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  • 10 Superhero Movie Characters Who Could Defeat Batman

  • Even though 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice ended with the DC heroes teaming

  • up together to square off against Doomsday, it seemed pretty clear that when the two titular

  • characters fought (for however brief a moment it was), Batman had the upper hand.

  • The Dark Knight was onemommy issueaway from disposing of The Man Of Steelwho

  • is arguably the most powerful superhero of all time.

  • So if Superman can’t defeat Batmancan anyone?

  • Were taking a look at some of the most powerful heroes and villains from across the

  • Marvel and DC universes for our list of 10 Superhero Movie Characters Who Could Defeat

  • The Batman.

  • Deadpool Deadpool is one rude dude, with an R rated

  • attitude.

  • The merc with a mouth has the ability to cut you on the outside with his swords and cut

  • you up on the inside with his foul mouth and relentless insults.

  • If Batman was so thrown off his game just by hearing his mother’s name, just imagine

  • how much Deadpool would be able to mess with him in a fight.

  • Wade Wilson is not just all bark either, he is gifted with regenerative powersso

  • he is practically impossible to kill.

  • Not to mention, he once destroyed the entire Marvel universe in the comics.

  • Batman may be powerful, but we don’t like his odds against Deadpool.

  • Black Panther The world finally got to see The Black Panther on screen for the first

  • time in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War.

  • The Wakandan warrior is a great match for The Batman and this would certainly be a very

  • long fight.

  • Both of these heroes have access to an amazing array of gadgets, gizmos and armor, but only

  • one of them has a Vibranium suit.

  • Black Panther and The Dark Knight would go toe-to-toe in some epic hand-to-hand combat

  • but ultimately T’Challa would use his heightened durability and psychological manipulation

  • to outlast Batman.

  • It’s a fight we are not likely to see on the big screen any time soon, so we will have

  • to stick to watching panthers and bats fight on the discovery channel.

  • Deathstroke Judging on the DC social media buzz, It looks

  • like a Deathstroke vs Batman fight is something that fans are going to get to see on the big

  • screen sooner rather than later.

  • While it might be easy to think that Bat-fleck will dispose of Joe Manganiello that may not

  • be the case.

  • Deathstroke, like Marvel’s Captain America is super soldier.

  • His time in the military revealed that he is the smartest, fastest, and strongest fighter

  • on the planet and that he even has healing powers.

  • So while the DCEU’s Cross-Fit Batman may be at the peak of human physical shape, Deathstroke

  • is, in almost every way, more powerful and poised to beat up the Batman.

  • Wolverine This is one fight that fans of superheroes,

  • comics and really just anything awesome have been hoping to see on the big screen for years.

  • Batman is very strategic and technical in his fighting tactics, where Wolverine is a

  • super powered predatory animal fueled by rage and instinctual fighting skills.

  • Batman would throw all of his best traps, tricks and gadgets and Logan and would do

  • some serious damage to him.

  • But all of that damage is of course lessened by Wolverine’s superb healing powers and

  • incredible strength.

  • It may take some time but given long enough, Wolverine would dispose of the Batman using

  • all of the things that make him the truly lethal weapon that he is.

  • Wonder Woman While the world always seems to be interested

  • in Batman taking on Superman, you don’t often hear about Batman facing off with Wonder

  • Woman.

  • Maybe that’s because it’s much more one sided of a fight.

  • The world got a taste of Wonder Woman’s powers in Batman V Superman and they will

  • get to see them on display again in her 2017 solo movie.

  • It could be argued that Doomsday would have bested both Superman and Batman is Diana hadn’t

  • shown up to save the day.

  • Wonder woman is an extremely skilled combat artist and has an array of supercharged weapons

  • and costume pieces.

  • She has often beaten The Dark Knight in the comics and seems like she could on the big

  • screen too if she ever felt the need to.

  • Joker The Joker is probably Batman’s most famous

  • foe, especially in the movies.

  • His biggest strength against The Dark Knight is his relentless determination.

  • No matter how many times Batman beats The Joker within an inch of his life, he just

  • keeps coming back to haunt the people of Gotham.

