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  • I'm here today to talk about the two ideas that,

    今日 お話しするのは

  • at least based on my observations at Khan Academy,

    カーン・アカデミーを 見守ってきた中で

  • are kind of the core, or the key leverage points for learning.

    私が学習の要だと思う 2つのもの ―

  • And it's the idea of mastery


  • and the idea of mindset.


  • I saw this in the early days working with my cousins.

    これは昔 従兄弟たちに 教えていて気付いたことですが

  • A lot of them were having trouble with math at first,

    子供達の多くが 数学で躓くようになるのは

  • because they had all of these gaps accumulated in their learning.

    学習過程で知識の穴が 蓄積されているためなんです

  • And because of that, at some point they got to an algebra class


  • and they might have been a little bit shaky on some of the pre-algebra,

    それ以前の知識に 怪しいところがあって

  • and because of that, they thought they didn't have the math gene.

    そのせいで自分には数学の才能が ないんだと思い込みます

  • Or they'd get to a calculus class,


  • and they'd be a little bit shaky on the algebra.

    その基礎になる代数に 怪しいところがあって躓きます

  • I saw it in the early days

    数学のビデオをYouTubeに アップするようになって

  • when I was uploading some of those videos on YouTube,


  • and I realized that people who were not my cousins were watching.

    まず気付いたのは 見ているのが 従兄弟達じゃないということでしたけど —

  • (Laughter)


  • And at first, those comments were just simple thank-yous.

    当初のコメントは単に 「ありがとう」というものでしたが

  • I thought that was a pretty big deal.


  • I don't know how much time you all spend on YouTube.

    皆さんどれくらいYouTubeを 見ているか知りませんが

  • Most of the comments are not "Thank you."

    「ありがとう」なんてコメントは あまりお目にかからないはずです

  • (Laughter)


  • They're a little edgier than that.


  • But then the comments got a little more intense,

    コメント内容は その後 濃くなっていき

  • student after student saying that they had grown up not liking math.

    成長につれ数学が嫌いになった という生徒が相次いで現れました

  • It was getting difficult as they got into more advanced math topics.

    先に進むにつれ 難しくなっていき

  • By the time they got to algebra,

    代数を学ぶ頃には ついていけなくなるくらい

  • they had so many gaps in their knowledge they couldn't engage with it.

    知識の穴が 大きくなっています

  • They thought they didn't have the math gene.

    それで自分は数学に 向いていないと思うのです

  • But when they were a bit older,


  • they took a little agency and decided to engage.

    主体的に勉強してみよう という気になって

  • They found resources like Khan Academy

    カーン・アカデミーの ようなものを見つけ

  • and they were able to fill in those gaps and master those concepts,

    知識の穴を埋めて 概念を習得すると

  • and that reinforced their mindset that it wasn't fixed;


  • that they actually were capable of learning mathematics.

    数学だって やればできるという マインドセットが強化されます

  • And in a lot of ways, this is how you would master a lot of things in life.

    これが世の中で様々なことを 身に付ける方法なんです

  • It's the way you would learn a martial art.

    武道を身に付けるのも 同じです

  • In a martial art, you would practice the white belt skills


  • as long as necessary,

    できるようになるまで 練習します

  • and only when you've mastered it


  • you would move on to become a yellow belt.


  • It's the way you learn a musical instrument:

    楽器演奏を学ぶのも 同じです

  • you practice the basic piece over and over again,

    基本的な曲を 何度も繰り返し練習し

  • and only when you've mastered it,

    それがマスターできて 初めて

  • you go on to the more advanced one.

    もっと難しい曲へと 進みます

  • But what we point out --


  • this is not the way a traditional academic model is structured,


  • the type of academic model that most of us grew up in.

    学校教育の やり方ではありません

  • In a traditional academic model,


  • we group students together, usually by age,

    通常 年齢ごとに 生徒をひとまとめにし

  • and around middle school,


  • by age and perceived ability,


  • and we shepherd them all together at the same pace.


  • And what typically happens,


  • let's say we're in a middle school pre-algebra class,

    たとえば中学の 代数基礎で

  • and the current unit is on exponents,


  • the teacher will give a lecture on exponents,

    まず先生が授業で 指数を説明し

  • then we'll go home, do some homework.


  • The next morning, we'll review the homework,

    翌朝 宿題の答え合わせをし

  • then another lecture, homework, lecture, homework.

    それから授業 宿題 授業 宿題と 繰り返して

  • That will continue for about two or three weeks,


  • and then we get a test.


  • On that test, maybe I get a 75 percent,

    テストでは 私が75%で

  • maybe you get a 90 percent,


  • maybe you get a 95 percent.

