字幕表 動画を再生する
- (laughs) Stop.
(upbeat music)
- There are few sights sillier than mascara
all over your face.
- Today, we're testing four different mascaras
to see which brand holds up best
against the elements.
- We've been randomly assigned a mascara,
and we won't know which brand we have until the end.
- Event number one: the smudge test.
- Event number two: cry a lil' bit.
- Event number three: venture into the rain.
- It's Ladylike, and today we're playing Mascara Olympics.
(upbeat music)
- It's so true that it's really hard to do your mascara
without making a weird face.
- It's a requirement that your mouth
has to be open when you're putting on mascara.
- I feel like all mascara inevitably gets in your hair.
- This is a really great mascara, actually.
- I'm about to nap, and then when we wake up,
we're going to rub our mascara and see
if it comes off.
- Freddie looks like a beautiful angel.
See you later.
- You know?
Let's find out.
Oh yeah, there we go.
See there?
That's where my eye was.
- I see, maybe, a flake or two.
My eye was right here, so I see a couple of flakes.
- I don't think there are any smudges,
and my eyes don't feel like they're,
like, glued shut.
- So there's nothing on the pillow.
I have a feeling I have a few crusties in the corners.
- Now we're going to go actually rub our eyes,
and see how the mascara holds up.
(upbeat music)
- I'll be honest.
I think the smudge test gave me some flakes.
- I would rate my mascara one out of five stars,
because it literally just smudged right off.
- There were a few little crumblies
that sort of, like, dribbled down my cheek.
- After my smudge test, I had very little
on my hands, and I think that my eyes
still looked pretty much the same.
(upbeat music)
- (in unison) Let's cut some damn onions.
- So, I just have to think of sad things.
- Like the first ten minutes of Up.
- I never saw Up.
- The ones that really get me
are proposals at Disneyland, also.
Those make me cry so hard.
I don't know why.
- Oh, I got proposed to at Disneyworld.
- Oh my god, stop!
- Ooh, it's happening.
- And I was crying so hard, I took the ring
out of the box and shoved it on my finger
without saying anything.
- Oh my god, are you serious right now?
- Can I see your ring?
- Yes.
- That was such a bad idea.
- Oh my god, I'm such a pussy.
- I just got put through the ringer with those onions.
- I don't know what the deal was with this mascara.
It performed about as well as an 18 year old college boy.
- When my mascara smeared a little bit
right under my eyelid, but it didn't stream
down my face or anything.
So, that means that my mascara's probably pretty good.
- It smudged and pooled slightly underneath my eyes,
but it did not run down with the tears.
- My mascara was just like, latching on
to each individual lash,
and just being like, "Goddammit Candace,
you hold on."
(upbeat music)
- You know when it's raining and a car
drives by and splashes ya?
- Well, we don't know that, because we live in LA.
So we're just going to splash each other with water,
because why not?
- Just get--
- I hit her face.
- (squeals) Do more.
- This is fun.
I'm having fun.
- Um, it's not holding up well.
I feel bad, 'cause I was pretty ruthless just now.
- No.
No, it's not.
It's a little flaky, but that's about it.
- You actually have, like, a little bit
underneath your eye, which is amazing,
because your face is literally covered in water.
- There's a small smudge on the edge,
but nothing too crazy.
Nothing rushing down her cheek.
(upbeat music)
- Okay, we're going to peel the tape off our mascaras
and see which ones we have.
- Oh, wow.
- Ooh!
- I had Better Than Sex.
- I had CoverGirl.
- I have Diorshow.
- I have L'oreal Manga.
I'm just mad I don't look like an anime
character after this.
- It is kind of sad to see like,
this is an expensive tube and it doesn't do that well.
- I kind of feel inclined to start wearing mascara more.
It was fun, and my lashes were just leaky.
- Was it actually better than sex?
- Yes.
- Whoa.
- Wow.
- That's bold.
- Mmhmm.
(upbeat music)