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Japan was a country that has spent most of its history at war.
Province against province, warlord against warlord.
地方と地方が争い 土地を統べる武将たちがぶつかり合う
The struggle for money, land and power
was an endless series of battles, allegiances
終わりのない戦い そして いくつもの忠義と
and legend.
Armor was perfectly suited to the times, the terrain and the weaponry of the samurai.
鎧はこの時代と日本の地形 そして 武士たちが持つ武器に見事に適合していた
but how functional is it really?
しかし 実際の機能性はどうか?
Does it stand up against full contact and live weapons?
Keep watching as we put a Taisho quality armor to the ultimate test.
The iconic image of the samurai, in full battle armor.
Often works about allowing the warrior to stand out and be recognized on the field of war.
象徴的な武士のイメージ それは全身鎧だ
But ultimately it needed to be tough and versatile, allowing for movement and speed.
身にまとう武士を戦場で目立たせ その存在をまわりに知らしめる目的で使われることが多い
Often warn for weeks at a time it was hard wearing and easily repairable.
しかし 動きやすさと素早い動きを実現する頑丈さや使い勝手の良さも追求された
Unique, practical and designed to withstand weapons of battle.
一度身に着けると何週間も着続けることが多く 装着は困難だが修理は容易
Perfectly suited to the samurai warrior.
独特で実用的 武器による実戦の攻撃も防げる設計だ
So welcome to Fanhams Hall Hotel. A beautiful hotel with Japanese gardens over 2 acres open to the public.
There is a fantastic Air Show today, as well as many visitors, visiting the ground.
さて ようこそファンハム・ホール・ホテルへ 2,450坪超えの日本庭園を一般に公開している美しいホテルです
And we're here to test the armor.
本日は見事な航空ショーもあり この庭園を観に来た大勢の観光客で賑わっています
The Iron Mountain Armory has been handcrafting samurai armor since 2005.
They offer the most authentic, economical and customizable samurai armor in the world.
They currently offer their armor in three separate classes.
The Kachi class, or foot soldier's armor is made for the samurai on a budget.
The Gashira Class or Officer's armor is crafted for the samurai who wants their armor ready for battle.
徒士級という歩兵用の鎧は 予算が限られている武士向けに仕立てられます
The Taisho class or General's armor is meticulously handcrafted by the most experienced armorers,
頭級と呼ばれる将校用の鎧は 実戦用の甲冑を求める武士のために製作されます
for the samurai who wants the highest in quality.
大将級と呼ばれる将軍向けの鎧は 経験豊富な甲冑師の手によって 巧みに作り出されます
We used all 3 classes during our testing, including the Tatami Armour.
The battles on the Japanese planes made full use of samurai cavalry.
本試験では全3等級の甲冑に加え 畳鎧も対象としました
But for most samurai, the traveling and fighting was done on foot.
Once the army reached the mountains
とはいえ 武士の大半は自らの足で移動と戦闘をこなしていた
in the high fortresses horses became unsuitable and the real legwork began.
This meant weeks or months spent walking, running and climbing,
高所の要塞では馬での移動が不利になるため 足腰の強さが試された
while carrying everything they need for the battles ahead.
つまり何週間も あるいは何ヶ月も歩き 走り 登り続けることを意味する
Samurai armor, therefore, needed to be comfortable and flexible
しかも 先に待ち受ける戦闘に必要なものをすべて運びながら
to allow the wearer to be able to carry out all of those tasks
したがって 武士の甲冑には着心地の良さと柔軟性が求められた
without hindrance.
The armor should allow the ability to climb trees and scan the land ahead.
Climb into the mountainous fortifications of enemy strongholds, all the while dressed in armour.
甲冑は身に着けた状態で木に登り 進軍先の様子をうかがえなくてはならない
Once battle commenced they would need to be able to move quickly and easily while fighting.
