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Good evening good evening!
We are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
And we're hungry it is at night so that means we're going out for street food.
And where are we?
So today we're checking out Jalan Alor.
Or the Alor Street Night Market.
There is so much street food happening right now and they have like these plastic tables
set up on the road.
And it is just crazy.
It is so busy and it smells amazing.
It does.
Let's go find some food.
Small size.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Alright, so we are here at the market and Sam has decided to start with something rather
We are having some fruit.
We're not messing around.
We're having durian and this is like the king of fruits here in Malaysia and other nearby
countries like Singapore.
In fact, this fruit is so smelly that you often see it banned in certain parts.
Yeah on the subway and in hotels.
No durians and stuff like that.
No durian allowed.
But I love this.
I absolutely love it.
I'm going to open it up.
I don't.
Oh my gosh it smells so good.
So it is really really pungent.
Try and describe it for us.
Give us smell-o-vision.
It is like.
It is really sweet and you're making it sound good.
It is sweet.
It has like I think someone described it once as like eating fruit or something.
Eating something like ice cream or creamy out of a toilet bowl.
You know that is how I heard it described before.
Its smell is potent.
I don't mind the smell personally and it just kind of has it almost has like a pudding like
texture in your mouth.
It is creamy it doesn't taste like a normal fruit that is juicy.
But it looks stringy.
I haven't got to that part yet.
That is good.
Oh yum.
I'm loving this.
I can't wait for you to try it.
About that.
So quick question for you.
Have you actually tried durian before on its own?
Not on its own.
I think I had it in dessert form and I did not like it.
You've got a nice big chunk of it there.
It is smooshy.
It is smooshy.
So just like take a big bite.
Oh, how is that smell?
That smells rancid.
Okay, time for a bite.
Oh my gosh.
It smells like fruit that has gone bad?
Like garlic.
Oh yeah?
Garlic-y fruit.
Do we have a drink nearby?
Do we have a milkshake stand nearby.
We have water in my backpack so.
Try it.
I did.
I licked it.
You licked it and?
And it smells like garlic.
Like fruit and garlic combined in to one.
I can't say I'm a fan.
So not a fan.
Yeah, I don't even dare.
I get to eat it all.
Sam loves it so here you go.
Here you go honey all yours.
I'm sharing today.
That is all you're getting out of me.
There we go.
Making out with the durian.
Oh yeah.
Look at that pit.
Some on screen romance.
Keep going.
Okay no stop.
Sam finished it all.
Yeah, I'm almost done.
There is a little bit of flesh left on the other ones but I'm almost done.
So a durian is not cheap.
It is 20 Ringgit which is four dollars and forty cents US for all of this.
But if you do want to get a cheaper fruit jackfruit is about a quarter of that price.
So you can pick one up really cheaply.
Sometimes you can find a little package for under a dollar.
Yeah, jackfruit looks similar from the exterior.
I don't know about the taste.
It is different though.
It has got more of a fibrous taste.
It doesn't smell quite as strong.
There you go.
The love continues.
I love durian.
Oh yeah.
Feed me durian.
Feed me durian.
We are on the hunt for food.
Let's see what we can find next.
I'm kind of craving a smoothie.
Some kind of fruit juice because it is really hot.
I am seeing a lot of Thai food restaurants.
Isn't that a little surprising?
Yeah, I'm a little surprised by that but Thai food is good.
Yeah, I guess they are neighbors.
Also I will never understand why cars insist on driving through pedestrian zones.
It just doesn't work.
Wow, this is awesome.
So these are all of the dim sum here.
Just one Ringgit each and I get to choose.
He gets to choose.
Lucky guy.
Does it original pork.
And this is yam.
Chinese potato.
Ah, there we go.
Okay, so one of Sam's favorite foods is dim sum and it didn't take us very long to find
And at 1 Ringgit a piece.
One Ringgit each.
That is literally less than twenty five cents.
So we only got three because we want to sample a little bit of everything.
Yeah, we want to eat more street food.
So this one is made with pork.
This is made with yam and that is tofu.
Yeah, that is tofu.
So I'm going to try the pork one.
I think that one is called Shui Mei.
It is huge.
Should I do one bite or half of a bite?
A two biter.
A two biter.
Oh yeah.
That is really good.
You taste the pork.
It is a little bit juicy inside.
