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  • I feel incredibly lucky


  • to be from a country


  • that's generally considered to be the best place in the world

    世界で一番住みやすいと 言われている国の

  • to be a woman.

    出身だからです [ 男女格差指数 1位 アイスランド ]

  • In 1975, when I was seven years old,

    1975年 私は7才でした

  • women in Iceland went on a strike.

    アイスランドの女性は ストライキを起こしました

  • They did no work that day,


  • whether they held professional jobs


  • or had the work of the home.


  • They marched into the center of Reykjavík --


  • 90 percent of women participated --


  • and peacefully and in solidarity

    平和的に そして一致団結して

  • asked for equality.


  • Nothing worked in Iceland that day,

    アイスランドは その日 何も機能しませんでした

  • because nothing works when women are not at work.

    女性が仕事をしなければ 何も機能しませんから

  • (Applause)


  • Five years later, Icelanders had the courage

    それから5年後 アイスランド人は勇気を持って

  • to be the first country in the world


  • to democratically elect a woman as their president.

    民主的な選挙を通して 女性の大統領を選びました

  • I will never forget this day,


  • that President Vigdís, as we know her by her first name,

    ヴィグディス大統領が ― 私たちは下の名前で呼んでいます

  • stepped out on the balcony of her own home,


  • a single mom with her daughter by her side as she had won.

    勝利したのは シングルマザーで その横には娘さんもいます

  • (Applause)


  • This woman was an incredible role model


  • for me and everyone growing up at that time,

    私にとっても 当時の子供たちにとっても

  • including boys.


  • She frequently shares the story of how a young boy approached her

    本人がよく語っていた話によると 若い男の子が

  • after a couple of terms in office


  • and asked, "Can boys really grow up to be president?"

    こう聞いたそうです 「男の子も大きくなったら大統領になれる?」

  • (Laughter)


  • Role models really matter,

    お手本になる人物がいることは 本当に大切です

  • but even with such strong role models


  • who I am so grateful for,


  • when I was encouraged to run for president,


  • my first reaction was, "Who am I to run for president?

    私の最初の自分への評価は 「大統領に立候補するなんて

  • Who am I to be president?"


  • It turns out that women

    調査によると 女性は―

  • are less likely to consider running than men.

    男性に比べて 選挙戦への 出馬を考えないそうです

  • So a study done in the US in 2011


  • showed that 62 percent of men had considered running for office,

    62%の男性が 公職選挙への 立候補を考えたことがある一方で

  • but 45 percent of women.


  • That's gap of 16 percentage points,


  • and it's the same gap that existed a decade earlier.


  • And it really is a shame,

    これは とても残念なことです

  • because I am so convinced that the world is in real need for women leaders

    なぜなら世界は女性のリーダーを 切に必要としていて

  • and more principle-based leadership


  • in general.


  • So my decision to run


  • ultimately came down to the fact


  • that I felt


  • that I had to do my bit,

    やれるだけのことを やらねばと決意したこと

  • even if I had no political experience,


  • to step up and try to be part of creating the world

    一歩前に出て 私たちの子供達のために

  • that will make sense and be sustainable


  • for our kids,


  • and a world where we truly allow both our boys and girls

    そして男の子と女の子が 本当になりたいものになれる

  • to be all they can be.

    そんな世界を作りたいと 思ったからです

  • And it was the journey of my life.


  • It was amazing.


  • The journey started with potentially as many as 20 candidates.

    この旅路は20名もの 候補者から始まり

  • It boiled down to nine candidates qualifying,


  • and ultimately the race came down to four of us,


  • three men and me.


  • (Applause)


  • But that's not all the drama yet.


  • You may think you have drama in the US,

    皆さんはドラマなら米国だと 思っているでしょうが

  • but I can --


  • (Laughter)


  • I can assure you we had our own drama in Iceland.

    アイスランドでも ドラマがあったんですから

  • So our sitting president of 20 years


  • announced initially that he was not going to run,


  • which is probably what gave rise

    おそらく これが理由で

  • to so many candidates considering running.

