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  • hi everyone thanks for joining me for

  • the Tarle Speech English pronunciation

  • question of the week

  • today's question is how do you pronounce

  • but bu TT and but b ut the answer is

  • since you're listening to this you know

  • the answer is they are pronounced the same

  • way with three sounds b u t yes just three

  • sounds remember in english spelling is

  • not always an exact recipe for

  • pronunciation so in this case we do not

  • pronounce that final T twice

  • we only pronounce it once so let's try

  • that word both of those words three

  • times but but but give it a try people

  • will notice the difference if you like

  • this video please give us a thumbs up

  • below and share it with a friend

  • don't forget to subscribe so you never

  • miss a free lesson and if you have any

  • questions please post them below this

  • video or visit tarlespeech . com where we

  • have lots of free resources and

  • information to help you master English

  • pronunciation

  • thank you so much and I hope to see you

  • all soon bye

hi everyone thanks for joining me for


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B1 中級

BUTTとBUTの発音の仕方 - アメリカ英語発音レッスン (How to Pronounce BUTT and BUT - American English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 29 3
    pipus に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日