字幕表 動画を再生する
I want you to look around the room for a minute
ちょっと 周りを見回してみてください
and try to find the most paranoid person here --
And then I want you to point at that person for me.
その人を指差して 私に教えてください
OK, don't actually do it.
But, as an organizational psychologist,
I spend a lot of time in workplaces,
and I find paranoia everywhere.
どこもパラノイア(疑心暗鬼)が はびこっています
Paranoia is caused by people that I call "takers."
パラノイアの発生元は 「テイカー」(奪う人)です
Takers are self-serving in their interactions.
他人とのやり取りにおいて 利己的な人です
It's all about what can you do for me.
「何をしてもらおうか」 という意識の人です
The opposite is a giver.
It's somebody who approaches most interactions by asking,
普段 他人とやり取りするときの意識が
"What can I do for you?"
I wanted to give you a chance to think about your own style.
ここで 自分のスタイルについて 考えてみましょう
We all have moments of giving and taking.
誰しも「与える」ときと 「奪う」ときがあり
Your style is how you treat most of the people most of the time,
大体の人を大体において どう扱うかという標準が
your default.
I have a short test you can take
実は ちょっとしたテストで
to figure out if you're more of a giver or a taker,
and you can take it right now.
[The Narcissist Test]
[Step 1: Take a moment to think about yourself.]
[手順1 自分自身について 少し考えてください]
[Step 2: If you made it to Step 2, you are not a narcissist.]
[手順2 この手順に行き着いた人は ナルシストではありません]
This is the only thing I will say today that has no data behind it,
今日お話しすることの中で唯一 データに基づいていないんですが
but I am convinced the longer it takes for you to laugh at this cartoon,
今のイラストを見て笑い出すまでに 時間がかかる人ほど
the more worried we should be that you're a taker.
テイカーであるおそれがあると 確信しています
Of course, not all takers are narcissists.
テイカーは誰もが ナルシストなわけではなく
Some are just givers who got burned one too many times.
燃え尽きてばかりでうんざりした ギバーだったりもします
Then there's another kind of taker that we won't be addressing today,
今日ここでは触れないタイプの テイカーもいます
and that's called a psychopath.
「サイコパス」(精神病質者) と呼ばれる人です
I was curious, though, about how common these extremes are,
この両極端な特性の人々が どれだけいるのか 興味を惹かれ
and so I surveyed over 30,000 people across industries
世界の文化をまたぎ 色々な業界の3万人以上を対象に
around the world's cultures.
And I found that most people are right in the middle
大体の人は ど真ん中に位置すると 判明しました
between giving and taking.
They choose this third style called "matching."
「マッチ」という 損得のバランスをとるスタイルです
If you're a matcher, you try to keep an even balance of give and take:
「ギブ」と「テイク」の 均等なバランスを保ちたがる代償型の人—
quid pro quo -- I'll do something for you if you do something for me.
つまり「何かしてくれたら 私も何かしてあげる」という人です
And that seems like a safe way to live your life.
But is it the most effective and productive way to live your life?
でも それって最も効果的で かつ生産的な生き方なのでしょうか?
The answer to that question is a very definitive ...
その答えは かなり絶対的な…
I studied dozens of organizations,
何十もの会社組織の 何千人もの人々を
thousands of people.
I had engineers measuring their productivity.
[『リストラ・マン』より] (笑)
I looked at medical students' grades --
医学生の成績表を見たり [『グレイズ・アナトミー』より]
even salespeople's revenue.
営業マンの売り上げも調べました [『ジ・オフィス』より]
And, unexpectedly,
すると 意外にも
the worst performers in each of these jobs were the givers.
それぞれの職業において 最低の成績を出していたのはギバーでした
The engineers who got the least work done
were the ones who did more favors than they got back.
見返り以上の 頼まれごとをこなしていた人でした
They were so busy doing other people's jobs,
they literally ran out of time and energy to get their own work completed.
時間も力も尽きてしまい 自分の仕事が終わらなかったのです
In medical school, the lowest grades belong to the students
医学部で 最も成績が悪かったのは
who agree most strongly with statements like,
次のような文への共感度が 最も高かった生徒です
"I love helping others,"
which suggests the doctor you ought to trust
裏返せば 信頼すべき医者とは
is the one who came to med school with no desire to help anybody.
