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  • So it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all here today

  • for the first lecture of, well, Introduction

  • to Computing and Programming.

  • Also known as CS50 or well, CPSC 100, officially here at Yale.

  • >> So we couldn't be more excited to welcome you all here.

  • My name is Patrick Rebeschini.

  • I'm the head instructor for the class.

  • I am here representing a group of about 60 staff members

  • that will work with you throughout the semester.

  • This number is almost 60 of us.

  • Yet along the extraordinary level of commitments

  • that we put into this class, makes CS50 the class

  • at Yale University that offers the greatest level of support

  • to all of you.

  • And we couldn't be more proud of offering this class here again.

  • >> In fact, as you will soon experience, CS50 is much more than a class.

  • It's a community.

  • And you will be part soon of this community.

  • This is the second year that Yale is offering this class.

  • We are building on the extreme success of last year, where

  • for the first time, here at this university,

  • undergraduate learning assistant were adopted in classrooms.

  • It all started with this class last year.

  • >> So as you know, the class is taught jointly with Harvard University.

  • To teach this course we are relying-- we can

  • count on the great expertise of David Malan and the Harvard team.

  • So David has been teaching CS50 for well, 10 years now.

  • And every year he has been pushing the boundaries

  • and improving the classroom experience.

  • Again, we couldn't be more happy to continue this collaboration with them.

  • >> In fact, one of the most interesting parts,

  • I will say of running this class now, both at Harvard and here at Yale,

  • is the really incredible cross-fertilization

  • of ideas, aimed at improving the learning experience to you all.

  • So as a result of this extensive collaboration between the two

  • university, CS50 is proud to announce the new version this year

  • with noticeable changes.

  • David will all tell us about them now.

  • So please-- this being said, please join me

  • and welcome to give a big round of applause

  • to welcome David and Harvard team here at Yale.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> DAVID MALAN: Thank you.

  • Thanks.

  • This is CS50, Harvard University's and Yale University's introduction

  • to the intellectual enterprises of computer science

  • and the art of programming.

  • And what that means is that this course ultimately, is about problem solving.

  • Indeed many of you might have come out of high school

  • or have spent the past couple of years wondering what some of your friends

  • did last year or in other classes.

  • And yet, the reality is, no matter what we

  • do at the end of the day in this class, it's going to be about problem solving.

  • >> And as such, perhaps take some reassurance in the fact

  • that 73% of the students that take this class, both here

  • at Yale as well as at Harvard, have never taken a CS class before.

  • So if you're sitting here in the audience today wondering

  • why you are sitting here in the audience today,

  • or maybe you just followed along with some friends,

  • or maybe you've been a little curious as to what

  • computer science and programming is, realize

  • that most of your classmates to the left and to the right of you

  • are very much in that same demographic.

  • >> And indeed, if we look at last year statistics

  • within the student body of CS50, both here and at Harvard, 58% of students

  • describe themselves as less comfortable.

  • 9% is more comfortable.

  • And then 33% is somewhere in between.

  • And there's no formal definition of what these buckets means.

  • You sort of know you're less comfortable if you are.

  • You're feeling a little uneasy with maybe being in the class.

  • You're not quite sure if a computer science class is ultimately for you,

  • and realize that you are in very good company.

  • And indeed the grading, and the assessment,

  • and the feedback, and all of that support structure in the class

  • is ultimately very much individualized.

  • More so than most any other class by design.

  • And indeed, what ultimately matters in this class is not

  • so much where you end up relative to others,

  • but where you, in week 11 or last, and relative to yourself in week

  • 0 here our first.

  • So what does that mean?

  • Well, this means of those 73% of students last year that had never taken

  • a CS class before, by the start of the semester they

  • were dabbling in a language called Scratch, which we ourselves

  • will see here today.

  • And by the end of the semester had they gone

  • through this entire list of challenges.

  • Starting with a language called c.

  • Implementing, what's at first glance, going

  • to be a bit of a challenge for some, but fairly gratifying once you

  • get Super Mario bouncing up and down a pyramid

  • implemented, albeit, with just something called ASCII art.

  • Implementing last year-- what the students last year then

  • did after that was implement their own Caesar cipher and vigenere cipher.

  • So encryption algorithms with which you could

  • scramble information and then unscramble information to send secret messages.

  • The game of 15.

  • If you remember from childhood or some party favor,

  • that little plastic game where you move the numbers up, down, left and right

  • to try to get them in order, actually implementing that game

  • and solving the logic required there.

  • And then we dabbled in forensics last year.

  • >> So by mid-semester, students who had never

  • used their keyboards for this purpose before,

  • were writing software to recover, so to speak,

  • JPEGs or photographs that we had accidentally

  • deleted from a digital memory card from a camera.

  • Recovering secret messages from inside of a bitmap image,

  • and other such types of graphics as well.

  • >> We then transitioned to giving the whole class a dictionary.

  • Just a really big text file with 150,000 English words.

  • And everyone was challenged to somehow read, so to speak,

  • those words into memory.

  • Into the computer's memory.

  • And then answer questions of the form, is this a word?

  • Is this a word?

  • Is this a word?

  • Really just implementing a spell checker.

  • And then challenging each other with a big board--

  • a leader board to see who could use the least amount of memory,

  • in the least amount of time to actually spell check large documents.

  • >> We transitioned from then to implementing ones own web server.

  • So not making web pages in languages like HTML and CSS, if you're familiar.

  • But actually implementing the server that

  • listens on the internet for requests from browsers

  • and then responding to those requests.

  • Then implementing our own e-trade like website, where

  • students could buy and sell stocks.

  • Drawing in nearly real time stock quotes from Yahoo Finance.

  • And allowing students to see how their portfolio develops.

  • And then finally a mash up of Google News and Google

  • Maps whereby students by term by terms end

  • had the ability to click, and round, and search on a Google map.

  • And then see all of the news articles that

  • are proximal to those particular areas.

  • So truly going from zero to 60.

  • >> And along the way having what we had last year called, hacker additions.

  • That raise the bar further for those of you

  • who might very well have a good amount of experience being in that 9%

  • of more comfortable.

  • So realize that there's a very high ceiling

  • even within those challenges for students

  • coming from a different background.

  • Because at the end of the day, we're ultimately

  • focused quite simply on this.

  • >> But what does this mean, problem solving?

  • So let's propose that we distill it like this.

  • So problem solving is really just this kind of picture.

  • So you've got inputs to some problem, something you actually want to solve.

  • The goal is to get outputs, a solution to that problem.

  • And then in the middle is what we'll call a black box.

  • You don't necessarily know or even care what's inside that black box.

  • All you know is that when you feed input into it,

  • you hopefully get output or a solution from it.

  • And while today we'll look both at inputs and outputs,

  • we'll long term, and over the course of the whole semester,

  • focus on what's inside that box.

  • >> And therein will lie something called algorithms.

  • Step by step instructions for actually solving some problems.

  • But what's an example of some inputs?

  • So maybe a simple thing at the start of every school year, someone

  • might want to take attendance.

  • So we might do one, two, three, four, five, six,

  • and how would I keep track of that information.

  • I might just go one, two, three, four, five, six.

  • And just use sort of single digits.

  • >> Or I could actually record this a little longer term.

  • And how do I represent all the humans in this room?

  • Well, I might do something like, OK.

  • I see one person.

  • All right.

  • I see another person, a third person, and so forth.

  • But no one counts people like this.

  • So literally, most of us if we're even going to draw anything at all,

  • are probably going to go one, two, three, four,

  • maybe get a little fancy, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and so forth.

  • >> And that's actually a system called unary.

  • Uno, like uno implying one, where you just have one letter of the alphabet.

  • You've just got this hash mark.

  • And I, for efficiency, just drew these hash marks, ultimately

  • as straight lines.

  • But I could have drawn them as little stick figures.

  • Where to represent one person, one input,

  • I just draw a stick figure or a hash mark.

  • But this isn't all that expressive.

  • >> If all I have is these hash marks, let alone stick figures,

  • how might I represent something like the number 15?

  • Or 15 people in the room?

  • I might have to do something like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

  • 14, 15.

  • It just does not scale very well.

  • As the inputs get large, we need a better system than this.

  • >> And it turns out that the system that computers use

  • is not all that different from what you and I know.

  • In fact, most people in this room, even if you are among those less

  • comfortable, don't necessarily know how your Mac or PC really works,

  • you've probably at least heard, that underneath the hood are 0's and 1's.

  • The so-called binary system.

  • So indeed, computers have more than just hash marks in their vocabulary,

  • but not as much of a vocabulary as we humans.

  • >> Indeed, we humans don't use binary.

  • Bi meaning 2, 0 and 1.

  • But decimal, deca meaning 10, 0 through 9.

