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What is this???
Try not to cringe challenge...
*runs hands through hair*
I get -- I better get some help
Marzia: I'm here
Felix: No, not you
Felix: Go back
Marzia: What...??
*stares at her soul*
*listens to lord Pewds*
*elevator goes down*
Felix: Okay, fine!
Felix: Fine!
Marzia: Thank you Poods
Felix: Marzia is here, Try Not To Cringe Challenge
Felix: Try Not To Cringe Challenge
Felix: The one person that I've never seen cringe
Marzia: It's me
Felix: It's you.
Felix: You don't cringe
Marzia:I know
But you're the cringiest girlfriend ever
Marzia: Thank you!!
Felix: This has been cura -curated by Kirsten Dunst
Marzia: WOW!
Marzia: Heyy look at this....
Rainbow socks *pewds looks disgusted*
Marzia: Do you see them?
Felix: Just-- you're triggering me.. please
Felix: this is cringe com-, you're making this a cringe compilation
Let's do this!
Finnish actor attempts back flip on talk show.
(Can you do it here?)
(I don't know, I'll have to try something really low)
Felix: What's with Finnish people and cringe?
Marzia: Wait, is this live?
Felix: He's gonna do a -- yeah.
Felix: Do the back flip!
*The finnish guy fails and PewDiePie (Felix) starts laughing*
Marzia: It's not cringey though.
Marzia: Right?
(He didn't get hurt, he's just acting)
(You had me worried)
(Tomorrow Matti Esko Hytönen is going to be here and...)
Felix: I'm sweating!
Marzia: Why?
Felix: You don't care?
Marzia: Why?
Felix: He just lay there!
Marzia: So what?
Felix: Are you serious?
Marzia: What's wrong with it?
Marzia: I mean, it's funny to see that he-- he got hurt..
Marzia: But it's not cringey.
Felix: Okay, fine...
Marzia: It is funny to see people get hurt but it's not cringey. Pewds: *points at himself* Cringe *points at Marzia* not cringe
Marzia: Yeah.
Felix: Okay, Hawaii from Hawaii to Hawaii.
Miss Hawaii: We are truly the land of the great. From the Rocky shores of Havaii (Hawaii) to the beautiful sandy bitches of Havaii (Hawaii), America is our home.
Marzia: That wasn't bad...
Felix: What did she just say?
Felix: No, wait
Felix: From the ro-rocky shores of Hawaii (Havaii)
Marzia: YEAH!
Marzia: I get it but its not eeeeeeee *PewDiePie (Felix) starts laughing again*
Marzia: Really?
Marzia: Really!?
Marzia: Whaaat? Felix: This would kill me for years.
Felix: I would have to go to therapy... are you serious?!
Marzia: Why?
Felix: From the rocky shores to Hawaii to the beaches of... hawaiiiii.
Marzia: It-- she can be like-- very nervous, she was obviously reading and she just-- *Felix interrupts* YOU'RE TOO COMPASSIONATE!
Felix: Eww...
Marzia: What..? Is that pee?
Felix: Yeah
*PewDiePie starts laughing, yet again*
*Marzia is confsued* Marzia: What? *PewDiePie hides, Marzia and the reporter laugh*
Man: This isn't your urinal, is it? i think it is man!
Marzia: Where did you gooo?
News Reporter: Woooah!
Felix: What the hell man!?
Marzia: He didn't realize...
Felix: How do you not realize?
Marzia: It's fine!
Marzia: Hey it was an honest mistake!
Pewds: No one would-- *Marzia interrupts* Marzia: He wanted to wash his hands!
Marzia: It's still not cringey!
Felix: How are y- You are going to cringe by the end of this alright? I promise you!
*PewDiePie starts reading the title of the video* Felix: Woman calls Lebron James a crybaby and then gets caught!
Felix: UUuuuuuuuuuuu!
Felix: Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!
Marzia: Still not cringey, she deserved it, that's what you get for being a mean person!
*Marzia exposes the woman that told LeBron James a crybaby*
Pewbs: NEXT VIDEO! Marzia: Give me something-- stronger!
Aladdin: Very well, princess...
Aladdin: As you wish!
Princess Jasmine: Ali!
*Jasmine trips and smashes head through prop balcony*
Felix: puhHaha, she went right in with her head!
Felix: She just wanted Alladin!
Marzia: Yeah...
Guy: High five people!
Guy: Wooooooooo!
Pewds: Tell me that wasn't cringe... Marzia: A lil' bit...
Felix: Egh, a little bit!
Felix: 3 more chances for you to cringe!
Felix: I am-- I feel-- I'm in pain...
Felix: This is agony Marzia: No way!
Joke to Dalai Lama goes awkard...
Aussie TV Host: So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop,
*Dalai Lama doesn't understand*
Off Screen Translator: Pizza shop..
TV Host: Pizza?
Dalai Lama: Pizza shop?
TV Host: Yeah pizza -- pizza shop.
TV Host: And says can you make me one with everything? *Dalai Lama doesn't understand* *PewDiePie facepalms and screams*: Uuugghhhhh!
Felix: No cringe...
Marzia: I thought it was a lil'...
Felix: Eh oh ooh uh whaaa?
Marzia: Because if that happens-- then-- that's why I never say jokes...
Felix; Yeah, puns should be thrown into a pit of fire and never be used.
Ryan Seacrest high fives blind guy
Felix: Never high five, never handshake, never hug! *PewDiePie facepalms and walks out of the room*
Marzia: Yeah but I've seen this one! Pewds: What are you doin'!?
Felix: Ohhh nooo!
Marzia: Ooohh!
Felix: I feel awful. How do you feel?
Marzia: I mean, I feel bad for all these people...
Marzia: Some are funny
*PewDiePie (Felix) sighs*
Okay, this has been the cringe challenge--
Felix: Thank you for watching this video, if you enjoyed leave a like-- Uh.. let us know what challenge you want us to do next and as always... Marzia: Challenge?
*PewDiePie kisses his fist* Felix: Stay awesome bros! *CutiePieMarzia kisses her fist as well*
Felix: W-wait we should do a hi-five... *It fails and PewDiePie (Felix) walks away in disappointment*
*PewDiePie laughs and they both "brofist" the camera* Marzia: Brofist! Felix: Brofist!