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Hi it's Dr. Jeremy Pettus at the University of California San Diego and the department
of endocrinology and I've also been living with type 1 diabetes myself for about the
last 20 years and I wanted to talk a little bit today about diabetes and technology. So
we all know for people living with diabetes it's extremely important to check your blood
sugar regularly and record those results and up until recently that meant checking your
blood sugar but then kind of manually entering those results into a log book but that takes
time it's very easy to forget to do that and its really kind of out of touch and out of
date with how we live our lives today with all these kinds of technologies coming out/
so I'm really excited about this new generation of blood sugar meters that are coming that
are starting to link our blood sugars with our smart phone devices. So specifically the
OneTouch Verio Sync is a new meter that has just been release and it has a lot of unique
features. So what it does when a patient checks their blood sugar, it automatically, wirelessly
sends that information to their iPhone and then when they click on the app on their iPhone
it brings up this nice summary page where you can immediately see what your average
block sugar has been over the last 14 days. There's these nice color-coded graphs where
you can see what percent of time you've been in range or outside of your range and it actually
automatically puts it into that log book format for you so no more recording that manually
and a really, really nice feature is that by literally clicking on the screen and tapping
share you can email or text any of this information to your healthcare provided, family, friends,
anybody that you want involved in your diabetes management and having this all right there
on your iPhone, this device we use for everything in our lives, just makes it easier to kind
of interact with your diabetes and make management decisions. Then from the physicians side of
things having blood sugar is key to diabetes management. So it can be frustrating at times
when a patient comes to see me and they have their blood sugar meter but I cant download
the result or maybe they forgot their log book in the car but with the OneTouch Verio
Sync they can literally hand me their iPhone and we can go over all their blood sugar results
together. So I have all that information literally at the palm of my hand and not only is it
a benefit for face-to-face when I'm seeing people in my office but even after they leave
they can email me the results in a couple of weeks and I can continues to help them
via email to make more diabetes management decisions to get them to their goals faster.
So this product is available online now, the OneTouch Verio Sync and for more information
patients can go to onetouch.com.