And it is a little oily on the outside.
Lots of flavor.
Really quite good and these are big dim sum.
I can't believe how cheap it is.
I know.
Like seriously.
I mean seriously imagine like getting 10 Ringgit worth.
Getting like 10 of these and only paying like just over 2 bucks.
That is possible here.
Okay I'm going for the yam.
Thank you.
What do you think?
It also has pork.
It is like a yam wrapper I guess.
It is like colored.
Colored with yam but it is a pork filling inside.
That is surprising.
Yeah, it is good.
I love the color.
I mean that is why we chose it.
Because it was purple.
So now you're going to try the which one is that?
Yeah, this one is tofu right?
Yeah, that is the tofu one.
Let's see.
It kind of reminds me of the texture of that fishcake in Korea.
The Odeng.
It kind of has that same texture.
Oh, that is cool.
Very cool.
Also something funny we thought we were getting a can of iced tea but this is even better.
Thank you.
No thanks.
But we got this instead.
No wonder it was so cheap.
I was like what a can for 3 Ringgit?
But that looks awesome.
It looks like an iced chai tea.
Look at all of the ice on top too.
Very frothy.
Let me swallow my dim sum first.
I'm still chewing on this.
And then you're going to try it huh?
Look at all of that froth.
My goodness.
Okay, frothy goodness.
What do you think?
Oh man, that is really nice.
Is it?
It is so sweet.
I know the typical teas here in Malaysia are almost like desserts.
Yeah, drink desserts.
Oh man.
If it were any thicker it would be a milkshake.
That is good stuff huh?
And that was only 3 Ringgits so that is what like less than 75 cents.
So yeah cheap.
Okay, so you've had durian.
You've had dim sum.
What else are you craving tonight?
Oh well, I'm seeing lots of really good cooked meat here on the streets so I'm thinking maybe
that might be next for me.
So unlike some of the street markets that we've been visiting recently in places like
South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand this isn't really a walk and eat market.
Like you can do that there is a few stands where you can grab some food quickly and go.
But they mostly have little restaurants outside on the street where you just sit down and
you grab a meal.
So that is what we're doing right now.
We're just going to relax, Sam is going to enjoy a beer and we've ordered
a few different satays so we're going to show you that.
And look at that your beer is here.
Okay, and this is a local beer.
Time to try that beer.
I am very thirsty.
When you're like dehydrated and you're just walking around and you've been eating a lot
of salty foods this is perfect.
This is perfect.
Nice cold beer.
So now we can have more salty foods.
The meat has arrived.
So check it out.
We got four different skewers.
We have chicken, beef, pork and lamb.
I think it is in that order.
But we'll see.
And this is the satay.
It is really good stuff.
Let's dip in this.
Oh, this looks like it could be peanut.
I hope it is peanut.
That would be awesome.
It is peanut.
It is?
Oh, that is so cool.
Is that tasty?
It is so juicy.
That is good.
Chicken and then next I'm going to do beef.
I'm just going to take a bite of everything.
And then you can have some.
How is that?
Yeah, that is fair.
As long as you've giving me some bites.
I nearly pierced my own gums.
My gosh.
That is the beef.
It has like a sweet glaze.
Oh nice.
Really good.
This one has to be pork.
I think.
That sauce actually looks pretty thick.
Good stuff?
Uh huh.
It is so hot.
And last but not least.
Last but not least I'm still chewing.
And I have to say these are incredibly cheap.
These are only 1.50 Ringgit per piece.
So you're talking like maybe 30 cents a piece.
Something like that.
That is pretty cheap.
30 to 35 cents.
Even the lamb is tender.
And like usually sometimes you get that tough mutton but this is good.
Alright Sam, your turn.
My turn.
So I am lucky enough that you gave me lots left on each skewer.
So I'm just going to like coat mine in the sauce with peanuts.
Take it for a swim.
Swimming in the peanuts.
You're right those are really juicy.
I know.
Nice flavor.
Nicely grilled.
The sauce is awesome.
Alright, moving on to the next one.
This one is the beef.
I like that one the best so far.
I think my favorite was the chicken one.
The chicken was just so tasty.
I agree.
That is the pork.
The pork was pretty good as well.
That might be the juiciest one yet.
And none of them have fat.
I was pretty impressed.
