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  • On this episode of China Uncensored,

  • I’ve got SARs!

  • You know, Special Administrative Regions.

  • Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

  • I’m your host Chris Chappell.

  • I’m here in Macau as part of our Pivot to Asia Tour.

  • Macau is the often overlooked

  • Special Administrative Region, or S.A.R., of China.

  • Like Hong Kong, it’s officially under the

  • One Country, Two Systems policy.

  • That’s where Hong Kong and Macau are officially part of China’s territory,

  • but have their own separate governments,

  • and currencies, and border control.

  • It was the agreement the Chinese Communist Party made

  • with the former colonial powers in charge

  • because, let’s face it, everyone knew

  • the system in mainland China left something to be desired.

  • But that’s about where the similarities between Hong Kong and Macau end.

  • And here are 5 major differences.

  • Number 5: Colonial History

  • Hong Kong became a British colony in 1842 after the first Opium War.

  • The British seriously built up the place

  • and made it into an important, and prosperous, gateway to mainland China.

  • But in 1997, the British Empire

  • reluctantly gave Hong Kong back to China

  • under the condition that the Communist Party allow Hong Kong

  • to have a high degree of autonomy.

  • Unsurprisingly, since 1997,

  • the Communist Party has been working hard to renege on that promise.

  • Photos from the handover show that then-leader Jiang Zemin

  • had his fingers crossed behind his back the whole time.

  • Macau, on the other hand,

  • was under Portuguese influence for more than 400 years.

  • Portuguese first settled there in the mid-16th century,

  • and it officially became a Portuguese colony in the 19th century.

  • It used to be a big trading hub,

  • but as the Portuguese empire declined,

  • Macau stopped being as prosperous.

  • Macau’s handover to China

  • happened in 1999 with way less of a fuss than Hong Kong.

  • Number 4: Languages

  • The two official languages of Macau are Cantonese and Portuguese,

  • even though few people in Macau speak Portuguese anymore.

  • Many signs around the city will have Chinese characters and Portuguese.

  • But because of the influence of mainland China

  • and the influx of mainland tourists,

  • more and more people in Macau are speaking Mandarin.

  • Hong Kong, being a former British colony,

  • has long been dominated by Cantonese and English.

  • However, in 2012, Mandarin narrowly overtook English

  • as the second most commonly spoken language in Hong Kong,

  • thanks to efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to spread Mandarin,

  • especially in the education system.

  • Number 3: The Economy

  • The British turned Hong Kong into a world city.

  • Today it’s one of the biggest financial centers in the world,

  • called one of the Four Tigers of Asia,

  • along with Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea.

  • Macau’s economy is much smaller than Hong Kong’s.

  • It’s also rich, but for

  • different reasons.

  • It’s basically Las Vegas on steroids.

  • In 2013, Macau’s gambling industry

  • was seven times bigger than Las Vegas’s,

  • with a whopping $45 billion in gambling revenue.

  • Macau is the only place in China where casino gambling is legal.

  • So it’s no surprise

  • that Macau is the 6th biggest tourist destination in Asia.

  • But it’s also taken a hit recently.

  • Because you know how gambling is a great way to launder money?

  • I mean, um, I don’t know that.

  • But corrupt Chinese officials sure do!

  • But now Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign has officials running scared.

  • Just 12 months after Xi’s visit to Macau in 2014,

  • shares of Macau’s six casino operators plunged by more than half.

  • Number 2: Macau is the model S.A.R.

  • Between Macau and Hong Kong, Macau is clearly the filial child.

  • Not like that Hong Kong

  • always getting involved in democracy protests,

  • demanding freedom,

  • and generally causing trouble for those

  • hardworking communist officials in Beijing.

  • Fortunately, in Macau, there is almost no democratic movement,

  • let alone an independence movement.

  • That’s why Chinese state-run media have praised Macau.

  • After Hong Kong’s 2014 pro-democracy Umbrella Movement,

  • the People’s Daily published an editorial saying,

  • Macau people are content and grateful.

  • Hong Kong people are a bit rebellious and resistant.”

  • Global Times wrote,

  • Political stability is the key to Macao’s economic development

  • which ensures social stability.

  • The One Country Two Systems have maximized Macao’s development potential.

  • And Number 1: Anti-Subversion Law

  • Imagine police being allowed to burst into your home,

  • search your stuff, and arrest you without a warrant,

  • just because youre suspected ofsubversionof the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Well, Article 23 is a draconian anti-subversion law that could do just that.

  • In 2003, when Beijing pushed the Hong Kong government to pass it,

  • half a million Hong Kong citizens took to the streets in protest,

  • and stopped it.

  • Macau, on the other hand,

  • passed Article 23 seven years ago

  • with almost no resistance.

  • Uhh, wait a minute.

  • Shelley, am I safe here in Macau?

  • Ok.

  • So I’m going to wrap this up.

  • What do you think are the biggest differences between Hong Kong and Macau?

  • Leave your comments below.

  • Once again I’m Chris Chappell,

  • and I’ve gotta go back to Hong Kong now.

On this episode of China Uncensored,


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マカオ対香港:トップ5の違い|中国無修正版 (Macau Vs. Hong Kong: Top 5 Differences | China Uncensored)

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    timemachine に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日