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- Hi you guys.
- Hi.
- Today we're going to talk about what, Willy?
- Cleaning up.
- Yes, and how to get your kids to clean.
(kissing sound)
My name is Michelle and I upload here every Thursday
and I do mommy tips and hacks and all of that.
And this is my little boy Willy,
and how old are you?
- Five.
- He is five and today he is going to be
helping me with our little video.
If guys haven't subscribed yet
make sure to do that down below.
Press the little button down there.
So if your kids are anything like my kids
they do not like to clean.
- Um-hm.
- I think it's important that kid's learn to clean
for a lot of different reasons,
but I think it teaches them responsibility as well.
So today we have six different tips on how
you can teach your kids how to clean.
The first tip is,
- Be an example.
- Your kids will not clean if you're not cleaning yourself.
So if they see you cleaning it makes them see
that that's an important thing
and kids always follow what they see their parents do.
So if Mommy's cleaning does that make you want to clean?
He's like not really.
But it's really important because kids aren't
going to listen to you if you're not doing
what you're telling them to do yourself.
You guys, go clean up your room.
- Why, you don't clean up either.
- Yes I do.
- What's this?
- Oh, opps.
Tip number two is,
- Make it fun.
- Make it fun.
How can we make cleaning fun?
- Um, make it into a game.
- [Michelle} Make it into a game.
So, you can make cleaning up a race,
you can make it a nice a dance party.
He's like so embarrassed.
Are you embarrassed?
- No.
- So when we make it a game,
it makes it a lot less tedious to clean, am I right Willy.
It's more fun when we make it a game, huh?
- Tip number three.
- Tip number three is to give everything a place.
Do all of our toys have a place?
- Yep, like right there.
- Like right there.
We have labels on all of our toys
so we know where all of our toys are suppose to go
in all of these little bins.
Does that make it easier for you to clean?
It helps clean up the clutter
and it makes it easier for your kids
to know where to put all the toys.
And it just helps everybody and the whole cleaning process.
Tip number four is to explain to your children
the importance of cleaning up.
Just so they kinda know the why.
Why do you think it's important to clean up, Willy?
- So it looks clean.
- You think it looks clean.
Also do you think it helps that we don't lose our toys,
if we have clean things, and we don't break our toys?
- Like pieces.
- Yes, we lose pieces if we don't clean up, right?
- And blocks.
- And blocks and all of that.
So if you explain the importance to your children
it gives them more motivation to want to clean up.
- Mm-hm.
Tip number five is to be consistent
and just make cleaning a routine.
It doesn't have to be a huge, tedious process.
So like making your bed for example.
What's the first thing you do in the morning with your bed?
- Make your bed.
- Exactly, make your bed.
So if you make cleaning up a routine,
then that's just what you do.
The it doesn't have to be the huge,
big process every single day.
And if you teach your kids that
and if you're consistent with that
then they will see that is the norm.
And it will make them more likely to clean up as well.
The last tip that we have for you today is tip number six
and it is,
- Help your kids clean up.
- Helping your kids clean up.
No kid is going to clean if their mom is
just sitting there barking at them and yelling at them
telling them to clean up.
I find it really helpful when I'm
side by side with my kids giving them direction
of what to clean up, where to put things,
how to clean up, because some times
my kids like to help me with laundry,
and they like to help me with the dishes
and it's not just about the toys.
Oh, and you guys like to help me mop too.
- And I like to help you make cookies.
- And he likes to help me make cookies.
It also teaches your kids that this is a family thing.
Cleaning is not just for one person, it's for everyone
because we all live under the same roof,
the same house and we all want it to be clean
so we can all be healthy and happy and all of that.
So thank you guys so much for watching.
Thank you Willy for helping me out today.
You did such a good job.
- Um-hm.
- If you guys haven't subscribed to Millennial Moms
click the red button down below.
Also don't forget to check out my personal
channel Michelle Pierson.
That will also be linked down below.
I do mommy videos, mommy related videos
multiple times a week as well.
And check out Jordan's video from yesterday
which will be linked right here.
- Uh-huh, right there.
- And we will see you guys next Thursday.
- Bye.