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  • I've tint out with sugar my hair to bring you guys this amazing hair hack video!

    Sugar Bear Hairと提携した素晴らしいヘアハック・ビデオ!

  • They've been kind enough to do a giveaway here as well

    プレゼントもあるから 興味があればリンクをチェックしてね

  • So if you're interested there's a link down below, check it out after the video


  • Hi guys, it's Wengie here, welcome back to my channel, or welcome if you're new!

    ハイ皆、ウェンジーです。 おかえり or 初めての人は、ようこそ!

  • Today I'm doing a ten hair hacks. You've gotta try these, they are so good

    今日は10コのヘアハック すごく良いから是非試してね Sugarbear提供のビデオだよ

  • This video is sponsored by Sugarbear


  • And these are amazing hair vitamins that are specially formulated for the health of your hair


  • They have all the amazing vitamins you need to keep it shiny and strong

    すごいよね まだファミリーじゃない人は登録ボタンを押すか

  • And I know Kylie Jenner uses this to maintain her hair as well so it is amazing

    モバイルなら下にあるよ 素晴らしいファミリーの仲間入り!

  • Hold up, if you're not part of this family already, click the subscribe button that's floating on screen

    みんな良い人達で大歓迎  新しいメンバーにはハグを

  • Or if you're on a mobile device it is down below and you can join this wonderful family!


  • We're such a lovely bunch and we all give welcome hugs, so here's your virtual hug if you're new!

    出来たらスゴい! さっそくビデオに移ろう レッツゴー!

  • And if you're part of this family already, let's try to get this video to 15,000 thumbs up

    健康な髪には中身が大切 どのビタミンが髪に良いのか知る事が役に立つハック

  • I know we can do it guys, it would be amazing if we could

    オメガ3脂肪酸、ビタミンC、ビタミンA、ビオチン、葉酸を たくさん摂ろう

  • So without further ado, let's jump straight into the video, let's go!

    Sugarbearは大事な栄養が全て入って 100%ナチュラルで

  • Healthy hair starts on the inside

    ベジタリアン・フレンドリー 私は味が大好きで 毎日2粒摂ってるよ

  • So knowing what vitamins are important for hair health is a super useful hack

    髪に必要な栄養をしっかり摂る為にね しかも見て すごく可愛い もう大好き!

  • Keep your body stocked up on omega 3, fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin A, biotin, folic acids,


  • Sugarbear is specially formulated to provide all these important nutrients plus more

    めったにブラシを洗わないから きっと古くて汚い油分も

  • And they're 100% natural and vegetarian friendly

    清潔な髪に付いてるって考えただけで オエッだね!

  • I actually love how they taste


  • And I take 2 every morning to make sure that I'm not missing out on any essential nutrients for my hair

    コームか爪楊枝を使って 次にボウルにお湯を入れて

  • And look how cute they are, oh my gosh, I am in love!


  • Grab them at or on Amazon

    シャワー中すると時間の節約  ブラシの根元が汚いから必ず洗ってね

  • I'm guilty of rarely cleaning my brush


  • So I'm probably spreading a whole lot of old grease and oils into my clean hair, which is like ew to think about it

    良い香りの髪にするハック  香水にはアルコールが入ってて髪がドライになるから

  • To clean your brush thoroughly, start off by roughly teasing out old chunks of hair

    乾燥機シートをブラシに付けて 髪を解くと 匂いを取って

  • With either a fine straight tooth comb or even a kitchen skewer

    すごく良い香りが残る みんな洗いたての香り好きでしょ?

  • Next make a brush bath with a bowl of hot water


  • And apply some shampoo straight onto a toothbrush or on your brush , and give it an old scrub a dub dub!

    ポニーテイルを長く見せるには 半分は普通のポニーにして

  • You can also do this while you shower to save time

    残りの半分は低めにして ヘアスプレーして隠せば

  • Don't forget to clean the brush base, that's where a lot of grime is hiding

    後ろから見るとすごく長く見える  横からだと 何て言うか

  • Dry it off with a towel and you are done!

    ちょっとおかしい もっといい方法があれば教えてね

  • An extra hack for great smelling hair, perfume contains alcohol which will dry out your hair

    横からだと下のポニーが見えちゃう でも後ろからはステキ

  • Use a dryer sheet and punch it in through the brush bristles

    シャンプー前にヘアマスクを付けると  髪にボリュームが残る良い方法

  • When you brush your hair with this, it will not only de-frizz your hair

    小さじ2か 好みの量のココナッツオイルを

  • But it also leaves it smelling SO super fresh, like who doesn't love the smell of fresh laundry?