    数多くの候補者が 出馬を検討したんでしょう

  • Then later he changed his mind


  • when our prime minister resigned


  • following the infamous Panama Papers


  • that implicated him and his family.


  • And there was a popular protest in Iceland,

    アイスランドでは 民衆の抗議行動が起こり

  • so the sitting president thought they needed a trusted leader.

    在職の大統領は信頼できる リーダーが必要だと思ったわけです

  • A few days later, relations to his wife and her family's companies

    数日後 大統領の妻と その家族が経営する会社も

  • were also discovered in the Panama Papers,


  • and so he withdrew from the race again.

    そこで大統領は 再度 不出馬を宣言したのです

  • Before doing so, he said he was doing that


  • because now there were two qualified men


  • who he felt could fill his shoes running for office.

    男性候補者が2人いるからだ ということでした

  • So on May 9, 45 days before election day,

    投票日45日前の 5月9日は

  • it was not looking too good for me.

    私にとって最良の日では ありませんでした

  • I did not even make the graph in the newspaper.

    新聞紙で有力候補にすら 上がりませんでした

  • The polls had me at 1 percent,

    アンケートによると 1%の支持率でした

  • but that was still the highest

    でも この支持率は最高でした

  • that any woman announcing her candidacy had earned.

    大統領選に出馬してきた 女性候補者としては

  • So it would be an understatement to say that I had to work extremely hard

    ですから 控え目に言っても 無我夢中で頑張る必要がありました

  • to get my seat at the table


  • and access to television,


  • because the network decided that they would only include

    なぜならテレビ局は 最初のテレビ討論で

  • those with 2.5 percent or more in the polls

    2.5%かそれ以上の 支持率がある候補者だけ

  • in the first TV debate.


  • I found out on the afternoon of the first TV debate


  • that I would participate along with the three men,

    3名の男性候補者とともに 討論することが分かりました

  • and I found out on live TV


  • that I came in at exactly 2.5 percent on the day of the first TV debate.

    最初のテレビ討論で ちょうど2.5%の 支持率を取ったことを知りました

  • (Applause)


  • So, challenges.


  • The foremost challenges I had to face and overcome on this journey

    私が直面した最大の課題と それを乗り越える旅路は

  • had to do with media, muscle and money.

    メディアと政治力 そしてお金が関係しています

  • Let's start with media.


  • There are those who say gender doesn't matter

    メディアと政治に 性別なんか関係ない

  • when it comes to media and politics.


  • I can't say that I agree.


  • It proved harder for me to both get access and airtime in media.

    メディアにアクセスして 放送時間を 確保するのが 実際に難しかったからです

  • As a matter of fact, the leading candidate appeared in broadcast media

    事実 勢いのある候補者が 選挙戦の期間中

  • 87 times in the months leading up to the elections,

    テレビで放送された回数は 一ヶ月に87回でした

  • whereas I appeared 31 times.


  • And I am not saying media is doing this consciously.

    メディアが意図的にそうしていると 言っているのではありません

  • I think largely this has to do with unconscious bias,

    私は 大部分が無意識の 偏見だと思っています

  • because in media, much like everywhere else,

    なぜならメディアでは ― 他の場所と同じように ―

  • we have both conscious and unconscious bias,

    私たちは 意識的・無意識的な 偏見を持っているからです

  • and we need to have the courage to talk about it if we want to change it.

    もし 状況を変えたければ 勇気を持って 話し合う必要があります

  • When I finally got access to TV,

    私がやっとテレビ局への アクセスを得て

  • the first question I got was, "Are you going to quit?"

    最初に聞かれた質問は 「出馬を辞めますか?」でした

  • And that was a hard one.


  • But of course, with 1 percent to 2.5 percent in the polls,


  • maybe it's understandable.


  • But media really matters, and every time I appeared on TV,

    でもメディアは本当に大切で 私がテレビに出る度に

  • we saw and experienced a rise in the polls,


  • so I know firsthand how much this matters


  • and why we have to talk about it.

