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  • The following presentation is designed to give a basic overview of the tenets

  • philosophy and goals of The Zeitgeist Movement.

  • This orientation has been extracted from the more expansive "Activist Orientation Guide"

  • which is available for free PDF download at

  • All source references for material in this video presentation can be found in that document.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement - Activist Orientation


  • The Zeitgeist movement is not a political movement.

  • It does not recognize divisionary notions such as nations

  • governments, races, religions, creeds or class.

  • Rather, we see the world as one organism

  • with the human species as a singular family.

  • Simultaneously, we acknowledge that we depend entirely on our environment,

  • not only in regard to the necessities of life such as food, air and water,

  • but also for influence and guidance in regard to life's processes.

  • We recognize and understand that aligning ourselves with natural processes

  • is the most progressive and productive disposition we can have.

  • The Zeitgeist movement in fact, is the activist arm of The Venus Project

  • an organization which constitutes the lifelong work

  • of industrial designer and social engineer Jacque Fresco.

  • Simply put, what The Venus Project represents

  • and what the Zeitgeist movement hence condones, could be summarized

  • as the application of the scientific method for social concern.

  • One of the greatest discoveries of humankind

  • which has allowed for tremendous advancement in our abilities on this planet,

  • has been the understanding and application of science.

  • Through the humane application of science and technology

  • to social design and decision making

  • we have the means to transform our environment

  • into something exceedingly more balanced

  • organized, humane, productive and most importantly, sustainable.

  • As many are aware at this time, both our societal integrity

  • and ecological integrity are in serious question.

  • The current economic system is falling apart at an accelerating rate

  • with the prospect of worldwide unemployment and destabilization

  • occuring possibly on the largest scale ever seen.

  • Simultaneously, we are courting the point of no return

  • in regard to the destruction of the environment.

  • Given the current state of affairs, many of which

  • will be addressed in the first part of this presentation

  • the viewer should find that we not only need to move in another direction

  • we have to.

  • In order to understand where we are and how we have gotten

  • to this point in history, we need to address those societal attributes

  • which have greatly affected our social conduct.

  • The most important observation in this regard

  • is our use of a monetary system.

  • In this section, we are going to address the mechanisms

  • of our world monetary system, pointing out the consequences

  • this type of organizational structure has produced.

  • These consequences include: 1. The Need for Cyclical Consumption

  • denoting the economic requirement that products and services

  • are perpetually bought and sold regardless of quality and waste.

  • 2. The Abundance of Scarcity

  • denoting how resources, goods and services

  • are deliberately made scarce to ensure profitability

  • within the supply and demand equation.

  • 3. The Priority of Profit

  • denoting the vast corruption commonplace in the world

  • due to the need to generate income.

  • 4. Fiscal Manipulation

  • denoting how the central banking systems of the world

  • work to control the economy for the benefit of their corporate constituents

  • and establishment power.

  • 1. The Need for Cyclical Consumption

  • The roles of people on a monetary system

  • are basically broken into three distinctions:

  • the employee, the employer and the consumer.

  • The employee performs tasks for the employer

  • in exchange for a wage, or monetary payment

  • while the employer sells a good or service to the consumer for a profit,

  • another classification of monetary payment.

  • In turn, both the employer and the employee function as consumers,

  • for the monetary payments they obtain

  • are used to purchase goods and services relevant to their survival.

  • This act of purchasing goods and services

  • is what allows the entire system to perpetuate

  • thus allowing for the employer and employee to make money

  • and thus continue consuming.

  • In other words, it is the requirement of perpetual or cyclical consumption

  • that keeps the entire economy going.

  • If consumption was ever to stop, the whole system would collapse.

  • This produces two severe consequences for society:

  • 1. Nothing physically produced can ever maintain a lifespan

  • longer than what can be endured in order to maintain

  • the needed 'cyclical consumption'.

  • In other words, everything must break down

  • in a respective amount of time

  • in order to continue the financial circulation

  • needed to power the economy.

  • This characteristic could be defined as 'planned obsolescence'.

  • Planned obsolescence is essentially

  • the deliberate withholding of efficiency

  • so the product in question breaks down respectively fast.

  • This happens both intentionally, with manufacturers timing their products

  • for breakdown, often as soon as the warranty runs out;

  • and indirectly, where profit-based shortcuts taken in production

  • usually in the form of cheap materials and poor design

  • translates into an inferior product immediately

  • with the failure of the product simply a matter of time.

  • The second consequence is that new products and services

  • must be constantly introduced regardless of functional utility

  • generating endless waste.

  • The result of these two issues are nothing but unacceptable

  • for not only are resources being neglectfully used in products

  • that are designed not to last, wasting human energy and materials

  • the amount of frivilous waste and pollution that results is staggering.

  • In other words, waste is a deliberate byproduct of industry's need

  • to keep 'cyclical consumption' going.

  • The obsolete or expired product is trashed,

  • often to landfills, polluting the environment

  • while the constant multiplicity accelerates this pollution.

  • To express this from a different angle

  • imagine the economic ramifications of production methods

  • that strategically maximize the efficiency

  • and sustainability of every product, using the best known materials

  • and techniques available at the time.

  • Imagine products so well designed

  • that they didn't need maintenance for say, 100 years.

  • Imagine a house that was built from fireproof materials

  • where all appliances, electrical operations, plumbing and the like,

  • were made from the most impermeable

  • highest integrity resources available on Earth.

  • In such a saner world, where we actually created things to last

  • minimizing pollution and waste, a monetary system would be impossible

  • for cyclical consumption would slow tremendously

  • forever weakening the so called economic growth.

  • Mechanism two: The Abundance of Scarcity

  • In monetary economics, supply and demand

  • is partly how goods and services obtain value.

  • The more there is of something, the less it is worth in respect to itself.

  • If we woke up one day and for some reason, hypothetically speaking,

  • there were only 100 oranges left in existence

  • with no possibility to grow more,

  • the value of those oranges would skyrocket,

  • for they are now extremely scarce.

  • In other words, it is profitable for resources to be scarce.

  • If a company can convince the public that their product is rare

  • the more they can charge for that product.

  • This provides a strong motivation to keep items and resources scarce.

  • The ramifications of this are psychologically profound;

  • for if companies know that they can make more money

  • by having their items scarce, the propensity to deliberately

  • limit production or be dishonest about available resources is high.

  • This means that the monetary system rewards mechanisms

  • that inherently discourage abundance and equality.

  • Even more offensively, profit can actually be made

  • as a result of scarcity generated by environmental pollution,

  • such as what is now happening with our water supplies.

  • This creates a perverse reinforcement of indifference

  • to environmental concern by industry, for the more damage there is

  • the more profit that can be obtained by offering solutions.

  • And this leads us to: 3. The Priority of Profit.

  • A monetary system's foremost motivating principle

  • is profit, or more generally, income.

  • All people must seek out a strategy to acquire money.

  • A wage earner seeks out the best possible pay

  • he can get for his services, while the employer

  • seeks to constantly reduce costs in order to maximize their profit.

  • This competitive mentality extends into all facets of society,

  • and it should be no surprise that those who are in positions

  • of great wealth are often the most ruthless and indifferent.

  • Now, before we move any further into the negative consequences

  • of the profit priority, let's first consider

  • what many think to be the good side of this system: incentive.

  • As the theory goes, the need for profit provides a person or organization

  • with motivation to work on new ideas and products

  • that might sell in the market place.

  • In other words, the assumption is that if people were not motivated

  • by their need to obtain money, nothing would be invented

  • and little social progress would be achieved.

  • First of all, the most powerful contributions to society

  • did not come from people seeking profit.

  • Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, the Wright brothers, Albert Einstein

  • and Isaac Newton did not make their massive contributions

  • to society because of material self interest.

  • While it is true that useful inventions and methods

  • do come from the motivation for personal gain,

  • the intent behind those creations typically have nothing to do

  • with human or social concerns and everything to do

  • with detached self interest and blind personal gain.

  • The pursuit of profit almost always comes before human concern

  • and a simple glance at the cancer causing preservatives in our foods,

  • the planned obsolescence of nearly everything manufactured

  • along with the health care industry that charges 300 dollars

  • for a single antibiotic pill, will indicate

  • that the profit incentive is actually a detriment.

  • Problems in our monetary-based society will only have resolution

  • if money can be made from solving those problems.

  • Now, more specifically, to put the spectrum

  • of monetary derived corruption into a workable perspective,

  • we will divide these behaviors into three classifications:

  • general crime, corporate crime and government crime.

  • General crime in a monetary system ranges from petty theft

  • to illegal sales, to fraud, to violent robbery.

  • This by-product of the system is often not given

  • the thought needed to understand its source

  • for many tend to dismiss these so called criminals

  • as some kind of social anomaly.

  • The reality is that the stress, conflict,

  • poverty and thus deprivation generated by the monetary system itself

  • is the foundational cause.

  • In the 1990's, a research project

  • called the Merva-Fowles study was conducted

  • which found powerful connections between unemployment and crime.

  • They based their research on 30 major metropolitan areas

  • with a total population of over 80 million.

  • Their findings found that a 1% rise in unemployment resulted in:

  • a 6.7% increase in homicides

  • a 3.4% increase in violent crimes,

  • a 2.4% increase in property crime.

  • During the period from 1990 to 1992, this translated into:

  • 1459 additional homicides,

  • 62,607 additional violent crimes

  • and 223,500 additional property crimes.

  • This is very revealing.

  • A person living in a deprived environment, with little resources,

  • poor education and few opportunities for work

  • will simply do what they need to in order to survive.

  • While the neuroses generated from the stress of the situation

  • often leads to violent and socially offensive acts.

  • In other words, the environment is creating the behavior.

  • Corporate Crime

  • Corporate crime, which is almost exclusively profit related

  • takes many forms: planned obsolescence,

  • monopolistic collusion, market manipulation

  • outsourcing, price fixing, labor exploitation

  • and governmental collusion are just a few to note.

  • From Enron's deliberate shutting down of California's power plants

  • to boost its energy stocks to the Bayer Corporation's

  • knowing distribution of HIV-tainted drugs,

  • it should be clear to most people that corporate crime is constant

  • and oftentimes much more insidious than general crime

  • for the repercussions tend to affect very large groups of people.