    温かいお湯か レンジで溶かして

  • Like, I love that smell. Just smells so cuddly!

    ローストチキンみたいにハケで塗って! 本当にそんな気分だった

  • To make your ponytails look longer just do half your hair in the usual ponytail


  • And the other half slightly lower than that

    スキャルプが健康になれば髪も健康になるよ マッサージが終わったら髪をといて

  • Now, hide the second ponytail by teasing your hair and using some hairspray

    均一にオイルを行き渡らせて 特に毛先は乾燥するからね そして30分置いて洗い流す

  • You'll look like your hair is much longer from the back


  • From the side though, I must say, it sometimes does look a little bit funny

    髪の乾燥を防ぐから ヘアカラーも長持ち

  • Let me know if you guys can do this like better


  • Because from the sides you can kinda still see the bottom ponytail


  • Either way, it looks amazing from the back.

    長い繊維のタオルは摩擦や縮れの原因になって  髪に悪いしダメージを与える

  • Applying a hair mask before you shampoo

    絶対ゴシゴシしないで 一番したらダメだよ

  • Is actually a great way to condition your hair without weighing it down so you still get your volume

    一番良いのは 髪を絞ってからTシャツでおさえる事

  • Just take two teaspoons on coconut oil or however much you normally need for your hair length

    タオルより繊維が滑らかでダメージが少ないの 覚えてて!ぜ~~ったいゴシゴシしないで!

  • And melt it in a bowl of warm water or in the microwave.

    巻いて袖を結べば セクシーなヘッドラップにもなる

  • Then take a basting brush and baste yourself like a roast chicken

    コレをするとマックスが喜ぶの すごくセクシーだよって!

  • Like, seriously, that's really what I felt like when this was happening


  • But make sure the first thing you do is to massage it into your scalp

    まずはメイクブラシに付けて 頭皮のあほ毛を落ち着かせる

  • having a healthy scalp actually leads to super healthy hair

    髪を結ぶと産毛が出るよね 私なんていっぱいだよ

  • And once your scalp is down, comb it out and distribute this oil evenly throughout your hair

    歯ブラシにちょっとヘアスプレーして後ろに解くと きちんとしたポニーテイルスタイルになる

  • And on the ends where it's like super dry

    最後に ヘアピンにスプレーするのは昔から愛されてるね

  • Then let it set for 30 minutes and then wash it out in the shower

    ヘアピンの向きは正しく使おう 丸い方が下だって ずっと知らなかったの

  • This is literally a three in one, full of antioxidants, antimicrobials, closes the hair pores

    ヘアピンにスプレーすると よりしっかり髪が止まるよ

  • So you're not gonna wash all your dyed hair out, which means longer lasting colour

    枝毛がキライな皆のために  美容院に行くまでの間に出来る 簡単な整え方だよ

  • Also makes it much easier to brush.

    必要な物はシャープな髪用ハサミ 普通のハサミはダメ

  • I always dried my hair with a towel because that's just kinda what I've been doing since I was little


  • But actually it's super bad for your hair because the long fibres of a towel causes friction and frizz

    サイドから枝毛が出てくるまで髪をねじって 切り落とす

  • Which leads to a lot of damage and breaks in your hair

    授業中ヒマな時でも出来るから ハサミを持ち歩いて

  • And oh my gosh guys do not rub with a towel. That is the worst thing

    その他3本指の方法は 髪をつかんで指を下・上・下にして

  • What you wanna do actually is wring out your hair first in the shower

    指を下にスライドすると 枝毛がちょこっと出てくるから

  • Then pat it dry with a t-shirt. The fibres are so much smoother and less damaging to your hair

    切り落として 古い新聞や箱の上ですると

  • Remember: no rubbing, no rubbing!

    髪が飛び散らないから 誰にも見つからない 髪が落ちてると迷惑だよね

  • And you can also use it as a super sexy head wrap by like flipping it over and tying the sleeves together

    髪をカールするには30分かかるけど 10分しか無い時は

  • Yeah, Max loves when I do this, like I look super amazing, it's so sexy!

