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  • Hey folks. Glenn May, here with and on the forums the other day I saw a question

  • on there. It said, how do I get more accuracy with a baitcasting outfit? Today I want to

  • give you a couple of tips to show you just how to do that.

  • One of the primary things to keep in mind when you're casting, whether it's baitcasting

  • or spinning is most of it's in your wrist. Almost always in your wrist. When you're casting

  • make sure that it's just with your wrist. If you have to, take a piece of paper and

  • put it right here between your arm and your body and hold it in place to make sure that

  • you're just casting with your wrist.

  • The other thing is that you want to keep the rod in front of you. Don't bring it all the

  • way back here and waving it all around because you have no idea where it's going to go once

  • you let it go forward. Keep it in front of you. As a matter of fact, what I like to do

  • is line up the rod with what I'm aiming at. That way you get it straight on exactly where

  • you want to go. When you do that it looks something like this. It's very simple. We're

  • not going for distance here. It's going for accuracy. It's an entirely different cast.

  • One more time. If you want to, you can watch this video in slow motion. It's just simple.

  • That's it. Really easy. Really simple. If you do those couple of tips, I promise you

  • your accuracy will improve 100%. For more tips and tricks like this, visit

Hey folks. Glenn May, here with and on the forums the other day I saw a question


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A2 初級

ベイトキャストリールで上手にキャストする方法|バスフィッシング (How To Cast Better with Baitcast Reels | Bass Fishing)

  • 21 3
    王宸毅 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日