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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Okay, it's great to be back at TED.

    翻訳: Wataru Narita 校正: Akinori Oyama

  • Why don't I just start by firing away with the video?


  • (Music)


  • (Video) Man: Okay, Glass, record a video.


  • Woman: This is it. We're on in two minutes.

    (ビデオ)男性1: よし グラス 録画してくれ

  • Man 2: Okay Glass, hang out with The Flying Club.

    女性1: 準備OK あと2分で開演よ

  • Man 3: Google "photos of tiger heads." Hmm.

    男性2: グラス 飛行クラブとつないでくれ

  • Man 4: You ready? You ready? (Barking)

    男性3: 「トラの顔の写真」をグーグルで 調べてくれ

  • Woman 2: Right there. Okay, Glass, take a picture.

    男性4: いいか?行くぞ! (吠える声)

  • (Child shouting)

    女性2: そこに立って そこよ グラス 写真を撮って

  • Man 5: Go!


  • Man 6: Holy [beep]! That is awesome.

    男性5: 行け~!

  • Child: Whoa! Look at that snake!

    男性6: うわっすっごい! 素晴らしい!

  • Woman 3: Okay, Glass, record a video!

    子ども: うわ~!蛇だ!

  • Man 7: After this bridge, first exit.

    女性3: さあグラス 録画して!

  • Man 8: Okay, A12, right there!

    男性7: 橋を渡って最初の出口だ

  • (Applause)

    男性8: A12ゲート あそこだ!

  • (Children singing)


  • Man 9: Google, say "delicious" in Thai.


  • Google Glass: อร่อยMan 9: Mmm, อร่อย.

    男性9: 「おいしい」をタイ語で言うと?

  • Woman 4: Google "jellyfish."

    グーグル・グラス: อร่อย 男性9: んー (タイ語で) おいしい

  • (Music)

    女性4: 「くらげ」を検索して

  • Man 10: It's beautiful.


  • (Applause)

    男性10: きれいだな~

  • Sergey Brin: Oh, sorry, I just got this message from a Nigerian prince.


  • He needs help getting 10 million dollars.

    セルゲイ・ブリン: 失礼 ナイジェリアの 王子からメッセージが来たもので

  • I like to pay attention to these

    1,000万ドル必要なんだそうです こうしたメッセージにも

  • because that's how we originally funded the company,


  • and it's gone pretty well.

    グーグルも最初はそうして 資金を集め

  • Though in all seriousness,


  • this position that you just saw me in,


  • looking down at my phone,

    たった今 僕は 携帯電話を

  • that's one of the reasons behind this project, Project Glass.

    覗き込んでいましたが この姿勢が

  • Because we ultimately questioned

    グーグル・グラスのプロジェクトを 始める理由の1つとなりました

  • whether this is the ultimate future


  • of how you want to connect to other people in your life,

    今後もずっと このような形で

  • how you want to connect to information.


  • Should it be by just walking around looking down?


  • But that was the vision behind Glass,

    下を向いて歩く姿が 最終形なのでしょうか?

  • and that's why we've created this form factor.


  • Okay. And I don't want to go through all the things it does and whatnot,


  • but I want to tell you a little bit more

    これで出来ること・出来ないことを 詳しく話すつもりはありません

  • about the motivation behind what led to it.


  • In addition to potentially socially isolating yourself

    グーグル・グラスを生み出すに 至った動機をお話ししましょう

  • when you're out and about looking at your phone,

    出歩いているときに 携帯電話を覗き込んでいるのは

  • it's kind of, is this what you're meant to do with your body?

    自分を社会から孤立させかねない だけでなく

  • You're standing around there

    それが ふさわしい体の使い方 なのだろうかという気にもなります

  • and you're just rubbing


  • this featureless piece of glass.


  • You're just kind of moving around.


  • So when we developed Glass, we thought really about,


  • can we make something that frees your hands?


  • You saw all of the things people are doing

    どうすれば手を自由にできるかと いうことを考え抜きました

  • in the video back there.


  • They were all wearing Glass,


  • and that's how we got that footage.


  • And also you want something that frees your eyes.

