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  • There are times when it’s extremely useful to figure out the underlying structure of

  • a data set. Having access to the most important data features gives you a lot of flexibility

  • when you start applying labels. Autoencoders are an important family of neural networks

  • that are well-suited for this task. Let’s take a look.

  • In a previous video we looked at the Restricted Boltzmann Machine, which is a very popular

  • example of an autoencoder. But there are other types of autoencoders like denoising and contractive,

  • just to name a few. Just like an RBM, an autoencoder is a neural net that takes a set of typically

  • unlabelled inputs, and after encoding them, tries to reconstruct them as accurately as

  • possible. As a result of this, the net must decide which of the data features are the

  • most important, essentially acting as a feature extraction engine.

  • Autoencoders are typically very shallow, and are usually comprised of an input layer, an

  • output layer and a hidden layer. An RBM is an example of an autoencoder with only two

  • layers. Here is a forward pass that ends with a reconstruction of the input. There are two

  • steps - the encoding and the decoding. Typically, the same weights that are used to encode a

  • feature in the hidden layer are used to reconstruct an image in the output layer.

  • Autoencoders are trained with backpropagation, using a metric calledloss”. As opposed

  • tocost”, loss measures the amount of information that was lost when the net tried

  • to reconstruct the input. A net with a small loss value will produce reconstructions that

  • look very similar to the originals.

  • Not all of these nets are shallow. In fact, deep autoencoders are extremely useful tools

  • for dimensionality reduction. Consider an image containing a 28x28 grid of pixels. A

  • neural net would need to process over 750 input values just for one imagedoing

  • this across millions of images would waste significant amounts of memory and processing

  • time. A deep autoencoder could encode this image into an impressive 30 numbers, and still

  • maintain information about the key image features. When decoding the output, the net acts like

  • a two-way translator. In this example, a well-trained net could translate these 30 encoded numbers

  • back into a reconstruction that looks similar to the original image. Certain types of nets

  • also introduce random noise to the encoding-decoding process, which has been shown to improve the

  • robustness of the resulting patterns.

  • Have you ever needed to use an autoencoder to reduce the dimensionality of your data?

  • If so, please comment and share your experiences.

  • Deep autoencoders perform better at dimensionality reduction than their predecessor, principal

  • component analysis, or PCA. Below is a comparison of two letter codes for news stories of different

  • topicsgenerated by both a deep autoencoder and a PCA. Labels were added to the picture

  • for illustrative purposes.

  • In the next video, well take a look at Recursive Neural Tensor Nets or RNTNs

There are times when it’s extremely useful to figure out the underlying structure of


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Autoencoders - Ep. 10 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED) (Autoencoders - Ep. 10 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED))

  • 80 8
    Jerry に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日