If knocked down have the ability to get up and
戦いの火ぶたが切られれば 敵兵と戦う者は素早く動く必要もあっただろう
continue the fight
The armor would need to be light enough to allow for this but tough enough to withstand the treatment.
The Iron Mountain armor was tested under all these conditions.
甲冑にはこうした動きを可能にする軽さが必要だが 同時に使用に耐える丈夫さも必要となる
After climbing trees, climbing mountains, rolling and fighting
アイアン・マウンテン・アーマリーの試験は この全条件を考慮した
the armour surprisingly comfortable. It took all of the impact with easy with no bruising.
木や山に登ったり 地面を転がったり 戦闘したりしても
Which is a great success!
この甲冑は驚くほど快適で 体にかかる全衝撃を難なく吸収し アザも作りませんでした
Can you move in Iron Mountain Armor?
The answer is YES!
We fight on a regular basis at Muso Shugyo Ryu and we do not hold back.
So to be given samurai armor to train in was an absolute pleasure and we took it to town!
私たちは定期的にMuso Sugyo Ryuで戦っており その活動は留まるところを知りません
Well the armor certainly took everything we threw at it.
身にまとい修行できる甲冑を得ることはこの上ない喜びです 私たちはそれを実現しました!
There were a few scratches and a few minor dents,
but easily polished out and fixed.
軽い傷が入り 小さなへこみも見られましたが
An absolute pleasure to fight in.
簡単に磨き上げ 修理できました
Muso Shugyo Ryu would definitely recommend Iron Mountain Armory as the armor to wear for combat.
The Taichi and katana are both swords worn by the samurai.
Muso Shugyo Ryuは戦闘時に装着する甲冑にアイアン・マウンテン・アーマリー製のものを強く推奨します
While in armor the taichi would be hung from the waist with the blade facing down.
While the katana, slightly shorter and less curved; would be worn through the belt, with cutting edge up.
Despite popular opinion the sword is not a main battlefield weapon,
一方 太刀よりわずかに短く 反りも浅い刀は 刃を上にして帯に通して携帯する
as it is ineffective against most armours.
一般的な見解に反して これらの片刃の刀剣は戦場では主力装備にならなかった
Think of it as a side arm for emergency use
and perfect for taking enemy heads!
So how effective will a katana be against
また 敵の首をとるにも最適だった!
Iron Mountain Armor?
では 刀はどのようにアイアン・マウンテン・アーマーに
We decided to test this particular Taisho class suit of armor
because we've trained with it for over a year, in the heat, rain and snow.
私たちは今回 大将級の甲冑を特別に用意して試すことにしました
Making it allot like a suit of armor a samurai would had worn
1年以上かけてこの甲冑で稽古しました 暑い日も 雨の日も 雪の日も
after a long march into battle.
After all this abuse, we will see if it can still stand up to the ultimate test.
So the first two strike so we gonna look at is the Kabuto (helmet) and the DŌ the body.
こうした過酷な使用条件に耐え抜いたあとでも 最終試験に合格できるか確かめます
We're going to bring the sword straight down on top of the helmet . I'm not expecting it to work.
では まず2回攻撃を加えます これから確認するのは兜と胴です
The helmet should absorb the blow. We are then going to move through with a good strike to the chest
兜の頭頂部にまっすぐ刀を振り下ろします 私の読みではこの攻撃はあまり効かないでしょう
or the DŌ. Now this could penetrate, it'll be interesting to find out.
兜がこの打撃の衝撃を和らげるはずです それから 胸部への強力な一撃へと移ります
Lets see what happens.
ここは胴です この一撃は貫通するかもしれないので楽しみです
Well we can see the helmet took the blow exceptionally well.
では どうなるのでしょうか
It was dented and it was paint chipped.
さて 兜が驚くほどの衝撃を受けていることがわかるだろう
but there's more going on than meets the eye.
中央がへこみ 塗装が剥がれている
When we turned around we see that the full force of the blow radiated to the back.
