字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント welcome to the minute of speech this confusing word pair is from a Mandarin speaker the words are robber a person who steel and rubber a tough elastic substance to say these words correctly focus on the vowel sounds OH and UH to say robber start by saying R with tense slightly rounded lips don't pucker or you will say W move to an OH by opening your mouth wide your tongue will be in the bottom of your mouth add a B by closing your lips end with er by tensing and rounding your lips robber to say rubber start by saying R with tense and slightly rounded lips move to an UH by relaxing your lips and tongue make this sound very short add a B by closing your lips end with an ER by tensing and rounding your lips rubber let's try it robber robber robber rubber rubber rubber the robber burned rubber as he sped away from the crime scene the robber burned rubber as he sped away from the crime scene try it people will notice the difference
B1 中級 米 ROBBER & RUBBERの発音方法 アメリカ英語発音レッスン (How to Pronounce ROBBER & RUBBER American English Pronunciation Lesson) 55 3 pipus に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語