  • The corporate criminal's need to secure profitability

  • is no different in basis than the general criminal's need to survive.

  • While the latter typically commits crimes to live

  • the former commits crimes to further secure their positions of power,

  • lifestyle and wealth. It is based on fear.

  • The notion of greed, which manifests from a perpetual insecurity

  • derived from the fear of losing what one has

  • serves as the motivating factor for most corporate crimes.

  • This neuroses is perpetuated and reinforced by what we could call

  • 'the luxury stratification' that the monetary system creates;

  • for in this system, there is a neverending progression

  • of products available, as one's purchasing power increases.

  • And then, there's government crime.

  • Government crime is one of the more complex

  • and difficult forms of conduct to consider

  • for perception of goverment is highly modified

  • by the prevailing values this ruling class perpetuates through society.

  • For example, patriotism is often used to encourage support for war.

  • Making people feel like they have an obligation

  • to agree with the government's decision.

  • That being said, let's take an objective look at

  • what government within a monetary system actually is and represents.

  • The central role of government is basically the invention of

  • regulatory legislation and policies to handle the functioning of society.

  • Idealistically, the broad interests of the public

  • would be the first priority of government.

  • Unfortunately, as history has shown

  • this is not, and has rarely been the case.

  • Rather, government as we know it is actually a parent corporation

  • to all the other corporations working within the country's economy.

  • This, of course, makes sense; for the value of any nation

  • is really determined by the state of its economy.

  • This means that the government has a vested interest

  • in the economic position of its nation,

  • most specifically with those interests that benefit them directly.

  • Lobbying and contributions in America alone

  • constitute billions of dollars a year

  • and this money is given entirely under the pretense

  • of putting the donating party's agenda in action.

  • Now, while the examples of government and corporate collusion are vast

  • the greatest monetarily derived crime of government is its use of war

  • for the benefit of its corporate and financial constituents.

  • In the words of two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient,

  • Major General Smedley D. Butler, "War is a racket.

  • It always has been. It is possibly the oldest

  • easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.

  • It is the only one international in scope.

  • It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars

  • and the losses in lives."

  • Accelerated industrial creation, military contracts,

  • reconstruction contracts, energy and resource acquisition or theft

  • high interest austerity-driven world bank and private bank loans

  • for post-war economies are just a few

  • of the highly profitable mediums utilized.

  • The true motivation for war today is actually threefold:

  • industrial commercial profit maximized for the elite,

  • resource acquisition or theft as was the case with Iraq

  • and Afghanistan, and strategic geopolitical alignment

  • to increase the ease of further industrial profit and resource theft.

  • War is probably the greatest sickness

  • caused by the desire for wealth and power.

  • Government, with its team of brainwashed assassins on hand

  • is involved in the ultimate form of self preservation

  • and as long as the resources of the world remain horded and restricted

  • for the material benefit of the few, this pattern of war will never end.

  • Now, these classifications of corruption are only a generalized grouping.

  • .

  • Vast nuances of human behavior in everyday life

  • are also very much poisoned by this mechanism for profit.

  • For if you look closely enough, you will see that nearly every act

  • of strategic monetary gain is corrupt by its very construct.

  • It is just accepted as normal by the conditioned culture.

  • And 4. Fiscal Manipulation

  • The currency used today is fiat

  • which means its value comes essentially from government decree.

  • Monetary value in the fiat system

  • is actually derived from how much money is in circulation

  • within an economy, generally speaking.

  • Just as with any natural resource, the more money that is in circulation

  • the less each unit of fiat currency is worth.

  • When less money is in circulation, it makes each unit

  • worth more respectively. This phenomenon could be called

  • inflation and deflation, generally speaking.

  • Now, the increase in the supply of money available in an economy

  • is called monetary expansion.

  • While a decrease in the supply of money is called monetary contraction.

  • .

  • Generally speaking, the expansion period

  • is usually associated with so called "economic growth,"

  • for more money is available and able to be put to use

  • and often more jobs are thus created.

  • Conversely, monetary contraction is often called

  • a recession or depression

  • for money is drying up and hence there is less money to put to use;

  • so jobs are lost and companies fail.

  • Economic growth is typically defined as:

  • the increase in the amount of the goods and services

  • produced by an economy over time.

  • However, let it be understood that economic growth

  • is really a zero sum game.

  • There is no such thing as true economic growth in and of itself,

  • for the underlying mechanism is based almost entirely

  • on the amount of liquidity, or money in the system.

  • In other words, if I counterfeit 100 million US dollars

  • and give it to you to start a business, and you buy and fix up

  • an old building, hire a team of employees

  • and start to produce a product that the public buys

  • this would be considered an expansion of the economy.

  • You have invested in real estate, increased the employment rate

  • and created new products that others buy

  • therefore exciting the circulation of currency

  • hence the consumption cycle.

  • Now, what if the authorities found out that all the money

  • you had used was actually counterfeit

  • and thus they shut down the whole operation?

  • This would be a contraction of the economy, for the money thus vanishes.

  • Your employees would be laid off, the building foreclosed upon

  • and the production halted.

  • One should ask, "What was the real growth?"

  • If the increase or expansion in the supply of money

  • can result in the creation of jobs and production,

  • while the decrease or contraction

  • results in the loss of jobs and production,

  • what exactly was gained and lost? What was the point?

  • Let's now consider how money is created and regulated

  • by the government and its central bank.

  • For this example, we will use the United States

  • and its central bank, The Federal Reserve.

  • The expansion and contraction of the money supply

  • is what really creates the so called 'business cycle'

  • you hear about in classic economics.

  • This cycle is largely controlled and manipulated

  • by the central bank, by way of interest rates.

  • An interest rate is a fee charged to a borrower

  • for the use of credit, or an amount of money.

  • All money in the U. S economy, and virtually every other economy

  • in the world is created out of debt, through loans.

  • Every dollar in someone's wallet is borrowed from the banking system.

  • This is important to understand: All money is created out of debt.

  • Thus the rate by which the money comes into existence depends on

  • how much a person is willing to pay in interest to acquire that loan.

  • The commercial banks base their interest rates

  • on values set by the central bank.

  • When the Federal Reserve lowers its interest rates

  • so do the commercial banks, and credit

  • or borrowing becomes less expensive.

  • When the Fed raises its rates

  • credit becomes more expensive, and hence borrowing slows.

  • The point here is that The Federal Reserve has the power

  • to influence the interest rates of all banks.

  • This translates into the power to control

  • the amount of money being borrowed, and hence the amount in circulation

  • and, to a certain degree,

  • control over the growth periods and recession periods

  • known as the business cycle.

  • Why does the Fed need to control this?

  • It basically comes down to controlling debt and inflation.

  • If the money supply was allowed to constantly increase or expand

  • it is simply a matter of time before the market becomes saturated

  • with excess liquidity, stifling the resulting economic growth.

  • This will lead to inflation

  • depreciating the value of the currency, raising prices.

  • Likewise, since outstanding debt is

  • directly proportional to the money supply

  • because money is created out of debt, the more an economy expands,

  • often the greater the debt that is created.

  • This sets up an inevitable systemic crisis

  • for the money needed to pay the interest charged on the loans

  • does not exist in the economy outright.

  • Therefore, there will always be

  • more outstanding debt than money in existence;

  • and once the debt grows larger than a person or a company can afford

  • defaults begin, loans slow and the money supply begins to contract.

  • This particular scenario of debt overpowering and nullifying expansion

  • could be termed financial failure, very simply.

  • And this leads us to the next section:

  • In this section we will discuss the nature and ramifications

  • of the current worldwide economic collapse

  • and how it has been compounded by the gross selfishness

  • and social irresponsibility of the government and corporate powers.

  • Then more profoundly

  • we will discuss the role technology is having in displacing workers

  • and the powerful changes this phenomenon is going to force

  • in the world economy at large.

  • 1. Beyond Irresponsibility

  • The collective external debt of all the governments in the world

  • is now about 52 trillion dollars according to the CIA's "World Fact Book."

  • Of the roughly 203 countries in the world today,

  • only four do not owe others money.

  • The United States alone has over 12 trillion of this debt as of 2009,

  • and a study authorized by the U. S treasury in 2001

  • found that in order to keep servicing the debt at its current rate of growth,

  • by 2013, income taxes would need to be raised to 65% of one's income.

  • The whole world is basically bankrupt - but how?

  • How can the world as whole, owe money to itself?

  • Obviously it's all nonsense.

  • The monetary system is nothing more than a game.

  • Those in positions of social power alter the rules of the game at will.

  • The nature of those rules are guided by the same

  • competitive, distorted mentalities

  • that are used to compete in everyday monetary life

  • only this time the game is rigged at its root

  • to favor those who actually run the show.

  • For example, if you have one million dollars and

  • put it into a C. D at 5% interest,

  • you are going to generate 50,000 dollars a year simply for that deposit.

  • You are making money off of money itself:

  • no invention, no contribution to society, no nothing.

  • That being denoted, if you are a lower or middle class person

  • who is limited in funds and must use credit cards

  • and get interest-based loans to buy your home,

  • then you are paying interest to the bank

  • which the bank is then turning around and using, in theory

  • to pay the persons return with the 5% C.D.

  • What the bank is basically doing is

  • stealing from the working poor to pay the leisurely rich.

  • Simply put, the social stratification we see in the world today

  • is maintained and guaranteed

  • by the monetary system's underlying mechanisms.

  • That reality aside

  • let's return to the subject of the so-called business cycle.

  • When money is added to the money supply

  • that money is then typically put to use for some reason.

  • Very often these reasons include: starting a business, buying a home,

  • .

  • investing in the stock market, etc.

  • This increase in the money supply often translates into the so called

  • economic growth and hence the boom period of the business cycle.

  • Unfortunately, money can not be added to the economy indefinitely,

  • for the debt and inflation caused by the expansion

  • will eventually overcome the growth benefits.

  • When problems begin to arise after periods of monetary expansion,

  • such as rising debt levels, slowing people's desire to take on new loans

  • the Central Bank and government regulators

  • have basically two choices: They can either

  • 1. Attempt to continue the expansion by infusing even more money

  • often by lowering the interest rates, making credit cheaper, or

  • 2. Let the contraction, hence the recession

  • run its course, raise the interest rates

  • and bring the economy back to some kind of equilibrium.

