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  • Listen up people on the beacha

  • Bout Phineas and Ferb in the backyard beach

  • Every mornin' Phineas he gonna say

  • Brother what you gonna do today

  • Now you see were have fun playing under the sun, Get in line... Get in line cause the wet skis runnin

  • My backyard beach... My backyard beach, Nothing's out of reach in the backyard beach

  • You can change in the broken hut

  • Drink out of a coconut

  • 3 game for a token but the rest is free

  • You got skiing... Para sailing

  • Surfing and a flailing put our contacts in saline or the rest you can't see

  • At the backyard beach... At the backyard beach, Nothing's out of reach at the backyard beach

  • The backyard beach... The backyard beach, Don't fall into the breech at the backyard beach!

Listen up people on the beacha


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A2 初級

フィニアス&ファーブ - 裏庭のビーチ (Phineas & Ferb - Backyard Beach)

  • 382 28
    朱威丞 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日