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  • Welcome to first FT, here's today's top stories.

  • Samsung's heir apparent has been arrested for bribery embezzlement and perjury in connection with a spiraling corruption scandal.

  • Lee Jae-yong was detained in the move that could hinder the succession and restructuring plans for South Korea's biggest conglomerate.

  • Prosecutors are focusing on 37 million dollars and payment made by Samsung to entities allegedly linked to a friend of president Park Geun-hye.

  • U.S. president Donald Trump is trying to persuade Robert Howard, a retired navy special forces' officer,

  • to become the new national security advosor.

  • Mr. Howard has reportedly told the president he cannot accpet the position,

  • which Michael Flynn was fired from on a Monday after misleading the White House about his context with Russian ambassador to Washington.

  • And Israel has set out its global ambitions to become a medical marijuana supplier,

  • after taking the firts step to amend laws that would allow the export of the medical use of the product.

  • This comes to several countries and U.S. states are de-criminalising the use of the drug.

  • For more of today's top stories, go to

Welcome to first FT, here's today's top stories.


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B2 中上級

サムスンスキャンダル、トランプ氏のセキュリティ顧問|FirstFT (Samsung scandal, Trump security adviser | FirstFT)

  • 43 2
    Mii Wei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日