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Hi, guys. I'd like to share with you one of my pet peeves.
皆さんこんにちは。私の”pet peeves”についてお話ししましょう。
"Pet peeves" means something
“Pet peeves”とは
that other people do that make you angry. So, I am an ESL teacher, and I love teaching,
but something really pisses me off, something really makes me angry, and it is when people
do not say the "s" at the end of words. Now, I understand that this is at first a pronunciation
problem, so you guys are going to go to Emma's video that she made: "Words Ending in 's'".
それならエマのビデオ、"Words Ending in 's'" (”Sで終わる単語”)を見てください。
So, this will teach you all about the pronunciation of the word "s" at the end of words.
So, www.engvid.com will give you...。
Type in "s pronunciation", and you've got that video right there. After
"s pronunciation"と入力すれば、ビデオが見られます。その
you watch that video, there will be no excuse. So, please, try. Help me out.
And I'm going to tell you why it's so important. First example: Use the "s" is if you said
to someone, for example: "I like cat" or "I like dog",
例えば"I like cat"とか"I like dog"と言う時です。
this means you want to say that you like dogs, cats, you think they're cute, you maybe have a couple pets. But guess what?
If you say: "I like cat and I like dog", this means you like to eat them. So you don't want
"I like cat and I like dog"と言うと、猫や犬を食べるのが好きだという意味になるんです。そんな風に
someone to think that you like to eat dogs or cats, now, do you? So, it's crucial (very important)
that you always try to remember to put the "s". So, instead of saying:
"I like cat and I like dog", we're going to say: "I like cats and I like dogs."
"I like cat and I like dog"ではなく、"I like cats and I like dogs."と言いましょう。
If it's an animal that you like, you're going to put the "s", with the exception of chicken...
You can like chickens. But if you like to eat it, you're not going to put the "s". So,
for example: "My favourite food is chicken." So, I would say: "I like chicken." But if
例えば「好きな食べ物はチキンです」と言う時は”I like chicken.”ですが
I like the animal: "Bawk, bawk, bawk", maybe a bit too much, I would say: "I like chickens."
鶏という動物が好きなら「クエックエッ」、少し変に思われるかもしれませんが”I like chickens.”と言うんです。
So, be careful. You don't want to say to someone: "I like sheep",
気をつけてくださいね。”I like sheep”なんて言わないように。
because that just... That's a different subject.
So, the first rule that you have to remember with this is we always use an "s" with countable
nouns. So, a "countable noun" means something that you can count in groups. For example:
dogs, cats; one dog, two dogs, three dogs. You can count them. We have countable and
uncountable nouns in English. If you're not too sure, you can reference it on www.engvid.com
or you can look in a grammar book or a dictionary, and you will know if it's countable or uncountable.
So, rule number one is that every countable noun will have to have an "s" if it's plural.
If you look at my example... Now, I hear this all the time. I will ask someone:
"Wow. Cool shoes. How much were they?"
"40 dollar." And, let me see, 40 dollar, 40 dollar, what?
“40 dollar.”(40ドルだったよ)えーと、40ドル?40ドルですよね?
Because "dollars" are countable, you have to put the "s". So, it's not: "40 dollar",
Dollar(ドル)という単語は加算名詞なので、sをつけなければいけません。40 dollarではなく
it's "40 dollars". So: "I have 5 dollars." Now, if you only have one of something that's
40 dollarsとなります。”I have 5 dollars.”(5ドル持っています)という感じ。可算名詞のものを1つしか持っていないなら
countable, that's okay, you don't need the "s". So, for example: "I have one dog."
I don't put the "s". If you have one of something that's countable, you don't need the "s",
but as soon as you have two, you need to put the "s".
The other words that we're going to look at are more of a grammar-based thing, but that's
cool. "There were several", maybe this is a new word for you. "Several" means the same
見てみましょう。”There were several”(いくつかあった)です。見たことのない単語かもしれませんね。”Several”というのは、
as "a lot" or "many". It means more than one. So, for example, if you say: "There was...
“A lot”とか”many”と同じ意味です。1つより多いということです。例えば”There was…
There were several dog", this doesn't make sense; because this means more than one, I
There were several dog”と言うと、意味が通りませんね。なぜならこの文章は、犬が1匹より多いということだからです。
have to write the "s". I say: "There were several dogs."
sを書かなきゃいけません。”There were several dogs”となるのです。
"I have a lot of cat".
