字幕表 動画を再生する
This is Bao Bao.
She was born in 2013 at the National Zoo in Washington, DC.
2013 年にワシントン DC の国立動物園で生まれました。
Here she is biting her foot.
Here she is in the snow.
And here she is in a jumbo-sized FedEx crate bound for a one-way trip to Chengdu, China.
そして巨大な FedEx の箱に入れられて中国の成都市に移り住みます。
Bao Bao left because she was never ours to keep.
Her parents, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, came from China 17 years ago.
両親であるメイシャンとティエンティエンは 17 年前に中国からやってきました。
But they weren't a gift – they were a loan.
And that loan stipulated their offspring will also belong to China, as do almost all of the pandas in zoos worldwide.
Pandas' natural habitat exists entirely within the borders of one country.
パンダの自然生息域は完全に 1 つの国の中に存在します。
And that means these animals are more than just mascots for China: they're also tools in China's global diplomatic strategy.
What China figured out as it kind of became more of an international power in the second half of the 20th century was that this was something it could use to its advantage.
中国は 20 世紀後半になると国際舞台での影響力を強めてきて、その際にパンダを上手に使えば外交を有利に進められるということに気付いたんです。
Pandas have been part of Chinese foreign policy since at least the 1950s.
パンダは中国の外交政策の一部として 1950 年代から利用されてきました。
Initially, it was just kind of given in the same way that, you know, governments have usually given exotic animals to others. It gave pandas to its allies.
Then after pandas officially became endangered, and that looked kind of tacky, they started giving pandas as loans.
In return, the receiving zoos pay $1 million, per panda, each year in fees.
パンダを受け取る動物園は、パンダ 1 頭あたり毎年 100 万ドルをレンタル料として払っています。
And if a cub is born, zoos paying extra "cub tax" of $400,000.
そして、赤ちゃんが生まれた時には、動物園側が「赤ちゃん税」として 40 万ドルを払います。
The thing is that China doesn't give pandas to any country that can put up the money for a loan; it's much more selective than that.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have noticed a correlation between panda loans and China's international trade deals.
So, in 2010, China realized that it needed to find more market capacity to buy salmon.
2010 年、中国はサーモンをもっと多く輸入するための取引先が必要だということに気付きました。
Their traditional trade partner, who was Norway, had been kind of... The Nobel Peace Prize had gone to a Chinese dissident. China didn't feel like rewarding that behavior.
So instead, they turned to Scotland, which also produced salmon, also produced Land Rovers, which was something else that the Chinese affluent class were interested in,
and so they inked that trade deal and a panda was sent to the Edinburgh Zoo.
But what China gives, it can also take away.
Consider the case of Tai Shan, Bao Bao's older brother from DC.
China had made it known toward the end of 2009 that it wanted to take back the panda Tai Shan.
中国は 2009 年末にかけて、タイシャンを返してほしいという意志を伝えました。
It hadn't really set a date yet.
Officials at the National zoo asked China to extend his stay, but the answer was no.
Experts suspect a couple of factors were involved in that choice.
One, President Obama met with the Dalai Lama, who is a strong critic of the Chinese government and a fierce advocate for the independence of Tibet, which the Chinese government denies.
1 つ目は、オバマ大統領が強い反中国政府思想を持ちチベットの独立を強力に推奨するダライ・ラマと会談したことが引き金となった、というものですが中国政府はこれを否定します。
And second, the US announced an arm sale to Taiwan, over Chinese objections.
そして 2 つ目は、アメリカが中国の反対を押し切って台湾に武器を売ったというものです。
A week later, Tai Shan and another panda from the Atlanta Zoo were on their way to China.
その発表から 1 週間後に、タイシャンとアトランタ動物園にいたもう一頭のパンダが中国に戻っていきました。
It considers pandas as kind of another arm of diplomacy in the same way that, in the event of a diplomatic spat, one country might recall its ambassador or might impose economic sanctions.
China sees, or certainly appears to see, from the way that its agreements go, pandas as kind of a way to reinforce international relationships that it's building and that it wants to continue.
More recently, we saw China delay a panda delivery, following the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 152 Chinese nationals.
最近では、152 人の中国人乗客を乗せたマレーシア航空機が行方不明になった際に、中国はパンダの輸送を遅らせたこともありました。
In 2014, Malaysia was all ready to get its first panda. They had the enclosure ready at the zoo and all of that.
2014 年、マレーシアは最初のパンダを受け入れる準備を整えていました。生息エリアも動物園に確保したりしてバッチリでした。
And the day of the panda's supposed arrival came and went
because the Chinese government was extremely frustrated with the Malaysian government's investigation of the flight, didn't feel that it was doing enough,
and so kept the pandas for another month or two as a way to demonstrate to the Malaysian government, that yeah, we've signed a regional trade deal with you,
we're interested in pursuing a relationship, but you're not making us super happy right now.
Currently, the US still has 12 pandas, including Bao Bao's new little brother, Bei Bei.
現在、アメリカにはバオバオの新しい弟であるベイベイを含めてまだ 12 頭のパンダが居ます。
But future relations with China could change that.
It's entirely possible that, whether in a military respect in the South China Sea, or in a political respect with regards to Taiwan,
that China will find good reason to feel that the US is no longer interested in pursuing the kind of warm partnership that they've had.
So what that means for panda diplomacy is really anyone's guess.