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  • The Song of Songs: it's a well known but not so well understood

  • book of the Bible

  • It's 8 chapters of love poetry

  • And while there is an introduction, and a conclusion,

  • the book doesn't have any kind of rigid literary design

  • And that's because it's a collection of poems.

  • They're not meant to be dissected, or taken apart.

  • They're meant to be read as a flowing whole and simply enjoyed.

  • The first line of the book tells us that it's "the Song of Songs,"

  • which is a Hebrew idiom like, "the Holy of Holies" or "the King of Kings,"

  • it's a Hebrew way of saying, "the greatest thing"!

  • So this is the greatest song of all songs.

  • Then we're told in the first line that this "Song of Songs" is of Solomon

  • which could mean that he's the author, his name does begin the book after all.

  • But as you read the poems, you discover that the main

  • voice is that of a woman, called "the Beloved."

  • And while there is also a male voice, it does not

  • seem to be Solomon.

  • Solomon is mentioned a couple times in the poem, but

  • he's never a speaker, and you do have to admit Solomon

  • is a very odd candidate as the author of this book, given

  • the fact that he had seven hundred wives...

  • For the lovers in the Song of Songs, they are the only ones in the world for each other.

  • So the "of Solomon" likely means "in the wisdom tradition of Solomon."

  • He was known for his wisdom, his poetry, his love of learning about every part of life.

  • And Solomon became the father of Wisdom Literature in Israel.

  • And so his legacy is here carried on, through a collection of love poems

  • that explore the human experience of love and sexual desire.

  • The opening poem introduces us to the basic theme of this book:

  • we hear the voice of the young woman, who delights in her man, a shepherd.

  • Now she's not married to him yet, but it becomes clear that they're engaged and they cannot wait

  • to be together.

  • From the introduction, the poems flow back and forth

  • from the woman's voice, to the man's, shifting from

  • scene to scene without any kind of clear, linear

  • sequence or storyline.

  • The poems move in the symphonic cycles

  • and key images and ideas get repeated and developed

  • So, one of the basic themes uniting the poems is the

  • intense desire this couple has for each other,

  • expressed through their constant seeking and finding.

  • So, after the opening poem, they're separated, but on

  • the hunt for one another.

  • So the woman calls out, or she'll wake up from a dream

  • and go looking for her lover, and more than once they'll

  • find each other, they'll embrace. And then right when

  • things start to get a bit racy, the scene will suddenly end.

  • And the new one will start: they're separated, looking for each other, and on it goes.

  • Another repeated theme is the joy of the couple's physical attraction for one another.

  • Multiple times they'll pause and describe each other

  • with these elaborate metaphors, and here it's very helpful to know

  • that these images and metaphors in Hebrew poetry

  • are not primarily visual.

  • If you try and paint a picture of these people, based on the metaphors

  • you will end up with something that looks very, very strange.

  • What you're supposed to do, is reflect on the meaning

  • of these images, as they relate to the man and the woman.

  • So you'll read through the poetic cycle, and the tension will keep building

  • and their desire and joy and attraction, and this spiraling

  • repetition is a poetic way of heightening and focusing

  • on the mystery and power of sexual love.

  • It all comes together in the conclusion, which

  • pauses to summarize what these poems are all about.

  • Love is as strong as death, its passions are as severe

  • as the grave, its flashes are of fire,

  • a divine flame. Many waters cannot extinguish love,

  • rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the

  • wealth of ones house for love, he would be utterly scorned.

  • The poem highlights the power and intensity of love

  • how it's both beautiful, but also dangerous.

  • Like fire, love can destroy people if it's abused, or be

  • life-giving if it's protected.

  • Ultimately love expresses the insatiable human longing

  • to know and be fully known and desired by another.

  • Love is one of the most transcendent and mysterious

  • experiences in human life, and as part of the Bible's

  • wisdom tradition, this book says it's a gift from God.

  • After this, there's an odd poem about Solomon trying to do what the previous poem just said

  • was impossible: to buy love.

  • The woman rejects Solomon's offer and then the book

  • concludes with the man and the woman

  • they're separate once more on the hunt for each other.

  • He calls to hear her voice, she begs him to run away

  • with her, and that's how the book ends.

  • Just totally open-ended.

  • But that's a lot like love!

  • Which never truly concludes, because there's always

  • more to discover and pursue in your beloved.

  • And so true love has no end.

  • And neither does this book.

  • Now, through history, the big question raised by the Song of Songs is,

  • "what on earth is love poetry doing in the Bible?"

  • There have been three main interpretations of this book

  • throughout history.

  • In Jewish tradition, it's been read as an allegory:

  • each character a symbol. So the woman is Israel, the

  • man is God, and their love is the symbol of covenant between God and Israel

  • made at Mount Sinai and the giving of the Torah.

  • This view flowed into the Christian tradition, but the characters were swapped.

  • So it's about Christ's love for His people

  • the Church. And this interpretation was inspired

  • by Paul's words in Ephesians 5:

  • that a Christian husband's love for his wife is a symbol of Christ's love for the Church.

  • What's interesting is that in the last hundred years,

  • archaeological discoveries among Israel's ancient neighbors

  • and Egypt and Babylon, has turned up all kinds of ancient love poetry

  • that's very similar in language and imagery to the Song of Songs.

  • We see that love poetry was a meaningful part of Israel's

  • cultural environment, which has led most scholars

  • today to view the Song of Songs as what it presents itself to be:

  • an arrangement of Israelite love poetry reflecting on the divine gift of love.

  • But, that doesn't mean it's only ancient love poetry.

  • There's a key feature of these poems that sticks out when you

  • read them as a part of the Old Testament. And that's the

  • overwhelming use of garden imagery.

  • There are powerful echoes of the garden of Eden and

  • the idyllic scene between the married couple in the early chapters of Genesis.

  • So the image of the man and the woman naked

  • and vulnerable, but completely unified and safe with one another

  • this resonates in the background of the Song of Songs.

  • It's as if in these poems, we are witnessing the love of a

  • couple whose relationship is untainted by selfishness and sin.

  • And so ultimately the Song holds out hope that even

  • though our own relationships are so often distorted by

  • selfishness, love is a transcendent gift.

  • And it's meant to point us to something greater, to the

  • gift of God's love that will one day permeate and transform

  • His beloved world. And that is what the Song

  • of Songs is all about.

The Song of Songs: it's a well known but not so well understood


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聖書を読む。歌の歌 (Read Scripture: Song of Songs)

  • 81 9
    sophia に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日