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Hello. I'm Mia. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn about the Cambridge
FCE speaking exam, part three. Do you know what to expect in this part of the exam or
what the examiners are looking for? In this lesson, you can see what will happen in part
three of the speaking test and how to improve your score.
Part One: what to expect in part three of the FCE speaking exam. So what happens in
part three of your FCE speaking test? Part three of the exam is divided into two parts.
In the first part, you and your partner will be given five written prompts and asked a
question. You'll have about two minutes to discuss the question.
Look at a sample question. In this example, the question is, "Why might people choose
to wear these different clothes?" All of these questions have a similar format. The question
is in the centre with five prompts around the sides. After you finish talking to your
partner, the examiner will ask you and your partner a question about the subject you've
just discussed. For example, "Which of these clothes would people feel more comfortable
wearing?" Or, "Which clothes would be best to wear for a job interview?" You'll have
about one minute to discuss this question with your partner. So what do you need to
do to improve your score in part three of the FCE speaking test?
Part Two: interactive communication and improving your score. Like the other parts of the FCE
speaking exam, you are given scores for grammar, vocabulary, discourse management--whether
you can speak fluently and coherently--and pronunciation. In part three, you also get
a score for interactive communication. This means that your score depends partly on how
you communicate with your partner. This means it's important to work with your partner and
speak together. In our videos in part one and part two of the FCE speaking exam, we've
discussed how to improve your grammar, vocabulary, and discourse management scores. Now, let's
focus on your interactive communication score and what you can do to improve it.
So what are the examiners looking for? The examiners want to know: can you begin a conversation?
Are you able to listen and respond to your partner in an appropriate way? Can you keep
the conversation going? Can you ask your partner questions? Can you take turns with your partner,
speaking when it's your turn but also giving your partner the chance to speak?
Here are some good ways to improve your interactive communication score. Take short turns. It's
a good idea to take short turns when speaking with your partner. This way, the conversation
moves quickly, and you can discuss more of the written prompts. First, don't speak for
too long. Express an idea, and then ask your partner a question. When your partner speaks,
comment on what they say and ask new questions. This way, you will sound natural and engaged.
This will improve your score on the exam.
Use body language. Body language is an important part of expressing yourself. Turn towards
your partner, and make eye contact. Remember, you're talking to your partner, not to the
examiners. This will also make the conversation more natural and help you to relax. Make sure
you look interested in what your partner is saying. Even if they're the most boring person
you've ever met, you need to pay attention to what they're saying so that you can respond
Express your opinions. It's good to agree and disagree with your partner. This will
help you to express your opinions and have a more natural conversation. Make sure you
disagree politely so that you don't offend your partner. For example, "I disagree that
a dress and high heels would be a good choice for going out with friends. I think that jeans
and a jumper could be a lot more comfortable, and you could make them look stylish, too."
While this answer expresses disagreement, it's also polite and helps to move the conversation
Ask questions. It's always a good idea to ask your partner questions. They could be
simple or complex. A good time to ask a question is after you disagree with your partner. Look
at the previous example again, "I think that jeans and a jumper could be a lot more comfortable,
and you could make them look stylish, too. What about shorts and a T-shirt? When do you
think people might wear them?" Asking your partner a question after you disagree with
them moves the conversation forward and stops any possible arguments. It will also give
you a higher score in your interactive communication mark.
Part Three: useful phrases and expressions. Next, let's look at some useful phrases and
expressions that you can use in this part of the FCE speaking test. Firstly, it's a
good idea to ask your partner if they would like to start the conversation. You are showing
the examiner that you can begin the conversation, and at the same time, giving yourself more
time to think about the task. You could say, "Would you like to begin?" Or if you're more
confident and want to dive straight in, "Shall I start?"
Now that you've begun, let's look at some phrases you can use to agree with your partner.