  • As far as history is concerned, the pattern has been for them to do both

  • basically with the idea being to ease the recession by increasing liquidity.

  • The reasoning is simple: It is politically unpopular

  • for the ruling class to have unemployed, poor citizens.

  • This can lead to contempt for leadership and instability.

  • Therefore, there is always the game of

  • placating the public with false security

  • in order to avoid the truth coming out about the inherent dysfunctionality

  • of the monetary system itself.

  • The result of this easing of the contraction simply delays the inevitable,

  • and since the US government has eased

  • virtually every contraction period since the Great Depression

  • by infusing more money into the system

  • a doomsday scenario likely awaits-- the big contraction,

  • and it might be happening right now.

  • As noted earlier, money can not be added into the economy indefinitely

  • for the debt and inflation caused by the expansion

  • will eventually overcome the growth benefits.

  • This is what is now happening on a massive scale

  • and no intervention to ease this crisis is likely to work.

  • .

  • Why? Mainly because the debt levels are way too high.

  • The total debt of the US government plus its citizens private debt

  • was about 53 trillion dollars in 2007.

  • This is simply an absurd amount of debt.

  • The total US money supply M3, was only about 12 trillion in 2007,

  • while the annual GDP of the US was only about 14 trillion.

  • Unfortunately there is very little the US government

  • can do to stop this large contraction

  • if they adhere to the tenets of the monetary system.

  • Even with the insertion of tens of trillions of dollars,

  • it can not compensate for the imbalance.

  • Plus, if they did this type of liquidity injection

  • the result would simply exaggerate the stagflation we are now seeing

  • where inflation and economic stagnation occur simultaneously.

  • 2. The Ultimate Outsource

  • Now, in response to these issues, very often

  • people suggest monetary reform as the solution.

  • These suggestions often include:

  • going back to the gold standard, outlawing interest,

  • shutting down the Federal Reserve, giving the power

  • of printing money back to the government, etc.

  • While these reforms and others all pose logical merits

  • to a certain degree, they do not recognize an overshadowing

  • little discussed phenomenon that has accelerated

  • since the 20th century, nullifying the monetary system in and of itself :

  • the replacement of human labor with machines.

  • At the core of the economic system itself

  • is the mechanism of labor for income.

  • Our entire economic system is based on human beings

  • selling their labor as a commodity in the open market.

  • If humans do not have the option to work for a living,

  • then the monetary system as we know it, is over.

  • No one can buy goods if they don't earn money.

  • Companies can not afford to produce if the consumer

  • has no purchasing power to buy anything.

  • As John Maynard Keynes disdainfully pointed out:

  • "We are being afflicted by a new disease

  • of which some readers may not yet have heard the name

  • but of which they will hear a great deal in the years to come:

  • namely 'technological unemployment'.

  • This means "unemployment due to our discovery

  • of means of economizing the use of labor, outrunning the pace

  • at which we can find new uses for labor."

  • While politicians, business leaders and labor leaders bicker

  • over issues they claim are responsible

  • for the growing unemployment in the world

  • such as foreign company outsourcing or immigrant labor,

  • the real cause is going unaddressed in the public debate

  • and that is 'technological unemployment'.

  • Since market capitalism is built upon the logic

  • of reducing input costs to increase profits

  • the inclination to replace human labor whenever possible

  • by machine automation, is a natural progression of industry.

  • After all, a machine doesn't need to take breaks.

  • It doesn't require health insurance or benefits

  • and it isn't a part of a demanding labor union.

  • A simple glance at US historical labor statistics by sector

  • shows the pattern of machine automation replacing human labor definitively.

  • In the agricultural sector, almost all traditional work-flow

  • is now done by machine. For example

  • in 1949, machines did 6% of the cotton picking in the South.

  • By 1972, 100% of the cotton picking was done by machines.

  • In 1860, 60% of America worked in agriculture

  • while today it is less than 3%.

  • When automation hit the US manufacturing sector in the 1950's

  • 1.6 million blue-collar jobs were lost in 9 years.

  • In 1950, 33% of all US workers worked in manufacturing

  • while by 2002, it was only 10%.

  • The US steel industry from 1982 to 2002

  • increased production from 77 million tons to 120 million tons

  • while the steel workers employed went from 289,000 to only 74,000.

  • In 2003, a study was done of the world's largest 20 economies

  • ranging from the period of 1995 to 2002

  • finding that 31 million manufacturing jobs were lost

  • while production actually rose by 30%.

  • This pattern of increasing productivity and profit,

  • coupled with decreasing employment, is a new

  • and powerful phenomenon with no changes in sight.

  • So this might beg the question: "Where have all those jobs gone?"

  • The Service Sector

  • From 1950 to 2002, the percentage of Americans employed

  • in the service industries went from 59% to 82%.

  • For the last 50 years, the service sector has been absorbing

  • the job losses from agriculture and manufacturing.

  • Unfortunately this pattern is slowing fast

  • as computerized automation takes hold there as well.

  • From 1983 to 1993, banks cut 37% of their human tellers

  • and by the year 2000, 90% of all bank customers

  • used teller machines or ATM's.

  • Business phone operators have almost all been replaced

  • by computerized voice answering systems.

  • Post office tellers are being replaced by self service machines,

  • while cashiers are being replaced by computerized kiosks.

  • There isn't one area of the service industry that isn't being affected

  • by computerized automation. Economist Stephen Roach has warned:

  • "The service sector has lost its role

  • as America's unbridled engine of job creation."

  • Given this reality, where is the emerging new sector

  • to employ all of the newly displaced workers? There isn't one.

  • And while economists struggle to create models

  • to deal with the issue of nearly unstoppable unemployment,

  • most refuse to consider what is really needed

  • in order to prevent a total breakdown of society.

  • The solution lies not in attempting to fix the issues that have emerged,

  • but rather it is time we transcend the system in its entirety.

  • For the system of monetary exchange, along with capitalism itself,

  • is now completely obsolete, in the wake of technological creativity.

  • If people do not have jobs they can not support the economy

  • by purchasing anything. This reality is the final proof

  • that our current system is now completely out of date, and if we want to

  • deter riots in the streets and poverty on a scale never before seen,

  • we are going to have to revise our traditionalized notions

  • about how society functions at a fundamental level.

  • We require a new social system

  • that is updated to present-day knowledge and modern methods.

  • Part 2 : What Is Relevant?

  • .

  • In this section we will discuss the idea of natural law

  • specifically pointing out the symbiotic and emergent nature

  • of the physical world; the scientific method,

  • which is the most affective technique of decision-making we have to date;

  • and the important concept of dynamic equilibrium

  • which expresses the most foundational ecological factor to our survival.

  • We will also show how, through the intelligent use of technology

  • and proactive resource management, we have more than enough

  • to go around on this planet, enabling an accessible abundance

  • for all the world's people.

  • Natural Law

  • There's a tremendous amount of noise in our system.

  • In other words, the fundamentals of life have been lost

  • .

  • in a sea of social, occupational and financial obligations

  • many of which are largely artificial.

  • For example, the need for money and income

  • puts the human into a position where choice is often very limited.

  • Usually the jobs found do not reflect the genuine interests

  • of that particular person, nor the true interests of society as a whole.

  • If we were to examine the occupations that exist today

  • we would tend to find that a great majority of them serve

  • no larger function than the perpetuation of cyclical consumption

  • to keep the economy going. This arbitrariness constitutes

  • a tremendous waste of life and resources.

  • Consequently, the entire educational system in the modern day

  • is nothing more than a cookie cutter processing plant that prepares

  • humans for predefined occupational roles.

  • This element of human life has become so traditionally ingrained,

  • that many falsely consider the nature of having a job

  • some form of human instinct. Even parents will blindly ask

  • their kids: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

  • as though there was only one thing to prefer.

  • Putting the traditional norms and modes of conduct in society

  • aside for a moment

  • let's stop and consider what is actually relevant.

  • Let's pose the question: "What are the near-empirical aspects of nature

  • and what do these understandings teach us about

  • how we should govern our conduct on this planet?"

  • Natural Law One

  • Every human needs adequate nutrition, clean air and clean water

  • and therefore must respect the symbiotic

  • environmental processes relevant to those needs.

  • Most people today do not understand or consider

  • the inter-connectivity of nature and the chain of processes

  • by which our food, air and water currently come about.

  • However if we recognize, examine and learn from these processes

  • a logical train of reasoning, coupled with suggestive inference,

  • will guide us to more appropriate human behaviors

  • that will help fulfill our needs.

  • For example, water and air are naturally abundant planetary resources

  • that only require that we, the human population

  • maintain them and preserve their sources.

  • Sadly, our impulsive and narrow-sighted profit system

  • have seen to it that usable water is now approaching crisis scarcity

  • for industry continues to pollute the system at every turn.

  • In the United States alone, about 3 million tons of toxic chemicals

  • are released into the environment every year

  • contributing to birth defects, immune system disorders

  • cancer, and many other serious health problems.

  • The symbiotic relationship of natural processes has a built-in

  • frame of reference, which is accessible by understanding

  • how the world actually works, via scientific investigation.

  • Very simply, our behavior should be guided by the priority

  • of seeking the highest optimization of circumstances

  • that preserve and maximize the abundance

  • and quality of our necessities of life.

  • Sadly, this is not happening.

  • The fact is: Our sustainability is under severe threat

  • by the current methods we are using.

  • The monetary system continues to operate with the interest

  • of short-term gain at the expense of long-term destruction.

  • As natural law denotes, we need high quality air, food and water to live.

  • .

  • Therefore, we must overcome any practices which disturb

  • or create the propensity to disturb

  • the symbiotic environmental processes

  • which keep our basic needs in order.

  • If we don't, the consequences of our violation of this law

  • could put us past the point of no return environmentally; and thus

  • the survival of the human race would be in question.

  • Natural Law Two: The only constant is change

  • and human understandings are always in transition.

  • There is no evidence to support the idea that

  • anything we think is true today will maintain its integrity tomorrow.

  • While certain observed natural phenomenon may seem near empirical

  • based on current scientific evidence,

  • the specifics of each notion will always be altered

  • for our tools and methods of analysis are always changing

  • and hopefully, improving.