    これについて話す必要があることを 身をもって経験しました

  • I was the only one out of the final four candidates

    最終候補者4人の中で 私一人だけ

  • that never got a front page interview.

    新聞の第一面で インタビューされませんでした

  • I was sometimes left out of the questions asked of all other candidates

    時には 他の候補者に質問したことも 私には聞かれなかったり

  • and out of coverage about the elections.


  • So I did face this,


  • but I will say this to compliment the Icelandic media.

    アイスランドのメディアに 賛辞を贈るために言っておきます

  • I got few if any comments about my hair and pantsuit.

    私の髪型とパンツスーツは ほとんど解説しませんでした

  • (Applause)


  • So kudos to them.


  • But there is another experience that's very important.

    これ以外にも とても大切な 経験をしました

  • I ran as an independent candidate,


  • not with any political party or muscle behind me.

    他の政党や 権力の後ろだてが ありませんでした

  • That lack of experience


  • and lack of access to resources

    様々なリソースへのアクセスを 難しくしました

  • probably came at a cost to our campaign,


  • but it also allowed us to innovate and do politics differently.

    創造力を使って 既存の選挙運動とは 違うこともできました

  • We ran a positive campaign,


  • and we probably changed the tone of the election for others by doing that.

    他の候補者にとっても 選挙活動のトーンを変えたようでした

  • It may be the reason why I had less airtime on TV,

    これが理由で 私のテレビの露出が 少なかったんでしょう

  • because I wanted to show other contenders respect.

    私は他の候補者に 敬意を示したかったからです

  • When access to media proved to be so difficult,

    メディアにアクセスすることは 難しいと分かったので

  • we ran our own media.

    自分たちのメディアを 動かすことにしました

  • I ran live Facebook sessions


  • where I took questions from voters on anything and responded on the spot.

    有権者から テーマに制限なしの 質問を募って その場で回答しました

  • And we put all the questions I got and all the answers on an open Facebook

    全ての質問と全ての回答を Facebookの公開ページに掲載しました

  • because we thought transparency is important


  • if you want to establish trust.

    信頼を築きたいと思えば 大切なことです

  • And when reaching young voters proved to be challenging,

    若い世代の有権者への 働きかけが難しいと分かれば

  • I became a Snapchatter.


  • I got young people to teach me how to do that,

    若い人たちに使い方も 教えてもらって

  • and I used every filter on Snapchat during the last part of the campaign.

    選挙戦の終盤では スナップチャットの 全フィルターを使いました

  • And I actually had to use a lot of humor and humility, as I was very bad at it.

    沢山のユーモアーと謙虚さが必要でした 私が苦手とする所です

  • But we grew the following amongst young people by doing that.

    でもこういったことで 若い人たちの支持を得ました

  • So it's possible to run a different type of campaign.

    ですから これまでの選挙戦とは 異なる戦いをすることが可能なんです

  • But unfortunately, one cannot talk about politics without mentioning money.

    しかし残念ながら 政治には お金の話がつきものです

  • I am sad that it is that way, but it's true,

    私は残念に思いますが これは真実で

  • and we had less financial resources than the other candidates.

    他の候補者と比べて 私の陣営は資金不足でした

  • This probably was partly due to the fact


  • that I think I had a harder time asking for financial support.

    資金援助を依頼することが 困難を極めたからだと思います

  • And maybe I also had the ambition to do more with less.

    また私の方には 資金不足でも もっとやろうという目標がありました

  • Some would call that very womanly of me.

    これは とても女性的だと言われました

  • But even with one third the media, one third the financial resources,

    それでも3分の1のメディア露出と 3分の1の資金と

  • and only an entrepreneurial team, but an amazing team,

    たった一つだけれども 素晴らしい起業家チームとで

  • we managed to surprise everyone on election night,

    投票日の夜に 皆を 驚かせることができました

  • when the first numbers came in.


  • I surprised myself, as you may see in that photo.

    自分でも驚きました 写真からもお分かりでしょう

  • (Laughter)


  • So the first numbers,


  • I came in neck to neck to the leading candidate.