You could simply say, "I agree with you," or, "That's a good idea." However, these phrases
are quite basic and can be repetitive. Try using some more interesting phrases, such
as, "I see your point," or, "You make some great points." Or if you really agree with
them, "I couldn't agree with you more." "You're absolutely right."
So what do you do if you disagree? If you disagree, it's a good idea to use a polite
phrase and keep the conversation moving. This will make you sound more fluid and avoid getting
into arguments. You could tell your partner, "I'm not sure I agree," or, "I get your point,
but..." or, "That's one way of looking at it. On the other hand..." You can see that
all these phrases allow you to continue and explain your point, helping you to keep the
conversation moving.
Part Four: how to deal with difficult partners. Okay. But what if your partner isn't letting
you speak? What if your partner isn't taking part in the conversation at all? What can
you do? Don't worry. This is unlikely to happen, but knowing what to do in this situation will
help you feel more confident in your speaking test.
Firstly, imagine that you're in the exam and your partner won't stop talking about the
same point. What do you do? You interrupt them. Be polite about it, and say something
like, "That's an interesting point, but what about this idea?" or, "Okay, let's discuss
this point next," or, "Shall we move on to this point now?" These phrases will show that
you need to continue with the task and will also give you a higher score because you are
interacting with them and moving the conversation forward.
Now, imagine that you're in the exam with the same partner, only this time they don't
want to talk. They are very shy and quiet and don't speak much to you. What would you
do in this situation? In this situation, it's a good idea to ask your partner questions.
Of course, you should ask your partner questions anyway. But if they really don't speak much,
ask them more. You could simply ask, "What do you think?" "Which do you prefer?" "Do
you think it's a good idea to...?" Or you could ask more specific questions. For example,
"What's your opinion on these clothes?" or, "What are your views on this question?" Now
that you've seen some useful phrases, we'll look at some sample questions and answers.
Part Five: sample questions and answers. Now, let's start putting all of that information
together and looking at how to make great answers. Have a look at this question. The
question is, "Why are these inventions important in everyday life?" Your partner begins and
says, "In my opinion, computers and mobile phones are the most important inventions because
we use them for everything in our day-to-day lives." Now, look at this sample answer, "I
think that all of these inventions are very important in modern society, and we use most
of them every day. However, I don't think it's as important to have separate mobile
phones and computers as nowadays we have smart phones which are like small computers."
This answer is grammatically good and uses a variety of vocabulary. However, there's
a big problem here. Can you see the problem? The problem is that there isn't any interaction
with the partner. Your partner has just made an interesting statement, which you haven't
responded to at all. But don't worry. This is easily fixed. Have a look again. "That's
a good point. However, I don't think it's as important to have separate mobile phones
and computers as nowadays we have smart phones which are like small computers. What's your
opinion on this?" This is much better. Remember, you need to take short turns at speaking with
plenty of interaction with your partner. Don't talk for too long.
Now, imagine that you have discussed all of the prompts with your partner. The examiner
asks you, "Which of these inventions do you think is the least important?" You have one
minute to discuss this new question and reach some sort of conclusion. Take a look at this
answer, "In my opinion, the dishwasher is the least important because it's not necessary
to use one to clean your plates and things. What do you think?" This is okay, but it's
a common problem to answer the question too early. Remember, you have about a minute for
the question.
Now, have a look at this answer, "From what you said earlier, I liked your idea that computers
are less necessary these days because everyone has smart phones and tablets. Do you think
that this means that computers aren't important any more?" This is a good answer because you're
discussing the question in depth with your partner. You're asking questions and referring
back to your partner's past answers. This shows the examiner that you can have a complex
conversation. This would get you a higher score in your interactive communication.
Now that we've looked at what you can expect in part three of your FCE speaking exam and
some useful tips and phrases, I hope you're feeling confident and ready for your test.
Good luck! That's the end of the lesson. Thanks very much for watching. I hope you found it
useful. You can see more of our free lessons on our website, oxfordonlineenglish.com. See
you next time!