“I have a lot of cat”も
So, if you told me that you have a lot of cat, I think that you're
going to invite me to eat the cat that you have, because you have a large portion of
cat for me to eat. I have never eaten cat. I probably would, but I don't think you would
like me to eat your cat, so you have to say: "I have a lot of cats." Meow. Crazy cat ladies,
あなたの猫を食べたら嫌でしょう?それなら“I have a lot of cats”と言いましょう。にゃー。猫大好きな女性の皆さん
Next one, I hear people say: "Oh, my city has many tree." Huh, okay. Well, "many", which
次です。"Oh, my city has many tree."(私の市にはたくさん木があります)と言う人がいますね。えーと、”many”というのは
means the same as "a lot" or "several", again, you need the "s". So, you have to say... Not
“A lot”や”several”と同じで、sがいるんです。だから…
"tress". "My city has many trees."
“tress”じゃないですね。"My city has many trees."と言わなきゃいけません。
One more that's even more confusing for you guys is "too many". Now, "many", and "a lot",
もっと混乱させてしまうかもしれませんが、”too many”というのがあります。”Many”や”a lot”、
and "several" are always positive things. Okay? But "too many" is always a bad thing
“several”というのは、いつも良い意味で使われます。いいですね?でもtoo manyは、いつも悪い意味
or a negative thing. So, if you like trees and cats and dogs, you can use "many". But
if you don't like the countable noun, you have to say "too many". So, for example, I
可算名詞で表すものが好きでないなら、”too many”を使います。例えば
can say: "She has too many brothers."
“She has too many brothers."(彼女には兄弟が多すぎる)と言えます。
So, maybe you know somebody that has 10 brothers,
and you don't like the brothers, you can say:
"Mm, she's got too many brothers. I don't like that."
"Mm, she's got too many brothers. I don't like that."(うーん、彼女には兄弟が多すぎる。好きじゃないな。)って言えます。
Maybe you know someone that has 15 children, you can say:
"Oh my god, well,
“Oh my god, well, (うわあ、まあ)
in my opinion, she just has too many kids." Now, the word "children" is countable, so
in my opinion, she just has too many kids.”(個人的には、子どもが多すぎると思うな。)とかね。”Children”という単語は可算名詞で
it's plural, so you don't need to worry about the "s", but "kids" is countable. So:
"She has too many brothers", "too many kids". When it's "too many", it's something you don't
"She has too many brothers"(彼女には兄弟が多すぎる) "too many kids"(子どもが多すぎる)となるんです。”Too many”と言う時は、
like. But these ones are something that you like or you think are okay. So, as far as
the grammar sense goes, if you can remember "several", "a lot", and "many", you're going
文法に関することでは、”several”、”a lot”、”many”を使う時は
to remember to put the "s".
There's one more group of words that I think are confusing, but that's cool. We have in
English: "no one", "nobody", "anyone", "anybody", "everyone", and "everybody". Now, to help
"no one", "nobody", "anyone", "anybody", "everyone", and "everybody"があります。さて、少し
you guys out: "no one" and "nobody" mean exactly the same. Okay? "Anyone", "anybody", they're
説明すると、”no one”と”nobody”は全く同じ意味です。”Anyone”と”anybody”も
the same. It doesn't matter. But when you use these words, you always need to make sure
that your verb is going to be singular. So, for example, I can say:
"No one" or "Nobody likes", okay?
“No one likes”または”nobody likes”と言います。
Because this is a singular, we need to put an "s" on our verb.
"Nobody likes taxes." Hmm. Taxes are terrible. "Everybody" or "Everyone has"... We can't say:
"Nobody likes taxes."(税金が好きな人はいない)うん、税金って嫌ですよね。そして”everybody has”または”everyone has”と言います。
"Everyone have". We have to say: "Everyone has a brain."
“everyone have” ではだめです。"Everyone has a brain."(皆脳を持っている)と言わなければなりません。
Sometimes I wonder about this, but I know,
physically, everyone has a brain. Okay? I can't say: "Nobody like taxes." I have to
“everyone has a brain”ですよ。”nobody like taxes.”ではなくて
say: "Nobody likes". So, if you have: "no-", "any-", or "every-", "one" or "body", you
“nobody likes”と言わなければいけません。"no-"、"any-"、"every-"の後に”one”や”body”がつく時は
always have to make sure that your verb is a singular, takes a singular noun.
Go check out Emma's lesson, and remember: Anytime that you have a countable noun that's
more than one, please do Ronnie a big favour, and please say the "s".