needle and the needle should not touch the insulin.

  • Inject 10 units of air into the regular insulin vile and promptly withdraw 10 units of regular insulin.

  • Reinsert the needle into the NPH vile and withdraw 30 units of NPH. Be careful to withdraw only the ordered amount.

  • If excess medication has been withdrawn, discard the syringe and begin again with both insulins.

  • Withdraw the needle and replace the cap using the scoop method to maintain sterility.

  • Recheck the patient's ID and create privacy.

  • Wash your hands.

  • Nurse: I'm going to need to have access to your arm, so I'd like you to raise your arm up.

  • Compare the MAR to the medication to be given.

  • Wipe the injection site with alcohol swab and let dry.

  • Nurse: Okay Alma, please take a nice, deep breath.

  • Pinch the skin and insert the needle at an 80 to 90 degree angle and inject.

  • Discard the needle and syringe into a sharps container.

  • As always, document that you gave the medication on the MAR, including the injection site.

  • Nurse: I'm going to let you get some rest. Call me if you need anything at all.

Wash your hands and observe standard precautions.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

インスリン投与 - 正看護師研修 (Insulin Administration - Registered Nurse Training)

  • 481 42
    yuri に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日