  • In the words of C.J Keyser:

  • "Absolute certainty is a privilege of uneducated minds and fanatics."

  • A cursory glance at widely defended historical notions

  • from the earth being flat, to the sun revolving around the earth

  • teaches us that intellectual change is constant;

  • and in turn, humans must keep as open a mind as possible to new information

  • even if it challenges that person's sense of identity.

  • Everything we think and know are only probabilities

  • and with modern methods of analysis which have proven

  • to have proactive benefits to society over long periods of time

  • we can now weigh our understandings and beliefs on a revolving

  • sliding scale, ranging from the least probable, to most probable.

  • This is based not on human opinion or subjectivity

  • but on concrete feedback responses from the natural world.

  • And this point brings us to the scientific method.

  • Nature itself, has its own set of rules

  • and it doesn't have the capacity to recognize or care

  • about what you or anyone else wants to believe is true.

  • Given this reality, it is in our best interest

  • to learn, and align with nature as best as we can.

  • The best known method for the discovery and application

  • of the laws of nature is termed: The Scientific Method.

  • The scientific method basically has three steps:

  • recognizing a new idea or problem that needs to be solved,

  • the use of logical reasoning to create a hypothesis

  • considering all information available,

  • and the testing of that hypothesis

  • in the physical world through observation.

  • The scientific method of inquiry is what has allowed the human species

  • to gain comprehension of themselves and the physical world.

  • For better or for worse, it is what's behind virtually every advancement

  • that has improved the lives of the human species.

  • However, most in our romanticized world still tend to

  • view science as a cold, heartless medium

  • while citing distorted human value abominations

  • such as the atomic bomb in refutation of the scientific perspective.

  • In reality, science and technology are only tools and like anything else

  • they can be used for productive or destructive purposes.

  • That is our choice.

  • Dynamic Equilibrium

  • A dynamic equilibrium occurs when

  • two or more opposing processes proceed at the same rate.

  • There is an equilibrium that exists in the physical world which

  • dictates on some level what the possibilities are

  • for those organisms that utilize the available resources for survival.

  • With respect to our planet, we would call this

  • the "carrying capacity" of the Earth.

  • The human management of dynamic equilibrium on this planet

  • which is the most important initial variable regarding the

  • management of society itself can only come from first understanding

  • what the carrying capacity of the Earth actually is.

  • The needs of the human population must be in balance

  • with resources of the planet.

  • That being said, let's now examine what we know

  • or can infer about the planetary resources available.

  • The fundamental building blocks of society consist of the following:

  • Energy; Industrial and technological raw materials

  • Food, Air and Water.

  • Energy is the cornerstone of society today.

  • It is one of the most critical factors to all social functionality.

  • The age of oil and fossil fuels

  • along with all the resulting pollution, is coming to a close.

  • There is no reason to burn fossil fuels at all anymore

  • other than the profit-orientated, vested interest

  • that keeps new clean energy prospects at bay.

  • Remember, the last thing the energy industry wants is abundance

  • for that translates into a loss of profit in the monetary system.

  • One of the important sources of energy to recognize today

  • is geothermal power.

  • According to a 2006 MIT report,

  • about 2000 zettajoules of power is currently tappable worldwide.

  • The total energy consumption of all the countries on the planet

  • is only half of a zettajoule a year.

  • This means about 4000 years of planetary power

  • could be harnessed immediately, in this medium alone.

  • As far as wind energy, a 2005 Stanford University study

  • published in the journal of geophysical research found that

  • if only 20% of the wind potential on the planet was harnessed

  • it would cover all of the world's energy needs.

  • As far as solar energy

  • the sun's radiation striking the Earth's surface each year

  • is more than 10,000 times the world's annual energy usage.

  • From simple photovoltaic panels

  • that can capture energy into storage batteries for private use

  • to full scale solar power plants

  • new technology is constantly emerging

  • which is vastly improving this potential.

  • Lesser known is tidal power

  • which is derived from tidal shifts in the ocean.

  • Installing turbines which capture this movement generates energy.

  • In the United Kingdom, 42 sites are currently noted as available

  • forecasting that 34% of all the UK's energy

  • could come from tidal power alone.

  • However, more effectively, wave power

  • which extracts energy from the surface motions of the ocean

  • is estimated to have a global potential

  • of up to 80,000 terawatt hours a year.

  • This means that 50% of the entire planet's energy usage

  • could be produced from this single medium.

  • In view of all of these options

  • energy is nothing but abundant on this planet.

  • The only reason people today think it might be scarce

  • is because of the monetary system's strategic propensity

  • to create the scarcity.

  • The next question is: What about industrial raw materials?

  • Can the Earth's supply of raw physical materials

  • such as wood, iron, or aluminum and such

  • support the needs of the world's population?

  • Global mineral reserves are currently measured

  • by commercial output production.

  • Sadly, this does not give a clear picture of what is actually available.

  • While some elements and minerals are vast and abundant

  • such as silicon, aluminum and iron

  • others are seemingly growing scarce

  • such as copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver.

  • As far as we know, there has never been a complete geological survey

  • of the Earth's minerals and elements, only regional ones.

  • This must be done in the future for us to have an understanding

  • of the dynamic equilibrium inherent.

  • Regardless, there are basically three components

  • to understanding of the carrying capacity of the Earth:

  • knowing exactly what the Earth has

  • as far as component elements and materials

  • where technology is in regard to creating synthetic substitutions

  • for certain elements and materials

  • and how society organizes and manages its use of these resources.

  • The first thing we need to do is

  • have a full survey of all of the planetary resources.

  • This will give us key information on how to proceed with our operations.

  • For example, if we have an acre of land that we want to grow food with

  • the first thing would be to test the soil

  • to understand what type of propensities it has.

  • This information would have a direct relationship to what can be grown.

  • This would illuminate the carrying capacity of the land, so to speak.

  • In regard to scarce materials

  • finding substitutions is always an important pursuit.

  • Many scarce industrial materials today

  • now have synthetic counterparts

  • and the focus of scientific problem solving in this regard

  • is very important. With this understood

  • we should realize that the scarcity of most raw materials

  • are only as relevant as the amount of work being invested

  • into finding a substitute or workaround.

  • More important than substitutes and workarounds

  • is the varied nature of the usage of our planetary resources.

  • Production output today is staggering compared to the past.

  • With the use of technology we are able to produce more

  • with far less people, faster than any other time in history.

  • However, due to the profit system

  • there are tons of manufacturers producing the same things

  • as they compete for market share.

  • As noted before, the world's people function within a monetary system

  • that rewards scarcity, planned obsolescence

  • waste, pollution and multiplicity.

  • The true cause of scarcity on the planet

  • has less to do with the available resources

  • and more to do with our wasteful and exploitive modes of conduct.

  • Virtually no regard is given to conservation

  • or strategic use until it is too late.

  • In a saner society, the raw materials of the planet would be assessed

  • industry would be organized as a whole

  • to produce in relationship to what was available

  • and each item produced would be designed to last as long as possible

  • causing reduced industrial output and hence resource preservation.

  • Now, when it comes to food production and water preservation

  • the same monetary system problems of pollution

  • cost-cutting processes and scarcity come into play.

  • Water covers 70% of the Earth's surface.

  • Technological advancements such as desalinization processes

  • can make fresh drinking water

  • both from sea water and even brackish sources using reverse osmosis.

  • This is yet another example of how technology is just as much a part

  • of resource management as resources themselves.

  • The idea that usable water is scarce is true only in relationship

  • with the limited methods we are currently using, coupled of course

  • with the gross industrial pollution that goes on daily.

  • Food production is also expanding within the technological spectrum

  • creating vast new methods of cultivation.

  • For instance, the Earth's surface is indeed being abused

  • with its precious topsoil being corrupted by indifferent agricultural methods.

  • According to some reports, we are losing topsoil at a rate of 1% a year.

  • While the national academy of sciences has determined

  • that the cropland in the US is being eroded at least 10 times faster

  • than the time it takes for the lost soil to be replaced.

  • Fortunately, scientists have devised a new form of soil-less agriculture

  • called hydroponics.

  • This powerful new medium leaves a sea of options for the human population;

  • for not only in compensating for the damage we have caused

  • but also by expanding the possibility of when and where food can be grown.

  • With hydroponic agriculture we could theoretically

  • grow food in the middle of the desert with proper irrigation

  • or by tapping down to the water table.

  • The bottom line is that food, air and water are only as scarce

  • as we decide they are. If we choose to become intelligent

  • and strategic with our production and preservation methods

  • while taking full advantage of scientific inventions that maximize

  • our production capabilities, reducing waste and inefficiency

  • we can provide for the planet's people many times over.

  • The starving children of the world are not so because of a lack

  • of available food. It is their lack of purchasing power

  • not scarcity, which causes the needless deaths of millions a year.

  • The Means for Social Evolution

  • In this section, we are going to consider more specifically

  • what it is we actually want and need in this world.

  • What do we value in life?

  • While there are many broad opinions in this regard

  • most people would prefer that they have: clean air and water

  • nutritious food, material abundance, fast clean and efficient transportation

  • a relevant education, public health care, the end of war

  • an environment that enables us to constantly improve our abilities

  • human extensionality, reduced stress and reduced crime.

  • We would consider these necessities and aspirations our goals.

  • With our basic goals denoted, we must then think about

  • the methods to be used in order to accomplish those goals.

  • Unequivocally, the scientific method is the most powerful tool we know.

  • Observation, logic and testing have long since trumped

  • superstition, intuition and metaphysics. In the words of Karl Pearson:

  • "There is no shortcut to truth, no way to gain knowledge

  • of the universe except through the gateway of the scientific method."

  • The intelligent use of the methods of science is what has brought us

  • nearly everything that helps us in our daily lives.

  • The application of science to social organization as a whole

  • is the next step in our evolution.

  • Furthermore, to fully utilize the scientific method

  • we will need physical tools that can make our material needs possible.

  • These material tools come in the form of technology

  • from a simple hammer, to a high-tech, fully-automated production plant.

  • Technological invention continues to ease production methods

  • while also consistently making what was once deemed impossible, possible.

  • The history of technology has shown tremendous accelerating development.