    有力候補者と 僅差だったんです

  • (Cheers)


  • Well, too early, because I didn't quite pull that,

    勝利は手にしていませんから 喜ぶのは早すぎます

  • but I came in second,


  • and we went a long way from the one percent,

    長い道のりでした 1%の支持率から

  • with nearly a third of the vote,


  • and we beat the polls by an unprecedented margin,

    世論調査とは大違いで 上位に躍り出たのです

  • or 10 percentage points above what the last poll came in at.

    最終の世論調査の 10%も上でした

  • Some people call me the real winner of the election because of this,

    これが理由で 私が選挙戦の 真の勝利者だという人もいます

  • and there are many people who encouraged me to run again.

    再び立候補するよう 勇気づけてくれる人たちもいます

  • But what really makes me proud


  • is to know that I earned


  • proportionately higher percentage support from the young people,


  • and a lot of people encouraged my daughter to run in 2040.

    多くの人たちが 私の娘に 2040年の 選挙戦に出るよう声援を送っています

  • (Applause)


  • She is 13,


  • and she had never been on TV before.

    これまでテレビには 出たことがありませんが

  • And on election day, I observed her on TV repeatedly,


  • and she was smart, she was self-confident,

    賢くて 自信に満ちていて

  • she was sincere, and she was supportive of her mother.

    誠実で 母親を応援する姿を 目にしました

  • This was probably the highlight of my campaign.

    おそらく 私の選挙戦の ハイライトでした

  • (Applause)


  • But there was another one.


  • These are preschool girls out on a walk,

    道を歩いていた 幼稚園の女の子たちが

  • and they found a poster of me on a bus stop,

    バス停にあった 私のポスターを見つけて

  • and they saw the need to kiss it.


  • Audience: Aw!


  • This picture was really enough of a win for me.

    この写真だけでも 私には 十分な勝利を意味します

  • What we see, we can be.

    私たちが目にするものが 社会を形作るんですから

  • So screw fear and challenges.

    だから恐れや難題なんて どうか気にしないで

  • (Applause)


  • It matters that women run,


  • and it's time for women to run for office,


  • be it the office of the CEO or the office of the president.

    CEOの役職であれ 大統領の役職であれです

  • I also managed to put an impression on your very own "New Yorker."

    皆さんご自慢の『ザ・ニューヨーカー』にも 影響を与えることができました

  • I earned a new title, "A living emoji of sincerity."

    新しい称号をいただきました 「歩く誠実な絵文字」です

  • (Cheers)


  • It is possibly my proudest title yet,

    今の所 最も誇りに思える 称号かもしれません

  • and the reason is that women too often get penalized

    その理由は 女性は不当な扱いを 受けることが多すぎるからです

  • for using what I call their emotional capital,

    それも「情的資産」と私が 名付けたものを使うからです

  • but I know from experience that we become so good

    でも経験から申し上げると それは何度も使えば

  • when we do just that.


  • (Applause)


  • And we need more of that.


  • We celebrated as if we had won on election night,

    私たちは まるで投票日の夜を 勝ち抜いたかのようにお祝いしました

  • because that's how we felt.


  • So you don't necessarily have to reach that office.

    ですから必ずしもトップの座に 就く必要はありません

  • You just have to go for it,


  • and you, your family, your friends, everyone working with you,

    そして皆さん、家族や友人 一緒に働く全ての人たちが上手くやれば

  • if you do it well, you will grow beyond anything you will experience before.

    それまで経験し得なかった以上の 成長を遂げることができます

  • So we had a good time,


  • and I learned a lot on this journey,


  • probably more lessons than I can share here

    今日という限られた時間に この場で皆さんと共有できる

  • in the time we have today.


  • But rest assured, it was hard work.

    でも大変な道のりだったのは 間違いありません

  • I lost a lot of sleep during those months.


