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there's a lot of information coming out
lately about different breathing
techniques that can allow you to
increase your energy or give you an
ability withstand extreme temperatures
and basically improve the overall health
of your body now wim HOF has been making
his style very popular proving that if
you do what he does
you can almost have superhuman abilities
I've also learned the technique of
shamanic breathing back when i was
living in South America many years ago
on how to do very similar things now
they're both very simple and very
beneficial i'm gonna show you how to do
each one of them but just to give you an
idea of what you can do is it'll help to
increase the health of all of your
systems so basically you're nervous
system your endocrine system your immune
system it can help to increase the pH
and oxygenate all of your cells and this
can allow for very powerful healing
because it will kill endotoxins in your
body as well as bacteria now it can also
increase your metabolic rate now what
this means you'll have an ability to
burn fat and lose weight very rapidly
and there are many diets based on the
system and i'm going to provide links
for those in the blog associated with
this video it can help to increase your
white blood cell count which will allow
you to fight disease easier it can help
to increase your internal energy or what
the Chinese call your Chi which would
accomplish the same thing as if you were
to go to get acupuncture now it will
also put you into a kind of natural high
in a very healthy way without taking any
drugs and it will bring you an easier
ability to get to an altered state in
preparation for meditation or something
like that in fact in all of my classes
and my guided meditations that you'll
find on my site I start out with heavy
breathing techniques similar to this in
order to lower stress and increase your
awareness and and go into a deeper state
of consciousness so that you can
accomplish what you want whether it be
visualization or manifestation or just
relaxing you can find a whole menu of
guided meditations on my site for that
doing this can also help you to unlock
your pineapple glandore decalcify it
which is a part of your brain that is
referred to as your connection to higher
consciousness or to the universe and
unfortunately is dormant in most people
because of fluoride in the water and
processed foods and other problems in a
modern day diet and for more on that you
can see my video on decalcifying your
pineal gland where i am at the beach in
10-degree weather with my shirt off
showing how you can withstand these cold
temperatures by doing this practice if
you want to
now i'm going to show you both
techniques we're going to start with wim
Hof's method and you can do the sitting
comfortably you're laying down and
unlike my recommendation for meditation
where I always tell people to sit up
with the chakras in alignment this one
I actually like to do laying down both
these in fact with your chakras in
I actually do this mostly in the morning
as soon as I wake up and I'll do this
breathing technique and then I'll sit up
straight and allow my chakras to be in
alignment that way now it's very simple
you're either going to time yourself for
two to three minutes or just take 30
deep inhales and exhales the breathing
pattern is fully in as much as you can
and then exhale comfortably just letting
go not forcing it out
once you get past the two to three
minutes or 30 breaths then what you're
going to do is let it all out and hold
let go of the breath bully and hold on
the exhale not taking another breath
relaxing yourself into your body and
holding the breath for at least one
minute and up to three
however long you can now once you can't
hold any longer take a full inhale and
squeeze feeling the energy radiating up
your spine for about 15 to 20 seconds as
you hold your breath on that inhale to
create further awareness you can tap
with your hands different parts of your
body such as your abdomen your chest
your head and most especially the space
in between your eyebrows leading to your
third eye or your pineal gland this will
activate your chakras your brain stem
and your pineal gland
now imagine moving the energy up and
around all of these areas of your body
you can also imagine creating an egg of
light for love and protection around
your body while you're doing this and it
will also help you to move the chi
within your body any minute and improve
the health now you want to do this at
least three times and you'll notice each
time that you're able to hold your
breath longer and the longer you do in
other words over time the more days that
you do it you'll notice improvement as
well now as a bonus step on the final
one you can sit up into a horse stance
or go on to a plank or somehow hold
yourself in strength position that will
allow you to see how long you can hold
yourself while you're holding your
breath and what you'll notice is after
doing this for some length of time that
you're able to hold that that position
for longer as well as you're able to
hold it for longer than prior to doing
this type of breathing technique but
don't stress about the performance
that's just so that you know that your
now that's the entire techniques i
usually do that about three times and
then start my meditation is mentioned
now if you want to take this same
principle further using a more powerful
technique that's the shamanic breathing