誰かを助ける意欲を一切持たずに 医療を志した人だということになります
And then in sales, too, the lowest revenue accrued
営業でも同じく 売上が最低だったのは
in the most generous salespeople.
I actually reached out to one of those salespeople
そこでギバー指数が 非常に高かった営業マンに
who had a very high giver score.
実際に連絡を取って 訊いてみました
And I asked him, "Why do you suck at your job --"
I didn't ask it that way, but --
"What's the cost of generosity in sales?"
「気前がよすぎると 売上に影響するのでは?」
And he said, "Well, I just care so deeply about my customers
返ってきた答えはこうでした 「お客さんが本当に大切なので
that I would never sell them one of our crappy products."
うちの粗悪商品は 絶対に売りたくないんです」
So just out of curiosity,
how many of you self-identify more as givers than takers or matchers?
自分はテイカーやマッチャーよりも ギバーだと思った人
Raise your hands.
OK, it would have been more before we talked about these data.
今のデータの話をする前なら もっと手が挙がったでしょうね
But actually, it turns out there's a twist here,
でも 実のところは そう単純な話ではありません
because givers are often sacrificing themselves,
ギバーは しばしば 自己を犠牲にしてしまう一方で
but they make their organizations better.
We have a huge body of evidence --
many, many studies looking at the frequency of giving behavior
非常にたくさんの研究が 「与える」行為の
that exists in a team or an organization --
チームや組織の中での 発生頻度を調べており
and the more often people are helping and sharing their knowledge
人々が助け合い 知識を共有し合い 面倒を見合う頻度が高い組織ほど
and providing mentoring,
測定可能な あらゆる指標において 優れていました
the better organizations do on every metric we can measure:
利益率 顧客満足度 従業員の定着率は高く
higher profits, customer satisfaction, employee retention --
even lower operating expenses.
でもギバーは 多大な時間を費やして 他人を手伝い
So givers spend a lot of time trying to help other people
and improve the team,
結果 自分の仕事は 思うようにいかないわけです
and then, unfortunately, they suffer along the way.
そこで ギバーが活躍できる 環境を作るのに必要な要素とは何か
I want to talk about what it takes
to build cultures where givers actually get to succeed.
考えたのですが 成績ビリがギバーなら
So I wondered, then, if givers are the worst performers,
who are the best performers?
まずは ご安心ください テイカーではありません
Let me start with the good news: it's not the takers.
テイカーは大体の職種において すぐ伸びますが すぐ落ちます
Takers tend to rise quickly but also fall quickly in most jobs.
And they fall at the hands of matchers.
マッチャーは公正な世界を信じ 「目には目を」がモットーなので
If you're a matcher, you believe in "An eye for an eye" -- a just world.
And so when you meet a taker,
you feel like it's your mission in life
自分の使命であるかのように 思ってしまうからです
to just punish the hell out of that person.
And that way justice gets served.
Well, most people are matchers.
And that means if you're a taker,
it tends to catch up with you eventually;
what goes around will come around.
And so the logical conclusion is:
it must be the matchers who are the best performers.
それが 違うのです
But they're not.
私が観察してきた どの職種でも どの組織でも
In every job, in every organization I've ever studied,
首位にいたのも なんとギバーでした
the best results belong to the givers again.
何百人という営業マンの 売上の記録を
Take a look at some data I gathered from hundreds of salespeople,
tracking their revenue.
What you can see is that the givers go to both extremes.
売上最下層の人々の ほとんどを占めながら
They make up the majority of people who bring in the lowest revenue,
but also the highest revenue.
エンジニアの生産性も 同じパターンになり
The same patterns were true for engineers' productivity
and medical students' grades.
最上位も最下位も ギバーばかりだったのです
Givers are overrepresented at the bottom and at the top
私が知る限りの成功指標 どれを見ても同じでした
of every success metric that I can track.
Which raises the question:
もっと多くのギバーが成功する社会は どうしたら作れるのでしょうか
How do we create a world where more of these givers get to excel?
I want to talk about how to do that, not just in businesses,
企業だけでなく 非営利団体や学校や 行政機関でも使えるコツを
but also in nonprofits, schools --
even governments.
Are you ready?
