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  • Hello guys!

  • Tonight, we're heading out to

  • go to the BIGGEST outdoor

  • bed cinema in the world!

  • This is the first time we're going to go to something like this.

  • We don't know what to expect

  • hopefully it will be lot's of fun!

  • Hey, so we're at Parramatta park now,

  • where the cinema is being held.

  • It's been raining the past two days so,

  • we're really fortunate that the rain's actually stopped today.

  • The weather forecast said it's 0% chance of rain

  • but we'll see how we go.

  • The sky looks a bit gloomy and the clouds are a bit dark

  • so we're hoping it really will hold up.

  • Parramatta park

  • is the perfect location for an outdoor cinema.

  • Located on 85 hectares of parkland,

  • it is far enough from the CBD to not hear any noise,

  • but also close enough to be convenient.

  • Have you ever been to an outdoor cinema?

  • Mov'in bed is a unique experience,

  • in that it consists of 150 inflatable queen size beds

  • each with their own pillows and blanket.

  • Beds aren't allocated,

  • so make sure to arrive early

  • to grab your preferred spot.

  • I think we managed to grab one in the middle.

  • You can bring your own food to the cinema,

  • but we decided to try the food that they had available there.

  • They had a street sliders food truck

  • as well as a pop-up bar.

  • Being the foodies that we are,

  • we decided to have one of each of the sliders.

  • As night hit,

  • our bedside tables started to light up.

  • It was so pretty!

  • It was such a lovely experience

  • being able to watch a movie in bed under the stars.

  • Thanks, Mov'In Bed for having us.

  • Wandering

  • Winny

  • Thanks for watching guys,

  • don't forget to like and subscribe

  • and for more travel and food inspiration

  • Find me on Instagram,

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  • and don't forget to check out my blog.

  • If you would like to help keep this channel going,

  • don't forget to check out my Patreon page as well.

  • See you in the next video.

Hello guys!


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B1 中級

世界最大の屋外ベッドシネマ!- 私たちのベッドでの映画体験 (The Biggest Outdoor Bed Cinema In The World! - Our Mov'In Bed Experience)

  • 250 15
    Winny Luong に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日