    高いポニーテイルを3~8束に分けるの 束数が多いと

  • Here are three quick hairspray hacks which are super classic

    しっかりカールで 少なければ ほど良いウェーブ 後は素早くカールするだけ

  • The first thing is to

    すごく早い ちょっとボサっとしてるけど 私は気に入ったよ

  • Use hairspray on a makeup brush to smooth down your scalp flyaways for a silky smooth parting

    時間が掛からないから  ホントすごいハックだね

  • And to control your pesky baby hair in the front when you tie your hair up


  • Like I have so many of these

    持ってない人はコーンスターチかベビーパウダーを 寝る前に付けて

  • Use a bit of hairspray on a toothbrush and brush it back and this will give you a super polished high ponytail look

    髪の油分をしっかり吸収するから 朝の時間節約になる

  • Lastly, an old favourite is to spray some hairspray on a bobby pin

    今回のベストアドバイス: ブラシで解くより ドライヤーで飛ばす方が簡単

  • And make sure you're using the bobby pin the right way around

    魔法みたいに消えちゃって このハックには驚いたよ

  • Which is the curly side is under like I didn't know this for the longest time

    信じられない いつもの様な白い筋も残らないし

  • And the hairspray will give your bobby pin an extra bit of tackiness to keep it in your hair

    ボリュームが出て フワッとして すごくセクシーで良い

  • For those of you guys that hate split ends

    髪に熱を与えないなら いつも編み込まなきゃいけないし 寝返りを打つと

  • There's easy ways to trim split ends at home in between appointments

    ゴムが摩擦して髪が傷みやすいから  ポニーテイルで寝ちゃダメ

  • All you need are a sharp pair of hairdressing scissors

    髪の健康を保つコツは 髪に優しい物を使う事

  • Not regular paper scissors 'cause this actually can damage your hair because it's not sharp enough

    古いストッキングを水平に切ると すごく優しいヘアゴムになる

  • And just twist your hair until the split ends stick out from the sides and then snip them off when you see them

    すごいでしょ?この方がすごく良い どうしても必要なら 三つ編みをキツクし過ぎず ゆるくね

  • You can kind of do this when you're bored during class


  • So just keep a pair of scissors like whenever you're just sitting around

    滑らかで摩擦を最小限にできるし サテンはアンチエイジング効果もあるんだよ

  • The other method is the three finger method

    肌はデリケートだもんね 最後のハックは髪と肌の両方だから大好き

  • Grab a bunch of hair and kinda put your hair under, over, under your fingers


  • And as you slide your fingers down your hair length


  • The little split ends will kinda just pop up and say hello and then you just snip them off

  • So you can do this over some old newspaper or a bin so that you're not creating a huge mess

  • So people aren't just finding bits of your hair everywhere. That's just kinda disturbing.

  • It only takes me a good 30 minutes to curl my hair

  • But if you only have 10 minutes and still want some sexy waves

  • Just tie your hair up in a high ponytail, split it into 3 to 8 sections

  • If you split it into more sections it'll be more curly, and less sections is like more just wavy

  • And just quickly curl each section, this is so much faster

  • It kinda gives you these like 'bed hair; don't care' kinda wavy look and I actually really love this

  • Like for the amount of time it takes, it's a super duper awesome hack

  • So I like to use dry shampoo for those in between days where your hairs getting like super oily

  • And if you don't have that you can use corn starch or a baby powder

  • And apply this actually at night before you got to bed

  • It gives the powder enough time to fully absorb all the oil from your hair and it saves you so much time in the morning

  • And here is the best bit: instead of brushing it out in the morning

  • Just blast it with a hair dryer and it'll all just blow away

  • Like it magically disappeared before my eyes and I was like so amazed by this hack it is INSANE

  • So you have no more annoying white streaks left which I usually do and also it gives you so much more volume

  • Like my hair just poofed up like, super sexy hair, it's so good

  • A lot of no heat hairstyles require you to braid your hair

  • It toss and turn at night while it's in these elastics

  • The friction eventually damages your hair, making it brittle and break

  • So don't sleep with your hair in a ponytail

  • But if you must do it, a few tricks to keep your hair healthy is to use a super gentle hair tie

  • And you can actually get super old nylon stockings and cut it horizontally

  • This will make a super gentle hair tie

  • How amazing is this? It's so much better for your hair

  • Also, don't do your braids too tightly. Make sure they're very loose and bouncy, if you must do them

  • And then sleep on a satin pillow case. This will minimise friction because it's so smooth

  • And you know what? Satin pillow cases are super great for anti-aging

  • Because you're less likely to pull on your delicate skin

  • I love this last one because it's a skin care hack and a hair hack

  • Do you guys use any of these, and if you do

  • Let me know which one you already use down below, or you're planning to use

  • See you soon! I love you!

I've tint out with sugar my hair to bring you guys this amazing hair hack video!

Sugar Bear Hairと提携した素晴らしいヘアハック・ビデオ!


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