どちらにしろ話すつもりでしたが 熱意は嬉しいです
I was going to do it anyway, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
The first thing that's really critical
その組織にとって 最も貴重な存在がギバーであり
is to recognize that givers are your most valuable people,
でも気を付けないと燃え尽きてしまうと 認識することです
but if they're not careful, they burn out.
So you have to protect the givers in your midst.
これについては『フォーチュン』誌が選んだ 世界一の人脈を持つ人物から大いに学びました
And I learned a great lesson about this from Fortune's best networker.
It's the guy, not the cat.
His name is Adam Rifkin.
いくつも事業を起こして 大きな成功を収め
He's a very successful serial entrepreneur
who spends a huge amount of his time helping other people.
リフキンの秘密兵器は 「5分間の親切」です
And his secret weapon is the five-minute favor.
「マザー・テレサや ガンジーを真似なくても
Adam said, "You don't have to be Mother Teresa or Gandhi
to be a giver.
他人の人生に大きな価値を与える ちょっとした方法を
You just have to find small ways to add large value
見つけさえすればいい」 だそうです
to other people's lives."
例えば 知り合うと良さそうな人同士の
That could be as simple as making an introduction
間を取り持つといった シンプルなことでもいいし
between two people who could benefit from knowing each other.
知識を共有したり 率直な意見を言ってあげたり
It could be sharing your knowledge or giving a little bit of feedback.
次のように 本当に基本的なことを 宣言するだけでもいいのです
Or It might be even something as basic as saying,
「よし これから
"You know,
I'm going to try and figure out
if I can recognize somebody whose work has gone unnoticed."
この「5分間の親切」は ギバーが対人関係で境界線を引き
And those five-minute favors are really critical
to helping givers set boundaries and protect themselves.
大事な点 2つ目
The second thing that matters
if you want to build a culture where givers succeed,
人に頼ることが当たり前であるという 下地がまず必要です
is you actually need a culture where help-seeking is the norm;
where people ask a lot.
このイラストが身につまされるという 人もいるでしょう
This may hit a little too close to home for some of you.
[では どんな人間関係でも常に 与える側にならざるを得ないと?]
[So in all your relationships, you always have to be the giver?]
What you see with successful givers
自分が「受け取る」側になってもいいのだと 認識しています
is they recognize that it's OK to be a receiver, too.
組織を経営していれば これを促すことも可能です
If you run an organization, we can actually make this easier.
人にものを頼みやすい 環境を整えればいいのです
We can make it easier for people to ask for help.
何人かで一緒に 病院を観察したところ
A couple colleagues and I studied hospitals.
ある階では 看護師たち同士の 助け合いが頻繁に起こり
We found that on certain floors, nurses did a lot of help-seeking,
他の階では ほとんど ありませんでした
and on other floors, they did very little of it.
助け合いが自然に起こり それが当たり前である階で
The factor that stood out on the floors where help-seeking was common,
where it was the norm,
同じ科の他の看護師を 援護するためだけにいる—
was there was just one nurse whose sole job it was
看護師が一人だけ いたことでした
to help other nurses on the unit.
When that role was available,
「人に頼るのは 恥ずかしいことでも 弱さでもなく
nurses said, "It's not embarrassing, it's not vulnerable to ask for help --
実際 推奨されているんです」
it's actually encouraged."
助け合いは ただ単にギバーの成功や幸福を
Help-seeking isn't important just for protecting the success
and the well-being of givers.
ギバーのように振る舞う人々を 増やすためにも非常に重要です
It's also critical to getting more people to act like givers,
because the data say
組織で起こる「与える」行為全体の 75%から90%が
that somewhere between 75 and 90 percent of all giving in organizations
starts with a request.
But a lot of people don't ask.
They don't want to look incompetent,
誰に頼めばいいか分からない 負担をかけたくないなどですが
they don't know where to turn, they don't want to burden others.
Yet if nobody ever asks for help,
you have a lot of frustrated givers in your organization
who would love to step up and contribute,
たくさんのギバーたちが 不満を抱えることになります
if they only knew who could benefit and how.
でもギバーが活躍する環境を作るのに 最も大事なことは何かと言えば
But I think the most important thing,
誰をチームに迎えるかを よく考えて決めることです
if you want to build a culture of successful givers,
私は当初 生産的な 与え合いの文化を築きたければ
is to be thoughtful about who you let onto your team.