しかし 目に見えること以上のことも起こっている
and was absorbed by the laminate
兜を後ろから見ると あの一撃の全衝撃が背面へと分散されていることがわかる
which exploded out words; exactly as it was designed to.
While the dō showed extreme touch protection.
まさに設計通り 外側に向かって爆発的な力がかかっている
It literally got dented and scraped. The wearer in both of these strikes would
一方 胴は極めて頑丈な防御性能を示した
have known they'd been hit, but would have survived.
文字通りへこみ 塗装が削られている この甲冑の着用者はどちらの攻撃にも
So we've seen direct blows to the helmet and the body.
衝撃で気付くだろう しかし 命までは落とさずにすむ
would possibly bruised and concussed.
さて ここまで兜と胴に対する直接攻撃を見てきました
The sword is quite often very effective for cutting away the cords of the armor.
So we are going to attempt to cut the cords
to see if the Khazar drop way and then we should be attacking three targets. The shikoro.
Now I am expecting them to absorb the blow, but for the lacing to part and allowing it to fall away.
この結び目がほどけるか確認し それから3カ所に攻撃を加えます まずは しころ
We are then going to come through with a strike to the most solid part, the Sode or shoulder guard.
攻撃の衝撃は吸収されるでしょうが 縅毛の編み目がほどけて 札が取れると予想しています
Followed by attack to the plates themselves.
その後 袖と呼ばれるもっとも丈夫な肩部の防具にも一撃を加えていきます
Will the cord hold or will the armor bend or will the sword penetrate ?
続けて 鱗状に連なる札自体の破壊も狙います
The sword cut through the cords with ease. Although it may take several cuts for the armor to fall away.
縅毛は持ちこたえるのか? 甲冑はたわむのか? 刀が貫通するのか?
Both the shikoro and kuzari survived well.
縅毛は簡単に切断された しかし 甲冑を外すには複数の編み目を切らなければいけないようだ
Dented, some chipping and definitely the lace was cut.
But the samurai would had survived.
へこみ 塗装の一部が剥がれ 確かに編み目が切れている
Now for me the weak part of the armor has always been the arm and the wrist.
しかし これで命を落とす武士はいないだろう
We have quite solid armor on the forearm
さて 以前から私が甲冑の弱点だと思っていたのは腕と手首です
and just chainmail on the upper arm.
I think we will probably be ok.
Possible broken arm, but not penetration.
But I really think the sword will cut through this chainmail.
骨折はあっても 刃は貫通しないでしょうから
Well I wasn't surprised that the strike to the lower part of the arm didn't penetrate.
しかし 私はこの鎖を切れると真剣に考えています
The metal spines would had absorbed the blow.
さて 一太刀で前腕の部分に刃を食い込ませられなかったことには驚いていない
But the big surprise for me was the chain mail strike.
Not only did hold, but the sword did not penetrate.
A broken arm possibly but again we would a samurai who would had survived.
So let's look at the face mask or "menpo" of the samurai
腕の骨が折れた可能性はあるが ここでも武士の命までは奪えなかっただろう
It was worn during battle to protect the cheeks.
The nose it detachable, because it did often become a hindrance.
Interestingly the longer the moustache the older and more valiant the warrior was.
呼吸を妨げることも少なくなかったため 鼻の部分は取り外せます
We are now going to test it, with a good strike to the cheek.
興味深いことに口ひげが長いほど 装着する武士は年長で 勇猛な人物でした
And I am going to attempt to attack the throat, cut the cords; so that it falls away.
これから頬への強力な一撃を入れて この面頬を試します
Giving me a perfect strike to the throat
同時に喉元への攻撃も試みます 垂を落とすために縅糸を切断するのです
The menpo took very minor damage. I am sure the warrior would of had a broken jaw.
The cords were very easy to cut. Exposing the throat for a secondary cut later.
面頬が受け止められた攻撃はごくわずかで この面を着けた武士のアゴは確実に砕けただろう
I'm really interested in this next strike.
