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  • Hey guys whats going on, Welcome to legendary lets plays top ten Halo 3 maps my name is

  • Uncle T and as always I'm joined by Joey Guys today were going to give you our top ten.

  • So if you disagree with them please let us know in the comments not in the like bar.

  • You couldn't be more right Uncle T. I'm excited lets get in to this! OK there Joey don't get

  • your panties in a bunch. Number 10 Heretic. This map is the first remake on our list,

  • but certainly not the last. No defenitly not. It was introduced as part of the Mythic Map

  • Pack in Halo 3 and it was a remake of Halo twos Midship. I love that level and I love

  • this level. Its a great fun map start off right across from the other team throwing

  • grenades taking a bunch of shots. Sticky grenades. Yea stickies maybe get a quick stick great

  • couple kills. I love this map. Number 9 Orbital Coming in at number 9 on our list we have

  • another map from the Mythic Map Pack that was released in 2009. Orbital. This was a

  • great map. I love this one. Close quarters long corridors you could take on multiple

  • guys at once depending on skilled you are at Halo 3. You had the two levles you had

  • the stair battles you had that awesome rocket battle from top to bottom. Yea I liked this

  • one a lot it was asymmetrical good for capture the flag and other objective games. Number

  • 8 Valhalla. By far the biggest level on our list. We really enjoy the smaller maps with

  • close quarters combat but with the legacy this map holds in Halo history there was no

  • way we couldn't put it on our list. It originally was Blood Gulch in Halo 1 and even in Halo

  • 4 they remade it as Ragnarok but it is the most beautiful level i think in all the Halo

  • series. Its a great looking level and you have every type of combat that you want. You

  • can get in the sky and fly around, you have your vehicles you can ride in on. Yup you

  • have the Banshee and the Ghost. If you don't feel like doing that you can pop a lift right

  • to the middle and you're head to head with your opponent. Yea I love that you have bases

  • on either side you can get right to it from with the gravlift. Great level. Number 7 Narrows.

  • Narrows in a fully symmetrical map that is exactly as the name says, incredibly narrow.

  • There is one bridge long bridge that is connecting two bases two opposing enemy bases. The only

  • other way across is the man cannons other than that most of the combat goes down on

  • that bridge. and it is intense combat. Absolutely, you're running up and down ramps between the

  • top and bottom levels on the bridge just trying to make your way to the enemy. There's a great

  • fight for rockets right in the middle. Right off the bat someones running for those rockets

  • and there's always a lot of shots fired. And that added element of the man cannon can get

  • you to the opposing players base really quickly makes for really really fun combat. Number

  • 6 High Ground. Much like narrows this map the name says it all. High Ground is perfect

  • for one sided objective games such as one bomb or one flag when you're inside of that

  • fort and you have the High Ground and trying to stop the opposing team from taking your

  • flag there's no better feeling in playing that kind of game type. This map is one of

  • the best original maps in Halo 3. I love this map. I absolutely agree its definitely one

  • of the best original maps. I love fighting up from the low ground. I love taking that

  • left route grabbing the shotgun grabbing the lift that you throw down at the laser tower

  • and trying to fight my way in. That was the most fun for me. See that's whats so beautiful

  • about this map you like coming from the bottom i like going from the High Ground defending

  • that's what makes this map so awesome. Number 5 Construct. The fact that this map is only

  • number 5 on our list speaks volumes about Halo 3 maps and Halo 3 in general. For any

  • other game including other Halo games it would be top 3 easy. Its so fun and so unique from

  • the outside it looks like a normal Halo map but when you get to the inside and actually

  • play it you realize how well its set up. Its three distinct levels that are accessible

  • by either a long ramp around the outside of the level or 3 gravlifts. Also it features

  • I think the only level in Halo 3 that really features it on multiplayer the flamethrower.

  • Which is the worst gun in my opinion ever put into a Halo game. But it was pretty fun

  • to pick up once and awhile take a lift up and hopefully catch the team by surprise.

