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  • Oh. In here, dr. Conners.

  • ( child sobbing )

  • ( sobbing )

  • Gentlemen, what, uh... What seems to be the problem?

  • Bicycle accident.

  • Fractured tibia about five inches below the patella.

  • Hmm.

  • Dr. Harris. Yes?

  • Do you concur?

  • C... Concur with what, sir?

  • With what dr. Ashland just said.

  • Do you... Do you concur?

  • Uh... Well, it was a bicycle accident.

  • Um, the boy told us.

  • So you concur?

  • Concur? Uh...

  • I think we should take an x ray

  • Then stitch him up and put him in a walking cast.

  • ( moans )

  • That's very good, dr. Ashland. Very good.

  • Well, you don't seem to have much need for me.

  • Carry on.

  • I blew it, didn't I?

  • Why didn't I concur?

  • Woman ( over p.A. ): Dr. Henning, call extension 219.

  • Dr. Henning, extension 219.

  • ( vomiting )

Oh. In here, dr. Conners.


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B2 中上級

キャッチ・ミー・イフ・ユー・キャン (8/10) Movie CLIP - Do You Concur?(2002) HD (Catch Me If You Can (8/10) Movie CLIP - Do You Concur? (2002) HD)

  • 161 9
    Micky Lu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日