I figured, you want a culture of productive generosity,
しかし 意外にも 実はそれは間違いだったのです
you should hire a bunch of givers.
1人のテイカーがいると 1人のギバーがもたらす—
But I was surprised to discover, actually, that that was not right --
好影響の2倍から3倍の 悪影響が生じることが分かりました
that the negative impact of a taker on a culture
is usually double to triple the positive impact of a giver.
腐ったリンゴ1つで 樽全体がダメになりますが
Think about it this way:
いい卵が1つあっても 箱全体の卵が良くなったりはしません
one bad apple can spoil a barrel,
but one good egg just does not make a dozen.
I don't know what that means --
何となく つかめたでしょうか
とにかく テイカーを1人でも チームに入れるだけで
But I hope you do.
No -- let even one taker into a team,
「周りはキツネ野郎や タヌキ野郎ばかりだから
and you will see that the givers will stop helping.
They'll say, "I'm surrounded by a bunch of snakes and sharks.
でも ギバーを1人 チームに入れても
Why should I contribute?"
Whereas if you let one giver into a team,
それより 大抵は
you don't get an explosion of generosity.
「やったね この人に全部任せちゃおう」 となります
More often, people are like,
効果的な採用活動や チーム作りにおいて
"Great! That person can do all our work."
So, effective hiring and screening and team building
is not about bringing in the givers;
it's about weeding out the takers.
If you can do that well,
you'll be left with givers and matchers.
The givers will be generous
マッチャーのいいところは 周りに合わせるという性質です
because they don't have to worry about the consequences.
では 手遅れになる前に テイカーをあぶり出すには?
And the beauty of the matchers is that they follow the norm.
実のところ私たちは テイカーを見抜くのが かなり苦手で
So how do you catch a taker before it's too late?
We're actually pretty bad at figuring out who's a taker,
ある性格特性に 気を取られてしまうのです
especially on first impressions.
There's a personality trait that throws us off.
様々な文化において 性格の大きな要素の1つです
It's called agreeableness,
人当たりのいい人は 温かく友好的 好感度大で礼儀正しく
one the major dimensions of personality across cultures.
Agreeable people are warm and friendly, they're nice, they're polite.
You find a lot of them in Canada --
実際 カナダでは 国の新しいスローガンの募集がありました
Where there was actually a national contest
to come up with a new Canadian slogan and fill in the blank,
"As Canadian as ..."
「アイスホッケー」が 選ばれると思っていたら
I thought the winning entry was going to be,
国の新たなスローガンとして カナダ国民の票が集まったのは—
"As Canadian as maple syrup," or, "... ice hockey."
But no, Canadians voted for their new national slogan to be --
「カナダ人なら 臨機応変」 だったのです
I kid you not --
"As Canadian as possible under the circumstances."
会場の中で 非常に人当たりがいいか
Now for those of you who are highly agreeable,
or maybe slightly Canadian,
周りを喜ばせようとして 常に人に合わせている自分を
you get this right away.
How could I ever say I'm any one thing
人当たりの悪い人は そんな努力はせず
when I'm constantly adapting to try to please other people?
批判的で 懐疑的で 一筋縄ではいきませんし
Disagreeable people do less of it.
周りの人より非常に高い確率で 弁護士を目指します
They're more critical, skeptical, challenging,
and far more likely than their peers to go to law school.
今のは冗談ではなく 実証済みの経験的事実です
That's not a joke, that's actually an empirical fact.
さて 私はずっと 人当たりのいい人がギバーで
人当たりの悪い人がテイカーだと 思い込んでいましたが
So I always assumed that agreeable people were givers
データを集積して 愕然としました
and disagreeable people were takers.
これらの特性には 全く何の相関性もなかったのです
But then I gathered the data,
実のところ 人当たりの良さ・悪さは
and I was stunned to find no correlation between those traits,
because it turns out that agreeableness-disagreeableness
is your outer veneer:
一方 ギブやテイクは 内的な動機という性質が強く
How pleasant is it to interact with you?
その人の価値観や 他人に対する意図が表れます
Whereas giving and taking are more of your inner motives:
人を正確に見極める方法を 本気で知りたいなら
What are your values? What are your intentions toward others?
