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  • Hi I'm Will Cristobal and I'm an emergency room nurse.

  • A typical day in the ER is not really that typical because it's always

  • it's different everything's different every day I mean granted you'll see

  • similar scenarios but each person is different.

  • So you have the

  • non-critical to the extreme critical.

  • I mean, for example I'll I'll get a guy with with the laceration.

  • I will clean it up and the doctor will stitch it up.

  • Nice. Or someone will come up with abdominal pain.

  • I'll put an IV line in them.

  • Get their blood work. Starts IV fluids

  • and give them pain medication to get them comfortable.

  • Or a guy will come in with complete cardiac arrest the whole team is inside

  • the the resuscitation room

  • and we're pumping were pumping were pushing medications.

  • Uh, we're putting IV lines and

  • shocking the patient's seeing if we'll bring them back to life

  • sometimes it successful sometimes it's not.

  • Nursing school is really cool.

  • Uh...

  • I actually enjoyed it a lot.

  • At at first it's very nerve-racking

  • because you're interacting with patients, you're touching patients.

  • I was one of the very few men in the...

  • in the classrooms, but I mean it was no problem.

  • The perception in nursing is typically,

  • you think a nurse is a female, when there's a 10 percent in the profession are males.

  • I mean there's times when I've actually come in, saw my patient, "Hi doctor how are you?"

  • I'm like, "No I'm your nurse."

  • And then when the female doctor comes in

  • it's kinda like, "This is your doctor. I'm your nurse."

  • So I mean it's just really interesting

  • like, the dynamics with patients sometimes

  • and that I actually have to correct them.

  • And, they always go, "Hey, you never thought about going to medical school?"

  • And I'm like, "No."

  • (I want) I wanted to be a nurse. I enjoy nursing.

  • I enjoy being at the bedside and taking care my patients.

  • My career path after high school, I actually, um...

  • thought about doing physical therapy. I actual want to be in the health field.

  • I didn't want to be a doctor because I knew it was going to take so much time.

  • So I thought about physical therapy. So when I was in college I ended up

  • taking classes geared toward therapy and decided

  • I don't really like this stuff, but I still wanted to stay in health care.

  • After college I just ended up trying to find odd jobs, things to do.

  • I worked worked for health insurance.

  • I worked for HR - just trying to fit my personality.

  • At any rate, I thought it was boring and so, um,

  • one day my uncle, my wife's uncle was like, "Why don't you do nursing?"

  • He was a nurse. And so I said well let me look into it.

  • I volunteered at this hospital, observe the nurses and everything like that and

  • doctors and decided this is actually a cool gig. I'll do this.

  • And so I applied to nursing school and luckily I got in.

  • "So so this is going to bend out like this right. We we have to cock up it a little bit."

  • "There you go."

  • When it's really really busy you may have a critical patient in one room,

  • and then a person that's not so critical turn critical and in the other room

  • and you're trying to balance everything out while at the same time your doctor wants you to

  • you know, discharge a patient in the other room.

  • So, at at any given time I can have four patients but

  • all four patients can want something all at the same time.

  • You have to really, like,

  • people cause you have to deal a lot of personalities.

  • If you enjoy interacting with people, uh, helping people, make people laugh, make people smile.

  • I mean this is this is a great career for you. I mean, if you love math

  • if you love sciences, I mean this is this is a great career to get into,

  • 'cause you use a lot of that stuff. I mean, you have to. You have to think about disease

  • processes and so you have to think about your anatomy and biology and

  • how the cells work and what not.

  • The advice I'd give for high school students, volunteer, go to a local hospital volunteer.

  • It will give you a chance

  • you know, to know whether or not you want to do this,

  • because you'll be in direct contact with nurses. You'll be in direct contact with patients.

  • You'll be in direct contact with doctors and so you get you get an

  • overall chance, uh, to see exactly what this is about.

Hi I'm Will Cristobal and I'm an emergency room nurse.


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A2 初級

生活の中の一日。ERの看護師 (Day in the Life: ER Nurse)

  • 364 18
    yuri に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日