字幕表 動画を再生する
>> Tim:: So, in the bible the ideas of Heaven and Earth are ways of talking about God’s
space and our space.
>> Jon: So I understand our space really well. We live here. There are trees, rivers, mountains.
ジョン:僕らの世界はよくわかる。 僕らはここに住んでる。木や、川や、山がある。
But my understanding of God’s space gets a little fuzzy.
>> Tim:: And what we do get in the bible are images, trying to help us grasp God’s space,
ティム:聖書に書かれている【神】の世界の話は 僕らには想像できない世界を
which is basically inconceivable to us.
>> Jon: So these are two very different types of spaces.
>> Tim: Yes, they’re different in their nature, but here’s what is really interesting.
ティム:うん、この二つは性質が全く違うけど すごくおもしろい点があるんだ。
It’s that in the Bible these are not always separate spaces.
So think of Heaven and Earth as different dimensions that can overlap in the same exact
天と地という別々の「時空」が同じ空間で 重なることができると考えてみて。
>> Jon: So we talk a lot about going to heaven after we die,
but this idea of Heaven and Earth overlapping, we don’t talk a lot about that.
>> Tim: Which is kinda crazy because the union of Heaven and Earth is what the story of the
というのが聖書のストーリーそのものなんだ。 始めに二つは完全に重なっていたけれど
Bible is all about, how they were once fully united, and then
別々に分かれてしまい、【神】がそれを もう一度ひとつにするんだ。
driven apart, and about how God is bringing them back together again.
ジョン:えっと、話を初めに戻そうか。 「天と地が完全に重なっていた」っていうところに。
>> Jon: So let’s go back to the beginning. Where Heaven and Earth there completely overlapping?
>> Tim: Yeah, this is what the Bible’s description of the Garden of Eden is all about.
It’s a place where God and Humanity dwelt together perfectly, no separation, and humans
人間は【神】のパートナーとして美しい世界を 繁栄させていく場所だったんだ。
then partner with God in building a flourishing beautiful world and so on.
>> Jon: But as humans we wanted to do things a different way.
We wanted God out and we wanted to create a world apart from Him
ティム: うん、それで今では世界が二つあって、聖書は色々な
>> Tim: Yeah so we have these two spaces now and the Bible actually uses lots of different
言葉を使ってこの二つの世界が 分離していることを表現しているんだ。
kinds of words and phrases to refer to these two spaces to make a clear distinction.
ジョン:でも、君はこの二つの世界が重なるって いったよね。どういう意味か説明してくれないかな。
>> Jon: So you’ve said that these spaces can overlap though, so explain how that works.
>> Tim: This is where we have to start talking about temples, because in the biblical world
you experience God’s presence by going to a temple.
That’s where Heaven and Earth overlap.
>> Jon: Now there’s two types of temples described in the Bible. One is a tabernacle,
basically a tent that was built by Moses. And the other was this massive building made
by Solomon.
>> Tim: And these temples were decorated with fruit trees and flowers and images of angels
and all kinds of gold and jewels and so on. And these are designed to make you feel like
帰るかのような気分にするためのデザインなんだ。 そして神殿の中心には
you’re going back to the garden. And at the center of the temple was a place
called the holy of holies, which was like the hotspot of God’s presence.
>> Jon: Now we can go and be with God again.
ティム:でもそんなに簡単ではなくて 神殿によって他の問題が発生した。
>> Tim: But not so fast, because the temple also creates a problem.
So God’s space is full of His presence and goodness and justice and beauty,
but human’s space is full of sin and injustice and ugliness that results.
>> Jon: So how do these spaces overlap if they’re so different and they’re in conflict
with each other?
>> Tim: This was resolved through animal sacrifice.
ジョン:それはちょっとおかしいよ。動物の 犠牲がどう関係あるっていうんだい?
>> Jon: Yeah that’s kinda weird. What do animal sacrifices have to do with this?
ティム:そう、このアイデアはこうだ。 動物の犠牲は動物が君の罪を背負って
>> Tim: Yeah the idea is this: animal sacrifices, somehow they absorb the sin when the animal
身代わりになって死ぬときに綺麗な スペースができるようなものなんだ。
dies in your place and it creates a clean space, so to speak, where you are now free
君がそのことによって【神】の御前に出るために 神殿に入ることが許されるようにね。
to enter into the temple and be in God’s presence.