  • So we have a lot more expressive capabilities in our normal human world.

  • But I'd argue that these systems, binary, and decimal, and everything

  • in between and beyond, are actually all quite familiar.

  • For instance, consider this example here, 123.

  • So this really is, of course, a number we know as 123.

  • But all I just drew was just this pattern of symbols, glyphs so to speak.

  • Sort of shapes on the board in chalk.

  • >> But why do we immediately and intuitively grasp this as 123?

  • Well, if you were like me in grade school,

  • you probably learned that this is the 1s column, this is the 10s column,

  • this is the 100s column.

  • And why is that useful?

  • Well, it's simple arithmetic you now do to get from a pattern of symbols

  • to a number we understand intuitively.

  • Is what, 100 times 1, and then 10 times 2, and 1 times 3,

  • which of course is just 100, and this is 20, and this is three.

  • And so if we add those together-- ah.

  • So therein lies the sort of reasoning behind why this set of symbols

  • means something real and numeric.

  • >> Well, computers do the exact same thing, but they only can count as high as one.

  • Whereas I was able to count as high as three.

  • And in fact, if I kept going I could go as high as nine in this system.

  • Computers only have zeros and ones in their alphabet.

  • >> So what does that mean?

  • Well, it just means that if a computer wants to represent, say the number 0,

  • maybe using three characters-- three letters of the alphabet so to speak,

  • that's how a computer represents 0.

  • So not all that scary so far.

  • It's exactly what we humans would do.

  • And in fact, most of us would just ignore the leading zeros anyway.

  • >> A computer, if it wants to store the number 1,

  • turns out is going to do this.

  • And a computer to store the number 2 is not

  • going to do the unary system, which I alluded to earlier.

  • It's actually going to do this.

  • And this is probably where the pattern starts

  • to become less obvious for most folks.

  • That's 2, this is 3.

  • Curiously, this is now 4.

  • And now it really does seem to be perhaps cryptic,

  • but it's not if we consider what binary really means.

  • It means you have two letters of your alphabet.

  • So two possible characters for each placeholder.

  • >> So that really means we're going to need a 1s place, or 2s place,

  • a 4s place and then 8, and 16, 32, and 64.

  • And what's the difference there?

  • Like these are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

  • And before we had 110, 100,000, 10,000.

  • What's the similarity there?

  • And what's the pattern?

  • Yeah.

  • STUDENT: Powers of 2 instead of powers of 10.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • Powers of 2 instead of powers of 10.

  • And so if I wanted to keep going, 8, 16s and so forth--

  • but now if you have this sort of clue, now the binary system

  • is actually pretty straightforward.

  • Why is this pattern of 0's in the world of computers 0?

  • Well because it's 4 times 0, 2 times 0, 1 times 0 and you get 0.

  • >> Why is this the number 1?

  • Same reasoning, but now we have a 1 in the 1 column.

  • Why is this 2?

  • We have a 1 in the 2s column.

  • And how then do I represent say, the number 7 in binary?

  • Say louder.

  • >> STUDENT: Three 1s.

  • >> DAVID MALAN: Three 1s.

  • So 1, 1, 1 because we just need 4 plus 2 plus 1 gives me 7.

  • All right.

  • So from there how do we represent 8 with 3 placeholders?

  • Yeah.

  • >> STUDENT: 1, 0, 0, 0.

  • >> DAVID MALAN: Yeah 1, 0, 0, 0.

  • And yet maybe, I kind of technically need

  • to add another placeholder to the board.

  • If I want to fit that I indeed need to do something like this.

  • So I actually need to use now the 8s column, and that's fine.

  • But the curious thing in computing is that that's going to cost us something.

  • You need more RAM in your computer now.

  • You need more memory because you need something

  • physical to store that additional bit, so to speak.

  • Binary digits.

  • And indeed all that's happened here, like the decimal system,

  • if we keep adding numbers up and up and up, we go to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8

  • it's like carrying the 1, literally.

  • And then everything else goes back down to zero.

  • >> But how do we actually represent these things physically in a computer?

  • Well, at the end of the day, the only physical input going into my computer

  • here is this power cord, so electricity or electrons from the wall.

  • And so how do I get from something physical like that to actually

  • representing an idea like this instead.

  • >> Well, what could we do?

  • We could consider that, all right, maybe if electricity is flowing

  • I could store it and hold on to it.

  • And if I'm holding on to some electricity,

  • that's just going to arbitrarily represent a 1.

  • And if I pull the plug and there's nothing there,

  • you know that's just going to arbitrarily represent a 0.

  • >> So if something's there, 1.

  • If nothing's there, 0.

  • Or you can make this a little more visual.

  • Here is a 0.

  • There's nothing interesting going on about the back of my phone.

  • But if I allow a little bit of electricity to flow,

  • even though it's a little bright in here, my flashlight went on.

  • So I'm storing a charge and ergo, this phone now represents a 1.

  • So 0 1.

  • >> So with 1 iPhone how high can I count using this kind of approach?

  • I mean to 1.

  • It's not all that compelling.

  • So what more could we do?

  • Well let's see, is anyone on their phone right now that I could borrow?

  • Anyone who has a phone with a flashlight built in?

  • May I borrow?

  • I don't need it unlocked.

  • All right.

  • Thank you.

  • Let me borrow this.

  • All right.

  • So if I now scroll up and here, what am I representing now?

  • Yeah.

  • So it's a three because this is in the 1s column, this is in the 2s column.

  • So 1 plus 2 is 3.

  • And then if we try to get really creative-- oh, thank you.

  • Very preemptive.

  • All right.

  • I now have three iPhones.

  • All right.

  • >> And now this-- I won't do any further than this.

  • What am I representing now?

  • Just sevens.

  • But I needed physically more memory in this case.

  • But that's all it is.

  • You can think of what's going on-- thank you-- inside of your phone

  • as just being a switch that's being turned on and off.

  • >> And if you've ever heard the word transistor.

  • Or if you've ever heard the marketing speak Intel inside,

  • that's speaking to the kind of hardware that's inside of your computer.

  • Intel makes CPUs, central processing units,

  • which are like the brains inside of your computer.

  • And these CPUs and things they're connected

  • to have lots and lots of tiny switches.

  • Millions, billions of switches that can either be on or off.

  • >> So computers, thankfully, like our Macs and PCs,

  • can count way higher than 7 or 8 because they have way more than three

  • or four bits.

  • Way more than the equivalent of the three flashlights that we just had.

  • But now this starts to get pretty uninteresting quickly.

  • If I now want to actually be able to do something more interesting,

  • I want to be able to jump to something like this.

  • >> So ASCII, it's not really a useful acronym, but American Standard Code

  • for Information Interchange.

  • It just means, some years ago we humans decided,

  • you know what, we want to be able to do more with computers than just numbers.

  • We don't want them to just be expensive calculators,

  • we'd like to be able to do things like word processing, albeit very simply.

  • Later we had email and other such media.

  • >> And so the world decided some years ago according to this system ASCII,

  • you know what?

  • In certain types of programs any time you

  • see the equivalent of the number 65, like the pattern of bits.

  • And we could do the math here on the board.

  • The pattern of bits that represent 65.

  • Don't think of it as 65 in decimal.

  • Think of it as arbitrarily, but globally, consistently as the capital

  • A.

  • And then the world decided, you know what?

  • Let's take another pattern of bits.

  • And if we ever see the number 66, let's just

  • assume that that is the capital B. Fast forward to H

  • and I, if you see 72 or 73, that should be an H and an I, respectively.

  • And so as long as the whole world agrees upon this.

  • So that when you receive an email, or you would get a file on a USB stick,

  • or something like that-- when you see that pattern of bits,

  • you know that it should be this letter or some other letter.

  • >> But it's context specific, right.

  • An email program might interpret these things as characters,

  • but a graphing calculator or calculator might represent or interpret

  • these things, of course, as letters.

  • >> So with that said, quick little review.

  • This is maybe a three character e-mail that's been sent to me.

  • Underneath the hood it's all in 0s and 1s, But we don't care.

  • We're going to start to abstract above the 0s and 1s to letters.

  • And if I see a pattern of 0s and 1s that really represent 72, hint, hint, 73,

  • and then 33, what's the message?


  • DAVID MALAN: So if you think back just a moment ago, HI

  • was the message I was trying to communicate here because H is 72,

  • I is 73, and now 33-- you wouldn't necessarily know this in advance,

  • but it turns out if you actually see more of the chart and the system

  • that humanity agreed upon years ago, it's just an exclamation point.

  • And indeed, there is a pattern of symbols and numbers for every character

  • that you might have on your keyboard.

  • >> All right.

  • Let's abstract further.

  • If we don't want to just have things like numbers and letters,

  • we actually want to implement graphics.

  • Well, if you've ever heard the acronym RGB.