  • It took resilience and perseverance to not quit,

    投げ出さないようにする しなやかさと忍耐強さを要しましたが

  • but I learned something that I knew before on the one percent day,

    支持率1%の前から 知っていたことは

  • and that is that you can only be good


  • when you are truly, authentically listening to your own voice

    自分の内なる声に 真摯に耳を傾けて

  • and working in alignment with that.

    それに沿って仕事をしている時 だけだということ

  • As a good sister of mine sometimes says,


  • you may cheat on your intuition,


  • but your intuition never cheats on you.


  • I think it's also very important, and you all know this,

    次のことも とても重要で 皆さんも ご自身の旅路で

  • that on any journey you go on,


  • it's the team you take along.


  • It's having people around you who share your values, your vision,

    皆さんの価値観やビジョンを共有しながら あらゆる面で異なる人たちを

  • but are different in every other way.


  • That's the formula for success for me,


  • and I am blessed with an amazing husband,

    私がありがたく思うのは 素晴らしい夫がいること―

  • here today,


  • an incredible family --


  • (Applause)


  • and great friends,


  • and we came together as entrepreneurs in the political arena,

    政治界の起業家として 共に活動し

  • and pulled something off that everyone said would be impossible.

    誰もが不可能だと言ったものを 成功させることができました

  • As a matter of fact, the leading PR expert told me


  • before I made my decision


  • that I would do well to get seven percent.

    7%は支持率を取れるだろうと 言ってくれました

  • I appreciated his perspective, because he was probably right,

    彼の予想に感謝していますし おそらく正しい見解でしょう

  • and he was basing it on valuable experience.

    豊かな経験に基づいての 発言だったことでしょう

  • But on the one percent day,

    でも あの1%の支持率の日に

  • I decided here to show him that he was wrong.

    彼は間違っていると 証明してやろうと思ったのです

  • It's very important to mention this, because I did lose a lot of sleep,

    このポイントは重要です 何せ睡眠不足でしたから

  • and I worked hard, and so did the people with me.

    一生懸命働きました 周りの人たちもです

  • We can never go the distance if we forget to take care of ourselves.

    自分自身を大切にしないと 長距離走は決して走れません

  • And it's two things that I think are very important in that,

    これについて 私がとても重要だと 思っている 2つのことは

  • in surrounding yourself with people and practices that nourish you,

    自分を豊かにしてくれる 人々や行いの中に自分を置くことです

  • but it's equally important, maybe even more important,

    でも それと同様に― もしくは それ以上に大切なのが

  • to have the courage to get rid of people and practices

    皆さんのエネルギーを 奪うような 人々や行いを

  • that take away your energy,


  • including the wonderful bloggers and commentators.

    素晴らしいとされるブロガーや コメンテーターを含めてです

  • I took a lot of support from others in doing this,

    これを実践することで 周りの人から 沢山の支援を受け

  • and I made the decision to go high when others went low,

    他の人たちが折れてしまう時も 私は高みを目指す決断をしました

  • and that's partly how I kept my energy going throughout all of this.

    選挙戦を通して 私がエネルギーを 保てた理由の1つでしょう

  • And when I lost my energy for a moment --

    エネルギーを一瞬でも 失ってしまう時は

  • and I did from time to time, it wasn't easy --

    ― 大変でしたから 時には そんなこともありました ―

  • I went back to why I decided to run,


  • and how I had decided to run my own race.

    自分の選挙戦をやり抜こうと 決めた方法を 思い返しました

  • I called it a 4G campaign,


  • the G's representing the Icelandic words.

    “G” は4つのアイスランド語の頭文字です

  • And the first one is called "Gagn."

    最初のGは “Gagn” [ 良いことをする ]

  • I ran to do good,


  • to be of service,


  • and I wanted servant leadership


  • to be at the center of how I worked and everybody else in the campaign.

    選挙戦で働く自分と周りの人達の 中心にいたかったんです

  • Second one is "Gleði," or joy.

    次に “Gleði” これは「喜び」

  • I decided to enjoy the journey.

