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The Book of Psalms. It's a collection of 150 ancient Hebrew poems, songs, and
prayers that come from all different periods in Israel's history. Many of
these poems are connected with King David-- 73, actually. And he was known as a
poet and a harp player. But there are many different authors behind these poems.
There's the poems of Asaph, or from the sons of Korah, and some from other
worship leaders in the temple. Even Solomon and Moses have their own poems and nearly
one third of these are anonymous.
Now many of these poems came to be used by the choirs that sang in Israel's
temple. But the Book of Psalms is actually not a hymn book. At some point in the
period after Israel's exile to Babylon, these ancient poems were gathered
together and intentionally arranged into the Book of Psalms before us. And it has
a very unique design and message that you're not gonna notice unless you read
it from beginning to end. Now to see how the Book of Psalms is designed, it's actually most
helpful to start at the end. The book concludes with five poems of praise to
the God of Israel and each one begins and ends with the word "hallelujah," which
is Hebrew for a command to tell a group of people to praise "Yah," which is short
for the divine name Yahweh. Now that's a really nice five-part
arrangement and it looks like someone's giving us a conclusion here to the book.
So it invites the question, "does the book have any other signs of intentional
design?" If you pay attention to the headings of the poems, you'll notice that at five
places your Bible translators have the heading "book one," "book two," "book three," "four,"
and "five" at various points and that these divide the book into five large
sections. Now the reason for this is that the final poem in each of those sections
have a very similar ending that looks like an editorial addition. It reads
something like, "May the LORD, the God of Israel, be blessed forever and ever, amen
and amen." So the book has a conclusion, it has an internal organization into
five main parts and so the natural place to go from here is now the beginning-- to
look for an introduction. And what do we find? Psalm 1 and 2,
which stand outside of Book One because most of the poems in Book One are linked
to David except Psalms 1 and 2, which are anonymous.
Psalm 1 celebrates how blessed the person is who meditates on the Torah,
prayerfully reading it day and night and then obeying it. Now the word "Torah," it simply
means "teaching" and more specifically it came to refer to the five books of Moses
that begin the Old Testament. And here actually, the word seems to be used with
both meanings in mind, which explains why it has five main parts. The Book of Psalms
is being offered as a new Torah that will teach God's people the lifelong
practice of prayer as they strive to obey God's commands given in the first
Torah. Psalm 2 is a poetic reflection on God's promise to King David from 2nd
Samuel chapter 7 that one day a Messianic King would come and establish
God's kingdom over the world, defeat evil and rebellion among the nations. Now Psalm 2
concludes by saying that all of those who take refuge in the Messianic King
will be blessed, precisely the word used to open Psalm 1. And so together these
two poems tell us that the Book of Psalms is designed to be the prayer book
of God's people as they strive to be faithful to the commands of the Torah as
they hope and wait for the future Messianic Kingdom. Now with these two
themes introduced, we can start to see how the smaller books have been designed
as well around these two ideas. So for example, Book One has, right at the center,
a collection of poems, Psalms 15 through 24, that opens and closes with a call to
covenant faithfulness. And then, in Psalms 16 to18, we find a depiction
of David as a model of this kind of faithfulness. So he calls out to God to
deliver him and God elevates him as King. Now in the corresponding set of poems
Psalms 20-23, the David of the past has become an image of the Messianic King of
the future, who will also call out to God, he will be delivered, and then given a
kingdom over the nations. And then right at the center of this collection is a poem,
Psalm 19, dedicated to praising God for the Torah. So here we go: the two themes
from Psalm 1 and 2 are bound together
tightly here. Book Two opens with two poems that are united in their hope for a future
return to the temple in Zion and this is the image closely associated with the
hope of the Messianic Kingdom. Then Book Two closes with a poem that
depicts the future reign of the Messianic King over all of the nations.
This poem's really amazing because it echoes all these other passages from
the prophets about the Messianic Kingdom and it concludes by saying that this
king's reign will bring about the fulfillment of God's ancient promise to Abraham to
bring God's blessing to all of the nation's. Book Three also concludes with a
poem reflecting on God's promise to David, but this time in light of Israel's
exile. So the poet remembers how God said he would never abandon the line of David
but now he's looking at Israel's rebellion in its result and destruction
and exile and the downfall of the line of David. And so the poet ends by asking God
to never forget his promise to David. Book Four is designed to respond to this
crisis of exile. So the opening poem returns us back to Israel's roots with a
prayer of Moses and he does what he did on Mount Sinai after the Golden Calf
incident, which is to call upon God to show mercy. The center of Book Four is
dominated by a group of poems that announced that the LORD, the God of
Israel, reigns as the true king of the world and all creation-- trees, mountains,
rivers-- are all summoned to celebrate that future day when God will bring his
justice and kingdom over all the world. Book Five opens with a series of poems
that affirmed that God hears the cries of his people and will one day send the
future king to defeat evil and bring God's kingdom.This book also contains
two larger collections, one called the "hallel", the other called "the songs of
ascent." Each one of these collections concludes with a poem about the future
Messianic Kingdom. And these two collections together, they sustain the
hope for a future exodus-like act of God to redeem his people. And then, right
between them is Psalm 119. It's the longest poem in the book. It's an alphabet poem, each
line begins with a new letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it explores the
wonder and the
gift of the Torah as God's Word to his people. So here we go.
The themes from Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 and Torah and Messiah combined all together here in
Book Five. Which brings us all the way back to that five-poem conclusion. In
the center poem, Psalm 148, all creation is summoned to praise the God of Israel
because he has "raised up a horn for his people." Now the horn here, is a
metaphor of a bull's horn raised in victory. And this image
echoes back to the same image used in Hannah's song, 1Samuel chapter 2, but
also to the earlier Psalm 132. The horn is a symbol for the
future Messianic King and his victory over evil. It's a fitting conclusion to this
amazing book. Now here's one more thing that you are likely going to miss if you
don't read this book in order.
There's lots of different kinds of poems in the book of Psalms but they all
basically fall into two big categories-- either poems of lament or poems of
praise. Poems of lament expressed pain, confusion, and anger about how horrible
the world is and how horrible things are happening to the poet and so these poems
draw attention to what's wrong in the world and they ask God to do something
about it. There's a lot of these in the book, which tells us something important--
that lament is an appropriate response to the evil that we see in our world. But
what you'll notice is that lament poems predominate earlier in the book, in books
1 through 3. Pay attention because you'll see praise poems occasionally too. Praise
poems are poems of joy and celebration and they draw attention to what's good
in the world. They retell stories of what God has done in our lives and thank God
for it. In Books Four and Five you'll notice that praise poems come to
outnumber lament poems and it all culminates in that five-part hallelujah conclusion.
So this shift from lament to praise, this is profound, and it tells us something
about the nature of prayer. As we hoped for the Messianic Kingdom, as the book
teaches us to do, this will create tension for us as we look out on the
tragic state of our world and of our lives. And so the psalms teach us not to
ignore the pain of our lives but at the same time,
Biblical faith is forward-looking-- looking to the promise of God's future
Messianic Kingdom. And so Torah and Messiah, lament and praise, faith and
hope. That's what the Book of Psalms is all about.