  • Coupled with the scientific methodof thought

  • the technological tools currently at our disposal have the ability

  • to dramatically change humanity in ways

  • most would find too fantastic to be true.

  • For instance, if you showed a cellphone to a man from the 12th century, he would

  • probably be shocked beyond comprehension at the magical instrument.

  • Science and technology has continued to defy prior assumptions

  • of possibility and will continue to do so.

  • It can safely be assumed that whatever the future holds

  • from a technological standpoint, it will likely seem impossible

  • and ridiculous from the standpoint of today's understandings and methods.

  • Now, coming back to our larger point : The three attributes

  • of personal and social evolution are thus:

  • our goals, the method of thought, and the tools to get it done.

  • We define our goals based on what we value.

  • We utilize the scientific method to solve problems and create hypotheses

  • and we harness technology to make the goal a reality.

  • Part 3: A Resource-Based Economy

  • In this section we are going to address The Venus Project

  • and its advocation of a new social system called

  • 'A Resource-Based Economy'.

  • We will describe its basis in regard to industry and labor

  • specifically discussing the role of technology and automation

  • while isolating the five most important steps to achieving

  • the most efficient and effective production methods possible.

  • Then we will address the role of so- called government in this new system

  • explaining the arcane nature of the institution as it exists today

  • and how through the use of advanced decision-making methods

  • we will be able to remove the dangerous subjectivity

  • and self-interest currently at work;

  • and rather, we will arrive at decisions based on the scientific method

  • with the use of computer technology.

  • A Resource-Based Economy utilizes existing resources

  • rather than commerce. All goods and services are available without

  • the use of currency, credit, barter or any other form of debt or servitude.

  • The aim of this new social design is to free humanity

  • from the repetitive, mundane and arbitrary occupational roles

  • which hold no true relevance to social development

  • while encouraging a new incentive system that is focused on

  • self-fulfillment, education, social awareness and creativity

  • as opposed to the shallow and self-centered goals of wealth

  • property and power which are dominant today.

  • The Venus Project recognizes that the Earth is abundant with resources

  • and that our outdated methods of rationing resources

  • through monetary control are no longer relevant.

  • In fact, they are very counter productive to our survival.

  • The monetary system was created thousands of years ago

  • during periods of great scarcity. Its initial purpose was as a method

  • of distributing goods and services based on labor contributions.

  • It is not at all related to our true capacity

  • to produce goods and services on this planet.

  • The bottom line is that physical survival and quality of life

  • is based solely on our use, management

  • and preservation of the Earth's resources.

  • Now, with our ever-growing scientific ingenuity

  • to utilize those resources in the most humane

  • technologically contructive and strategic ways

  • the tradition of labor for money, and money for resources

  • now has no legitimate basis.

  • Industry and Labor

  • As expressed previously, statistics have shown that humans beings

  • are increasingly being replaced by automated machines

  • in the workforce, causing unemployment and hence

  • a reduction in the purchasing power of the citizenry

  • slowing so-called economic growth.

  • Consequently, we are now seeing a deliberate stifling and withholding

  • of technological development for the sake of keeping people employed.

  • It is like having an electric drill available during a job, but instead

  • you use a manual drill because you want to get paid for more hours.

  • It is nothing but absurd and irresponsible to slow and ignore

  • technological development, in order to preserve an outdated social system.

  • We need a social design that focuses on maximizing

  • our technological abilities, for the sake of freeing humanity

  • from drudgery and increasing productivity to its highest potential.

  • Anything less is really unacceptable.

  • Now, for the sake of argument let’s completely forget about

  • our current monetary-based social system

  • and take a fresh look at modern industrial production methods

  • as would be implemented in a Resource-Based Economy.

  • The question to consider is: How do we design a production system

  • that maximizes high quality output, reduces waste

  • considers the dynamic equilibrium of the earth

  • and reduces repetitive and mechanical human labor?

  • Based on the Scientific Method, here is how the logical reasoning

  • for industrial production methods would unfold:

  • Step 1: Survey the planetary resources.

  • Step 2: Decide on what needs to be produced, oriented by priority

  • ranging from bare necessities such as food, water, shelter

  • to utility-based production items such as raw materials

  • automation machines and technological development

  • to production items used for non-utility based purposes

  • such as entertainment media, radios, musical instruments, etc.

  • Step 3: Optimization of production methods

  • while maximizing the product's lifespan.

  • Step 4: Distribution methods for human access.

  • Step 5: Optimized recycling

  • of the products that become outdated or inoperable.

  • Step 1: Survey the planetary resources. As denoted before

  • it is critical that we know what we have on this planet

  • for that translates into what the possibilities are.

  • With this information, industrial production is always adjusted

  • to compensate for any emerging scarcity

  • along with the most mathematically appropriate raw material distribution

  • based on availability and most relevant application.

  • Any scarce resource is thus immediately addressed

  • by seeking alternatives and substitutions.

  • This awareness can be obtained by real-time electronic feedback

  • coming from all resource sectors of the planet

  • fed into a central computer database that monitors any growing scarcity

  • or problem. This idea of resource monitoring

  • is not at all far fetched, even if it might sound complex.

  • This point will be addressed more so a little later in this presentation.

  • Step 2: Decide on what production is required.

  • What do we need? This is a very powerful question for

  • besides the obvious food, water and shelter

  • most people today have no idea what they really want or need;

  • for they have never been informed as to the true state of technology.

  • What we think we need is directly a result

  • of the state of technological development.

  • Someone who has dust in his or her home might think

  • "I need a vacuum cleaner. " Are they sure?

  • Perhaps what they actually need is a household pressure system

  • that does not enable dust to enter or is equipped with

  • electrostatic air filters that eliminate what dust there is.

  • If we think very critically about what we think we need in a material sense

  • we can begin to see that needs are always in transition.

  • Science and technology are barometers of utilitarian human need;

  • and therefore, all products made should be as advanced

  • as that period of time makes possible. Our current monetary system

  • which generates wasteful, outdated products constantly

  • just to keep the companies and the economy going

  • does not have the ability or the desire

  • to produce the most advanced tools for our use.

  • This is because the majority of the products produced today

  • would not exist if society focused

  • on what would best serve the needs of society itself.

  • Step 3: Optimization of production methods; maximizing product lifespan

  • If I was going to build myself a desk, I would try to make sure

  • that desk would last as long as possible. That makes sense, right?

  • If the desk breaks, that means I would have to build

  • another one at the cost of more labor.

  • It would seem logical that everything produced in society

  • would have the longest possible life span that is technically possible.

  • Sadly, the exact opposite occurs in our current system

  • for as previously discussed, the monetary system thrives

  • on multiplicity and planned obsolescence.

  • Without it, the whole economy would collapse.

  • In a saner world, we would make things that last.

  • The optimization of production methods is about using

  • the most powerful materials and methods

  • while outputting the most long-lasting and effective products.

  • Furthermore, human labor is not only currently

  • being replaced by machines because it is more cost effective

  • in the profit system, machine labor is actually much better

  • than human labor, and output statistics have shown this continually.

  • This, of course, should be of no surprise

  • for a machine does not get tired and it is always more accurate

  • and consistent than a human, mechanically.

  • High-efficiency labor automation, coupled with

  • the scientifically managed resource abundance

  • will allow for a fluid, near scarcity-less environment

  • which could be operated by only a small fraction of the population.

  • Step 4: Distribution methods for human access.

  • Distribution methods would also depend on the state of technology.

  • For instance, production could theoretically become so streamlined

  • that a product is only created when the request is actually made.

  • Regardless, warehouse-like distribution centers

  • along with automated delivery, would be the most simplistic way for now.

  • Also, since there is no money used in this system

  • there is little need for a person to hoard their items

  • and there is also no reason for a person to steal something

  • that is available to everyone, and they certainly couldn’t sell it.

  • Also, in light of the fact that all goods in a Resource-Based Economy

  • are designed to last as long as possible, the consumer culture values

  • that exist today would also be outgrown

  • not to mention all the other value distortions

  • imposed by advertising today

  • which make people feel greedy, inferior or inept.

  • Advertising would not exist in this new system

  • outside of general product information available

  • to a person who thinks they might need it.

  • To obtain a product, a person would likely just go online

  • search for the item’s functionality, select the item and request it.

  • It would be available for pickup or delivery soon after.

  • Step 5: Optimized recycling of the products

  • that become outdated or inoperable.

  • This step actually begins at the production stage

  • for each product designed has had incorporated into it

  • the consideration of recycling. Nothing ever used in production

  • would be unsustainable, or unrecyclable in some way.

  • This is strategically considered to make sure that all older products

  • are reused to the maximum amount enabled by known methods

  • reducing waste.

  • Now, one of the more confusing and difficult components

  • for many to consider has to do with the deliberate focus

  • of using machines to replace human labor whenever possible.

  • The question is always, “Who will maintain the machines?”

  • Machinery today is now being combined with computerization.

  • Essentially, the computer is the brain of the machine

  • and it instructs the machine what to do.

  • This combination of machine and computer intelligence

  • could be termed "cybernation".

  • Cybernated machines today are probably the most powerful

  • and influential invention humanity has ever created.

  • The possibilities of these tools are on pace to changing

  • the entire fabric of society, beginning first

  • with the freeing of the human labor force.

  • In the words of Albert Einstein, "Ultimate automation

  • will make our modern industry as primitive and outdated

  • as the stone age man looks to us today".

  • This reality is not something we should fight.

  • We should embrace it emphatically.

  • Cybernation is the emancipation proclamation for humankind,

  • freeing us from the drudgery of common labor

  • opening new horizons for human creativity and exploration.

  • These cybernated machines far exceed the physical accuracy

  • and endurance of the human body, while also being able

  • to compute at incredible rates, also far exceeding

  • the computational speed and capacity of the human brain.

  • As far as application, the first step is to ensure

  • that the cybernated machines we devise

  • are the highest quality components and programming.

  • In order to do this we would have to outgrow the monetary system

  • for it perpetuates inferior products for the sake of cyclical consumption.

  • There is no reason why everything in your home

  • from your refrigerator to your stove to your television to your computer

  • could not last your lifetime without physical repair.

  • How can that be said with confidence? Because the best materials

  • available on this planet such as titanium, have sustainable properties

  • that far exceed the life of a person by thousands of years.

