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We have a huge welfare state that's been built up over the last 50 years, and we can get
rid of it. Take all the money that we currently spend on transfers from one American to another
American, whether they are for people on welfare, or whether they're for retirees, whether they're
for medical care, take all that money, convert into a universal basic income that starts
when someone turns 21 and continues until they die, which gives them every year $10,000
of disposable income, and put their lives back in their hands. The key to making this
work is not getting enough money. We already spent plenty of money to do this. The key
in understanding why it would work and how it would work is that it's just not that you
as an individual have $10,000, everybody else does too. And the opportunities this opens
up for people to cooperate, to solve their problems, and the problems of their families
and their communities will be unparalleled.