  • The Joker may not win his one on one fights with Batman, but he oftenwinsagainst

  • him in other ways.

  • Every time The Clown Prince of Gotham kills an innocent person or even someone close to

  • Bruce Wayne, it torments The Batmanand for The Joker, that is a win.

  • The Joker causes some physical danger to The Dark Knight but the way he really beats him,

  • is by constantly messing with his sanity and sense of humanity.

  • Luke Cage The titular star of the 2016 Netflix Marvel

  • series, Luke Cage, is an extremely gifted fighter and ex-con who would not be afraid

  • to face off against The Batman if prompted.

  • His superhuman strength and unbreakable skin would be a lot for The Dark Knight to handle

  • in one on one combat.

  • Like Batman, Cage has a history of fighting gangsters and his super powered abilities

  • help him to take of multiple foes at once.

  • A street fight between these two really could go either way, but they might be better off

  • teaming up together forVigilante/Ex-Conbuddy cop style adventure and cleaning up

  • the streets as a duo.

  • The Hulk This one seems a bit unfair; The Hulk goes

  • against armies and characters that are far more powerful than The Dark Knight on a pretty

  • regular basis.

  • The Hulk's strength is potentially limitless, his skin is almost impenetrable, and his healing

  • factor rivals that of Wolverine.

  • Batman may have some nifty gadgets, but most of them won’t even phase the Hulk!

  • The only chance that Batman has of defeating the Hulk is to get him with a sneak attack

  • or to calm him down once he’s angry, the latter of which is practically impossible.

  • So unless the two men plan on bonding over sharing the first name Bruce, we suggest that

  • Mr. Wayne steer clear of the Mean Green Machine.

  • Iron Man This battle of the billionaires would certainly

  • be one for the agesand the checkbooks.

  • The two men make for a great match in terms of wits and technological abilities.

  • This battle would likely be one of the closest ones on this list, but we have to give the

  • edge to Iron Man.

  • If Tony Stark ever found himself in trouble or with a suit destroyed by Batman’s best

  • efforts, he can always just call for another one.

  • This may seem like a cop out, but it certainly would be an effective move that Bruce Wayne

  • simply can’t match.

  • On top of that, Tony does have The Hulkbuster at his disposal – a suit likely too powerful

  • for Batman to be able to handle.

  • This battle would be close, but Tony keeps his billions and his life.

  • Harley Quinn Batman was first introduced to Harley in the

  • Batman: The Animated Series television show and most recently in 2016’s suicide squad.

  • While she may be fun to look at, she definitely would not be fun to go up against in battle.

  • She is a natural enemy of Batman and her impressive combat skills would allow her to not be destroyed

  • by Batman’s legendary fighting abilities.

  • Harley is also skilled with a variety of weapons such as her mallet, her baseball bat and even

  • her killer pistol.

  • All of which would help her counteract Batman’s numerous gadgets.

  • Harley’s biggest edge of Bruce Wayne however, comes from her training as a psychiatrist.

  • Her ability to get into Batman’s head and psychologically hit him where it hurts the

  • most could leave him beaten in front of her before the battle even begins.

  • So there’s our list of 10 superhero movie characters that could defeat The Batman.

  • Do you agree with our list?

  • Are there any other characters that we missed?

  • Sound off in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel

  • for more fun videoslike this one!

  • Thanks for watching!

  • ** Suicide Squad, Luke Cage, Wonder Woman STILLS ONLY *

  • Copyright.

  • Captain America: Civil War, Marvel Studios.

  • 2016.

  • The Dark Knight, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2008.

  • The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2012.

  • Justice League, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2017.

  • Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2016.

  • Batman Begins, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2005.

  • Wonder Woman, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2017.

  • Suicide Squad, Warner Bros Pictures.

  • 2016.

  • Luke Cage, Marvel Television.

  • 2016.

  • The Avengers, Marvel Studios.

  • 2012.

  • Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Marvel Studios.

  • 2015.

  • The Wolverine, 20th Century Fox, 2013.

  • Deadpool, 20th Century Fox.

  • 2016.

  • Batman: The Animated Series, Warner Bros Television.

  • 1992 – 1995.

10 Superhero Movie Characters Who Could Defeat Batman


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