  • It's kind of dated now, but it's still kind of there.

  • RGB is red, green, blue.

  • And it's just a system of saying, you know what,

  • let's use three sets of bits.

  • A set of 8 bits, another set of 8 bits, and another set of 8 bits.

  • And let's use those bits to store how much red we

  • want on our screen, how much green we want on our screen,

  • and how much blue we want on our screen.

  • And this just means that if you have a lot-- a big number for red,

  • that means give me a lot of red.

  • If you have a big number for green, give me a lot of green.

  • And if you have just a little bit of blue or a small number like 33,

  • give me a little bit of blue.

  • And if you happen to combine those three magnitudes, so to speak,

  • you get this-- you barely can see on the projector here, but this murky

  • shade of yellow or brown.

  • >> But this is to say, using that pattern of 8 plus 8 plus plus 8--

  • that pattern of 24 bits is how a computer would

  • store that shade of yellow in one tiny dot a pixel on the screen.

  • So we've gone from 0s and 1s to decimal numbers to letters of the alphabet.

  • Or more interesting, colored dots.

  • >> Well, what of course then comes next?

  • Well, what is an image that you see on Facebook or get in an email?

  • Or the like?

  • What is the definition technically of an image?

  • Yeah.

  • What is an image composed of if you look really close at your screen?

  • Yeah.

  • It's just a whole bunch of pixels.

  • In fact, if you take your laptop maybe later on,

  • and look really closely at it-- depending

  • on how expensive the laptop is and how high quality the screen is,

  • you might very well see all of the little dots on the screen.

  • >> And those dots or pixels, which means there's

  • 24 bits representing every pixel in that photograph that you see on Facebook,

  • or that you just took on your iPhone recently.

  • And so that's how we get to things like graphics.

  • Well, what's a video?

  • A video is just a set of graphics flying by the screen again

  • and again and again.

  • And so videos really, are just patterns of bits representing grids, rows

  • and columns of dots, flying by the screen image,

  • after image, after image, a.k.a.

  • Motion pictures.

  • So that's it for inputs and outputs.

  • >> All we have now is an assumption that, you

  • know what, if we want a computer to represent information,

  • we have a system for doing it.

  • We can do it with 0s and 1s at the end of the day.

  • But we can abstract, so to speak, on top of that

  • so as to represent more interesting things.

  • And here on out in CS50, and in computer science more generally,

  • we now stand on the shoulders of all the people who

  • came before us who figured that out.

  • And now just assume that computers can represent inputs and outputs.

  • >> But now let's actually do something with them.

  • So an algorithm is just a set of instructions, step by step,

  • for solving some problem.

  • And what might one such problem be.

  • So this is an old school technology, a phone book.

  • And inside of a phone book is a whole bunch of names and numbers.

  • And those names are generally sorted alphabetically.

  • >> So if I wanted to find someone in this phone book like Mike Smith,

  • what's a typical human going to do?

  • Well, you could simply open it up, look at the first page.

  • I don't see Mike Smith.

  • Turn to the second page, I don't see Mike Smith.

  • And just keep going and going.

  • Is this step by step approach correct?

  • Yeah.

  • It's kind of stupid, right.

  • It's inefficient, right.

  • Because it's going to take forever to get to Mike, but it is correct.

  • Because if Mike is here I will indeed find him.

  • >> So what's a slightly more reasonable person going to do?

  • They might still open to the front, and maybe fly through the phone book

  • two pages at a time.

  • Two, four, six, eight.

  • I can't actually physically do it very well.

  • But in theory, this should be twice as fast, two pages at a time.

  • Is this algorithm correct?


  • DAVID MALAN: Not necessarily.

  • Good.

  • Why that caveat?

  • >> STUDENT: Because he could be on one of the pages that you're skipping.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • So even if I get closer and closer.

  • What if he's just accidentally, by bad luck, sandwiched between the two pages

  • that I'm flying over?

  • So we need a fix for this.

  • We actually need to then say, wait a minute,

  • maybe if we go too far, maybe if we hit the T section,

  • for T coming after Smith, then we should at least double back at least one page.

  • So fixable, but there is a conditional issue there.

  • So it's twice as fast, but you might have to double back just a little bit.

  • But no one in his room, even if you don't really use phone books anymore,

  • is going to start at the beginning.

  • What are you going to do looking for Mike Smith?

  • You're going to go roughly to the S's.

  • Or if you don't really have the cheat sheet on the paper,

  • you're going to go at least roughly to the middle.

  • And certainly not to the front of the book.

  • You're going to look down.

  • And mathematically you're probably going to see the M section, which

  • is roughly in the middle.

  • And then you're going to realize, what is true?

  • Where is Mike?


  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • So he's over on this side.

  • And so what can you do?

  • Well, both figuratively and literally can you tear the problem in half once?

  • And then know that you can throw this half of the problem away.

  • And now we're left with fundamentally the same problem, but it's half as big.

  • And so now what's the set of instructions?

  • What's the algorithm for finding Mike Smith?

  • It's the exact same thing.

  • >> Now this happens to be the M section and this is the Z section,

  • but the fundamental formula is still the same.

  • Go roughly to the middle, look down, oh, darn it.

  • Now I'm in the T section, I've gone too far.

  • But here too can you apply that same logic.

  • Throw half of the problem away and now we're

  • left with a problem that's a quarter of the size.

  • And we can repeat, and we can repeat, and we can repeat until theoretically

  • there's just one page left on which Mike either is or isn't.

  • >> So what's so powerful about this idea?

  • I mean after all, it's pretty intuitive.

  • No one's going to start at the beginning of the phone book

  • and flip 1,000 pages to find Mike Smith.

  • Most everyone in this room is going to do roughly that kind of algorithm

  • save for the tearing.

  • >> And so why did we do that?

  • Well, consider the efficiency.

  • Consider just how much better this algorithm was by breaking it down

  • into its component parts.

  • So what did I first do?

  • I picked up the phone book.

  • And a computer scientist, and a programmer,

  • more generally it turns out, is going to start counting everything at 0.

  • >> Why?

  • Well, it's a little strange that we humans count, generally,

  • starting from one.

  • Because what's the smallest number we can clearly represent based

  • even on our old grade school math?

  • Well, it was 0, whether it's in decimal or binary.

  • And so you'll see in the world of computing and programming,

  • specifically, we start counting everything from 0.

  • >> So I picked up the phone book step 0.

  • I'm going to open to the middle of the phone book.

  • And that's indeed an expression of what I did.

  • And then step two was look at the names.

  • Step three is a little different conceptually.

  • I'm asking myself a question.

  • If Smith is among the names, I'm going to make a decision.

  • If he's among the names, then I'm going to call Mike.

  • And I'm going to make a decision based on that piece of information.

  • >> However, if not, if Smith is earlier in the book to the left,

  • I'm going to open to the middle of the left half of the book.

  • And then here's the cleverness, I'm going to go back to step two.

  • I'm going to sort of stand on my own shoulders

  • and just repeat the past work I did.

  • But the work I have left is less, and less, and less.

  • But it's still going to work.

  • But if Mike, instead, is later in the book to the right,

  • I'm going to open to the middle of the right half of the book,

  • then go back to step two.

  • >> But there's actually a fourth scenario.

  • Mike's either here, or here, or here, or--

  • >> STUDENT: Not there.

  • DAVID MALAN: Not there.

  • And indeed, if we don't anticipate this fourth and final scenario

  • our program might be buggy or flawed in some way.

  • Else, quit in the case that we haven't found Mike at all.

  • And indeed, if you've ever noticed your computer hanging, or all

  • of a sudden word or some other program just quits unexpectedly,

  • and sometimes thee error message is literally that.

  • This program quit unexpectedly.

  • It can be for any number of reasons.

  • But sometimes it's something as simple as this.

  • The human programmer who wrote that software

  • didn't realize that, oh, there's a forth thing that can actually happen.

  • And if you don't write code to capture that fourth scenario,

  • it is indeed unexpected sometimes what the computer might actually do.

  • Now let's call out a few of these things.

  • So in yellow here, I have highlighted terms

  • that henceforth we're just going to call functions.

  • Functions in the world of programming are just like actions,

  • statements of actions.

  • So pick up, open to, look at, call, open, open, quit.

  • That's a function, a procedure, an action, any number of synonyms

  • would work as well.

  • Now what are these things now in yellow?

  • If else, if else, if else, these are what

  • we're going to call conditions in programming,

  • or branches, decision points, if you will.

  • But how do you know which fork in the road to take, so to speak?

  • We need to highlight the terms to the right

  • there, which are these yes, no questions.

  • These true false questions.

  • Smith among names?

  • Smith earlier in book?

  • Smith later in book?