    彼女は95% という具合に

  • And even though the test identified gaps in our knowledge,

    知識の穴が 明らかになります

  • I didn't know 25 percent of the material.

    私は25% 理解しておらず

  • Even the A student, what was the five percent they didn't know?

    Aを取った生徒でも 5%理解していないところがあります

  • Even though we've identified the gaps,

    しかし知識に穴があると 分かっても

  • the whole class will then move on to the next subject,

    授業はそのまま 次の項目へと進みます

  • probably a more advanced subject that's going to build on those gaps.

    より高度な内容で それが穴の上に積み上げられます

  • It might be logarithms or negative exponents.

    対数だったり 負の指数だったり

  • And that process continues, and you immediately start to realize


  • how strange this is.

    これがどんなに変なことか お分かりになるでしょう

  • I didn't know 25 percent of the more foundational thing,

    基礎的なことの 25%が分からなかったのに

  • and now I'm being pushed to the more advanced thing.

    もっと高度な内容に 進ませられるんです

  • And this will continue for months, years, all the way until at some point,

    それが何ヶ月 何年と 続いていき

  • I might be in an algebra class or trigonometry class

    代数か三角関数か どこかの時点で

  • and I hit a wall.


  • And it's not because algebra is fundamentally difficult

    それは代数が 本質的に難しいからでも

  • or because the student isn't bright.

    生徒の頭が 悪いからでもなく

  • It's because I'm seeing an equation and they're dealing with exponents

    30%理解していない ところのある指数が

  • and that 30 percent that I didn't know is showing up.

    方程式の中に 出てくるためで

  • And then I start to disengage.

    そうやって 取り残されていくんです

  • To appreciate how absurd that is,

    これがどれほど馬鹿げているか 分かるように

  • imagine if we did other things in our life that way.

    別な領域になぞらえて 考えてみましょう

  • Say, home-building.


  • (Laughter)


  • So we bring in the contractor and say,


  • "We were told we have two weeks to build a foundation.

    「2週間で基礎を 作るようにとのことだ

  • Do what you can."

    できるだけのことを やってみよう」

  • (Laughter)


  • So they do what they can.

    それで できることをやります

  • Maybe it rains.


  • Maybe some of the supplies don't show up.

    必要な資材が 届かないかもしれません

  • And two weeks later, the inspector comes, looks around,

    2週間後に工事監督がやってきて 見て回ります

  • says, "OK, the concrete is still wet right over there,

    「あそこのコンクリートが 乾いてないし

  • that part's not quite up to code ...

    この部分は 基準に合っていないな・・・

  • I'll give it an 80 percent."


  • (Laughter)


  • You say, "Great! That's a C. Let's build the first floor."

    「よし “C” だ じゃあ1階部分に取りかかろうか」

  • (Laughter)


  • Same thing.


  • We have two weeks, do what you can, inspector shows up, it's a 75 percent.

    2週間でやれるだけ やることになり

  • Great, that's a D-plus.

    工事監督がチェックし 「75%の出来」 「D+」となります

  • Second floor, third floor,

    さらに2階 3階と進み

  • and all of a sudden, while you're building the third floor,


  • the whole structure collapses.

    建物全体が 突然崩れてしまいます

  • And if your reaction is the reaction you typically have in education,

    これに対して 学校教育における

  • or that a lot of folks have,


  • you might say, maybe we had a bad contractor,


  • or maybe we needed better inspection or more frequent inspection.

    もっと頻繁に 詳しく検査を しなきゃいけないという話になります

  • But what was really broken was the process.

    しかし本当に問題があるのは プロセスそのものなんです

  • We were artificially constraining how long we had to something,

    やるのにかける時間を 人為的に制限することで

  • pretty much ensuring a variable outcome,

    結果に 出来・不出来を 出しています

  • and we took the trouble of inspecting and identifying those gaps,

    そして わざわざ検査の手間をかけて 欠陥を見つけたのに

  • but then we built right on top of it.


  • So the idea of mastery learning is to do the exact opposite.

    「完全習得学習」では これと正反対のやり方をします

  • Instead of artificially constraining, fixing


  • when and how long you work on something,

    学ぶ時期や期間を 人為的に固定して

  • pretty much ensuring that variable outcome,


  • the A, B, C, D, F --


  • do it the other way around.


  • What's variable is when and how long


  • a student actually has to work on something,


  • and what's fixed is that they actually master the material.

    実際に習得するという部分を 固定するのです

  • And it's important to realize


  • that not only will this make the student learn their exponents better,

    指数などの概念を生徒が 良く学べるというだけでなく

  • but it'll reinforce the right mindset muscles.

