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  • To use the technical term, this video is about how to get a butt load of work done. Now,

  • the definition of a standard butt load has been in dispute for years but regardless,

  • if you're watching this video you probably feel like you have that resting on your shoulders.

  • As somebody who went from being an overly involved college student straight into being

  • an overly ideal laden, content creator, entrepreneur, whatever you want to call me; I feel like

  • I always have a lot of work resting on my shoulders, and I tend to get a lot of it done.

  • Which leads to the question I get emailed often, how do you get so much work done?

  • Well, let's move back a little bit first into this perception of how much work we have to

  • do. When people ask us how we're doing what's the answer we usually give them? That's right,

  • it's usually just I'm so busy. The word busy is just so commonly uttered from our mouths,

  • and I want to challenge you on his assumption. What does busy really mean? Now for all the

  • crap he gets, Thomas Edison actually said something pretty smart on this subject and

  • I'm going to read it off my phone real quick because I didn't memorize it, "Being busy

  • does not mean real work, the object of all work is production or accomplishment and to

  • either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence and honest

  • purpose, as well as perspiration; seeming to do is not doing."

  • Now that's something you should really take to heart. How much of your time is seeming

  • to do and how much of it is actually spent doing and getting real things accomplished;

  • producing real work of real value? For the past few months it seems like I've actually

  • been able to produce a lot more work than I used to in the past. If I look through the

  • archives on my blog it seems like for a couple years I was only putting out maybe five things

  • a month at most. Now, I'm creating videos almost every week, I'm doing my podcast every

  • week, blog posts, episodes of Listen Money Matters; another podcast I'm a part of, and

  • I wrote a book in a few months which just came out a couple of weeks ago.

  • How was I able to increase this output and go from just being busy all the time and feeling

  • sorry for myself about how much work I had on my shoulders to actually getting things

  • done? Well to be honest, I could attribute this to a lot of factors. Motivation, habits,

  • planning, time management, task management, efficiency, delegation, hiring people. There's

  • all sorts of things that go into getting work done on top of just the simple discipline

  • of sitting down and working. I could devote videos to every single one of these topics,

  • and many of them will get videos in the future, but the topic I want to focus on in this video

  • is the act of planning. Specifically daily planning.

  • What we want to get away from here is this feeling of being busy and not actually getting

  • a whole lot done. Not really focusing on any specific task you have to do. You're probably

  • familiar with some of the common cases where this happens. You're in the library, you've

  • got all your material out in front of you, but you don't really know which thing you

  • should study so now you're on Facebook. Daily planning alleviates this problem because

  • if you do it right you know exactly what you should be doing at any given time. For instance,

  • my morning routine is a form of a daily plan. The moment I wake up in the morning I know

  • exactly what I need to do. I need to come to my apartment, I need to turn off my wake

  • up alarm that I talked about in another video, and then I need to immediately meditate, go

  • into my seven minute workout, go for a walk, make breakfast, read books etc. I know exactly

  • what I need to do and as a result I do it. Morning routines are incredibly important,

  • but I want to talk about the actual daily plan that encompasses your specific tasks

  • that you need to get done. Whenever I get a new task that needs to be done, at some

  • point in time it goes straight into To Do List. To Do List is the to do app of choice

  • that I use. There are a lot others out there, but it's the first point of contact for any

  • task I have. It is not the only place where tasks end up living in my system.

  • On Sundays I create a weekly plan in a paper notebook; really simple, and write down exactly

  • what I want to accomplish that week. Then when I wake up in the morning and go through

  • my morning routine I have a habit which is to simply create a daily plan. On that whiteboard

  • right over there I write my daily plan every single morning, and I put the day of the week

  • at the top and then I write down the six to seven, maybe eight if I'm feeling really productive

  • that day, things that I need to get done. I don't stop there though. I try to estimate

  • when each task should be done by. I'll put a dash and then I'll put the time. When I'm

  • estimating these times I try to take into account a fudge ratio. This is a concept I

  • wrote about in my book and basically it's taking the time I estimate to get things done,

  • and applying a little bit of a buffer to it because we are very bad at planning for things

  • that go wrong or very bad at planning for inefficiencies, and we tend to take the best

  • case scenario as a guess for when we estimate times.

  • Now that I have this daily plan, I have a list of tasks in the order that I need to

  • do them. I have an estimate for the time that each one should be done, and now I know at

  • any given time what I should be doing. Once I'm done with my morning routine I jump right

  • into the first one and try as best as I can to get it done by the time I estimated. Seeing

  • it right on the board next to me reminds me that, that's what I should be working on.

  • I don't let myself get distracted by other things.

  • It's not to say that I'm absolutely perfect about getting the list done every day, but

  • combined with other productivity techniques that I apply to my life like habit tracking,

  • and commitment devices, and the Pomodoro technique, and things like that; it's actually really

  • effective. My output has gone from here to here. I'm not exactly sure what those are,

  • but there's a gap. The lesson is clear here. If you want to get

  • a lot of things done you need to plan your day out in advance and then stick to that

  • plan. Doing so will let you know what to focus on, on any given moment and you'll spend a

  • lot less time feeling busy, but not getting much work done.

  • Thanks for watching this video, and I will see you in the next one.

  • Well hello there and thanks for watching my video. I'm getting massive loads of work done

  • with daily plans. Now if you want to learn more about effective planning I wrote an entire

  • chapter about it in my free book on earning awesome grades, and you can get your own copy

  • by clicking the picture and the book right there. If you want to get more videos every

  • single week on being an awesome college student, studying better, building habits and whatnot,

  • then click that big red subscribe button, and you can also find a summary and links

  • to anything I talked about in this video by going to the companion blog post which you

  • can find by clicking the orange button right there. If you missed my last video there's

  • a clip of it playing right there. Lastly, if you want to suggest topics for

  • new videos or connect with me you can either follow me on Twitter at @TomFrankly or just

  • leave a comment on this video. See you in the next one.

To use the technical term, this video is about how to get a butt load of work done. Now,


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A2 初級

毎日の仕事の大量の負荷を取得する方法 - 大学情報オタク (How to Get Massive Loads of Work Done Every Day - College Info Geek)

  • 165 25
    Lu Monya に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日