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  • I'm Mac Lyon from the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Kick turns are awesome tools to

  • be able to use to change direction without losing any sort of elevation. I use kick turns

  • whenever I encounter terrain that I don't want to ski. Whether that be cliff, or if

  • the snow conditions aren't very good.

  • To do a kick turn, what I want to do is I want to take my downhill hand and pole. Place

  • it uphill and behind me. I'm using both of my poles and my uphill foot to really establish

  • my balance point. I'm trying to place my weight evenly amongst those 3 points. I want to kick

  • my downhill leg, move it forward and upward, in a sweeping motion until my downhill foot

  • is facing the opposite direction. I want to shift my weight onto that downhill leg. Once

  • you've found that balance point, pick your uphill hand and foot, step them around to

  • match the foot that you moved originally, and push on out of the terrain.

  • Kick turns are incredibly necessary in steep, technical terrain, but are used everywhere

  • on the ski hill. If I'm at the lodge and I want to turn around quickly without running

  • into anybody, I'm going to use a kick turn. If I get off the chair, I'm facing the wrong

  • way, and there's people strapping in, I'm going to use a kick turn. It's really, really

  • useful for day-to-day skiing.

I'm Mac Lyon from the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Kick turns are awesome tools to


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スキー:キックターンの仕方 (Skiing: How to Kick Turn)

  • 31 3
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日