  • The cybernated machines would not be bought and sold.

  • They would be built and designed to last.

  • Not only would they have extreme durability and long lifespans

  • these advanced machines will eventually be able to repair themselves.

  • In cars today, there are often warning lights on the dashboard

  • that will alert you to a problem with a particular part of the car.

  • This idea can be expanded in all machinery, to the degree where

  • not only is the machine's onboard computer aware of a problem

  • supplemental machines can be thereby directed

  • to replace the broken part in real time.

  • As fanciful as it may seem, self-repairing machines

  • structures and even circuits are growing realities.

  • The problem is that the production of such efficiency

  • is not rewarded in the monetary system

  • so most people in society have no idea of what is actually possible.

  • Furthermore, the role humans will play within this automated system

  • will be that of supervisors and nothing more.

  • Once a fully-integrated, autonomous, cybernated

  • industrial system is set up, it is simply a matter of

  • updating the system and making sure the system is in order.

  • As time moves forward, we can only expect that the rate

  • of our technological capabilities will continue to increase

  • perfecting this system.

  • Now, while most people today recognize society's use

  • of machine automation in manufacturing and the like

  • many have a very difficult time seeing how automation can be applied

  • to complex jobs such as doctors, architects and the like.

  • In order to consider this, we first have to ask ourselves

  • what the true nature of our occupational roles really are.

  • What exactly is a doctor, a carpenter, a plumber or an architect?

  • What are they actually doing?

  • They recognize and react to observed patterns.

  • When a doctor examines you, all he or she is doing

  • is mentally referencing what has been learned.

  • If you go to a dermatologist because you think you might have cancer

  • on your arm, the doctor is going to examine the skin

  • and mentally reference the patterns he or she has been taught.

  • Then they might take a sample of the skin to be tested

  • by machine analysis.

  • It is a technical process.

  • There is no reason why, say, an optical scanner

  • connected to a computer database could not be invented

  • which could scan your arm and immediately understand what problem exists.

  • Even surgery, as sensitive as it may seem

  • is a purely technical process. It is simply a matter of time

  • before extremely advanced machines replace surgeons.

  • The same goes for every other utilitarian occupation in existence.

  • And this brings us to a very critical realization, one that will have

  • a very profound affect on our progress on this planet.

  • The conscious delegation of decision-making to computers

  • is the next phase of social evolution.

  • The utilitarian roles that humans assume in society today

  • are fundamentally technical by nature

  • while this seems obvious in regard to physical labor

  • our mental labor can now be delegated to computers as well.

  • If this sounds foreign to you, please note

  • that if you have ever used a calculator

  • you have delegated your decision making to a machine.

  • We must remember that logical reasoning

  • which is our cognitive ability to think out solutions to problems

  • from a cause and effect standpoint, is entirely a technical process

  • based on the amount of information we have at any one time.

  • For example, if we have a problem with our car

  • we would go to a mechanic and he would use

  • his pattern recognition abilities and associative memory

  • to consider the possibilities that might have caused the problem

  • along with the possibilities for solving the problem

  • based on reasoning. It is an objective, technical process.

  • However, a mechanics human brain is only capable

  • of a certain amount of memory and intellectual processing power.

  • A modern programmed computer, on the other hand

  • can store tremendously more data than a human

  • and can consistently and rapidly process information

  • without getting lazy or tired.

  • For instance, let's assume we have programmed a computer

  • with the data set consisting of the car in question.

  • The computer has been programmed to know every component

  • every weld, and every electronic pathway etc. , of that vehicle.

  • It has also been programmed with the application of physics

  • so that it can relate to the actual cause and effect functionality

  • and operation of the car, not just its parts.

  • When the car is taken in for repair, the mechanic will simply go over

  • to his computer and input a description of the problem.

  • He might input: "Left headlight not working."

  • The computer would then immediately present a list

  • of all relevant issues related to the headlight

  • and then present a series of framed questions to the mechanic

  • which logically attempt to locate the cause of the problem.

  • The computer might say, "Check the connection of cable 15B,"

  • and then show a diagram of where the component is located in the car.

  • If the mechanic finds that isn't the problem, he inputs

  • that new information back into the computer and the computer

  • which goes to the next logical possibility.

  • The computer is really making the decisions.

  • The mechanic is just orienting its focus, just like a calculator.

  • The bottom line is that there is really no area of human operation

  • that can not be extremely perfected by delegating

  • decision-making processes to computer intelligence.

  • The fact is the only thing that now separates us from machines

  • on a cognitive, utilitarian level

  • is our ability to create complex associations in our mind.

  • No computer today has yet to respond effectively to being asked

  • a complex question in the English language or any language.

  • It requires that the language be transformed into one

  • that it is programmed to understand such as mathematics.

  • However, new technological fields such as artificial intelligence

  • are beginning to grow with incredible possibilities

  • for this kind of awareness.

  • In time, complex thought processes once thought

  • could only be accomplished by the human mind

  • will eventually be achieved by computers.

  • With this understood, we will now describe how this new possibility

  • of delegating labor and decision making to a multi-faceted

  • highly efficient, computerized system, is what will constitute

  • the replacement of the institution we know of as traditional government.

  • In the words of Dr. Ralph Linton:

  • "The tremendous and still accelerating development

  • of science and technology has not been accompanied

  • by an equal development in social, economic, and political patterns.

  • It is safe to predict that such social inventions

  • as modern-type Capitalism, Fascism, and Communism

  • will be regarded as primitive experiments directed toward

  • the adjustment of modern society to modern methods."

  • First of all, government as we know it is a by-product

  • of environmental scarcity. They're really monetary system creations.

  • Sadly due to the very nature of their power,

  • history is one constant chain of governmental corruption

  • from the genocidal slaughter of people in opposing nations

  • to the deliberate oppression of a country's own people

  • in order to maintain the established order.

  • Now, government decisions today are based on

  • self-interest just like the corporations.

  • There will never be such a thing as an ethical government

  • as long as money can be used to influence

  • the decisions of political participants.

  • When we understand that everything in regard to social organization

  • is a technical process, we then see that there is little reason

  • for traditional opinions in the solving of any problem.

  • If a person reads one page of a book and closes it

  • he or she can easily have an opinion on that book as a whole.

  • If another reads the whole book, they might also have an opinion.

  • Whose opinion would you value more? The person

  • who read the full book or the person who only read one page?

  • In other words, the more information taken into account in the process

  • of decision making, the more accurate that decision will be.

  • As discussed earlier, computers can now access

  • trillions of bits of information a second

  • across vast informational databases

  • and compute output results near the speed of light.

  • The transfer of decision making to computers

  • is the next phase of social evolution.

  • It greatly reduces human error and removes dangerous biases,

  • subjectivity and erroneous opinion.

  • Because of the limitations of the sensory and cortical equipment

  • in our body and mind, no one can know

  • everything there is to know in the world.

  • Our senses are limited in range. Our eyes can only see

  • a fraction of the electromagnetic field;

  • therefore, it is a logical progression that we delegate decision making

  • to machines, for they do not have these restrictions.

  • Computers used as tools can and will be able

  • to solve problems which humans simply can not

  • due to our physical and mental limitations.

  • It is no different than a person who uses a pair glasses to see

  • or a calculator to do math. Glasses are a technological tool

  • an extension of a human being that helps a person

  • see better than they would normally.

  • Cybernated machines are nothing different; they are nothing more

  • than extensional tools that expand our abilities.

  • The human species has the powerful ability

  • to improve itself through technological invention

  • and we must realize this and maximize its potential.

  • In a Resource-Based Economy, people do not make decisions.

  • They arrive at them through the use of advanced technological tools

  • that incorporate the scientific method.

  • There is no Republican or liberal way to design an airplane.

  • So why do we use these outdated world views to operate society today?

  • When we recognize society as a technological invention

  • with its component variables really no different

  • than the component variables of an airplane

  • we then see that our orientation towards so-called government

  • should purely scientific. Politics is outdated

  • for its processes are largely subjective, highly influenced

  • by money and virtually without scientific reference.

  • Government and the concept of the State will eventually be outgrown

  • entirely and replaced by an objective system

  • of global resource management and technological organization.

  • Government thus becomes a cybernated system

  • which is intimately combined with industry

  • and is only responsible for the production and distribution of goods

  • along with resource and environmental management.

  • Generally speaking, the components of this new system would be as follows:

  • 1. A central computerized database containing catalogs

  • of every known material and every known technical understanding.

  • As noted previously, computers have the ability to catalog information

  • and logically compute it on a scale much larger than any human can.

  • As stated before, the most efficient decisions we can make

  • are decisions that take into account all known relevant variables.

  • Only computers will be able to handle the integration

  • of all known earthly knowledge and come up with decisions

  • that would be logically based on the full known range of data.

  • Just as with our previous example of our car mechanic

  • who had his tailored database program for solving mechanical problems

  • this central computerized database contains all known knowledge

  • ranging from the properties, combinations and applications

  • of every element on the periodic table

  • to the complete known history of technological invention.

  • Once the associative system emerges which will allow computers to

  • contextually cross-relate all the known disciplines

  • we will have at our grasp a tool of immeasurable possibilities

  • for the new method of problem solving and invention

  • will be an interaction with this database program.

  • In fact, it will likely come in the form of a simple website on the internet.

  • You would pose a problem or a question to the database

  • and it will give the best feedback that is possible

  • based on the current state of knowledge at that period in time.

  • It is no different than interfacing with a calculator

  • but this new calculator has a powerful associative system

  • and an extensive database of knowledge that

  • can not just understand and compute math.

  • it can integrate physics, biology, astronomy

  • and every field of science into a concentrated tool.

  • If this sounds like science fiction

  • you can rest assured that the US military's Pentagon

  • likely already has similar database and decision-making programs

  • which it uses for war strategies.

  • However, in order for this system to be effective

  • it must also have real-time feedback input from the planet

  • in order to understand what resources we have

  • so we can account for dynamic equilibrium.

  • Therefore, the central computerized database would lock into an

  • earth-wide autonomic sensor system

  • with environmental sensors in all relevant areas of the planet

  • generating industrial electronic feedback regarding resources

  • operations, and other environmental issues.

