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  • Hello.

  • My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you about the difference between

  • "know" and "meet".

  • This is a very common mistake I hear many, many students making.

  • Okay.

  • I'm also going to teach you about the difference between

  • "meet", "meet with", or "meet up with".

  • Okay?

  • And this, in case you're wondering, is the past tense of "meet".

  • Okay? So in this video we're going to talk about:

  • "know", "meet", "meet up with", and "meet with",

  • and: What are the differences between those different words?

  • So let's get started.

  • So I have here four sentences.

  • "I knew Chelsea last week."

  • And "knew" is the past of "know".

  • "I met Chelsea last week."

  • "Met" is the past of "meet".

  • "I met with Chelsea last week."

  • and: "I met up with Chelsea last week."

  • Do you know what the difference between these sentences are?

  • Are there any ones that have a mistake in them or all these all good sentences?

  • Okay, so take a moment and think about it.

  • Okay.

  • So, let's first look at the difference between these two:

  • "I knew Chelsea last week." and "I met Chelsea last week."

  • So I have here some pictures.

  • Pictures can really help you remember things, and they can really, you know, help make a point...

  • A stronger point.

  • So, let's get started over here.

  • We have "meet", which is now and the past, which is "met".

  • I have here two people.

  • These people do not know each other.

  • It's the first time that they are talking.

  • Okay? They don't know each other.

  • So what do they say?

  • They say: "Nice to meet you!"

  • We use "meet" when we're meeting somebody for the first time.

  • We use "meet" with strangers.

  • Okay?

  • So these guys, they don't know each other and now they are meeting for the first time.

  • Okay, so these two, we could say: "They met last week."

  • Meaning: The first time they shook hands:

  • "Hi. Nice to meet you." was last week.

  • Now, compare this to "know" or "knew", which again, is the past tense.

  • We have here two friends.

  • Okay?

  • We can call them David and Ken.

  • They're friends forever.

  • Okay? They've been friends for a very long time.

  • In this case they know each other.

  • They have history.

  • It's not they're meeting for the first time.

  • No. They met a long time ago.

  • So if there's history between two people, they know each other.

  • If there is no history between two people and, you know, it's their first time shaking

  • hands, saying: "Nice to meet you", they meet each other.

  • Okay? So this one we would never say...

  • This is a mistake I hear a lot.

  • A lot of people say:

  • "Oh. It's nice to know you."

  • We don't say that.

  • Okay? Because "know" means you met the person a long time ago and you've...

  • You know, you have a history together.

  • For this, this is the first time, we would use "meet" not "know".

  • Okay?

  • So another thing I wanted to say on this is a lot of the times you want to...

  • You know, you want to talk about how long has somebody been friends with somebody or

  • how long has somebody had this person for their teacher.

  • So the...

  • What we usually use is the present perfect, so we often say how long we've known someone.

  • Okay? So "known" is the past participle of "know".

  • So what you can say if somebody says:

  • -"Oh. How long have you known your husband for?"

  • -"I've known my husband for 10 years."

  • -"How long has Dave known Ken for?"

  • -"Dave has known Ken for five years."

  • Okay? So, again, this is asking about: How long is your history?

  • How long have you known each other for?

  • Again, this is key English.

  • It comes up a lot in conversation.

  • When you meet somebody, you know, and there's like a couple, you often say:

  • "Oh. How long have you known Bob for?

  • How long have you known Jennifer for?" Okay?

  • So now let's look at some of the differences with "met", or, sorry.

  • "Meet", "meet with", and "meet up with".

  • Okay, so quick question to you.

  • We've just gone over the difference between "know" and "met".

  • For these two: "I knew Chelsea last week.", "I met Chelsea last week."

  • which one do you think is correct?

  • Well, if you said number two: "I met Chelsea last week."

  • that's right. Oh, okay.

  • "I met Chelsea last week."

  • This one is correct, because usually you know somebody for a long time and we usually don't

  • use "knew" because it makes it sound like the person has died or that you don't know

  • them anymore.