    適切なマインドセットを 育めるということです

  • It makes them realize that if you got 20 percent wrong on something,

    何かで20%間違えた からといって

  • it doesn't mean that you have a C branded in your DNA somehow.

    別にDNAに “C” と 刻印されているわけではなく

  • It means that you should just keep working on it.


  • You should have grit; you should have perseverance;

    やり抜く力 粘りが必要だ

  • you should take agency over your learning.

    学習に主体的でなければ ならないんだと分かります

  • Now, a lot of skeptics might say, well, hey, this is all great,

    懐疑的な人は 言うかもしれません

  • philosophically, this whole idea of mastery-based learning

    「そりゃ考えとしての 完全習得学習や

  • and its connection to mindset,

    それによるマインドセット 生徒の主体性は

  • students taking agency over their learning.

    素晴らしいものだし 言っていることは分かるが

  • It makes a lot of sense, but it seems impractical.


  • To actually do it, every student would be on their own track.

    実践しようものなら 生徒の進度がバラバラになって

  • It would have to be personalized,

    生徒ごとにカスタマイズした 課程が必要になり

  • you'd have to have private tutors and worksheets for every student.

    個人教師や個別の練習問題が 必要になる」

  • And these aren't new ideas --

    これは別に新しい考え というわけではありません

  • there were experiments in Winnetka, Illinois, 100 years ago,

    100年前にイリノイ州ウィネトカで 行われた実験で

  • where they did mastery-based learning and saw great results,

    完全習得学習によって 素晴らしい成果が出ましたが

  • but they said it wouldn't scale because it was logistically difficult.

    運用が大変で 規模拡大は無理ということでした

  • The teacher had to give different worksheets to every student,

    教師は生徒それぞれに 異なる課題を出し

  • give on-demand assessments.


  • But now today, it's no longer impractical.

    しかし今日では 非現実的なことではありません

  • We have the tools to do it.


  • Students see an explanation at their own time and pace?

    生徒のペースに合わせて 説明を与える必要がある?

  • There's on-demand video for that.

    それならオンデマンド・ ビデオがあります

  • They need practice? They need feedback?

    練習問題が必要? フィードバックが必要?

  • There's adaptive exercises readily available for students.

    生徒に合わせた 適応型の練習問題があります

  • And when that happens, all sorts of neat things happen.

    そして完全習得学習を行うとき 沢山の素晴らしいことが起こります

  • One, the students can actually master the concepts,

    生徒が概念をすっかり 習得できるだけでなく

  • but they're also building their growth mindset,


  • they're building grit, perseverance,

    やり抜く力 粘り強さを身に付け

  • they're taking agency over their learning.

    学習に対して 主体的になります

  • And all sorts of beautiful things can start to happen


  • in the actual classroom.

    様々な素晴らしいことが 起き始めます

  • Instead of it being focused on the lecture,


  • students can interact with each other.

    教室の中に 交流が生まれます

  • They can get deeper mastery over the material.

    内容をより深く 習得できるようになります

  • They can go into simulations, Socratic dialogue.

    シミュレーションや ソクラテス的対話ができます

  • To appreciate what we're talking about

    これが どういうことであり

  • and the tragedy of lost potential here,

    失われている可能性が どれだけ悲劇的か分かるように

  • I'd like to give a little bit of a thought experiment.


  • If we were to go 400 years into the past to Western Europe,

    400年前の西欧に 行ったとします

  • which even then, was one of the more literate parts of the planet,

    当時でも地球上で最も 識字率が高かった地域で

  • you would see that about 15 percent of the population knew how to read.

    人口の15%くらいは 文字が読めたでしょう

  • And I suspect that if you asked someone who did know how to read,


  • say a member of the clergy,


  • "What percentage of the population do you think is even capable of reading?"

    「字が読めるようになり得る人の割合は どれくらいだろうか?」と聞いたら

  • They might say, "Well, with a great education system,


  • maybe 20 or 30 percent."

    20〜30%の人が読めるように なるかもしれない」と答えるでしょう

  • But if you fast forward to today,


  • we know that that prediction would have been wildly pessimistic,

    その答えが悲観的すぎるのが 分かります

  • that pretty close to 100 percent of the population is capable of reading.

    実際 ほぼ100%に近い人が 字を読めるようになります

  • But if I were to ask you a similar question:


  • "What percentage of the population do you think is capable

    「本当に微積分を マスターできる人は

  • of truly mastering calculus,


  • or understanding organic chemistry,

    あるいは有機化学を 理解できる人は?

  • or being able to contribute to cancer research?"

    あるいはガン研究に貢献 できる人は?」

  • A lot of you might say, "Well, with a great education system,

    多くの人は言うでしょう 「優れた教育システムがあれば

  • maybe 20, 30 percent."