  • These are questions to which there is a yes, or no,

  • or equivalently true, or false, or equivalently, one or zero answer.

  • >> And meanwhile there's just one last piece.

  • This here has what kind of effect?

  • Whether or not you program before, how would you

  • describe what step seven and 10 are doing?

  • What did you say?

  • STUDENT: A recursive step.

  • DAVID MALAN: A recursive step.

  • Yes, essentially.

  • It's technically iterative here if you're familiar.

  • But we'll come back to that.

  • But it's doing something clearly.

  • Again, it's inducing a cycle, a loop, right.

  • You're literally going back to some earlier step.

  • And so indeed, this is going to implement some kind of cycle.

  • But you're not going to get stuck in this endlessly, right.

  • Because if you're constantly checking is Mike here, or to the left, or not here,

  • eventually he's not going to be there.

  • And you can just quit altogether as per that last line.

  • >> So that's it for vocabulary.

  • And this was what we would generally call pseudocode code.

  • It's not an actual language.

  • It's just very terse English, but it communicates the point.

  • There's no formal structure here.

  • You just use it's few words, but as clear words

  • as you can to communicate your idea.

  • >> Now how good is that algorithm and how much better is it?

  • Well, we don't have to get into the specifics of numbers or anything

  • like that.

  • But we can look at the shape of this solution.

  • So if we just draw some xy plot here on the horizontal axis here.

  • Let's just call the size of the problem.

  • And a computer scientist would typically use n as the variable here.

  • So n pages, or n people in the room, or whatever it is you're trying to count.

  • >> And then on the vertical axis on the left, that would be the time to solve.

  • So how many seconds does it take me to find Mike Smith?

  • Or how many steps does it take?

  • How many page turns does it take?

  • So that's how much it costs me in time to solve a problem.

  • And we might draw the first algorithms slope, if you will,

  • as just this straight line in red.

  • And I'll call it n.

  • >> Why n?

  • Why is it just this one to one relationship?

  • Well, if Verizon or whatever phone company

  • adds one more page to the phone book next year,

  • that might push Mike one more step closer to the end,

  • depending on where that page is.

  • And so the effect might just be to add one more second.

  • Or one more page turn.

  • A one to one ratio.

  • >> By contrast, the second algorithm.

  • How much faster was that intuitively?

  • Where I went two pages at a time?

  • Yeah.


  • >> DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • So it's going to be twice as fast.

  • And we would draw that here depending on the scale.

  • It still is a straight line, but lower than the red line.

  • Because for some number of pages, if it takes

  • you this many steps with the first algorithm,

  • it's going to take you half as many steps with the second.

  • And so the yellow line describing the second algorithm

  • is just going to be below it.

  • >> But what's really powerful is to think about the third and final,

  • and amazingly most intuitive algorithm, that has this shape.

  • Technically we would call this a logarithmic curve.

  • Log base 2 of n in this case.

  • But that doesn't really matter.

  • What matters really is the fundamentally different shape that it has.

  • And you can consider just how much shorter this line really

  • is in the long run.

  • It's constantly increasing.

  • It doesn't flatten out perfectly.

  • But it grows ever so much more slowly as the problem gets bigger and bigger.

  • And you can think of it this way-- if Verizon doesn't just

  • add one page next year but doubles the number of pages in the phone book,

  • the first algorithm might take twice as many steps.

  • If it's 1,000 pages this year, 2,000 pages next year,

  • Mike might be that much farther away.

  • So it's 1,000 extra steps to find him.

  • The second algorithm might be only 500 more

  • steps to find him because again, I'm flying through it two at a time.

  • >> But what about the third algorithm?

  • If Verizon doubles the size of the phone book

  • next year from 1,000 to 2000 pages, how many more steps

  • is my third algorithm going to take?

  • Yeah, it's just one.

  • And that's the powerful idea.

  • You can take 1,000 page bite out of that problem at once.

  • And now if you consider a silly scenario,

  • but it kind of speaks to the power of this kind of intuition--

  • if a phone book had, like, four billion pages, feels like a really big problem.

  • And indeed, it might take me four billion page

  • turns to find Mike Smith in that case with the first algorithm.

  • But how many steps would it take in the third algorithm

  • to find Mike among four billion pieces of paper?

  • So four billion you tear in half.

  • You get two billion.

  • Then one billion, then 500 million, 250 million, 125 million-- but it

  • feels like this is going to take a while.

  • I might need 32 fingers to count up that high.

  • But it is indeed as few as 32 page tears.

  • You can go from four billion to one page dividing

  • the original number of pages in half 32 times

  • until you're left with just that single page.

  • >> Now, of course, I'm cheating here.

  • It's not that we are just being sort of stupid entirely with the first two

  • algorithms.

  • I am cheating in some sense, or really I'm leveraging an assumption.

  • What was true about the phone book in its original form that allowed

  • me to even use that third algorithm?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: It was alphabetized.

  • DAVID MALAN: It was alphabetized, right?

  • If it were just in random order, this is a waste

  • of time, this whole conversation.

  • I have to look at every page if it's in random order

  • to find Mike Smith before I can conclude he's there or not.

  • And so the corner we have cut is that I have

  • assumed that someone else in this case did the work for me.

  • And so that ultimately invites the question, well, wait a minute.

  • How do you sort 1,000 pages of names and numbers?

  • That's actually a different problem, something

  • we'll come back to in the future.

  • But when you think about websites like Facebook and Google for Gmail

  • and things like Google's own search indexes,

  • when you have millions or billions of pieces of data being stored these days,

  • searching-- and not to mention sorting those problems--

  • is ultimately a challenge unto itself.

  • And indeed, this then is just one of those challenges

  • that we'll be looking at.

  • >> So now let's take a moment and take a look at CS50

  • itself and give you a sense of what's in store this semester.

  • Indeed, if you haven't already, do take a look at this URL.

  • And as Patrick alluded to, this year we're

  • making a significant investment all the more in the course's support

  • structure in terms of the TAs and the CAs, office hours,

  • sections availability, and digital materials online, as well.

  • Indeed, in terms of the course's lecture, we're here today.

  • And the expectations this year officially of the course

  • are attend to today, the course's last lecture, and a course

  • roughly in the middle of the semester with every lecture in between

  • made available generally on a Friday afternoon

  • online, both for Yale students and Harvard students this year.

  • Indeed, one of the fundamental changes is

  • that we're adopting at Harvard a paradigm very much

  • like we did here last year and now this year,

  • so that similarly, we still film most of the course's lectures in Cambridge

  • but make them available earlier than we have in the past

  • so that those of you-- if you would like to, for instance,

  • get a head start on materials on the the first weekend rather

  • than the second weekend, you'll have access to these kinds of materials,

  • searchable, embeddable, hyperlinkable to related resources all the earlier.

  • In terms of the topics, to give you a sense of the course's trajectory--

  • and some of this might be jargon for now, but not for long, rest assured.

  • We'll start today, ultimately, with looking at one programming

  • language called Scratch.

  • We'll transition thereafter next week to something called C

  • and then looking at other building blocks for solving problems,

  • things called arrays and algorithms, how we use memory to our advantage

  • and disadvantage, and things like data structures,

  • and then toward the tail end of the class looking at machine learning

  • and looking at another language called Python,

  • how the web works, how the internet more generally works, protocols like HTTP,

  • languages for databases like SQL, JavaScript for the web,

  • and ultimately tying all of those together.

  • >> And so indeed, at the end of the day, you

  • will not learn in this class Scratch or C or Python or SQL or JavaScript.

  • You will instead more generally learn computer science and the foundations

  • thereof, and you will learn how to program

  • in any number of these languages along the way.

  • So indeed, one of the goals of the course in the end

  • is to take off all of the course's training wheels by those final weeks

  • so that after this, you can return to your own fields--

  • whether that is or is not computer science

  • or engineering, in the natural sciences, arts, humanities, or beyond--

  • and bring some of this course's ideas and this field's

  • ideas and practical skills to your own domain

  • in order to solve problems therein.

  • >> What we'll be doing here meanwhile in most Thursdays after today

  • is with the course's heads leading what we'll call walkthroughs

  • of the course's problem sets.

  • So each week when we have a problem set, we'll

  • be walking through in a location like this the course's challenges,

  • offering you some tips and tricks and design techniques.

  • But if you're not able to make those in person,

  • realize those same resources will be embedded

  • by one of the course's teaching assistants

  • in the problem sets themselves, as well.

  • >> The problem sets this year, unlike last year, based on feedback,

  • will still be released on Fridays.

  • But rather than being due the subsequent Friday,

  • thereby giving you only seven days, will effectively be due 10 days later.

  • And indeed, this will mean that they'll overlap by a weekend.

  • But we hope this year especially this will

  • allow students to better accommodate ebb and flow in their schedules,

  • whether it's academics or extracurriculars or athletics

  • or midterm season.