They are like nice lean cuts of meat.
Alright, and lamb.
And last but not least man we ate this really fast.
In all fairness they were pretty small but yeah.
We don't mess around with our food.
So what toppings do you want Audrey?
Oh, I think I'm getting a bit of everything.
Definitely the roasted coconut and peanuts and orea and chocolate sprinkles.
Do you like some palm sugar?
Palm sugar with coconut milk yeah?
Choose your own topping.
Thank you.
Oh my goodness.
It is all going on.
Just load it up.
Oh yeah.
Look at that.
So that is the coconut.
What is next?
Next peanuts.
Keep going.
Chocolate sprinkles.
When you can't decide which one you just get them all right?
Get them all.
Alright guys so it might be a little bit loud because they are crushing sugarcane right
behind us but we're going to enjoy our ice cream right now.
We got a coconut ice cream and it has got like the coconut meat or whatever you call
And also coconut ice cream scoops.
The flesh.
The flesh.
There you go.
And it has coconut cream and shredded coconut so it is like four different types of coconut.
And they gave us four scoops.
4 scoops of it.
And you get unlimited toppings so I kind of went crazy there.
You did.
I did.
Now it is time to try that.
No regrets.
No regrets.
Oh yeah.
No regrets?
That is so nice.
Man and I haven't even gotten to the coconut flesh.
I'm just having the ice cream right now.
In he goes.
Yeah, time to indulge my sweet tooth.
I think ice cream just tastes so much better in Southeast Asia because you're just so hot
and sweaty.
Because you're drenched.
It is just so refreshing.
I know.
It is such a nice way to cool down.
I'm loving this.
It is a great way to finish off seriously.
You should try some of the coconut flesh.
I didn't get to that.
Where is this?
Uh, at the very bottom.
It might be tricky.
We may have to eat some more ice cream first.
Look at that.
Oh, I got some of it in there.
Really good.
Man, this is just so good.
Loving it.
Yeah, so this was just under 10 Ringgits.
So it is just slightly over 2 US dollars.
So that for four scoops of ice cream, lots of toppings, coconut flesh.
That is a deal.
Alright guys, so it is time for a last snack of the night.
And we got some mochi.
Which are like rice cakes with different fillings.
So we chose three different ones.
We have strawberry.
Sorry these are ice cream mochi right?
So they are frozen.
And we got strawberry, cookies and cream and green tea.
So yeah, I've never had frozen mochi before so this is something good.
Let's see.
Oh man.
This kind of reminds me of the Turkish ice cream that is like really sticky.
Oh cool.
Yeah, it is good.
This is really good.
I like the strawberry one.
And Sam is going in for the other two flavors.
Yeah, so I'm going to try the green tea one.
I'm getting full but I've always got room for a little bit of ice cream.
Green tea mochi ice cream.
What is happening over there?
I think I should have taken a smaller bite.
A smaller bite?
Are you getting a brain freeze over there?
Are your teeth feeling it?
It is really good though.
You can sure taste that green tea.
Let's give you a few moments to recover and then we're going in for cookies and cream.
Cookies and cream.
Alright, finally took care of that.
So I'm just going to have a smaller piece of this.
That is really good.
Yeah, the cookies and cream one is the best one in my opinion.
Yeah, you really taste the cookies and cream.
Oh my gosh.
You sound so funny like your tongue is frozen.
It is.
You sound like the guy in the movie Rat Race who had pierced his tongue and his tongue
was swollen and he couldn't speak properly.
That is you right now.
Now that is an old movie.
Alright, so that mochi ice cream was a real hit.
That was awesome.
That was a great way to end things off.
What a nice surprise.
So it came to 12 Ringgit which is just like 2 something dollars.
So again, cheap.
Great way to finish off.
Our street food taste test here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Oh boy boy we are leaving very well fed.
I have to say.
Oh my gosh.
That was a lot more food than I had bargained for but everything was so tasty I just couldn't
control myself.
So that was a lot of fun.
Like we've never really filmed street food before in Malaysia.
We didn't know this market existed in Kuala Lumpur so it was such a pleasant surprise.
And the food here is great.
You get some really awesome deals.
So I'd highly recommend it.
Highly recommend it and it has got such a lively vibe.
What is also nice is that you can sit down and chill out and just kind of watch everything
Great place to come.