    20〜30%の人が 出来るようになるかもしれない」

  • But what if that estimate

    しかし そのような 予想が単に

  • is just based on your own experience in a non-mastery framework,

    習得に基づかない 教育における経験

  • your own experience with yourself or observing your peers,

    みんな同じペースで 進ませられ

  • where you're being pushed at this set pace through classes,

    知識の穴が蓄積されていく教室で 自身が体験したことや

  • accumulating all these gaps?

    周りの人を観察した結果から 来ているのだとしたら?

  • Even when you got that 95 percent,

    Aを取って 95%できたとしても

  • what was that five percent you missed?

    落とした5%は 何だったのか?

  • And it keeps accumulating -- you get to an advanced class,


  • all of a sudden you hit a wall and say,

    高度な内容に進んだとき 突然壁にぶつかって

  • "I'm not meant to be a cancer researcher;


  • not meant to be a physicist; not meant to be a mathematician."

    「物理学は向いてない」とか 「数学は向いてない」と思うんです

  • I suspect that that actually is the case,

    それが実際に起きていることでは と思いますが

  • but if you were allowed to be operating in a mastery framework,

    もし 完全習得の 枠組みでやっていけ

  • if you were allowed to really take agency over your learning,

    学習に対して 真に主体的になれ

  • and when you get something wrong,


  • embrace it -- view that failure as a moment of learning --

    できなかったことを 学びの機会ととらえるなら

  • that number, the percent that could really master calculus


  • or understand organic chemistry,

    有機化学を理解したり できる人の割合は

  • is actually a lot closer to 100 percent.

    100%に近いものに なるでしょう

  • And this isn't even just a "nice to have."

    これは「あれば結構なもの」 ではありません

  • I think it's a social imperative.


  • We're exiting what you could call the industrial age

    工業化時代と 呼ばれた時代は過ぎ

  • and we're going into this information revolution.

    情報革命の時代に 入っていきます

  • And it's clear that some things are happening.

    そこで起きつつある ことがあります

  • In the industrial age, society was a pyramid.

    工業化時代には 社会はピラミッド型でした

  • At the base of the pyramid, you needed human labor.

    ピラミッドの底辺には 多くの労働者が必要です

  • In the middle of the pyramid, you had an information processing,


  • a bureaucracy class,

    情報処理をする人や 官僚がいて

  • and at the top of the pyramid, you had your owners of capital


  • and your entrepreneurs


  • and your creative class.

    「創造的階級」 がいます

  • But we know what's happening already,


  • as we go into this information revolution.


  • The bottom of that pyramid, automation, is going to take over.

    ピラミッドの底辺で 仕事が機械に奪われていきます

  • Even that middle tier, information processing,


  • that's what computers are good at.

    コンピューターの 得意とするところです

  • So as a society, we have a question:

    社会として 問うべき質問があります

  • All this new productivity is happening because of this technology,

    テクノロジーが生産性を 劇的に変えるとき

  • but who participates in it?


  • Is it just going to be that very top of the pyramid, in which case,

    ピラミッドの頂点に いる人たちだけでは?

  • what does everyone else do?

    そうなったら 他の人たちは

  • How do they operate?

    いったい どうしたらいいのか?

  • Or do we do something that's more aspirational?

    あるいは 何かもっと 野心的なことをしては?

  • Do we actually attempt to invert the pyramid,


  • where you have a large creative class,

    創造的階級を 大多数にし

  • where almost everyone can participate as an entrepreneur,

    ほとんどの人が 起業や芸術や研究に

  • an artist, as a researcher?


  • And I don't think that this is utopian.

    これは別に夢物語だとは 思いません

  • I really think that this is all based on the idea


  • that if we let people tap into their potential

    学習に対して主体的に なることによって

  • by mastering concepts,


  • by being able to exercise agency over their learning,


  • that they can get there.

    そこへ到ることが できると思います

  • And when you think of it as just a citizen of the world,

    世界市民として そのことを考えると

  • it's pretty exciting.


  • I mean, think about the type of equity we can we have,

    そうやって可能になる 世界の公平さや

  • and the rate at which civilization could even progress.

    文明が進歩する速さを 考えてみてください

  • And so, I'm pretty optimistic about it.

    私はそのことについて 楽観的です

  • I think it's going to be a pretty exciting time to be alive.

    生きているのが素晴らしい時代に なると思います

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


I'm here today to talk about the two ideas that,

今日 お話しするのは


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 習得 生徒 学習 ピラミッド マインド

TED】サル・カーン。習得のために教えよう--テストの点数ではなく (習得のために教えよう--テストの点数ではなく|サル・カーン) (【TED】Sal Khan: Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores (Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | Sal Khan))

  • 620 38
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日