ジョン:わかった、それならもし僕が イスラエル人でエルサレムに住んでいれば
>> Jon: Ok so if I’m an Israelite and I live in Jerusalem, I might be able to be in
【神】の御前にでる可能性があるってことだけど、でも君は 聖書の話は天と地がもう一度、ひとつになる話だって言ったよね?
God’s presence, but you said the story of the Bible is all of Heaven and Earth reuniting?
ティム:そう、そこを知るには話の続きを追って 新約聖書でイエスの登場まで進まなくちゃいけない。
>> Tim: Right, so we have to keep going in the story where we come to Jesus in the New
Testament. And in the Gospel of John, we hear this claim that God became human in Jesus
and made his dwelling among us. The word “dwelling” is really curious. It literally means he set
up a tabernacle among us. So what John is claiming right here is that Jesus is a temple.
He is now the place where Heaven and Earth overlap.
だから、ヨハネがここで宣言しているのは イエスが神殿だってことなんだ。
>> Jon: What’s interesting about Jesus is that He isn’t staying this safe, clean space.
He’s running around hanging out with sinners. He’s healing people of their sicknesses,
and forgiving people of their sins.
留まっていないってことなんだ。 彼はあちこちで罪人と共に時を過ごすんだ。
>> Tim: He’s basically creating little pockets of Heaven where people can be in God’s presence,
but He’s doing it out there in the middle of the world of sin and death.
ティム:簡単にいうとイエスは、小さな天の空間を作り 彼らが神の御前に出られるようにしているんだけど
>> Jon: And He keeps telling everyone that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
>> Tim: And He even told his followers to pray regularly that God’s kingdom come and
ジョン:そしてイエスは人々に「天の国は近づいた」 と語り続けるんだ。
His will be done here on Earth just as it is in Heaven.
ティム:そしてイエスは弟子たちにも こう日常的に祈るようにと言ったんだ。
>> Jon: But a lot of people are threatened by Jesus and they kill Him, which seems to
【神】の国が来ますように。【神】の御心が天におけるように 「地の上にも」なりますように。ってね。
spoil this whole plan to reunite Heaven and Earth.
ジョン:でも多くの人々がイエスを脅威に感じて 彼を殺してしまったから、天と地がもう一度重なる
>> Tim: But, we have to go back to a scene earlier in Jesus’ story where John the Baptist
saw Jesus and said, “Behold this is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the
ティム:でも、ここでちょっと前に戻ってみよう。 バプテスマのヨハネがイエスを見たとき
>> Jon: So Jesus isn’t just talked about as being a temple, He’s also talked about
as being the temple sacrifice.
>> Tim: Yeah so the cross is now the place where Jesus absorbs sin to create a clean
ティム:うん、だから今は十字架が イエスが罪を吸収して綺麗なスペースにするところなんだけど
space that is not limited like animal sacrifices. Jesus’ sacrifice has the power to keep spreading
動物の犠牲のように空間が限られていないんだよ。 イエスの犠牲には、広がり続ける力があって
and spreading and reuniting more and more of Heaven and Earth.
>> Jon: This is all really great but it leaves one big question in my mind, which is what
ジョン:とても素晴らしいと思うけど でも一つ大きな疑問があるんだ。
happens when I die? Don’t I just fly over to God’s space and be with Jesus?
もし僕が死んだら何が起こるんだい?死んだら僕は 【神】のスペースに飛んでイエスと共に住むんだよね?
>> Tim: Yeah so a few times in the New Testament we learn that Christians will be with Jesus
in Heaven after they die, but that is not the focus of the Bible’s story. The focus
天国でイエスと共に住むと書かれてあるけど それは聖書の中心的メッセージではないんだ。
is on how Heaven and Earth are being reunited through Jesus and will be completely brought
重要なのは天と地がイエスによって もう一度つながりイエスが再び戻ってくるときに
together one day when He returns. In the book of Revelation we get this beautiful image
完全にひとつになることだ。「ヨハネの黙示録」では 美しいエデンの園が、新しい街として再現されるんだ。
of the garden of Eden, now in the form of a city, coming to end the age of sin and death
人類の歴史がすべて贖われて、罪と死の時代に終止符が打たれ 新しい天地創造がなされる。
by redeeming all of human history in a renewed creation and God’s space and Human’s space
completely overlap once again.