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  • Given how things are with ourselves and the world, one of the great questions we face is: Should we laugh or should we cry?

    自分自身と世界の状況を考えると、我々が直面する大きな疑問のひとつがあります: 笑うべきか、泣くべきか。

  • The history of philosophy has an interesting take on the choice.


  • Two of the greatest thinkers of ancient Greece were Democritus and Heraclitus.


  • Both men, who lived to a very old age, had a deep knowledge of people and the world but responded to what they knew in strikingly different ways.


  • Heraclitus couldn't stop weeping.


  • Democritus couldn't stop laughing.


  • It's obvious why Heraclitus cried.


  • Once we open our eyes fully to the reality of existence, it's astonishing we can ever carry on.


  • There is simply so much to be sad about.


  • The human animal is a benighted, deluded, uncontrolled monster, perfectly suited to the error, meanness and suffering.


  • The greater question is how and why one would ever laugh.


  • There is of course always the option of idiotic laugh, the plastic laugh, the sentimental callous fool.


  • But this wasn't the philosopher Democritus' way.


  • He laughed richly and generously not because some privileged position led him to naively misunderstand how bad things could be.


  • His good humor wasn't delusional nor was it simply a random quirk of temperament.


  • Democritus laughed in a very particular and highly admirable style because of the way he thought about the world.


  • He was a profound realist.


  • He knew everything there is to know, about the human tendency to greed, murder and lust and of our constant exposure to random accident and misfortune.


  • And ultimately, Democritus was so convinced of the darkness; he knew so much about suffering and risk,


  • He no longer felt he had to register this constantly at the front of his mind in order to do them justice.


  • They seem to him an entirely obvious baseline fact about existence.


  • He could be cheerful, because anything nice, sweet or charming that came his way, was immediately experienced as a bonus, a gratifying addition to an originally bleak starting point.


  • By keeping the dark backdrop of life always in mind, Democritus sharpened his appreciation of whatever stood out against it.


  • A pleasant thing that happened to him wasn't taken to be a feeble compensation for his larger dashed hopes.


  • It was a delightful, slightly improbable, but very noteworthy backing of an always expected tragic trend.


  • Democritus who's learned to be enjoying parties wine and drinking.


  • "A life without festivity is a long road without an inn" he wrote.


  • He didn't believe that he had to feel constantly sad to prove that he recognized life to be sad.


  • He danced and drank because of a rightful confidence that he had already done justice and would in the future again have to fully do justice to the sadness of things.


  • Democritus was aiming at an intelligent kind of cheerfulness,


  • one that admits from the outset that life is fundamentally grim but that uses this despair as a catalyst for a more vivid engagement with the beautiful or kind moments that do come one's way.


  • Like an English person who is especially adept to drawing value from the last day of summer or a condemned man who perfectly savors the last meal before being led to the firing squad.


  • Democritus was a master practitioner of that highly admirable state of mind: Cheerful despair.

    デモクリトスはその非常に立派な精神状態の達人でした。: 陽気な絶望

  • Once we've acquired the skill of cheerful despair life acquires a distinctive new kind of sweetness in all its pleasant structures.


  • Every pain-free day is a blessing.


  • We're amazed and touched when once in a while someone seems to understand a few things we say or does something unexpectedly kind.


  • We enjoy the distinctive cheerfulness of those who've done all the crying they can and are determined, for a while at least, to hold on to the light.


Given how things are with ourselves and the world, one of the great questions we face is: Should we laugh or should we cry?

自分自身と世界の状況を考えると、我々が直面する大きな疑問のひとつがあります: 笑うべきか、泣くべきか。

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