  • This holistic system keeps track of all the resources on the planet

  • while also monitoring the Earth for environmental disturbances

  • which humanity should be alerted to.

  • This will not happen overnight, but

  • if we begin with constructing regional systems

  • and over time interlink all the regional structures

  • it could be created sooner than we think.

  • The interaction of this sensor system will inform

  • the central database program of what is available and what is scarce

  • while the database will in turn, constantly adjust industrial methods

  • based around the dynamic equilibrium on the planet

  • along with improved technology.

  • Now, even with our understanding of the profound labor-relieving affect

  • computerized automation will have on society

  • when we finally decide to outgrow our scarcity-based monetary system

  • and focus on the maximization of technological invention

  • and abundance for all the world's people

  • there will still, of course, be the necessity

  • for human technicians to work within the system,

  • updating it and overseeing its operations

  • We can consider them interdisciplinary teams.

  • Interdisciplinary teams of technicians

  • oversee the system and help orient research projects

  • to continue growth, efficiency, and social evolution.

  • In an optimized version of the system, no more than 5%

  • of the world's population would likely be needed to run the show.

  • The more optimized and powerful our technology and methods become

  • the more that number decreases.

  • They would simply work in scientific fields

  • relevant to the functionality of society.

  • Of course, many who hear this often ask: "What about democracy?"

  • "How do I participate in the system?"

  • "Do we elect the interdisciplinary teams?"

  • In a resource-based global economy, the traditional concept of politics

  • elections and the like, has no relevance or basis.

  • While this notion scares a lot of traditionally-minded people

  • it must be reiterated that our problems in life are technical

  • and are relative only to humanity as a whole.

  • We must also face the fact that so called "democracy" in today's world

  • is a complete illusion. It always was.

  • People think they have choice in our current system

  • because they can press a button on a voting machine

  • and put some pre-selected person into power.

  • Once that person is in power, the public then has no say.

  • Did you vote for the space program?

  • Did you vote for the cabinet of the new President?

  • Did you vote for the tax cut?

  • Did you vote for where highways or power grids go?

  • Did you vote for the war in Iraq? No, you didn’t.

  • The traditional concept of a “participatory democracyis a cruel joke.

  • The game has been used to give the public the

  • illusion of control for countless generations,

  • while the distorted monetary powers at the top

  • continue to do whatever they please.

  • There never was a true democracy in any country in history

  • and there never will be

  • as long as the monetary system is in operation

  • and scarcity is perpetuated.

  • So then, how would a person participate within a Resource-Based Economy?

  • Well, how would you define participation?

  • True participation in society would entail

  • understanding how society technically worked

  • and then constructively proposing ideas or innovations

  • to be implemented, created or altered.

  • The first thing a person would do is interact with the Central Database.

  • Which, as denoted before, would come in the form of an Internet web page

  • that every person on the planet has access to.

  • They would then input their proposal.

  • The Central Database, with its historical knowledge

  • and full integration of all scientific fields

  • would then analyze the concept for its scientific and technical integrity

  • .

  • along with optimizing the materials required if necessary

  • based on current understandings and availabilities.

  • If the proposal is initially accepted by the Central Database

  • after it examines it for its basic integrity

  • it would either immediately be put into production

  • such as would be the case for a desired invention

  • or it would be turned over to the interdisciplinary teams

  • that oversee the implementation of a new proposal

  • and orient it into the system.

  • The person who submitted the proposal would then

  • become a part of the interdisciplinary team relevant to the idea.

  • .

  • These teams would not be fixed

  • but constantly revolving based on who wants to participate

  • in a given field and what they have to contribute.

  • This is a true election

  • based on what a person has done, not what they say they will do.

  • Furthermore, the public's fear of traditional corruption

  • will have little basis for there is no reward for it.

  • The interdisciplinary teams do not get paid in any way

  • for their worldviews have been expanded

  • to realize that their reward is, in fact

  • the fruits of the society as a whole

  • and they contribute because it benefits them directly.

  • While this might sound difficult for those

  • who have been fully indoctrinated into the monetary-based reward system

  • and feel that money is the only incentive there is

  • let it be known that every day, all over the world

  • millions of humans volunteer for the greater good.

  • In a 1992-released Gallop poll, more than 50% of American adults

  • volunteered with no pay for social causes

  • at an average of 4.2 hours a week, for a total of 20.5 billion hours.

  • This is an incredible triumph for the collective human spirit.

  • For even with the sickness of narrow self-interest

  • generated by the monetary system

  • humans still strive to help each other and give to society without reward.

  • .

  • In the future, those who choose to work

  • in the cybernated industrial system, will do so

  • because it is an honor to serve humanity.

  • They will understand that it is in their self-interest

  • in the broadest way, to see to it

  • that humanity lives and works together for the greater good.

  • The reward in a resource-based economy

  • would be the continual improvement of society for all.

  • So, participation is open to everyone

  • because all issues are fundamentally recognized as technical.

  • The degree to which a person contributes

  • is based simply on that person's education

  • and the ability to create and problem solve.

  • This is why expanded relevant education is critical.

  • In society today, the public is always kept uninformed

  • and as dumbed down as possible.

  • This way the government can maintain control.

  • In a resource-based economy, the goal of the educational system

  • is to produce the most intelligent and aware human beings as possible.

  • Why? Because everyone then has a greater possibility of contributing

  • greatly affecting our collective social evolution for the better

  • and improving the lives of all.

  • Now, due to the importance of this section

  • let's recap what we have discussed:

  • Who makes the decisions in a resource-based economy?

  • No-one does. Decisions are arrived at

  • by the use of the scientific method,

  • utilizing computers that gain realtime feedback from the environment

  • along with a central, historical database

  • of all known technical information

  • and maintained by revolving interdisciplinary teams.

  • The goal is to increase objective decision-making as much as possible

  • and when we fully accept that our problems in life are actually technical

  • the merit of this approach is without parallel.

  • In the end, the only real issues for society and natural world are:

  • 1. The production of goods and services that are equally available to all.

  • 2. Research projects and educational systems to expand our knowledge,

  • understandings and applications; and

  • 3. The constant monitoring of the Earth's resources and atmosphere

  • for feedback and possible environmental problems.

  • We could address true threats to humanity

  • such as unforeseen variables like tsunamis, earthquakes and disease.

  • The only real problems in life are the problems

  • that are common to all humans.

  • Cities and Lifestyle

  • In this section we are going to extend the tenets

  • of the Resource-Based Economy (RBE)

  • into one of our most fundamental social inventions: the city,

  • specifically, The Venus Project's circular city.

  • We will also discuss how people's lifestyle will change

  • in a Resource-Based Economy (RBE), likely with values and goals

  • that are profoundly different from what we see today.

  • In a RBE, the cities are designed to be

  • extremely flexible allowing for constant upgrades and changes.

  • They are emergent, fully-integrated systems

  • designed to evolve like a living organism.

  • Jacque Fresco's innovative, multidimensional

  • and circular city designs would use the most sophisticated resources

  • and construction techniques available.

  • However, it requires a fresh start.

  • Trying to fix our current cities

  • are not worth the time, material or effort.

  • It is much less problematic and effective to build newer cities

  • from the ground up, than to restore the old ones.

  • The circular city permits the most efficient use of resources

  • travel techniques, and general functionality

  • with a minimum expenditure of energy.

  • The geometrically elegant, circular arrangement

  • is designed to allow for the highest standard of living

  • and the most productive, and efficient ways possible.

  • For instance, the outermost perimeter of the city

  • is for nature-oriented recreation, including lush gardens

  • and parks for hiking and any other outdoor activity.

  • The next inner section is the agricultural belt

  • using outdoor and indoor agricultural methods

  • so food can be grown all year round.

  • Continuing in, eight green areas provide

  • clean renewable energy sources for the entire city.

  • While these energy sources would be region-specific

  • often these methods would include: geothermal, wind and solar

  • while those cities close to water will extend to wave and tidal power.

  • The largest of these green areas is also the residential belt.

  • The residence are constructed by extrusion technology

  • and other methods of high tech prefabrication.

  • The days of bricks and wood being stuck together are no more.

  • Structures of the future will be near-solid units extruded as a whole.

  • All homes and apartment complexes

  • are also virtually self-contained systems.

  • For instance, the outer surfaces of these new structures

  • serve as photovoltaic generators

  • converting solar radiation directly into electricity.

  • The homes are fire resistant, require little maintenance

  • and are impervious to water and other environmental influences.

  • Moving in past the residential district, are education, science

  • and research centers, along with production and distribution centers.

  • Automated inventory systems would integrate the distribution centers

  • and manufacturing facilities in a highly coordinated and efficient way.

  • In the center of the city there is a large dome

  • that contains the central cybernated system

  • which is the brain and nervous system of the entire city.

  • The core dome electrically controls and monitors

  • the production and distribution of products

  • while also controlling environmental factors within the system.

  • For example, in regard to the agricultural belt

  • electronic probes monitor and maintain the soil conditions

  • including the water table, nutrient allocation, and other attributes.

  • This method of environmental feedback

  • is applied to the entire city complex.

  • This way, a balanced-load economy can be maintained

  • with overruns and waste eliminated.

  • Waste recycling and other needs are located beneath the surface of the city

  • always utilizing the most advanced, and clean technology.

  • Other city designs would include various land-city configurations:

  • total enclosure cities, along with cities in the sea.

  • Regardless, the cities on Earth in whatever form they take

  • are all tightly interconnected within a worldwide system.

  • Just as each city has a central organizational dome

  • which functions as the brain, along with its nervous system,

  • consisting of computerized, environmental monitoring

  • via satellite and electronic probes, the larger world complex absorbs

  • each city and monitors the broad spectrum of the environment,

  • making sure that there isn't a problem or material resource

  • needed in any of the individual cities while also regulating

  • larger order processes for all cities and the environment as a whole.

  • Lifestyle

  • It's important to point out that in our current system

  • the traditional family is broken with both parents

  • having to work in order to survive.

  • Monetary economics undermines family cohesion and childcare.

  • Stress is always high due to medical bills, insurance,

  • education costs, employment insecurity and living costs.

  • In a Resource-Based Economy (RBE), the integrity of the family will be returned.