    私は この旅路を楽しむことにしました

  • There was a lot to be taken out of the journey,

    ここから得るものは 沢山ありました

  • no matter if the destination was reached or not.

    目標に達しようと そうでなかったとしても

  • And I tried my utmost to inspire others to do so as well.

    そして他の人も楽しめるよう 頑張って働きかけました

  • Third is "Gagnsæi."

    3つ目は “Gagnsæi” [ 透明性 ]

  • I was open to any questions.


  • I kept no secrets,


  • and it was all open, on Facebook and websites.

    Facebookとウェブサイトも 同じようにオープンな場にしました

  • Because I think if you're choosing your president,

    皆さんが大統領を選ぶとしたら 自分の質問に答えてくれる

  • you deserve answers to your questions.


  • Last but not least,


  • I don't need to explain that in this room,


  • we ran on the principle of Girlpower.

    “Girlpower”(ガールパワー)を理念に 選挙戦を戦ってきました

  • (Cheers)


  • I am incredibly glad

    私は大統領選に出馬する 勇気があったことを

  • that I had the courage to run,


  • to risk failure but receive success

    失敗のリスクを負って 成功を手に入れるため

  • on so many levels.


  • I can't tell you that it was easy,


  • but I can tell you,


  • and I think my entire team will agree with me,


  • that it was worth it.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


  • Thank you.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


  • Pat Mitchell: I'm not letting you go yet.


  • Hallamasdóttir: What a great crowd.

    ハラ・トマスドティル: 素晴らしいオーディエンスですね

  • PM: I can't let you go without saying


  • that probably everybody in the room is ready to move to Iceland

    おそらく この会場の全員が アイスランドに移住して

  • and vote for you.


  • But of course we probably can't vote there,

    実際に投票するのは 難しいでしょうけれど

  • but one thing we can get from Iceland


  • and have always gotten is inspiration.

    ずっと受け続けていることが インスピレーションです

  • I mean, I'm old enough to remember 1975


  • when all the Icelandic women walked out,


  • and that really was a very big factor in launching the women's movement.

    あれは本当に女性の運動を立ち上げる 大きな要因でした

  • You made a reference to it earlier. I'd love to bring the picture back up

    トークでも最初におっしゃっていました あの写真をもう一度出してください

  • and just have us remember what it was like when a country came to a standstill.

    もう一度お話ししてくださいますか 国が静止した時の様子を

  • And then what you may not know


  • because our American media did not report it,

    それを伝えなかったことを ご存じないかもしれません

  • the Icelandic women walked out again on Monday. Right?

    アイスランドの女性が 今週の月曜日にも行進しましたね?

  • HT: Yes, they did. PM: Can you tell us about that?

    ハラ:その通りです パット:それについて教えてください

  • HT: Yes, so 41 years after the original strike,

    ハラ:最初のストライクから 41年経ちました

  • we may be the best place in the world to be a woman,

    世界で 女性であることが 最も良い国と言われていますが

  • but our work isn't done.


  • So at 2:38pm on Monday,


  • women in Iceland left work,

    アイスランドの女性は 職場を去りました

  • because that's when they had earned their day's salary.

    それが女性が一日にもらっている 給料分ですから

  • (Applause)


  • What's really cool about this


  • is that young women and men participated


  • in greater numbers than before,


  • because it is time that we close the pay gap.

    今こそ 男女の所得格差を 縮める時だからです

  • PM: So I'm not going to ask Halla to commit right now


  • to what she's doing next,


  • but I will say that you'd have a very large volunteer army

    もし次に何かをしようとしたら 大きな義勇軍がいることだけ

  • should you decide to do that again.


  • Thank you Halla.


  • HT: Thank you all.


  • (Applause)


I feel incredibly lucky



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A2 初級 日本語 TED 出馬 選挙 アイスランド 女性 大統領

TED】Halla Tómasdóttir.It's time for women to run for office (It's time for women to run for office | Halla Tómasdóttir) (【TED】Halla Tómasdóttir: It's time for women to run for office (It's time for women to run for office | Halla Tómasdóttir))

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    jie に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日