  • You can either front-load or back-load your week focusing on CS50 based

  • on your own week's actual course load.

  • >> The problem sets themselves will cover a range of languages,

  • though we'll focus predominantly early on on C

  • before we focus thereafter on higher level, more web-centric languages.

  • And then a couple of FAQs here-- should you take a class like CS50

  • as a first-year?

  • So absolutely.

  • And indeed, it's not necessarily something

  • you should postpone until you've cut your teeth on other types of classes.

  • But rather, consider that for many students,

  • myself included back in the day, this is a very unfamiliar field,

  • especially if you never did take a AP CSA

  • or something like that in high school.

  • But realize that early on, whether it's this course

  • or some other introductory course, now is indeed the best time,

  • I think, to find some new path or some new academic interest, as well.

  • And then taking with other courses-- so one of the key differences here

  • versus Harvard is that we only take four courses per semester

  • at Harvard for some reason.

  • And you guys actually pull off some 36 courses in total

  • over the course of your four years, which means generally four or five

  • classes.

  • And I do think it's quite fair to say and to disclaim CS50, by design, is

  • probably not the type of class that you should typically

  • take with four other courses for a total of five

  • because psets are by design fairly intensive.

  • Indeed, I too learned this back in the day.

  • I wouldn't describe CS50 and computer science, programming

  • as so much hard as it is just time-consuming.

  • It's not the kind of thing where after dinner, you

  • can go back to your dorm room, sit down, and start

  • focusing on the pset thinking, all right,

  • I'm gonna bang this out tonight and then move

  • on to my next subject the next day.

  • Sometimes you just hit a wall.

  • You have bugs in your code.

  • You don't necessarily know how to solve some problem.

  • And one of the key features of programming for myself to this day

  • is you just kind of need to take a step back sometimes, sleep on it

  • or think on it over the course of a jog or some other activity,

  • and then come back to it fresh.

  • And you just need these windows of time.

  • >> And indeed, that's why we've lengthened the amount of time

  • available for the problem sets this year and also, per that URL

  • I put up earlier as to what's new this semester,

  • trimmed the problem sets so that they're fundamentally no less rigorous,

  • and the takeaways are no less, but there's a lot less front matter,

  • a lot less legwork that you need to do at the front of every problem set,

  • as you'll see, before you can actually dive into the meat of it.

  • So realize that those and other changes are on the horizon

  • to better accommodate students, but ultimately to make sure

  • that the takeaways are indeed as high as possible.

  • So while more work than it might be in a typical class,

  • we do hope that the returns for you and the takeaways for you

  • and the skills and ideas with which you exit

  • are all the more compelling as a result.

  • And to get you there-- and this is one of the key takeaways,

  • as Patrick alluded earlier-- is the course's support structure.

  • So not only does CS50 have one of the largest course staffs on campus.

  • It also has one of the most undergraduate.

  • Indeed, CS50 last year was the first class

  • to have an undergraduate teaching staff.

  • And testament to that success do now many other courses within Yale CS

  • have that, as well.

  • And for students, specifically, will these TAs and course assistants

  • be supporting a whole network of support resources,

  • among them sections or recitations, weekly opportunities

  • to have more intimate discussions and reviews of material targeted

  • for different tracks, for students less comfortable, more comfortable,

  • or somewhere in between.

  • These will follow the availability of the lectures by several days each week

  • on Mondays and Tuesdays.

  • And then office hours-- one-on-one opportunities

  • for help from the course CAs and TAs will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays

  • and Sundays at multiple times, all of which

  • will be posted on the course's website, even more than last year, as well.

  • >> But what's key to CS50, if not admittedly a bit unusual,

  • is the course's culture that we've tried to cultivate,

  • both in Cambridge for many years and now most recently in New Haven.

  • And in fact, coming up this Saturday, if you haven't heard,

  • is CS50 Puzzle Day, which has nothing to do with computer science

  • but is entirely designed to send a message that computer science is

  • about problem solving.

  • And indeed, if you'd like to partner with one or two or three friends

  • and form a team for CS50 Puzzle Day, take a look

  • at the adverts that are on the way out.

  • And three hours of pizza and puzzles and prizes await.

  • And indeed, for the first time this year,

  • it won't be held jointly with Harvard.

  • It will be here independently at Yale.

  • So keep an eye out for those if you haven't.

  • Most every Friday in the semester do we try to make a big class

  • feel small and bring some 50 students to lunch with the course's staff,

  • with alumni, friends from industry to talk

  • about what life is like after a class like CS50 and over the summers

  • and after graduation.

  • So keep an eye out for invitations to that.

  • For the first time ever this year will we

  • hold the first ever CS50 coding contest, an optional opt-in opportunity

  • mid-semester, after all of us have had some six or seven weeks of programming

  • in C under their belts to compete, if you would so choose-- again

  • on teams-- trying to solve as many challenges

  • as you can in programming with friends of yours against others.

  • >> And toward the tail of the semester will we charter some buses,

  • actually spend some time in Cambridge, if you'd

  • like to join us, for the so-called CS50 hackathon.

  • At 7 PM we'll begin.

  • Around 9 PM, we'll have pizza.

  • Around 1:00 AM, we'll have burritos.

  • And anyone still awake on the bus ride home around 5:00 AM,

  • we'll stop off for pancakes at IHOP on the way home--

  • a 12-hour opportunity to immerse yourself with classmates and staff

  • in the course's final project, which is an opportunity

  • to go well beyond the course's problem sets

  • and design and implement most anything of interest to you,

  • that will ultimately be featured here in Commons.

  • The first ever CS50 fair was last year, an end-of-semester exhibition

  • or celebration of what everyone in the class had accomplished,

  • especially those, again, who went from nothing to something, from zero to 60,

  • having no prior background and exhibiting, ultimately,

  • something for the whole campus and, if online, the world to see, as well.

  • >> Now, these here are just a few of the TAs and CAs that makes CS50 possible.

  • Allow me to invite any of those staff members

  • who are here to come up on stage, as well as the course's heads,

  • to offer some words of inspiration, as well.

  • >> ANDI: Hi, guys.

  • Can you guys hear me?

  • Thanks for joining us on this lovely, rainy Thursday afternoon.

  • My name is Andi.

  • I'm a junior in Berkeley.

  • And along with Stelios and Summer, we will be your three head teaching

  • assistants for this upcoming year.

  • So, I guess, show of hands-- how many of you

  • have no intention of being a CS major nor really diving deeply

  • into computer science as a major here?

  • Awesome.

  • That's brilliant.

  • >> So I'm actually a global affairs and cognitive science major.

  • I literally came to Yale with the intention

  • of never having to look at a number ever again in my life.

  • When I came to Yale, this was something that was never on my radar.

  • I wanted to learn about poetry.

  • I wanted to learn about international affairs.

  • I wanted to learn about watercolor drawings.

  • Yes, we offer a class on watercolor drawings.

  • >> But I never really was interested in anything STEM related.

  • But then the older I got, the more I realized

  • that every field really in some sense employs computer science,

  • or if not computer science, computation.

  • In fact, for my global affairs capstone project,

  • we're using data analytics to analyze terrorist attacks

  • for Boko Haram in Nigeria.

  • And so as you can see, regardless of what major you end up pursuing

  • or what your interests here at Yale are, programming and the foundations

  • of whatever skills are super useful.

  • And CS50 really is well equipped to kind of lend a lot of its resources

  • to you, regardless of how comfortable you are

  • or how interested you are in pursuing the class.

  • >> Summer's going to talk a little bit about what you guys are

  • going to learn about this year.

  • SUMMER: Hi, everyone.

  • I'm Summer Wu.

  • I'm a junior in Morse.

  • And I actually started out as a CS50 student myself.

  • So three years ago, I was on a gap year.

  • I'd never taken a CS class in high school,

  • but I thought that in my free time, it'd be cool to learn how to code.

  • So I did a quick Google search, looked for what was available online,

  • and saw this video with muppets and DJs and cool websites.

  • I was like, I want to learn how to do that.

  • >> So I took the course, and I just fell in love with it.

  • But I remember being so jealous of the kids who could attend the hackathon,

  • attend Puzzle Day, attend office hours, get help from TAs in person.

  • And so I never imagined that I'd get the chance

  • to be here involved in the course that first got

  • me interested in computer science and is the reason why

  • I'm a computer science major today.

  • So I'll warn you, this class is going to stretch you.

  • It's going to challenge you.

  • But it's also going to teach you how to do things

  • that you never imagined you could.

  • >> STELIOS: Hi, everyone.

  • My name is Stelios.

  • I am a junior in Branford College and a CS major.

  • I'm also from Athens, Greece.

  • I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you,

  • chatting with you at section, at office hours, at Friday lunches.