縅糸はいとも簡単に切れ 二度目に切りつけた際には喉元をさらしてしまった
We are going to attack the padding under the shoulders.
Now this has lovely little hexagon patterns. But within that are small metal disks,
to help protect the wearer.
今回のものは可愛い六角形柄ですが 中に小さな円形の金属板が詰まっています
Will the sword penetrate?
Well the small metal disks in the padding certainly did their job.
The sword could not penetrate.
The Ryu-Jin sword certainly had a test of its own today.
Before we attacked the armor, we test cut against a dry bamboo mat.
One of the toughest things to cut cleanly.
甲冑を切りつける前に 私たちは巻いたござで切れ味を試しました
And it went through like butta.
And after battering the armor mercilessly.
I fully expected it to be blunted, with lots of chips, damage and possible bending.
そして 容赦なく甲冑を痛めつけたあとは
But the sword itself survived perfectly.
たくさんの刃こぼれや損傷 最悪刃が曲がって切れ味が鈍ると思っていました
It is straight with a few minor chips which can be polished out.
しかし この刀に何ら変化ありません
But can it still cut?
正確には少し刃こぼれしていますが 研げばすぐ戻る範囲です
Well we found out.
We cut again, with some dry bamboo matting and it went through with ease.
Ryu-Jin Swords have proven to be swords of quality.
巻いて乾燥させたござをいくつか用意し 再び刀で切りつけると 簡単に切れました
The spear or yari were characterized by a straight blade
that could be anywhere, from several inches to more than 3 feet in length.
The blades where often made of the same steal the Japanese swords were forged with
よくある刃だが 刃渡りは10~20cm程度から90cmを超えるものもある
and where very durrable.
The yari is perfect for thrusting and slashing
and slamming enemy samurai to the ground.
All samurai would be expected to train regularly no matter what rank they were.
How will the Iron Mountain armor stand up to the thrusts, slashes and strikes of a yari spear?
どんな武士でも定期的な槍の稽古が求められた たとえどんな身分であっても関係なかった
The yari was the primary weapon of the samurai on foot and also on horse.
この槍の刺突や斬撃 あるいは打撃に アイアン・マウンテン・アーマーはどう耐えるのか?
We're gonna to look at two classic strikes.
歩兵の武士にとって また騎兵にとっても 槍は基本となる武器でした
Yoko shabaki or "temple strike"
Followed by a thrust to the body.
And this spear is designed to penetrate.
Let's see what happens.
The yoko shabaki strikes proved to be ineffective against the armor,
even though it had already been struck hard by the sword.
While the thrusts didn't actually penetrate, they showed it is very easy to knock a warrior down.
たとえ 刀で激しく攻撃されたあとだったとしても
There was some severe denting and two of the seams had burst.
突いた槍が実際に貫通することはなかったが 敵兵を倒れさせるのは非常に簡単だとわかった
But the dō is still fully wearable and functional.
打撃を加えた場所は深くへこみ 板と板の継ぎ目が裂けていたが
The Iron Mountain Armory crafts their armor traditionally using laminated plating.
Each plate its design to flex and absorb the impact.
アイアン・マウンテン・アーマリーは 伝統的な薄板を継ぎ合わせる製法で甲冑を作ります
It's versatile, it's flexible, it's repairable.
この板が柔軟性を与え 衝撃を吸収する設計です
The Yumi bow is exceptionally tall.
さまざまな用途に使え 柔軟で 修理も可能
Standing over two meters in height and unique in design and use.
Able to be shot from horseback, from foot, from low ground positions, the Yumi was a great
その高さは2mを超し 他に類を見ない設計と使われ方をしている
long distance weapon. But needed years of skill to master.
馬にまたがった状態だけでなく 低く屈んだ状態からでも矢を放てる弓は
The arrows are longer than their Western counterparts and could be fitted with a wide range of
優れた遠距離武器であったが 技術の習得には何年もかかった
arrowheads to devastating effect.
