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  • The book of Joshua.

  • Let's back up and remember the story so far,

  • So God chose Abraham and then his family became the people of Israel,

  • who are then enslaved down in Egypt.

  • So through Moses, God rescued Israel out of Egypt,

  • he made a covenant with them at Mount Sinai

  • and he brought them through the wilderness.

  • So Israel then camped outside the promised land

  • and Moses called them to obey God’s commands

  • so that they could show all the other nations what God is like.

  • The book of Joshua picks up right after Moses has died

  • and Israel is ready to enter the land.

  • So the story of Joshua is designed with four main movements.

  • Joshua first leads Israel into the promised land,

  • and then once they are there, they meet all this hostility from the Canaanites

  • and so they engage them in battle,

  • then after their victory Joshua divides up the promised land

  • as the inheritance for the twelve tribes

  • and then the book concludes with these final speeches that Joshua gives to the people.

  • So let’s dive in and we will see how all of it flows together.

  • The first section begins with Mosesdeath

  • and Joshua is appointed as Israel’s new leader,

  • and the author intentionally presents Joshua as a new Moses,

  • so like Moses, Joshua calls the people to obey the Torah,

  • which means the covenant commands that they were given at Mount Sinai,

  • and then Joshua sends spies into the land

  • just as Moses did back in Numbers chapters 13 and 14

  • except it goes way better this time.

  • In fact, some Canaanites turn and follow the God of Israel,

  • Joshua then leads all Israel across the Jordan river and into the land.

  • Just like the sea parted for Moses in the Exodus

  • so here the river Jordan parts

  • and the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant across

  • leading all Israel with them.

  • Now, in chapter 5 the story transitions,

  • so the people look back to their roots as God’s covenant people

  • and so the new generation is circumcised

  • and they celebrate their first Passover in the land.

  • But then, they turn prepared to go forward

  • and Joshua has this crazy encounter with a mysterious warrior,

  • who, it turns out is the angelic commander of God’s army,

  • and Joshua asks, “Are you for us? Or are you for our enemies?”

  • The warrior responds, “Neither.”

  • Which shows that the real question here

  • is whether Joshua is on God’s side.

  • It makes clear that this whole story is not about Israel versus the Canaanites,

  • rather this is God’s battle,

  • and Israel is going to play the role of spectators or sometimes supporters in God’s plan.

  • Which leads to the next section.

  • We find stories about all these conflicts that Israel has with different Canaanite groups,

  • and the first part retells the story of two battles in detail

  • and that is followed by a series of short stories

  • that condense years of battles into a few brief summaries.

  • So the first two battles are against Jericho and then Ai,

  • and they offer these contrasting portraits of God’s faithfulness versus Israel’s failure.

  • At Jericho, Israel is to take a completely passive approach,

  • so they let God’s presence in the Ark lead them around the city to music for six days

  • and just like Rahab turned to the God of Israel

  • maybe the people of Jericho would do the same, but they don't,

  • and so on the seventh day the priests blow the trumpets

  • and the walls come falling down leading Israel to victory.

  • The point of the story is that God is the one who will deliver his people;

  • Israel simply needs to trust and wait.

  • Now the next story, of the battle of Ai makes the opposite point.

  • So there is this Israelite named Achan,

  • and he steals from Jericho some of the devoted goods that were to belong to God alone

  • and then he lies about it.

  • It’s a pretty lame move after all that God has done for Israel,

  • and so Israel goes into battle with the city of Ai

  • and they are totally defeated,

  • and it’s only after humble repentance

  • and severely dealing with Achan’s sin that Israel gains victory.

  • And so together these two stories are placed right up front to make an important point.

  • If Israel is going to inherit the land,

  • they have to be obedient and trust in God’s commands.

  • They don’t get special treatment.

  • Now the second part of the section begins with the Gibeonites, a Canaanite people group

  • and they do just as Rahab did as they turn to follow the God of Israel

  • and they make peace with Israel.