  • I'm really excited because we've put so much effort

  • into creating a unique support structure for all of you

  • to make your experience with the course the best possible.

  • And I hope that although most of you have probably not taken a CS

  • course before, I hope that's CS50 for you is what sparks interest

  • to further pursue computer science in the future,

  • as it has done with so many people in the past.

  • So thank you for being here, excited to see you.

  • Jason Hirschhorn.

  • JASON HIRSCHHORN: Hi, everybody.

  • My name is Jason Hirschhorn.

  • I live in Silliman.

  • And I went to Harvard as an undergrad and majored in social studies

  • and minored in computer science.

  • And one of my principal roles here is to support this wonderful staff

  • as they support you all.

  • In fact, this is not all of them.

  • There are 55 undergraduates and graduates here to support you all.

  • And I daresay one of the best parts of the course for you

  • all is getting to work with them, getting to know them,

  • getting to see them, both in CS50 and outside of CS50 this semester

  • and for many semesters to come.

  • So hopefully you'll take the course because hopefully you

  • get to interact with the wonderful staff we have on stage.

  • >> SPEAKER: Well, let me finish by saying it will be fun.

  • DAVID MALAN: Well, thanks to our whole team.

  • Allow me to dim the lights and allow some more of our team,

  • both from Cambridge and New Haven, to say hello as these guys file off.

  • And after that will we transition to the first of our programming engagements

  • with this language called Scratch.

  • So thanks to the team.

  • Let's dim the lights and hear from a few others.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]


  • >> -The mission of CS50 is to make you more comfortable with a totally new way

  • of thinking, this computational mindset.

  • -It made computer science interesting, which

  • is something I didn't really realize was possible until I took the class.

  • -I was like, whoa.

  • I'm really translating my thoughts into a computer right now.

  • >> -Even if you don't have any background in computer science or any experience,

  • this is actually the class for you.

  • >> -So I definitely want my students to just

  • get excited about computer science.

  • Not just programming, but thinking like a computer scientist

  • is really what I want to try to teach my freshman.

  • >> -CS50 is hard and rewarding.

  • >> -An experience.

  • >> -Extravaganza.

  • >> -It's bringing us to the next level.


  • >> -The TFs are, I think, the lifeblood of the course.

  • >> -I'm excited to have my students I'm helping

  • have that aha moment to realize what they're actually trying

  • to do, to figure out how to do a pset.

  • >> -CS50's definitely a hard course.

  • But unlike any other course really at Yale,

  • it has such a great, supportive community.

  • -You absolutely don't need to know anything

  • about coding to be able to take the course.

  • -It's amazing to watch how far people come in one semester.

  • >> -You weren't alone sitting in your room learning to code,

  • but it was more than just a class.

  • It was an experience.

  • -The best way to learn concepts and to process them is by teaching others.

  • >> -What is the telephone split?


  • >> -And this is CS50.


  • >> -This is CS50.

  • >> -Got a problem?

  • Tear it in half.


  • >> Throw it away.

  • >> DAVID MALAN: All right.

  • So let's tackle-- in a little bit, incidentally, it's

  • been this tradition for some reason for 10 years

  • to serve cake at the start and the end of CS50.

  • So awaiting you at the end of today, in addition to syllabi,

  • will be some cake as well, and the course's staff to say hello.

  • But now, let's transition to the first of our languages, where

  • we'll spend really just a week and one problem set on this domain, Scratch.

  • And you'll find if you've programmed before, many

  • of the ideas and the possibilities are familiar to you.

  • But you'll find that it's fun along the way

  • to figure out exactly how to translate some of the ideas you already know

  • to this particular environment to really impress your family

  • and friends with your work, which can go online, if you so choose, afterward.

  • >> And if you have no prior experience and are

  • among the majority of students less comfortable,

  • realize that many of the ideas we just explored with reality-- things

  • like phone books and attendance and so forth-- translate

  • fairly nicely to a computer, but not if you use,

  • initially, a language like this.

  • So this is a program written in a language called C.

  • And we'll spend quite a bit of time in C, ultimately.

  • But odds are, this will look a bit cryptic to you at first glance.

  • In fact, there's a lot of weird syntax, parentheses, angle brackets,

  • curly braces, quotes, and semicolons.

  • And indeed, if you dive into programming for the first time

  • looking at and trying to create stuff like this, honestly, you get so mired

  • so often in just stupid minutia that has nothing

  • intellectually interesting about it.

  • >> But imagine if you could create this same program-- which,

  • as you might kind of infer, probably prints "Hello, world" somehow or other.

  • We can distill that same idea into just two puzzle pieces, if you will.

  • Indeed, Scratch is interesting because it's this graphical language.

  • You can drag and drop these puzzle pieces that only interlock

  • if it makes logical sense to do so.

  • And so in Scratch, we'll soon see, this is

  • how you would implement that same program, with just two puzzle pieces

  • that pretty much do what they say.

  • >> But we'll see in just a moment that some of the building blocks that we alluded

  • to earlier and a few more are all that ultimately are going to constitute

  • some of our earliest programs.

  • We're going to have things like functions-- just

  • actions that do something, like say hello, world.

  • We're going to have loops, things that induce cycles

  • again and again, just like we did a moment ago with searching

  • for Mike Smith.

  • Variables, like in algebra, if you have x or y, that can store a number.

  • Well, in a program, you can actually store more than just numbers.

  • You can store words and sentences and graphics and other things still.

  • Boolean expressions, just questions-- yes or no, true or false.

  • Conditions, making decisions based on those yes/no answers.

  • >> And then fancier things like array and threads and events

  • and any number of other features, but all of which

  • map very nicely to very friendly blocks like this.

  • This is going to be a function, a purple puzzle piece that just says

  • what its name is-- in this case, say.

  • And then often, there's a white box that you

  • can type in or drag some value into.

  • And that's what's generally called an argument or a parameter.

  • It's a way of altering the default behavior of a puzzle

  • piece or a function so that it does something custom for you like saying,

  • hello, world or hello, Andy or hello, Jason or some other sentence instead.

  • >> If you want to say that a lot-- literally forever--

  • you can take another puzzle piece called forever

  • and just sandwiched the two together like this.

  • And that loop, as the picture suggests, means just say hello, world forever,

  • again and again and again.

  • Or, if you only want to do it a finite number of times, like 50 times,

  • there's going to be another puzzle piece for that-- repeat 50 times.

  • >> Meanwhile, if you want to have a variable

  • in this language we're about to play with,

  • you can use a orange block like this.

  • And this variable I arbitrarily called i for integer.

  • And I just set it equal to 0.

  • And so maybe i, in this case-- this variable--

  • represents someone's score in a game.

  • You start at zero, and every time you make a goal or something like that,

  • you get one additional point.

  • >> You can ask questions in Scratch.

  • If we drag and drop puzzle pieces in a moment like this,

  • you can ask questions like, well, is i less than 50?

  • Maybe you need 50 points to win.

  • And so this would be the question you'd ask.

  • Or, more generally, you could say is x less than y,

  • where there's two variables involved?

  • Now, this one is a lot bigger at first glance,

  • but really not all that more complex.

  • >> This is just a combination of conditions and variables

  • and Boolean expressions to ask three questions-- is x less than y?

  • If so, say so.

  • Say, x is less than y.

  • Else, if x is greater than y, else x must be equal to y.

  • And whereas with Mike Smith, there were four scenarios, here

  • in the world of numbers, x is either less than, greater than, or equal to.

  • All we have are three forks in the road.

  • And then there's fancier puzzle pieces like this

  • for things like arrays, where we're going to be able to store information.

  • We're going to see blocks that allow us to implement multiple threads,

  • another feature we'll use, and then also something called events.

  • But before we get to that point and create even,

  • ultimately, our own custom puzzle pieces, let's

  • actually open the program itself.

  • >> So this is Scratch.

  • It's available at

  • And you're welcome to play now or later, as well.

  • This happens to be the offline version.

  • For people who don't necessarily have great internet,

  • you can download the same software, as well.

  • And there's really only three components to this software.

  • On the top left-hand corner of the screen is the sort of stage

  • that Scratch, who by default looks like a cat, lives inside.

  • He can move up, down, left, and right and do any number of other things,

  • and can look any number of ways based on the costumes that you assign to him.

  • But this is what we'll call a sprite, a sort of character.

  • And you can have multiple characters, as we'll soon see.

  • >> In the middle now are all these puzzle pieces and these categories or pallets

  • thereof.

  • So right now, I clicked on Motion.

  • And so I'm seeing all of the motion-related puzzle pieces or blocks,

  • so functions that have to do with going up,

  • down, left, or right or some other operation.

  • But if I clicked on Looks, you could see things like the say block

  • that we saw just a moment ago.