with this type of breathing what we're
going to do is breathe in and out is
hard and aggressively as as possible for
us for 10 to 15-minute intervals for up
to an hour now in between those
intervals after 10 or 15 minutes what
you're going to do is hold your breath
for as long as you can now the
differences with this one, I usually do it
on the up breath or somewhere in between
rather than on the down breath as we do
in the last one now this one is work
after about 10 minutes you may notice a
powerful wave of emotions coming through
you often repressed memories that are
associated with physical pain may start
to resurface and it could give you the
opportunity to detox emotions or energy
that have been stored or blocked inside
within your body so that could be from
this life or from past life so when if
you start to experience pain but i would
do is continue to breathe hard and fast
with the awareness of the pain moving
through it and allowing to let it go now
when you're holding your breath you're
going to completely relax every muscle
in your body have awareness of all of
your skin and every bit of your body
from your head all the way down to your
you can relax and feel your muscles and
your heart beating some say this even
causes the release of dmt similar to
taking ayahuasca but completely
naturally and healthy you can even relax
and feel the Kundalini energy move from
your root chakra all the way up to your
crown now I recommend you do this
between one and four sets 10 to 15
minutes each and you're going to start
to notice amazing things happening i
keep having an ability to hold your
breath between five and ten minutes in
between the sets
you're also going to feel a state of
mind as if you too
did ecstasy feeling love and connection
with all things which is why i like to
do this in conjunction with tantra
because it allows you to go to a deeper
level with your partner you're a couple
and you can see my meditations on my
meditations page for tantra they are
guided meditations for you to do with
your partner that allow you to have a
deeper intimacy and loving connection so
i highly recommend that and move your
body in whatever way it wants to just
continue to breathe and let it go
also if you want to take this a step
further when you're holding the breath
you can bring in divine light from above
to surround you
as a former protection and love and you
could also do that at the end as well as
a form of cleansing in detox you also
might notice that you have an
overwhelming feeling of emotions and
that could be loved for all around you
or release such as crying laughing or
some other form of release just allow
that to happen and be one with it now
when you do this i would highly
recommend you put in coconut oil around
your lips and inside your mouth because
it becomes very drawing you also might
experience a muscle cramp in your hands
or in your forearms and you might even
have this feeling like you're going to
die because you're doing something so
extreme with the breathing that is and
what I recommend is just breathing right
through all these I don't know of anyone
having any real problems from breathing
that i just mentioned but your mind
starts to play tricks on you when you
start moving to an altered state of
now if you want to prepare for more the
extreme things like extreme cold weather
it's just like anything else you need to
prepare yourself on a mind-body and
spiritual level which is the same as
many of the other things that you do
this is why taking a 10-hour car trip or
plane trip often doesn't seem as bad as
a one hour trip that you weren't
prepared for because mentally you knew
that you were going to do this or why a
cold shower might be impossible to do
but going in an even colder ocean is
easy because you're prepared for that
and this also means preparing yourself
physically and energetically so that
means eating more nutritious foods as
well as doing meditations and moving the
chi within your body you can see my
videos for those but you're also
preparing yourself mentally so if you
can relax and breathe and see yourself
as an outside observer you're laying the
foundation for you to do something more
extreme like tolerating cold
temperatures for example but what is the
bigger point why would you want to do
something like that is it really
necessary for you to sit in 0 degrees
weather with your shirt off
no it's not and that's why I don't
with that often but what it does do for
you is allow you to realize you're not
as limited in fragile as you may think
that you are
it allows you to break down barriers or
limitations that you have in all aspects
of your life so it might help you to
realize that that book you wanted to
write is within reach or take the risk
to do that business or overcome an
illness that's been holding you back
lose weight or maybe find a great
relationship and have the confidence for
all those things it's for the same
reason that I think all people should
take martial arts
it's not that you're going to need to
protect yourself or going to go out and
get into a fight but you it raises your
level of confidence to allow you to know
that you're not as limited as your
subconscious or your conscious mind may
have you think now i hope you try this
you have any other comments or questions
please that leave that in the comments
section below and for more videos on
meditation chi gong health and wellness
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good luck with this