矢は西洋のものよりも長く 幅広い目的に合わせて鏃を変更しては
Japanese armor had to be able to resist the arrows from penetrating the body.
How will the Iron Mountain Armor fare against the Yumi bow and arrow?
Now the Japanese Yumi bow is unique in all of the world
アイアン・マウンテン・アーマーは 日本の弓矢にどう対抗するのか?
perfect shooting from horseback and from low on foot.
At Muso Shugyo Ryu we practice battle field archery.
馬上からでも 地面に屈んだ歩兵が使うのにも最適です
And I've shot many targets but this is the first time I've shot into armor.
Muso Shugyo Ryuでは 実戦で使える弓術の修行もします
The arrow definitely did not penetrate.
私もたくさんの的を射てきましたが 甲冑を狙うのは初めてです
But it was purely a target arrow.
I can't help but wonder what an arrowhead would actually do this armor.
しかし これは的を射るための矢です
And I've decided to find out next.
実戦用の鏃に変えると この甲冑がどうなるか どうしても気になります
What a difference a arrow head makes.
I must admit on a glass-fiber arrow it did throw the aim off slightly to the left.
But we had penetration.
正直に言うと ガラス繊維の矢では 狙いがわずかに左にずれていました
From 35 feet, we saw it went in about a 1/4 of an inch.
しかし 甲冑を射抜けました
Not killing the samurai
10.6m離れたところから放った矢が 6mmほど食い込みました
From 25 feet, we managed to get a penetration of about a 1/2 of an inch.
But once we moved closer to 15 feet, it penetrated a lot deeper.
7.5mまで近づくことで 1cm以上食い込ませることが可能になり
But as you can see, the samurai would of had a nick
and not a kill.
とはいえ 見ての通り 敵兵はわずかな切り傷を負うだけで
Because, it would need to go through at least three inches to finish him off.
Once again the samurai has survived.
But one thing with me, the armor has survived so well so far.
I'd like to give it one more test.
ひとつ思いつきました 甲冑は今のところよく耐えています
The tanto was often worn with armor and used very in close and personal
Lets see what it does to Japanese armor.
短刀は甲冑をまとう際によく携帯され 接近戦や雑用に使われました
Well we certainly bent the tanto.
But the armor is absolutely fine.
Once again the samurai has survived.
一方 甲冑に問題はありません
Iron Mountain Armory, samurai armor for the modern warrior.
As you can see the samurai armor crafted by the Iron Mountain armory,
holds up to the test.
ご存じの通り この武士の甲冑はアイアン・マウンテン・アーマリー製です
Everything that we put the armor through, through grappling, fighting,
sparring, climbing trees, scaling mountains, it stood up to the test.
甲冑を使っておこなった試験の課題はすべてクリア 接近戦や戦闘
It held its own and still the armor works as designed to.
稽古試合も 木登りも山登りも すべての試験を耐え抜きました
Its versatile, its flexible, it's repairable.
攻撃に屈することなく 設計通りの機能を保っています
The Iron Mountain armory and Ryu-Jin swords are crafted traditionally.
さまざまな用途に使え 柔軟で 修理も可能
They are the most authentic, economical armor and sword on the market today.
Of all the questions we are ever asked the most common;
このふたつは今日の市場において もっとも本格的で経済的な甲冑と刀です
"Is it really wearable?"
"Can you move in it?"
「本当に着られるんですか? 」
"Is it comfortable?"
「着た状態で動けるんですか? 」
"Is it strong enough for martial arts training?"
「着心地は良いですか? 」
Don't just take our word for it. You've seen it for yourself.
「武術の訓練にも使える強度がありますか? 」
The answer is yes.
私たちの言葉は鵜呑みにしなくてもいい その目で見たのだから
Iron Mountain Armory, Traditional Armor for the Modern Warrior.
Iron Mountain Armory Traditional Armor for the Modern Warrior.
アイアン・マウンテン・アーマリー 現代に生きる武士のための伝統的な甲冑