  • And if I click on Control, you'll see things like the repeat and the forever

  • and the if block that we saw a moment ago.

  • >> And so you'll find that we'll just scratch

  • the surface of some of the puzzle pieces together,

  • but it's all fairly intuitive and point and click.

  • Indeed, Scratch was designed for younger students

  • to help give them an outlet for creative thinking.

  • And yet wonderfully, it's a wonderful stepping stone

  • to exactly the ideas we're going to explore in C and Python and JavaScript,

  • as well.

  • >> On the right-hand side, finally, here is this, the so-called scripts area.

  • And this is just the blank slate with which you begin to write a program.

  • And I'll exactly that.

  • Now, I happen to know where things are because I've done this a few times.

  • But I know that under the Events category,

  • there's this block here-- when green flag clicked.

  • And notice if I zoom out and back in over here on the stage,

  • Scratch lives within this little rectangular world,

  • atop which is a green flag and a red stop sign.

  • So go and stop, respectively.

  • >> And so what do I want to do when that green flag is clicked?

  • Well, let me go to that Looks category.

  • And let me go ahead and drag and drop this.

  • And notice as soon as it gets close, they're sort of magnetic.

  • So if I now let go, it snaps together nice and cleanly.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and say something like hello, world

  • for two seconds.

  • Let me zoom out and click now the green flag, and say, hello, world.

  • All right.

  • So that's all fine and good.

  • Not all that exciting.

  • Let's make it a little cuter.

  • And I know that in advance, Scratch happens

  • to come with some cute things like this.

  • So play sound meow until done.

  • So let's do this.

  • >> [MEOW]

  • >> Aw, that's adorable.

  • And if I click it again--

  • >> [MEOW]

  • >> And again.

  • >> [MEOW]

  • >> But I keep having to reanimate Scratch.

  • But I can do better than this.

  • Why don't I just drag three of these.

  • And now it's three times as adorable.

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • >> OK, actually, it's a little creepy.

  • So we need something in between there.

  • If I go to Control, it looks like there's actually a wait block.

  • And so notice if I hover over there-- and let me make this a little bigger.

  • If I hover, it's going to snap into place.

  • So wait one second, wait one second.

  • Let's hit green flag again.

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • >> OK, a little more natural, but not very efficient.

  • So this is correct if my program's goal was meow three times.

  • But it's not very well-designed.

  • I kind of cut some corners.

  • I got a little lazy.

  • What feels like-- what do I seem to have done poorly, would you say?

  • Yeah?

  • Yeah, in the middle.

  • AUDIENCE: Used more memory than you needed to

  • because you're using so many different line.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so more lines.

  • And it wouldn't necessarily be memory, though it could be seen as that way.

  • But it's definitely-- there's redundancy.

  • And I literally kind of dragged and dropped the same things.

  • And if you kind of extrapolate-- if it's not obvious here-- well, how would

  • I meow 30 times?

  • I would drag and drop, like, 30 more pairs of puzzle pieces.

  • And surely, there's a better way.

  • And we've seen a better way.

  • What intuitively would be the better way?

  • Yeah, just use a loop.

  • No copy and paste.

  • And indeed, anytime this semester if you start

  • finding yourself dragging and dropping, or really copying and pasting,

  • dangerous habit to get into because this is just not very maintainable.

  • For instance, if I want to change the sound to something else,

  • I have to change it now in three locations instead of just one.

  • Because indeed, if I break this away-- I'm

  • just going to decouple it like that.

  • Let me grab a repeat block, and then click three, type three,

  • throw some of these away by just letting go.

  • And then notice it doesn't look like it fits,

  • but magnetically, it's going to not only snap in place

  • but grow to fit the shape.

  • So that's good.

  • And now if I click play.

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • Very nice.

  • All right.

  • And now it's very easy to change, too, because I can just

  • change one number in one place.

  • But this, too, is not all that interesting.

  • Let's actually have Scratch not meow, but move.

  • Let me go to Motion and move 10 steps inside of-- whoops, let me fix this.

  • Let me have it move 10 steps-- actually, let's not do repeat.

  • Let me grab a control block, and do the following forever.

  • Forever, move 10 steps.

  • And click Play.

  • >> OK.

  • So thankfully, he stops.

  • Otherwise, kids would get very upset when they sort of lose their cat.

  • But at least I can drag him back into the screen.

  • But this is not all that great of a game or animation.

  • It would be nice if maybe he bounced off the edge.

  • So what do we do?

  • What construct do we need to have Scratch decide to bounce, do you think,

  • even if you've never seen Scratch before?

  • Yeah, in back.

  • AUDIENCE: You need an if block or if-then.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so some kind of if block or if-then.

  • So actually, we have one of these here.

  • So if-- so let me get rid of the movement.

  • Let me zoom in so it's bigger.

  • So how about this.

  • Forever, if Sensing-- we've not seen this before.

  • I need a Boolean expression.

  • And it turns out if touching what?

  • If touching the edge, what do I want to do?

  • Well, if I go back to Motion, turns out, oh, I can turn around.

  • Let me drag this in here.

  • Why don't I go ahead and turn around 180 degrees?

  • >> And now, let me just move at the end.

  • I could put the movement at the beginning or the end.

  • But logically, every time I move, I want to check, am I touching the edge?

  • Am I touching the edge?

  • Am I touching the edge?

  • So that logically I turn around if so.

  • So let's hit play.

  • >> OK.

  • So it's slightly buggy, so to speak.

  • And a bug is just a mistake in a computer program.

  • But at least it's working.

  • And in fact, I can go in here.

  • And let me make it not 10 steps at a time, but this is all animation is.

  • This is all a cartoon or even a movie is.

  • Let me move 20 steps at a time.

  • So 20 times as many things are happening once, or twice as many, in this case.

  • And he's moving faster.

  • Let me change to 30.

  • 100.

  • 1,000.

  • And it's going really fast.

  • And this is-- yeah, OK.

  • >> So now we're just messing with it.

  • OK, so buggy.

  • But we can drag him out of the way here.

  • But we can make more fun with this, too.

  • How about this-- he's upside down.

  • But it turns out Scratch-- and there is actually,

  • I have to disclaim, no academic value to what I'm about to do.

  • But if I open up the microphone, let's stop him and do something like this.

  • Ouch!

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> That was adorable.

  • Thank you.

  • Now, this is what my voice looks like when I yell ouch.

  • I don't think we caught your laughter.

  • That's OK.

  • Let me save this as "ouch."

  • Let's save this as "ouch".

  • And now we'll go back to Scripts.

  • And now I need-- let's see, Sound.

  • Oh, play sound ouch.

  • So if I'm touching the edge, let me first play ouch, and then turn around.

  • And now let's put him in the middle.

  • >> [SAYING "OUCH"]

  • >> Twice as fast.

  • >> OK.

  • But it's literally doing what I'm saying.

  • So it is in fact correct, it's just a little annoying quickly.

  • So let's add something more interesting to this.

  • Let me actually open up one that I made in advance,

  • aptly called Pet the Cat, that does this.

  • Here's the script up here.

  • What is this going to do in English terms?

  • What's this designed to do?

  • Yeah, let's go some-- yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: When you pet the cat, it meows.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so when you pet the cat, it's going to meow.

  • So in other words, there's now a forever loop still, combined

  • with a condition, combined with a Boolean expression,

  • combined with a couple of functions, the effect

  • of which, once I play this program, is nothing

  • happens until I move the cursor closer and closer and closer and--

  • >> [MEOW]

  • Then it's like petting the cat.

  • [MEOW]

  • Only once you actually move the cursor over him.

  • Now, I also whipped up don't pet the cat, which does this instead.

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • >> So he's just constantly meowing.

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • >> But if I get too close--

  • >> [MEOWING]

  • >> [ROAR]

  • >> So how does this work?

  • Now I just have a two-way fork in the road.

  • If touching mouse pointer, then play the lion sound.

  • Else just play the meow sound, and then wait three seconds so

  • that it's kind of doing it very tranquilly.

  • All right.

  • So that's combining some more ideas still.

  • Let's take a look at this example I whipped up called threads.

  • And this one is fundamentally different in that it leverages

  • a feature of many programming language called

  • threads, the ability of a program to literally do two things simultaneously.

  • Indeed, these days if you're using Google Docs or Microsoft Word,

  • and your document's constantly being spell-checked even as you type-- or you

  • hit Command-P or Control-P and print something,

  • it's printing while you continue typing.

  • Programs today can indeed do multiple things at once, just like in Scratch

  • here.

  • >> So here, I have two sprites now, a bird and a cat.

  • And if I click on each of those characters one at a time,

  • I see right now the bird's scripts at top right.

  • Now I see the cat's.

  • Bird's, cat's.

  • So each of them have their own script.