  • This is in contrast to all these other Canaanite kings

  • who start to form alliances and coalitions and they want to destroy Israel.

  • So Israel engages them in battle and they win by a land slide.

  • So this whole section concludes with this summary list

  • of all of these victories won by Moses and then by Joshua.

  • Now, let’s stop for a second because odds are

  • that these stories and the violence in them, they are going to bother you,

  • and if you are a follower of Jesus, youre bound to wonder, like,

  • didn’t Jesus said to love your enemies?

  • Why is God declaring war here?

  • So first, why the Canaanites?

  • The main reasons are actually given earlier in the biblical story

  • is that the culture of the Canaanites had become extremely morally corrupt,

  • especially when it comes to sex,

  • go check out Leviticus chapter 18,

  • and they also widely practiced child sacrifice,

  • go see Deuteronomy chapter 12,

  • and so God didn’t want these practices to influence Israel,

  • the Canaanites had to go.

  • Which raises the second question.

  • Did God actually command the destruction of all the Canaanites, like a genocide?

  • So at first glance, you know, you look at the phrases used in these stories.

  • Theytotally destroyed them”, theyleft no survivor or anything that breathed”,

  • but when you look a second time more closely,

  • youll see that these phrases are clearly hyperbole and not literal.

  • So go back to the original command about the Canaanites in Deuteronomy chapter 7.

  • Israel is first told to drive out the Canaanites,

  • but then to totally destroy them

  • and then that is followed by commands to not intermarry with them

  • or enter into business deals with them.

  • So you can’t marry someone that youve destroyed.

  • I think you get the point.

  • The same idea applies to the stories in Joshua, look closely.

  • So for example, were told in Joshua chapter 10

  • that Israel left no survivors in the cities of Hebron or Debir,

  • but then later in chapter 15 we see these towns

  • and theyre still populated by Canaanites,

  • and so what were seeing is that Joshua fits in with other ancient battle accounts

  • by using non-literal hyperbolic language as part of the narrative style.

  • And so the word genocide doesn’t actually fit what we see here.

  • Especially in light of the stories about the Canaanites who did turn to the God of Israel,

  • like Rahab or the Gibeonites, God was open to those who would turn to him.

  • The last thing to think about is that these stories mark a unique moment in Israel’s history.

  • These battles were limited to the handful of people groups living in the land of Canaan.

  • With all other nations, Israel was commanded by God to pursue peace,

  • go read Deuteronomy chapter 20.

  • So the purpose of these battle stories was never to tell you, the reader,

  • to go commit violence in God’s name.

  • Rather, they show God bringing his justice

  • on human evil at a unique moment in history,

  • and how he delivered Israel from being annihilated by the Canaanites.

  • Now, let’s go back to the book’s design.

  • After years of battles we see an aging Joshua

  • and he starts dividing up the land for the twelve tribes of Israel,

  • and most of this section is like lists of boundary lines,

  • and let us be honest, it’s kind of boring.

  • It’s like reading a map that has no pictures.

  • But for the Israelites these lists were super important.

  • This was the fulfillment of God’s ancient promises to Abraham

  • that his descendants would inherit the promised land.

  • . And so now it was all coming to pass right down to the detail,

  • which leads to the final section.

  • Joshua gives two speeches to the people

  • theyre very similar to the final speeches of Moses in Deuteronomy.

  • Joshua reminds them of God’s generosity,

  • how he brought them into the land and rescued them from the Canaanites.

  • And so, he calls them to turn away from the Canaanite gods

  • and be faithful to the covenant they made.

  • If they do, it will lead to life and blessing in the land,

  • but if theyre unfaithful,

  • Israel will call down on itself the same divine judgement that the Canaanites experienced.

  • Theyll be kicked off the land into exile,

  • and so Joshua leaves Israel with a choice.

  • What is Israel going to do?

  • That’s the big question that looms as the story ends.

  • And that’s the book of Joshua.

The book of Joshua.


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B1 中級

聖句を読む。ヨシュア (Read Scripture: Joshua)

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    sophia に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日