会場のコンサル業の方はどなたも 手がムズムズしているはずです
If you really want to judge people accurately,
you have to get to the moment every consultant in the room is waiting for,
and draw a two-by-two.
「人当たりのいいギバー」は 簡単に見分けられます
全てに「イエス」と言うのですから [ネッド・フランダース]
The agreeable givers are easy to spot:
「人当たりの悪いテイカー」も すぐに見つかります
they say yes to everything.
ただ 微妙に違う 呼び方になるかもしれません
The disagreeable takers are also recognized quickly,
[ダース・シディアス] (笑)
although you might call them by a slightly different name.
We forget about the other two combinations.
There are disagreeable givers in our organizations.
内面では本当に他者の幸せを考えています [グレゴリー・ハウス]
There are people who are gruff and tough on the surface
but underneath have others' best interests at heart.
Or as an engineer put it,
ユーザーインターフェイスはひどいけど OSとしては傑作みたいな?」
"Oh, disagreeable givers --
like somebody with a bad user interface but a great operating system."
If that helps you.
人当たりの悪いギバーは 組織で最も過小評価されている人々です
誰も聞きたくないけど 誰もが聞く必要のある—
Disagreeable givers are the most undervalued people in our organizations,
because they're the ones who give the critical feedback
そんな人々をもっと上手に 評価するべきです
that no one wants to hear but everyone needs to hear.
こんなことを言って 早々と見限るべきではありません
We need to do a much better job valuing these people
「この人 感じ悪いから 自己中なテイカーに違いない」
as opposed to writing them off early,
私たちが忘れがちな もう1種類が 致命的な
and saying, "Eh, kind of prickly,
「人当たりのいいテイカー」 いわゆる詐欺師タイプです
must be a selfish taker."
表向きは いい顔をするけど
The other combination we forget about is the deadly one --
裏では ひどい仕打ちをする人です
the agreeable taker, also known as the faker.
[ステューウィー・グリフィン] (笑)
This is the person who's nice to your face,
こういう人を面接で見抜く 私のお気に入りの方法は
and then will stab you right in the back.
And my favorite way to catch these people in the interview process
劇的に向上したと思う人を 4人挙げてください」
is to ask the question,
"Can you give me the names of four people
そのどれもが本人よりも 影響力のある人の名前なのです
whose careers you have fundamentally improved?"
テイカーは上には媚び 下を虐げることに長けているからです
The takers will give you four names,
ギバーは自分よりも地位が下の人の 名前を挙げることが多いです
and they will all be more influential than them,
because takers are great at kissing up and then kicking down.
Givers are more likely to name people who are below them in a hierarchy,
現実を言えば その人の 人となりは
who don't have as much power,
レストランの従業員や タクシーの運転手への接し方を
who can do them no good.
見ていれば よく分かります
And let's face it, you all know you can learn a lot about character
こうして うまいこと
by watching how someone treats their restaurant server
or their Uber driver.
安心して周りに助けを 求められる環境を整え
So if we do all this well,
if we can weed takers out of organizations,
他人の力になりつつも 自分自身の目標を野心的に
if we can make it safe to ask for help,
追求してもいい文化を 作ることができれば
if we can protect givers from burnout
成功とは何かという考え方も 変えられるのです
and make it OK for them to be ambitious in pursuing their own goals
as well as trying to help other people,
貢献そのもののほうが大事なのだと 皆 気づき始めるでしょう
we can actually change the way that people define success.
私は 最も意義ある成功の形とは
Instead of saying it's all about winning a competition,
他者の成功を手伝うことだと 考えています
people will realize success is really more about contribution.
I believe that the most meaningful way to succeed
is to help other people succeed.
And if we can spread that belief,
we can actually turn paranoia upside down.
There's a name for that.
その人の幸福を 周りの人が企てているとか—
It's called "pronoia."
Pronoia is the delusional belief
that other people are plotting your well-being.
ものすごく評判になっているという 思い込みです
ギバーの文化の素晴らしい部分は これが妄想ではなく
That they're going around behind your back
and saying exceptionally glowing things about you.
ギバーこそが成功するような 世界を作っていくのに
The great thing about a culture of givers is that's not a delusion --
皆さんの力を 借りることができたら嬉しいです
it's reality.
I want to live in a world where givers succeed,
and I hope you will help me create that world.
Thank you.