  • But notice, what puzzle piece do they both begin with?

  • When green flag clicked.

  • And bird, when green flag clicked.

  • So when I click the green flag, both of those scripts or programs

  • are going to run in parallel.

  • And you'll notice that the bird is just mindlessly bouncing off the edge.

  • The cat clearly has been programmed with a strategic advantage.

  • And--

  • >> [ROAR]

  • All right.

  • So the cat caught the bird in this case.

  • Why is that?

  • Well, notice first we just have the bird just mindlessly going

  • to this initial location, and then forever,

  • if not touching the cat, just move.

  • And if you're on the edge, bounce.

  • And just move.

  • And if you're on the edge, bounce.

  • But the cat, meanwhile, has some additional logic

  • that says this-- first, just so that this isn't completely biased

  • against the bird, notice that I've used a green puzzle piece there

  • that actually picks a random number.

  • A feature of many languages is to give you random or pseudorandom numbers.

  • So in this case, the cat initially chooses a random number between, like,

  • 90 degrees and 180 degrees, essentially, so

  • that there's a little bit of variance.

  • And then forever, if touching the bird, play the lion sound.

  • Otherwise, just point toward the bird.

  • Point toward the bird.

  • Point toward the bird, which is a puzzle piece unto itself in this case.

  • Well, we can do one other thing here.

  • Let me open up the events program here.

  • And here we again have two sprites, which look like these two puppets here.

  • And what's interesting here is this.

  • The orange guy has this set of puzzle pieces here.

  • Forever do the following-- if the space bar is pressed,

  • then say, Marco, and then broadcast an event.

  • And meanwhile, the blue guy here has this-- when you receive the event,

  • say Polo.

  • So it turns out in Scratch and in other languages,

  • there are ways for two programs or two scripts, in this case,

  • to intercommunicate so that when I hit the space bar, he says Marco.

  • And the other one hears that, so to speak, and says Polo in response.

  • So you can write programs that actually interact in this way.

  • And if I do this one instead, I can even add variables,

  • just using one sprite in this case.

  • This one's especially annoying.


  • >> Now, notice on the right we've got some additional logic over here.

  • How do I stop this seal from barking?


  • >> It looks like on the right-hand side is what's playing the sound.

  • But it's only playing a sound if what is true?

  • If a variable-- orange block-- muted is zero.

  • How do I change muted to be 1, meaning true, make this muted?

  • Apparently, the other script, I can hit the space bar, and now he stops.

  • So we can have this intercommunication across scripts, as well,

  • by just sharing a variable across the two like this.

  • Now, this isn't all that interesting.

  • Let's go ahead and do this and combine a lot of these ideas with this program

  • here.

  • Before we do that, though, how about one volunteer?

  • Let me take the pressure off of me because I don't actually

  • play this game.

  • Let's have someone we haven't seen before.

  • You have to be comfortable coming up on stage here, on camera.

  • OK, come on up.

  • Very brave.

  • What's your name?

  • >> IDRIS: Idris.

  • DAVID MALAN: Sorry?

  • IDRIS: Idris.

  • DAVID MALAN: Idris, nice to meet you.

  • Come on up.

  • And now, on your own mobile phone, do you play Pokemon GO?

  • >> IDRIS: No.

  • DAVID MALAN: Really?

  • IDRIS: Yeah.


  • All right.

  • Well, nice to meet you.

  • Come on over.

  • I don't either.

  • So we'll figure out together how to play this, which someone actually

  • went and implemented in Scratch by changing the cat to essentially

  • different characters all together.

  • And if I fullscreen this here, we're going

  • to see the following game together.

  • Still loading, still loading.

  • Come on.

  • Let me do this.

  • Come on.

  • This game is so big that it crashed.

  • Stand by.

  • Try this once more.

  • Come on.

  • All right.

  • >> There we go.

  • OK.

  • Green flag.

  • So here we go.


  • >> Choose the middle level here.

  • Click the blue guy there.

  • All right.

  • And you can use the arrow keys-- up, down, left, right.

  • Now, let's consider as we do this-- and then go after the character there.

  • Yep.

  • And now click him with the mouse.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Move.

  • Where's the arrow?

  • Here you go.

  • So click on there.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • So now, I'm told you have a Poke ball, that if click it, it will do that.

  • Very good.

  • In practicing for today, I found this version of the game's

  • actually not very hard.

  • So if you want to go again here, walk down to this Poke ball.

  • And then go take a right.

  • Try clicking on it.

  • Oh, actually, that's the store, apparently.

  • OK so close that.

  • Never done that before.

  • Maybe go up to this thing up here.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • Wait, there's one over there.

  • Oh, there's another.

  • OK.

  • Down.

  • Yeah, click.

  • >> OK, that's very cute.

  • OK, very well done.

  • This game is not very hard.

  • OK.

  • Congratulations.

  • Here, we have a CS50 stress ball for you.

  • But consider for just a moment what some of the takeaways are there.

  • Easier than the real game, apparently.

  • But all we have going on here is a character

  • that probably has some kind of loop associated with it.

  • It's not a cat.

  • It's this character instead.

  • And that loop is just constantly saying, if up arrow pressed,

  • if down arrow pressed, if left arrow pressed or right

  • arrow pressed, move up or down or left or right.

  • Or if there's another puzzle piece there that says when touching another sprite,

  • when touching one of the characters to the Poke ball, if touching,

  • then do this.

  • >> So all of the ideas we've been using thus far really

  • can just be applied in this particular context to play this game, as well.

  • Let me go ahead and pull up one other here, in fact.

  • Let me go ahead and pull up, let's say, this.

  • This is something we remixed.

  • Made by one of our students in Cambridge,

  • and then I went through and changed pretty much every instance of Harvard

  • to Yale this time.

  • Would someone like to compete against the Ivies

  • here in another accumulation of all of these ideas?

  • Come on down, yes.

  • What's your name?

  • >> DINA: Dina.

  • >> DAVID MALAN: Adina?

  • >> DINA: Dina.

  • >> DAVID MALAN: Dina, come on down.

  • All right, Dina.

  • So this game gets harder and harder, because in this game,

  • there's variables being used as well that are constantly keeping track

  • of what level you are in the game.

  • So nice to meet you.

  • Come around here.

  • And so the goal here is to sort of make your way through a maze

  • that this student implemented.

  • >> And just to set the stage, each of these pictures on the screen

  • is its own sprite, its own character.

  • So these were by default cats, but the student changed them

  • to the various Ivies logos here.

  • And then you'll see that just by using conditions and loops

  • and functions and more, you get this.



  • >> Yeah, OK.

  • Yeah, keep going.

  • First level's very easy.

  • You've just got to go over there.

  • But again, consider, this is just a loop listening for the arrow keys--

  • up, down, left, right.

  • And now a sensing block.

  • Very nice.


  • >> Very nice.


  • >> Very nice.

  • Pretty easy, Crimson.

  • All right.

  • Levels-- uh-oh.


  • >> And again, in these three Harvard crests,

  • you just have logic saying if on edge, bounce.


  • >> OK, what you're doing is more interesting than why.

  • Very nice.

  • Very nice.

  • Uh-oh.


  • I think you have to sacrifice yourself.


  • Quick!


  • Nice.

  • That's OK.

  • You'll get it.

  • Yes, yes!

  • Very nice.

  • >> [CHEERING]


  • >> Nice!


  • Got it.

  • Come on!

  • Second to last level.


  • >> All right.


  • Yes.

  • Good use of variables here.


  • Yes.


  • Nice.


  • It's OK.

  • We got to get to the end.

  • There.

  • Oh!


  • >> Might run late today, but it's gonna be worth it.


  • >> You can do it!

  • Yeah!

  • >> [CHEERING]


  • >> This one's really hard.


  • >> We'll give you two more lives.

  • Can you do it?


  • >> All right.

  • How about a big round of applause nonetheless.

  • You got to the second to last level.

  • Thank you.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> So this is only to say how much you can do with these kinds of things.

  • And realize, too, that when puzzle pieces don't exist--

  • and indeed, this is going to be one of the powers with the first problem

  • sets and beyond-- is to actually create your own.

  • And this is just a snippet of one of the examples

  • you'll be able to play with online, where

  • if you don't have built into Scratch something like a cough puzzle piece,

  • you can actually make it yourself.

  • >> And so all of this and more awaits.

  • And just to paint a final picture of indeed what's

  • ahead in store for the class for you, based on some pictures from classmates

  • past, allow me to dim the lights one last time and show you CS50.


  • >> All right.

  • That's it for CS50.

  • Cake is now served.


So it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all here today


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

CS50 2016 - イェールでの第0週 - スクラッチ (CS50 2016 - Week 0 at Yale - Scratch)

  • 104 14
    洪鈺翔 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日