  • Beyond that, the cultural values of society as a whole

  • would undergo profound change,

  • with the monetary system outgrown and the world working together

  • to produce abundance for all the citizens of the planet.

  • Activities we appreciate will expand greatly

  • for the amount of human freedom will be unlike anything we know today.

  • Consequently, one of the more in depth changes in lifestyle and values

  • will be the way people think about property.

  • In most of the world today, property is a powerful concept

  • with people often associating their social status to what they own.

  • As stated before, the monetary system

  • requires cyclical consumption to function.

  • This naturally leads to people being manipulated

  • into thinking they want or need a particular good or service.

  • With the powerful tactics of modern advertising,

  • most in the world support an artificial, materialistic value system

  • that entails wanting more and more goods and services

  • often regardless of the necessity or utility.

  • In a Resource-Based Economy (RBE), the monetary system will no longer pollute

  • the human mind via its manipulative arm: advertising.

  • The endless sea of billboards, media commercials, magazines

  • and the like, will no longer poison the landscape, or our perceptions.

  • This will cause a dramatic shift in what we find important

  • and hence change our lifestyles.

  • More to the point, in a Resource-Based Economy (RBE)

  • there is no reason for property.

  • Property is an outgrowth of scarcity.

  • People who had to work very hard

  • to create or obtain a product or resource

  • in turn, protected it because it had immense value

  • relative to the labor entailed, along with the scarcity associated.

  • Property is not an American or a capitalist idea.

  • It is a primitive mental perspective

  • generated from generations of scarcity.

  • People only claim ownership because it is a legal form of protection.

  • In a system of abundance without the need for money,

  • the idea of ownership becomes irrelevant.

  • In this new system no-one owns anything;

  • instead, everyone has unrestricted access to everything.

  • Ownership is a massive burden;

  • no longer will a person need to live in one place;

  • one could travel the world constantly.

  • Anything needed is obtained without restriction.

  • There is no reason for abuse for there is nothing to gain.

  • You can't steal things that no-one owns and you certainly couldn't sell them.

  • Household items would be obtained through central distribution in the cities

  • while recreational items are available on call or near the location of interest.

  • For example, if you go to a golf course you would select, on site,

  • your clubs from the most effectively designed models available.

  • You use them and then you return them.

  • If you decide to keep the clubs, go ahead; that's your burden

  • for why would a person want to transport, maintain

  • and store golf clubs, when they can always have access

  • to them and return them on site?

  • Our homes today are full of stuff that we hold on to

  • because of the supposed value they maintain.

  • This waste will no longer be needed.

  • In this economic model, the city, or in fact

  • the entire world is really your home.

  • If you require an automobile for whatever reason

  • the car is made available for you.

  • When you get to your destination

  • the satellite-based driving system will automatically

  • make the car available for others to use

  • as opposed to sitting in some parking lot, wasting space and time.

  • In society today, the need for property

  • results in extreme product overlap and redundant waste.

  • It is much more intelligent to create a universal shared system,

  • for it dramatically reduces waste, redundancy

  • and increases space and efficiency.

  • Human Behavior

  • In this section, we are going to discuss the issue of human behavior

  • and its relationship to the environment

  • while also addressing the legal system and its extremely despotic

  • backwards basis for influencing human conduct.

  • Some people who consider the tenets of a Resource-Based Economy (RBE)

  • tend to think that the system would be difficult

  • due to something called 'human nature'.

  • The argument is that humans are inherently competitive

  • greedy, and blindly self-serving

  • implying that no matter how technically good things are in society

  • there will always be corrupt people who want

  • to abuse others and seek dominance.

  • Human nature is defined as: the shared psychological attributes

  • of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings.

  • Therefore, the implication of the term is that certain psychological

  • hence, mental behaviors are in some way, hard-wired into a person.

  • We are thus supposedly born with some preset

  • psychological inclinations.

  • It is easy to see how this kind of assumption has manifest

  • for if you look at the historical record for the human species thus far

  • we see an endless series of wars

  • genocides, conquests and power abuses.

  • Given that this is the pattern we recognize

  • it is easy to assume that it must be some set human nature

  • to behave in ways that are historically recurring.

  • Furthermore, so-called criminal behavior

  • has been a focus of psychologists for some time.

  • Is it the responsibility of an individual's genetic make up

  • that makes them a so-called criminal, or is it the environment

  • in which they are raised that determines this?

  • This is the age-old question of nature versus nurture.

  • First, what exactly is criminal behavior?

  • How do we qualify behavioral distinctions

  • that have been invented by man and changed with time?

  • The entire concept of criminality is temporal

  • and relative to a culture's values and concepts of morality.

  • Only 600 years ago, certain indigenous cultures around Mexico

  • engaged in mass human sacrifice, often killing thousands at a time.

  • Was this criminal activity? To us, perhaps

  • but to them it was accepted social custom.

  • What about the generations and generations of accepted slavery?

  • Is a criminal someone who steals food

  • in order to feed his or her starving family?

  • The bottom line is that there is no concrete scientific evidence

  • that really supports the notion that any of our behaviors

  • are strictly the result of our genetics.

  • The notion of human nature is largely mythological.

  • It stems from primitive, religious dualities

  • that the human is good or evil inherently.

  • The pursuit of people who seek the gene or the like,

  • which is supposedly the cause of a particular behavior

  • is essentially a form of superstition.

  • It is like a person being possessed by demons which control their actions.

  • The fact is, while neurochemicals and physiological traits

  • set propensities for a person's reactions and social gravitation

  • it is the environment that really creates our values and behavior.

  • There is no fixed, predetermined 'human nature'.

  • Our values, methods and actions are developed

  • and derived from experiences.

  • A Chinese baby, taken at birth and raised by a British family in England

  • will develop the language, dialect, mannerisms

  • traditions and accent of the British culture.

  • The bottom line is that our behavior is based upon what we learn,

  • coupled with the bio-social pressures that we must deal with

  • in order to survive.

  • As far as society today, the most fundamental condition

  • for offensive behavior is derived from the monetary system.

  • As expressed before, the monetary system perpetuates corruption,

  • stratification, scarcity, and insufficiency.

  • So-called "decency" can not exist in a world of competition,

  • wealth imbalance, poverty and deprivation.

  • The despotic behavior we see in the world today

  • is not the result of ingrained, genetic forces.

  • It is essentially a result of years of scarcity and competition.

  • The Legal System

  • In response to this, society today attempts to control people

  • by way of threat, using laws.

  • Laws are nothing more than "patches" which do not address

  • the root causes of behavior.

  • If a person is arrested for stealing

  • very little thought is given as to why

  • that person chose to steal to begin with.

  • Rather than consider the root causes

  • society today takes the easy way out

  • and often removes the so-calledcriminalvia prisons.

  • The source of any so-called crime is really society itself.

  • There is no such thing as a “criminal”.

  • As repeatedly expressed, the monetary system

  • generates corruption by its very construct.

  • As the Merva-Fowles study presented previously clearly shows

  • socially offensive behavior is directly related

  • to the socioeconomic circumstances.

  • The great majority of people in prisons come from

  • deprived socioeconomic positions.

  • Therefore, if we want to alter the behavior of people

  • we have to alter the social conditions.

  • We want to "design out" the flaws.

  • We don't put up a sign that says "Speed Limit 55 mph" for safety.

  • You design the system technically so safety is built in

  • and human error is either greatly reduced or not an option.

  • If you don’t want a person to steal

  • you make what they need readily available to them

  • without the need for debt

  • subservience or competition.

  • With the progress of technology today, we have the ability

  • to create a new social system that can allow all people access

  • to the necessities of life without a price tag, debt or servitude.

  • This will have a profound effect on the way

  • people treat each other and interact in society.

  • A staggering drop in crime would be the result,

  • for most crimes are monetary related.

  • Furthermore, for those crimes that might occur

  • such as a person who kills another out of jealousy

  • they would not be treated as a criminal, but rather as a sick patient.

  • Society will understand that people are products of their environment

  • and rather than condemn the person to a cold concrete cell

  • social scientists, psychologists and sociologists will heavily research

  • the cultural causes that generated the killer’s behavior

  • and consider those conditions that need to be altered

  • often through education.

  • In Conclusion

  • since antiquity, great religious and secular philosophers alike

  • have constantly advocated peaceful, unified ideals for humanity.

  • From Christianity to Hinduism, the idea of seeing others as yourself

  • is a long-standing disposition.

  • Sadly, one glance at society today makes one wonder

  • why the idea of universally valuing and respecting

  • your fellow human being, and working together, has never taken root.

  • Today’s self-interested, money-oriented society

  • creates an environment that refuses to allow

  • for the universal caring and account of another.

  • This system is based on the perpetuation of oneself

  • at the expense of others;

  • and therefore, it will never allow for a world of balance and harmony.

  • The fact is, it is time to stop praying

  • stop wishing and stop blindly talking about our supposed

  • humanistic and religious ideals and actually work to make them happen!

  • A Resource-Based Economy (RBE) puts into practice everything

  • the great religious and philosophic teachers have always talked about

  • in regard to humans embracing each other as their own

  • and working together in mutual respect as a single human family.

  • The use of science and The Scientific Method

  • while often deemed cold and heartless, actually presents

  • one of the most profound spiritual unfoldings we have ever seen.

  • While many people look with great awe and respect

  • upon figures like Mother Teresa and her selfless nature,

  • few tend to see Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin

  • in the same romanticized way.

  • Penicillin has saved countless more lives today

  • than any charitable idea or organization.

  • The point is that science and technology are divinity in action.

  • We cannot wait for some divine revelation

  • or somegreat manto guide us.

  • We must realize that we are on our own on this planet

  • and it is up to us to change the world for the better.

  • It is time we stopped pontificating and providing lip service

  • to those spiritual values which religious and secular philosophers

  • have been discussing for millennia, and finally put them into practice.

  • Science is the tool for this functional spirituality,

  • and if we work to apply its methods for the betterment

  • of civilization itself, we can reach

  • the spiritual goals we have sought since antiquity.

  • The Zeitgeist Movement Join us

  • www.zeitgeistmovement. com

  • Subtitles have been made possible thanks to

The following presentation is designed to give a basic overview of the tenets


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ツァイトガイスト運動:オリエンテーション・プレゼンテーション (The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation)

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    Benjamin Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日