  • You never know it was worth a shot. It was also great because the three levels were open

  • so you could still see enemies top to bottom put some shots on them maybe take them down.

  • Number 4 Blackout. We have another remake on our list. Blackout. Its a great remake

  • at that. It was originally in Halo 2 Lockout. Which was an awesome level. For Halo 3 they

  • made it even more awesomer. So much more awesomer. They had a unique spin to it. It was released

  • with the Legendary Map Pack in 2008 and i remember when it was announced i was so psyched.

  • I was so excited. The sword on this level is a little bit o.p. but if you're a skilled

  • player, just like on Construct there is no where you can hide on this level. Its very

  • close range tight knit map so the sword is powerful but there's so many angles you can

  • take players down from and that's what makes this level so much fun,. Number 3 Last Resort.

  • Last Resort is the last, no pun intended, remake on our list. Hehe. its nearly identical

  • to its original Zanzibar from Halo 2. Really good pun, really good pun. You know i really

  • really think Zanzibar was my favorite Halo 2 map. Was it? Well, alright, either that

  • or Ivory Tower. But Ill tell you this when i saw it when i was younger and i saw it come

  • to Halo 3 i was so excited my heart was racing. Seeing that modern day windmill. Absolutely

  • brought back all those good memories from Zanzibar. Yea there's no real rhyme or reason

  • for this level of what makes it so perfect for Halo but its just a perfect Halo map Its

  • not symmetrical nothing crazy it just happens it just works. For whatever reason it just

  • works as one of the best Halo 3 and Halo 2 maps of all time. Number 2 The Pit. Ahh yes

  • The Pit. Such a great level. It really is and its symmetrical we don't really like symmetrical

  • maps that much. uh uhh dont like them. Sure like those asymmetric. So it should say something

  • about this map. Just sort of like Zanzibar having no rhyme or reason what it was so perfect

  • this map being symmetrical it being so much fun has no rhyme or reason. It was just so

  • fun and it was so popular for a map that it was even in Halo 4 as Pitfall. and it was

  • really cool to go to Halo 4 and just see one of your favorite maps remade from Halo 3 just

  • with better graphics and better shading. Redone and not the same training facility that it

  • was in Halo 3. Right they made it into its own unique thing. it really is a timeless

  • map and they did a good job with it in Halo 4. The Pit coming in at number 2. Only have

  • one map left on our list. Can't wait for it. Number 1 Guardian. Here it is ladies and gentlemen

  • the number one map Guardian. This map is the best map in my opinion in any FPS game ever

  • made. I think that's a little bold but definitely in the Halos though. The fact that they never

  • re made thins in Halo 4 or haven't remade it since blows my mind. Maybe one day they

  • will and i really hope they do because playing this just brings back so many good memories.

  • It really does I would even be getting destroyed on this sometimes, very rarely, but its still

  • great. You have tight corridors you have lifts all over the place you have a big ring in

  • the middle for battle. It was awesome. It was all intertwining with the trees it was

  • a beautiful level too on top of it being fun. They say it was a medium sized map but it

  • felt small. But maybe size wise it was medium because there's so many corridors and so many

  • rooms ramps and all those things. Sure I can see that. Guardian was the number one map.

  • Easily. Hands down for Halo 3. Alright guys so that was our top 10 list. If you disagree

  • like i said earlier please let us know in the comments not in the like bar. but we really

  • hope you enjoyed the list guys actually you know what we would like we to hear your opinion

  • weather you disagreed or not let us know. Absolutely, throw your list on there we would

  • love to see it. We appreciate you guys watching and we hope you enjoyed. Look forward to hearing

  • from you.

Hey guys whats going on, Welcome to legendary lets plays top ten Halo 3 maps my name is


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ヘイロー3マップトップ10 (Top 10 Halo 3 Maps)

  • 43 2
    Mine Shi Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日