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  • This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness...No we won't!

  • How's it going? Welcome to reaction time.

  • Today we will be looking at some of the funniest coincidences.

  • I can't say that. I cannot pronounce coincidence....

  • Coincidences.

  • Co-in

  • You guys know what I'm talking about.

  • We are going to be looking at some of the funniest coincidences...caught on photo. So yeah, these are going to be hilarious!

  • I hope you guys enjoy.

  • Try to pronounce coincidences.

  • Well yeah without further ado, I think we're just gonna jump right in to it.

  • So yeah let's do this.

  • They'll never find me here...

  • That one is really cool cause you guys see the tail?

  • It's just so spot on.

  • Nothing is written in stone.

  • It's kind of coincidence cause...

  • Pretty sure.... is that written in stone?

  • Shut up!

  • Sorry...I'm sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • Maybe it's not stone no that looks like stone. I'm sorry that looks like stone, you messed up!

  • Boy age 4 falls out of window and lands on feet

  • was wearing Superman shirt.

  • Look at his face.

  • ~Music~

  • A poor name choice for something that is on fire.

  • Look what is says guys, do you see it? And it says Inferno.

  • Oh my! Oh!

  • Oh!

  • It says Inferno and is literally is an RV on fire.

  • Haha!

  • Why?

  • Why is that the best co-in that is so ironic.

  • You have brought shame upon this house, this dog is not well behaved.

  • Because he just ripped up Certificate of Dog Obedience Training.

  • It literally sent to be trained and this is what happens.

  • He ripped up the own Certificate, he is like no.

  • Someone went shopping with old navy together and they're all blonde,

  • and they're all white,

  • and they are all wearing a black jacket,

  • and they are all named Jenny(s).

  • That one is Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.

  • This is awkward and it feels like they don't even realise it.

  • No dress code at work but we all randomly wore this today...awkward.

  • Very awkward.

  • Good thing that you guys didn't wear the same jean colour

  • cause that.....I would have not went in there

  • If that's a store...I wanna just...I wanna went it there look at you guys and just laugh.

  • Safety begins with you.

  • Except for that car...cause you know that car is totaled.

  • That car is totaled

  • In front of a bus so maybe it doens't begin with you...maybe it begins with that guy over there.

  • Come on bro you ruined it. You ruined It the damn slogan!

  • Visited the art institute at Chicago last weekend and this is what happened.

  • I'm literally a piece of art... Thank you...Hahaha.

  • Well, a guy is literally a piece of art or should be a piece of art.

  • Bro what do you even find that jacket? It's like that guy knew that they had that piece of artwork in there.

  • He was like I need a custom made jacket that just look exactly like it.

  • Is this cat look like Hitler?

  • Hit...Hitle? Hitler? Kittler?

  • Kittler??

  • Dude? I think you are...

  • Dude.

  • You are on TV dude.

  • Look.... Yeah

  • It's not me dude.

  • Just cause i have a beard doesn't mean I'm on TV.

  • This is my last cover you know.

  • They... erm

  • As you can see i was dressed as a cow but i got paid a lot.

  • The bird landed on a page about itself that's so ironic.

  • That's a coincidence right there... that's a pure coincidence.

  • When your face is on a sock.

  • How do you feel? That's so weird.

  • That's just so weird, I would kinda be creeped out.

  • Paws, the paws return...haha

  • That is so...that is so funny, I love this one.

  • This picture said "Stopped to get gas and apparently stumbled across a white car meet up."

  • All the cars are white, is that a coincidence? I think not, there is definitely something hidden here.

  • That awkward moment when you realise that you are dating your grandpa

  • So there is a Giant food/pharmacy and also a Dick's sporting goods next to each other and together,

  • they are spelled Giant D*ck

  • Yo!

  • Yo!

  • That's creepy.

  • That's not even a coincidence, that is just creepy.

  • Ok next one

  • So this girl saw a cockroach and said she grabbed the first book she could reach. Guess what the book is called?

  • Is calledthe Smashing Bookand she just smashed the cockroach.

  • Hey guys i'm just going to wrap up this video.

  • That are some of the funniest coincidences.

  • If you guys want me to make a part 2 let me know in the comments down below

  • but without being sad. Thank you so much for watching guys.

  • Make sure to click another video there's 2 more you can choose from, so just click one

  • Or if you're new make sure to click that circle and subscribe and i'll see you guys next time

  • on another episode until then. Have a great one and peace out guys.

This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness...No we won't!


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適切なタイミングで撮影された陽気な偶然 (Hilarious Coincidences Taken At The Right Moment)

  • 9831 547
    韓澐 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日