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  • Hi, I am Marge Kinney and welcome to The Marge Kinney Art Show again! Today, we are going

  • to talk about mountains and while there are many colors, you can put in distant mountains.

  • I am going to make it very simple for you and I do this with a lot of students and they

  • find it so much easier to have simple recipes. In this case, we are going to take Magenta

  • which is here and you say "how can that be in a distant mountain?" Well, we use that

  • and then we come over to the Viridian and we take some of that and put it in and believe

  • it or not Viridian and Magenta make Purple! You see that? It makes a beautiful beautiful

  • Purple and a very very subtle Purple at that. Now, if that Purple is too dark, you can add

  • a little bit of Neutral Gray into it. It makes a very lovely for the mountain and the

  • deeper purple can also work for the ravines so I am going to come back to this side and

  • add just a little Gray over here and the other thing is, when I take any color and I make

  • an initial puddle, I move off to the side. So, if this were considered a 50 cent piece, this

  • would be considered a penny so I want to be able to take from the original puddle. So,

  • if I just Gray this out a little bit, that makes a very nice and I can still take some

  • from the original puddle. Let's try that on our mountain. The other thing I heard

  • a long time ago was that the Chinese say that "Any mountain in a painting that goes down

  • off the edge makes a sad painting." So usually I have a mountain going UP off of the edge of the canvas.

  • Alright, so we are just going to bring this down... We also want to

  • make sure that we don't have a large mountain right in the center of the canvas because

  • the point of interest should either is called the "Golden Mean" which should either

  • be in the first third, or the second third, in the upper quadrant or the lower quadrant

  • so we are going to just work ourselves along here. Now, do not worry if it is not all the

  • same color because mountains certainly are not all the same color and we don't want this

  • one to be. So, I am going to move the second mountain and have it look a little bit different.

  • There are many things that you can do. You can bring part of the clouds

  • over the top of the mountains so it makes them very filmy as if it is a misty day or

  • you can keep the mountains rather clear. Okay, now usually a mountain has a lighter side

  • and a deeper side so let's work on that for a minute too. Again, I am going to go back

  • to the Viridian and add a little bit of it to this mixture, over here in the Gray Mixture.

  • Now, I am going to add some very small trees and they usually don't grow above a certain

  • mountain line on the mountain so I am going to just make a few in there and very soft

  • in here and if you will notice, I have I undertoned my canvas in Gray. The reason you do that

  • is so that in the event that you haven't covered every spot, you don't have a white waffle mark

  • of a canvas showing through so this just keeps it very subtle. We can add a little

  • bit like this. Can you see how that is beginning to make it look like very far away mountains?

  • You can add your little trees. I am going to put a little bit of Sap Green in there.

  • Usually at the base of the mountains before you go into your next area, it gets a

  • darker because usually the next area right in front of the mountains is lighter. We will

  • cover that in the video called "A Distant Pasture." Alright, I am going to add a little

  • bit of lightness and I am going to take some Yellow Ochre along with this Purple just to lighten

  • it a little bit and a little bit of White and I am going to come up just one side of

  • the mountain. The sun is hitting one side. Another thing is, if you have it sunny on

  • one side, it is pretty amazing but the sun likes the poke it's head through every time

  • there is a lower crevice so if I make this just a wee bit lighter it is very becoming.

  • It gives a feeling that there is light behind the mountain. I am going to add a little bit

  • of a lighter color and usually when you add a little Naples Yellow, a lighter yellow with

  • white mixed into your Purple mixture it will give you some sun. If you check our next video,

  • it will show how we continue this painting. We are going to put distant trees and

  • then we will also put a distant pasture. Alright? Thank you for joining me today and see you

  • again soon!

Hi, I am Marge Kinney and welcome to The Marge Kinney Art Show again! Today, we are going


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

遠く離れた山や丘を描く方法 - マージ・キニー- パート1/3 風景 (How to Paint Mountains, Hills Far Away - Marge Kinney- Part 1 of 3 Landscapes)

  • 60 12
    Benjamin Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日