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How to dress for school?
Plan ahead and you can cut down on the crazy morning rush.
When you've got your dressing game plan down, you can look effortlessly cool.
You will need: clothes and accessories for school, an alarm clock, shampoo and conditioner, soap, makeup and hair accessories for girls, hair product for boys, a healthy breakfast, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a backpack, already packed.
Optional: funky, individualized accessories.
Step 1: Pack your backpack and arrange your clothes the night before.
ステップ 1:前の晩にリュックに必要な物を詰めて、服を準備しておきます。
Aim for neutral, complementary colors.
Both genders should consider wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie or cardigan, along with clean underwear and shoes.
If you wear a school uniform, personalize your clothes with funky jewelry or unique shoes.
Step 2: Go to bed early so you can wake up in the morning.
ステップ 2:早めにベッドに入って朝しっかりと起きれるようにします。
Rather than jumping out of bed with moments to spare, you're aiming for an hour of prep time.
ギリギリになってベッドから飛び起きる代わりに、1 時間ゆっくり準備の時間を取れるようにするわけです。
Step 3: Wake up when your alarm goes off, and take a quick shower.
ステップ 3:アラームが鳴ったらすぐ起きて、素早くシャワーを浴びます。
Thoroughly wash and condition your hair, and pay special attention to your face.
Step 4: Style your hair in a loose ponytail or bun if you're a girl, and add cute hair accessories and put on your makeup.
ステップ 4:女の子の場合は髪型はルース気味のポニーテールかお団子にして、カワイイヘアアクセサリーを付けてメーキャップをします。
Guys can use gel for a deliberately messy look.
Step 5: Eat a healthy breakfast, and then brush your teeth, grab your backpack, and head out the door.
ステップ 5:ヘルシーな朝食を食べて歯を磨き、リュックを背負って「行ってきます」。
Did you know?
In 2009, a cross-dressing high school senior was sent home because his wig violated the school's dress code rule that a boy's hair may not be longer than the bottom of a regular shirt collar.
2009 年に女装して登校した高校生が、男子生徒はシャツの襟以上長い髪型をしてはいけないという校則に違反したとして、家に帰されたって知っていましたか?