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Daddy Clay: Even though it may land us on a federal watch list, today in The Lab, weʼre
talking about children's underpants. Daddy Brad: Todayʼs underwear epic is brought
to you by BabyBjorn, makers of a full line of potty chairs and toilet seats. And they're
all cute and ergonomic we well. BabyBjorn. Daddy Clay: So potty training is successful
or at least completely under way, parents now face a momentous decision.
Daddy Brad: What kind of panties to buy. Daddy Clay: Iʼve been warned by the staff
not to say “panties”, some women object to that word.
Daddy Brad: Would you rather I say “undergarment?” Daddy Clay: So in order to prepare for this
segment, I went our and went shopping for children's undergarments.
Daddy Brad: A panty raid. Daddy Clay: I went all over Austin buying
children's underpants. And I found myself at one point in a big box retail store and
I wanted to demonstrate the dizzying array of underpants that are available for purchase.
So I whipped out my camera and began snapping photos of the underpants.
Daddy Brad: And you were immediately arrested? Daddy Clay: No, but I definitely felt very
creepy. Daddy Brad: Did anybody say anything to you?
Daddy Clay: No, that's the thing. Everybody was incredibly nice, and it gave me this aha
moment. Daddy Brad: Ah, underpants epiphany.
Daddy Clay: Yes. Exactly. There I was feeling awkward and terrible like I was in an inappropriate
place and everybody was being so nice and supportive. And it made me realize that some
of the stereotypes, restrictions that men feel when we're dealing with being fathers
and parenting, it's just self imposed. We have to break out of these roles. Struggle
internally to overcome them. Daddy Brad: Can we talk about the panties
now? Daddy Clay: Yes. So, underpants. Let's work
from the most economical to the most expensive. Not surprisingly, most economical underpants
can be found at Wal-Mart. Daddy Brad: Yeah, absolutely, big box retail.
And you know, right out of diapers, or training pants, sometimes it's good to go with the
cheapest. Daddy Clay: Definitely because accidents are
going to happen. I know with my wife and I, we had a policy sometimes if you get a total
number 2 disaster, those underpants just aren't worth saving. We would keep children's scissors
in the diaper bag and actually go all ER and just cut the diapers off. And think about
the numbers, this pack of 10 underpants from Wal-Mart, Faded Glory, cost about the same
as these 26 pull-ups. So the price different is significant but these things are less than
a dollar each. If you have to sacrifice a couple for a bad accident, well it seems worth
it. Daddy Brad: Yeah, absolutely. And you're gonna
have accidents. So you might want to think about using characters. You can always say,
you don't want to pee on Spongebob or Patrick. Look Shrek is crying!
Daddy Clay: Don't whiz on Thomas. So as we move up the line a little bit, what you're
gonna see if a higher grade of cotton. A little bit more comfortable waistband, and of course
a better fit. The waistbands were key in our household. My son would always complain about
the waistband gave him scars like wherever it bit into his side. So I really appreciate
these pairs that have sort of a thicker waistband like that. And this is one of my best finds.
I got this three pack of underwear at Gap Kids. This is only 4 bucks.
Daddy Brad: Wow, that's great. I like the Gap Kids and you know even a little higher
up, the Gymboree. I like Gymboree. Daddy Clay: I've heard great things from parents
about the Gymboree. And you've got the higher quality waist band and those are going to
be able to be folded up nicely. And of course, I went to Nordstrom's and I found this three
pack of underwear. I'm gonna take these out just briefly because I'm gonna return these
for sure. But three pairs, 28 bucks. Daddy Brad: Wow, 28 bucks for three pairs.
Daddy Clay: And I don't know about the monkey and the banana either.
Daddy Brad: Boxers or briefs? Daddy Clay: Hipsters or boy shorts? There
are style choices to be made whether you're talking about girls or boys. What did you
guys choose in your house? Daddy Brad: For the boys, we went with the
boxer briefs. And for the girl, the traditional bikini underpants.
Daddy Clay: You know, I'm with you on the boxer briefs. They're nice and neat. I hate
it when I see my older son and he's got the boxers kind of hanging out his shorts. It's
a terrible look. The girls, I like thicker fabric. I hate those little cheap girls underpants
because you put them once through the washing machine and they turn into little calamari.
Daddy Brad: You like the grannie panties? Daddy Clay: No, I just want something that
I can fold. Daddy Brad: You know that's interesting because
56% of women factually admit to folding their underpants before putting them away, but only
10% of women admit to leaving the the house commando.
Daddy Clay: If you have any interesting underwear statistics, or want to discuss what's the
best kind of underwear for kids, join us at DadLabs.com. Let your opinions be known. We
want to hear from you. Daddy Brad: We'd like to thank our sponsors,
BabyBjorn, makers of a full line of potty chairs and seats. Baby Bjorn. Thatʼs all
for us this week in the lab. We'll see you next time.
Daddy Brad: And we'll talk about something less awkward.
Daddy Clay: I'm commando right now.