  • So we usually use "know" or we use "have known".

  • We don't use "knew" a lot.

  • So, what you could say is: "I have known Chelsea since last week."

  • But if you're talking about, like, meeting first time, we would use "met".

  • "I met Chelsea last week."

  • Means: -"Nice to meet you, Chelsea."

  • -"Nice to meet you, too."

  • Okay? So in general what you're looking for is "met" for a first time meeting.

  • Now let's look at these other sentences and how we use them.

  • Okay, so we've talked about "know" meaning you have a history with somebody, and we talked

  • about "meet" meaning for the first time.

  • Now, what's the difference between: "meet", "meet with", and "meet up with"?

  • Let's look at that now.

  • So, I told you before "meet" has to do with strangers meeting for the first time, or maybe

  • they met a couple times but they don't know each other well.

  • Each time they see each other:

  • "Oh. It's nice to meet you."

  • So, for example...

  • This isn't true, but just for this example: "I met Taylor Swift twice."

  • This means Taylor Swift has no idea who I am.

  • Or maybe, you know, just at that meeting we say:

  • -"Hi. Nice to meet you.

  • My name's Emma. What's your name?"

  • -"Oh, I'm Taylor Swift."

  • And then we see each other maybe a couple years later:

  • "Oh. It's nice to meet you again."

  • But we don't know each other.

  • Okay?

  • We don't have history together.

  • We've only met two times.

  • Now, compare this to: "meet with".

  • "Meet with" is when we're talking about usually a business situation or some sort of formal

  • situation where we're talking about some sort of serious matter.

  • Okay? So, for example: "I met with my professor today."

  • Or: "Tomorrow I will meet with my boss to talk about our company.",

  • "Today I had a job interview. I met with some people about the job."

  • So we're usually talking about formal situations when we use "meet with", or again, this is

  • the past: "met with".

  • Okay?

  • So notice there is no "with" here, because it's the first time.

  • Here, there is "with", and it just indicates a formal meeting.

  • And for this one, you know, it doesn't have to be the first time.

  • Maybe you've met with your boss a hundred times before, so it can...

  • It has a different meaning than this.

  • Okay, the next one: "meet up with".

  • So, "meet up with" is another way to say hang out or do something social with people.

  • It's fun or it should be fun.

  • Okay?

  • So usually it's with friends, it can be with other people, too.

  • But when you meet up with somebody it's not a business meeting, it's not formal.

  • It's you're meeting for fun.

  • So, for example: "I met up with my friends tonight."

  • So, this is why people get really confused by these things because when we just have

  • "meet" with no prepositions after, it indicates a first or second meeting where you don't

  • know the person.

  • For "meet with" it indicates some sort of formal situation, whereas "meet up with" is

  • about a fun situation.

  • It's pretty much saying: "I'm hanging out with somebody.

  • I met up with my friends tonight.

  • I'm hanging out with my friends tonight."

  • Okay? So, we've covered a lot in this video.

  • We've covered the difference between "know" and "met".

  • Remember "know" is you have a history with someone, "meet" is, you know, you're pretty

  • much strangers.

  • We covered "meet" versus "meet with" versus "meet up with".

  • So this is a lot of different concepts and different vocabulary to remember.

  • So what I would like you to do is come

  • check out our website at,

  • and there you can take a quiz to really practice

  • the differences between these four different words

  • and phrasal verbs.

  • So I invite you to come check out that website.

  • You can also subscribe to my channel.

  • I have a lot of different resources there on grammar, vocabulary, IELTS, TOEFL,

  • pronunciation, speaking, all sorts of different things.

  • And we also have a lot of great resources on engVid as well.

  • So I hope you check it out.

  • Until next time, thank you for watching and take care.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ボキャブラリーを増やしましょう。KNOW, MEET, MEET WITH, それともMEET UP? (Improve Your Vocabulary: KNOW, MEET, MEET WITH, or MEET UP?)

  • 284 70
    seesaw に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日