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Hi, I'm Eli, from Portland Oregan,
- Where I studied - language scientists and teaching
I came to Taiwan
- Because of - its unique blend of modern world
and authentic Chinese culture
- I want to help Taiwan - to revolutionize its education system
and become more international
- So please join us - on Enlightenment English with Eli
- Hello everyone and - welcome to Enlightenment English with Eli
My name is Eli
- And I will be your host - throughout this course
- I've been in English teaching - for more than five years at private schools,
- cooperate business schools - and public schools
I've been honing my craft
- for more than five years - before I started teaching
- In school I got a degree - in linguistic and education
In order to become more skilled at my trade
Easee globe is a global language institute
that focuses on teaching Taiwanese people
- how to use a critical mind set - and to use critical thinking skills
- in order to meet their business needs - in the twenty first century
The market in Asia is rapidly changing
English is needed more and more everyday
At our language school
- We use scientists - to teach the best market skills available
- Our clients need to be able to meet the needs - of the twenty first century economy
- Please join us for the next few videos - as we talk about
- Resume Writing Skills - and Job Interview Skills
During the next few videos,
- we're going to instruct you on - how to best find your dream job
- First, we'll start out - with finding the ideal company
- After that, we'll look at - cover letters and references,
- then we'll going to - write the best resume you've ever seen
- After that, - you'll be ready for that job interview
- because we'll going to - ask you so many questions
- Finally, we'll do a review - to make sure you remember everything
- Today we continue our series on - job interview and resume writing skills
The topic of today's lesson is
Finding the Right Company
- Let's make a company profile - from all the information you gathered
One, what's their history
Two, what's their corporate identity
Three, what's their mission statement
Four, what's their public perception?
Good or bad?
- Number five, - do their values aligned with your values
Number six,
- Do they have any organizations or alliances - that they work with?
And what are they?
- All of this research will - not only help you to find the right company
but it will help prepare your resume
- and your ability to - pitch yourself during the interview
- Let's take a look of - what it takes to make a good cover letter
- For that, we must take a journey - to the success labotory
Let's try to create a rough draft
Imagine that you're a bank teller
- We're going to assume that - you're applying for a job at HSBC
- Remember, our cover letter has to - be related to the job that we'll applying for
Step number one, introduce yourself
Take a look at this example
That's a great introduction,
because it tells you more about their past
It also mentions you have experience
- with multiple positions - in the banking industry
And with multiple large banks like HSBC
It also tells them your motivations
- Which is critical part of - how we pick our workers
And this is often left out of our resumes
- This description is great, - because it uses a lot of academic verbs
like undertakes and meets and deliver
and possess and applies, reduce
Also, there are a lot of good adjective
like meticulous, tight, superior, practical
A resume is not an essay
- They know who the subject is - so we removed and save space
- We must say - the most important things that we can
and use the fewest words that we can
- Question number one, - Where do you see yourself in five years?
- Well, ten years ago - I was very seriously injured
and it was very hard on me
I got depressed
- But a really nice person - came along and help me
- And ever since then, - I wanted to help other people
So I study teaching for five years
- and I've worked really hard - to become a teacher
- There were many challenges - but I made it through
- I've been a teacher for five years - and I love helping people
- And I would love to continue doing so - with your company
How can you picture yourself in one minute?
What's the most important thing to say?
- Well, for this, - let's imagine that we're a doctor
We need to cover three things
Who are you?
What are your achievements?
How can you help the company?
And why pick you? What's the result?
First, who am I?
This part can be the trickiest,
- because you might have too many thing to say - or you might have not enough to say
- The best way to get this right - is to practice and write it down
- I'm a general practitioner - who's spend medicine for five years
and now I want to be a designer
I love hiking
- This only tells us what you do - not who you are
- This sentence should be - a lot more like your cover letter
- I'm a lifelong care giver - and I love helping people,
that's why I became a doctor
- I worked in rural China - as a free health care provider,
because I love living close to nature
- and the serving the person - who needed the most
Second, how can you help your company?
- You need to speak directly - to their needs here, not your wants
I can add value to the company
- because of my great experience - and my strong work ethic
It's okay but it's not specific enough
- I will work long hours - and strive to do the right thing
to bring our visions to the nest level
You can count on me to go the extra mile
- This lesson is the final on our series on - Job Interview skills and Resumes writing skills
Today, we will do the final reviews
Today, we're going to cover the key points
- and remember - what we need to do for our job search
But first
- A look back at all of the topics - we've covered in the series
In lesson one, an introduction
Lesson two, finding the right company
Lesson three, cover letters and references
Lesson four, we made our resume
- In lesson five and six, - we prepared for the job interview itself
Answering questions and the elevator speech
Now, are you ready to go?
Let's review anyway
- Now, I know from being a teacher - for a really long time
- that most, the biggest part of learning - is just not quitting
- So we must review - what we've learned frequently
- Actually, teachers often say - frequency equals fluency
Frequency equals fluency
What does that mean?
Practice, practice, practice