    グーグル・グラスをつけた人が 撮影したものです

  • That's why we put the display up high,

    また 私たちは 目も自由にしたいと思いました

  • out of your line of sight,

    それで ディスプレイの位置を上げ

  • so it wouldn't be where you're looking


  • and it wouldn't be where you're making

    何かを見るときの 邪魔にはなりませんし

  • eye contact with people.


  • And also we wanted to free up the ears,


  • so the sound actually goes through,


  • conducts straight to the bones in your cranium,


  • which is a little bit freaky at first, but you get used to it.


  • And ironically, if you want to hear it better,

    最初は少し変な感じがしますが 慣れてきます

  • you actually just cover your ear,

    皮肉なことに グラスの音を はっきり聞きたいときには

  • which is kind of surprising, but that's how it works.


  • My vision when we started Google 15 years ago

    びっくりしますが そういう風にできています

  • was that eventually you wouldn't

    15年前 グーグルを始めたときに 思い描いていたのは

  • have to have a search query at all.


  • You'd just have information come to you as you needed it.

    いずれ不要にしてしまおう ということでした

  • And this is now, 15 years later,

    必要な情報が 自分のところに やってくるようになるのです

  • sort of the first form factor


  • that I think can deliver that vision


  • when you're out and about on the street


  • talking to people and so forth.


  • This project has lasted now, been just over two years.


  • We've learned an amazing amount.

    このプロジェクトは 2年ちょっと続いています

  • It's been really important to make it comfortable.


  • So our first prototypes we built were huge.

    快適に使えるものにすることが とても重要でした

  • It was like cell phones strapped to your head.

    最初の試作品は巨大で 頭に携帯電話を

  • It was very heavy, pretty uncomfortable.


  • We had to keep it secret from our industrial designer


  • until she actually accepted the job,

    デザイナーには 仕事を引き受けると言うまで

  • and then she almost ran away screaming.


  • But we've come a long way.

    真相を知って 叫びながら 逃げ出す一歩手前でした

  • And the other really unexpected surprise was the camera.

    そこから長い道のりを 乗り越えてきました

  • Our original prototypes didn't have cameras at all,

    もうひとつ 予期しなかった 驚きは カメラです

  • but it's been really magical to be able to capture moments

    最初の試作品には カメラなどありませんでした

  • spent with my family, my kids.

    でも 家族や子どもとの時間を 記録できるのは

  • I just never would have dug out a camera


  • or a phone or something else to take that moment.


  • And lastly I've realized, in experimenting with this device,


  • that I also kind of have a nervous tic.

    グラスを使った実験で 最後に気づいたのは

  • The cell phone is -- yeah, you have to look down on it and all that,

    自分にも無意識に繰り返す 神経質な癖があるということです

  • but it's also kind of a nervous habit.

    携帯は - そう 覗き込まなければ いけなかったりもしますが -

  • Like if I smoked, I'd probably just smoke instead.

    ついつい 見てしまう習慣がつきものです

  • I would just light up a cigarette. It would look cooler.

    喫煙者だったら 煙草を吸ってしまうようなものです

  • You know, I'd be like --

    煙草に火をつけたりすれば その方が格好よく

  • But in this case, you know, I whip this out

    見えるかもしれません こんな感じに -

  • and I sit there and look as if I have something

    でも携帯の場合は サッと取り出して

  • very important to do or attend to.


  • But it really opened my eyes to how much of my life


  • I spent just secluding away,

    でも それによって 自分がいかに多くの時間

  • be it email or social posts or whatnot,

    引きこもっていたのかと いうことに気づきました

  • even though it wasn't really --

    そんなに重要でも差し迫っても いないのに

  • there's nothing really that important or that pressing.


  • And with this, I know I will get certain messages


  • if I really need them,

    グーグル・グラスでは 本当に重要なメッセージは

  • but I don't have to be checking them all the time.


  • Yeah, I've really enjoyed actually exploring the world more,

    ずっとチェックしている 必要はありません

  • doing more of the crazy things like you saw in the video.


  • Thank you all very much.

    もっとたくさん体験しながら 世界を我が身で探求して楽しむのです

  • (Applause)


Okay, it's great to be back at TED.

翻訳: Wataru Narita 校正: Akinori Oyama


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