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  • Hey guys! I'm here with Kevin Hart.

  • You know last time we hung out, you were in a roller coaster. Do you remember that?

  • Yes I do remember that. It was one of my best moments.

  • You mean those were pretty scary.

  • But since halloween is just around the corner, I wanna try something even scarier.

  • So today we are going through New York's scariest haunted house - Blood Manor.

  • To be honest, roller coaster is... I'm ok. I can do it a little bit.

  • I do not like to be scared of, for real scared of.

  • I wanna say this: Jump out on me if you want to.

  • You won't get the boob to the neck.

  • Not bad, not bad. I get it, I get it.

  • I get it.

  • The thing is snake. It's gonna

  • Ahhhh!

  • Come on, Jimmy. You're making it worse! You're making it worse, man!

  • Get out! You didn't matter!

  • Hey Jimmy, look.

  • Give me your hand.

  • Ahhhhhhh!!

  • Are you with me?

  • I don't know where to go!

  • What?

  • Ahhhhhhhhh

  • Listen! Listen! Listen!

  • Hey Jimmy, how far is it?

  • Ahhhhhhh

  • I don't know what kind of freaky stuff you are in to, but you need to stop!

  • Oh! Oh! Okay.

  • No! No! You finish! Finish! Don't get closer.

  • Go go go go!

  • Jimmy's got all the cam.

  • Shoo! My bad, my bad.

  • Go here!

  • Can't see anything.

  • Be careful!

  • Come here!

  • I can‘t see nothing.

  • Ah!

  • Ahhhhhhhhhh

  • Stop it! Stop it! Stop!

  • You stop! You stop!

  • Ahhhhhhhh!

  • Ahhhhhhhh!

  • Let me out!

  • Is that it?

  • Is it over?

  • Listen. If you guys watch this at any point and thought that I was cray, I'm an actor.

  • That's how we act.

  • Alright.

  • I'm heading out.

  • Come on brother. Hey! I'm out. I'm out.

  • I'll be out waiting, dude.

  • Why don't you go f**k yourself Jimmy!

Hey guys! I'm here with Kevin Hart.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ジミーとケビン・ハートがお化け屋敷を訪問 (Jimmy and Kevin Hart Visit a Haunted House)

  • 7635 378
    Hsin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日